Thanks Tim & Marcel. I will go over these implementation. Will comeback if any 
specific questions here. Thanks a lot:)


> On Dec 10, 2015, at 1:36 PM, Tim Verbelen <> wrote:
> Hi Mehul,
> Besides the options given by Marcel, there is also the AIOLOS framework which 
> offers similar functionality
> Best regards,
> Tim
>> On 12/10/2015 08:21 AM, Marcel Offermans wrote:
>> Hello Mehul,
>> To have different OSGi frameworks share services, you need an implementation 
>> of the Remote Services specification (which is part of the OSGi Compendium). 
>> As with many of these specs, multiple implementations exist (one is part of 
>> Apache CXF, there is one in Eclipse ECF, I’m aware of a commercial 
>> implementation offered by Paremus and I’m sure I’m forgetting a few) but my 
>> personal recommendation would be to take a look at the Amdatu 
>> implementation:
>> That page should contain enough information to get you started. If not, feel 
>> free to ask specific questions about it on the Amdatu mailing list 
>> ( or if they are about the specification 
>> of this service, you can ask them here as well.
>> Greetings, Marcel
>>> On 10 December 2015 at 08:11:01, Mehul Mistry ( 
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> I am a basic OSGi user, which is, we have used OSGi in our project where 
>>> the service/container is setup in one VM.
>>> However, now to expand further I would like to know how can I setup two 
>>> OSGi environments in different VMs and communicate between each other? To 
>>> explain more, I want to setup one more OSGi environment on my system / 
>>> another system in closed network and access service from one OSGi 
>>> environment to another and vis-versa. 
>>> I was going to the and found lot of information and kinda got lost 
>>> on what exactly i would need in this situation. I came across a white 
>>> papaer OSGi and Discovery in the cloud, but I don't think I want to setup 
>>> anything with a cloud in my scenario.
>>> Can someone guide me to what exactly will work for me and materail/tutorial 
>>> related to it? It would be very helpful
>>> Thanks
>>> Mehul
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> -- 
> Tim Verbelen
> Department of Information Technology
> Broadband Communication Networks (IBCN)
> Ghent University - iMinds
> Gaston Crommenlaan 8 (Bus 201), B-9050 Gent, Belgium
> T: +32 9 33 14940 ; T Secr: +32 9 33 14900
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