On 11/6/2016 6:05 AM, Ancoron Luciferis wrote:
<stuff deleted>

I assert that a full understanding of the RS/RSA architecture is largely
irrelevant to using RS/RSA for your and many other use cases.   As an
alternative approach to understanding what's necessary, consider the
tutorial at [1].
 From an operational perspective that's simply not true. As a developer
you might simply take the tutorial and you might be good to go -


How do you ensure that what you have developed will also work in all

I would say you (and others) learn more about the *necessary* parts.

How do you ensure that you can guarantee that the ReST endpoint will be

Again, if your use case dictates it, then you look further in those directions. I don't think it's reasonable to expect that all aspects of non-functional requirements (e.g. service availability) can be dealt with via a single distribution system. For example, none of the JAX-RS implementations (nor the spec afaik) have any notion of failure detection. This is not an issue with RS/RSA or the implementations, but if one's requirements include such a thing, then JAX-RS by itself won't help...whether or not RS/RSA is used. OTOH, since RS allows pluggable distribution providers, it's quite possible move among multiple distribution providers (with different availability approaches) without changing the service api, impl, or consumers. This is a powerful concept for dealing with the concerns like availability, security, reliability.

How do you ensure that troubleshooting doesn't reveal that you don't
know much about the technology you're using?

I think part of the point of frameworks and in fact modularity is to make it unnecessary to know everything about the technology you are using. Of course there is more to learn about any framework than what a tutorial can provide, but I would say progressive disclosure is generally an easier way.

Without (at least) knowing about the full concept (specs) and at least
some of the internals of the actual implementation you cannot be serious
about the service you're about to develop/publish.

I disagree. Yes, some of us must know the specs (e.g. in order to produce compliant implementations). But the spec is not the only way to learn about a framework usage, and frankly since most frameworks don't have any specs associated with them, I don't think it's strictly necessary. For example, I know several RS/RSA consumer that have never read the spec and probably never will.

If that's the way you prefer to learn, however, then I'm not arguing with your choice to read the spec. But IMHO it's not necessary (or even desirable) to read specs in order to learn about frameworks sufficient for their usage.

At least I wouldn't.
One of the key concerns in a software life cycle is risk management.
Each library/tool that is used at runtime which I don't know much about
is a risk factor and represents a point of failure.

Of course. But there are multiple phases, multiple approaches, and typically multiple roles in dealing with risk management across an entire sw lifecycle.

I think that the approach taken by RS/RSA provides the necessary balance
between having a general and flexible architecture able to handle more
than a few use cases, but also providing a simple, well-integrated
api...(i.e. a Remote Service is just an OSGi service with some standard
service properties, and so can be used seemlessly with DS, any/all code
written for local services, etc).
That's completely true.

However, the word you've used describes it pretty well: 'balance'. What
this essentially means is: trade-offs.

In the end, what I have seen so far (only having used CXF DOSGi and
Karaf Cellar DOSGi) was not enough for my use-cases:
* (de-)serialization (JSON/XML/... - MBR/MBW)
* performance
* integration with standard JAX-RS aspects (interceptors/filters/...)

I don't know enough about CXF to judge if what you are saying is accurate. But I would say that CXF isn't the only option here, so what you say about CXF doesn't apply to ECF and the other impls.

If you already have picked an implementation (Jersey) and the use-case
doesn't demand a node-restricted service within a cluster (which for me
would be the only use case to consider the overhead for RS/RSA), I'd
look for a tool that was build for that purpose.

Or you could continue to use Jersey, and use an RS/RSA implementation (ECF) that has a Jersey-based distribution provider (see tutorial referenced earlier).

That's how I found about the osgi-jax-rs-connector, which doesn't
require my services to include any specific stuff (e.g. service
properties) but still allows me to go as implementation-specific as I
want/need (tuning, integration, monitoring, security, ...). And best is
it doesn't introduce new infrastructure pieces (for RS/RSA: Topology
Manager, Service Discovery, ...) which I have to learn about, operate
and troubleshoot.

The Jax RS connector is doing the same thing as the RS/RSA impls, only it's limited to a single distribution provider, and doesn't follow the standards. So once you start using it and building it into your app, you are committed to it. That seems like a potential risk to me.

I have learned that myself the hard way:

Simple is better than complex.
Complex is better than complicated.

And RS/RSA is not simple as it's major concern is about addressing some
problems (or claiming to) in the domain of distributed computing.

I think this is just incorrect. Distributed computing is indeed complex. But OSGi/RS/RSA has much to help with some of the hard issues of distributed computing...e.g. the ability to associate service dynamics with network failure via failure detection, or the clear separation between (remote) contract and implementation via a distributed service registry.

