I was looking at the Lazy start proposal (http://bundles.osgi.org/Design/LazyStart) and had the following thoughts:

- Not user that resource loading should trigger activation.  The general usecase for activation is to ensure that when a bundle's function is actually used/needed/loaded, the bundle is activated.  Resources are just data not function.  Note that the Technical Solution section has it just as classload attempts.

- In the Problem Descriptoin, would it be worth mentioning usecases from DS or Spring?

- How does Requirement 7 (shutdown order) work.  Seems that dependency order may conflict with start level.  < I see there is more discussion of this later.  Perhaps a note earlier on that there is a conflict>

- Technical Solution
#1 can you clarify the getBundleContext method?  Is that static?  what args does it take?
#4 Note sure what the last part means.  My interpretation: The activation should be retried as it may succeed. Each failure should result in an CNFE.  Is that what you are saying?
#6 What does the spec say about this?  Can you load classes from a RESOLVED bundle whose start level is not met?  We may need to refine those notions in light of Lazy Start as we are looking for a model where classes are only loaded from ACTIVE bundles.

include/exclude: use of this capability in Equinox is rare but in the cases that it is used, it is quite useful.  Basically it comes down to cases here people are contributing to a facility and the facility needs to run some contributed code to interrogate/determine the validity, availabiliy, applicability of the contribution.  Only if the contribution is found to be suitable is it actually used.  The function could indeed be supplied by a separate bundle but that is quite arduous and would often require exposing internal classes to facilitate close interatin between the two.

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