
I'm researching about the best ways to provide automatic remote provisioning for small devices and also for the servers that will provide content for such devices.

Reading the OSGi compendium, some specs caught my attention: Initial Provisioning, Deployment Admin, Subsystems and Repository Services.

If I got it right, we can have an device with only the OSGi container(with a minimal deps) and the IP Agent bundle jars assembled at factory.

At first use, the IP agent will contact the remote provisioning service (using Http or another protocol) and will download one or more IP zip files containing one or more bundles and configuration files defined by the remote provisioning operator for that device. All bundles inside the IP zips will be installed by the IP agent. So, this process follows until all necessary bundles are installed, ending with the Management Agent bundle being started. Am I right?

What I found strange was the fact that only one bundle can be started at each time (each zip can have only one start entry pointing to only one bundle). Why this restriction?

Should the Management Agent uninstall the IP agent after it is fully operational? or the IP must run every time the device starts up ?

But the biggest doubt is about that Management Agent itself. It seems that one needs to be developed, right?.

Should the Management Agent to use a Deployment Admin service provided by another bundle or should it be itself the provider of such service?

And about the Repository Service, should it be used by the Management Agent or Deployment Admin or both?

Can a Subsystem (.esa) be package inside a Deployment Package?

Can the Deployment Packages (*.dp) or Subsystems (*.esa) also be provided by an OSGi repository ?

thanks for any opinion.

regards, Seth.

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