I am new to OSGI and I am trying to use OSGI for a web app. Is it legal 
in OSGI to register a wild card alias with HttpService? Let me describe 
the scenario so you can understand my question.

An HTTP servlet is listening at a certain alias say /listener. When it 
receives certain requests, the servlet generates a response with a child 
URI, which has the same prefix as its own alias, but with an extra path 
element, e.g., /listener/resource.

Upon reading the OSGI R4 spec, I get the impression that unless this new 
URI is registered as new alias, any request for the child URI (i.e., 
/listener/resource) will not be valid. Is that correct? How do people 
deal with dynamically created resources, especially since it does not 
make sense to register a new alias for each of these?

Nikunj Mehta
OSGi Developer Mail List

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