As a
result, implementations must take that complexity to enable a simple

I just disagree that this means that one can't simplify by using useful abstractions (service registry, modules). Definitely some implementations have to take account of some of the complexity.

This complexity must either be understood
and actively managed by all parties
(administrators/dev-ops/tester/developers) or represents a risk for the
software component as a whole otherwise.

I don't think you are arguing that someone developing a distributed app must have a Ph.D in distributed systems, but it sure seems like it. Indeed there is much complexity in many distributed applications, and that can indeed introduce risk to be managed. But that doesn't remove the need to make frameworks that are both flexible (modules, pluggability of distribution/discovery providers, etc), and as simple as possible for as many use cases as possible.

So, if your use-case does not make use or require the distributed
computing feature of RS/RSA, then what's the reason for taking the risks?

Thing is, if you are doing OSGi whiteboard pattern services, where those services are represented underneath by remote services, then you are taking many risks whether you use RS/RSA or not and you are probably re-building much of what is specified and implemented multiple times in a non-standard way (jax-rs-connector).

Even if it is possible to simply not use the remoting/clustering
features of an RS/RSA implementation but only use the JAX-RS integration
feature (remember that RS/RSA is not about ReST - just about remoting),
then what's the reason for taking the additional footprint? You'd still
need the basic infrastructure services up and running - even locally in
a single JVM which is just waste and (from my perspective) goes against
the principles of OSGi.

The reason would be to get the benefits of OSGi and OSGi services: dynamics, flexibility with ds/injection, standardized meta-data, all without much of an additional footprint (I'm speaking for ECF, I don't know what the footprint of other impls are).






For the real distributed services case, it is a completely different
question. But that's worth a separate topic. ;)



[1] http://cxf.apache.org/dosgi-architecture.html


2016-11-04 12:20 GMT+01:00 Ancoron Luciferis


      I just went the DS-route myself with JAX-RS inside Karaf.

      If you just want to publish a ReST endpoint going the remote
      route seems way too complex.

      What I found very useful and reliable to work especially for the
      resource service case is the following:


      As a result, my JAX-RS resources are dynamically
      declarative service components including references to other
      (e.g. internal data services, validators, ...). DS takes care
about the
      life-cycle and the osgi-jax-rs-connector just
      the wiring to Jersey and the exposure via the HTTP service
(still Jetty
      in case of Karaf).

      From a bundle-perspective, no direct wiring to the
      is required as it detects the resources via annotation scanning



      On 04/11/16 09:38, Bram Pouwelse wrote:
      > In case you're looking for a JAX-RS whiteboard implementation
you could
      > have a look at https://amdatu.org/application/web/
      <https://amdatu.org/application/web/>. It doesn't implement
      > the complete JAX-RS whiteboard draft spec. It does not have a
      > JaxRSServiceRuntime implementation yet and it's currently
using Apache
      > Wink internally (which is a JAX-RS 1.0 implementation). But the
      > whiteboard works as described in the JAX-RS whiteboard
specification draft.
      > Next step for us will be replacing Wink by another JAX-RS
      > that does implement the JAX-RS 2.0 spec
      > Regards,
      > Bram
      > On Fri, Nov 4, 2016 at 9:26 AM Tim Ward <tim.w...@paremus.com
      > <mailto:tim.w...@paremus.com <mailto:tim.w...@paremus.com>>>
      >     I note that both of the Remote Services options provided have
      >     examples using JAX-RS annotated service interfaces, which
      >     actually match the code provided in the example below.
      >     Using Remote Services also doesn't give you a standard way
to handle
      >     request scoped resources (i.e. prototype services) or a
defined way
      >     to add JAX-RS filters, MessageBodyReaders etc. This is one
of the
      >     reasons why a JAX-RS whiteboard specification is being
      >     A JAX-RS whiteboard also allows you to do things like
returning a
      >     JAX-RS Response for streaming results, asynchronous
returns, or just
      >     to give a response other than 200 without having to use an
      >     in a main-line code path.
      >     Whilst it is therefore true that a subset of JAX-RS
resources can be
      >     exposed using Remote Services, it's not necessarily a good
option if
      >     you're looking to put together a full REST API.
      >     Regards,
      >     Tim
      >     Sent from my iPhone
      >     > On 4 Nov 2016, at 02:23, Scott Lewis
<sle...@composent.com <mailto:sle...@composent.com>
      >     <mailto:sle...@composent.com <mailto:sle...@composent.com>>>
      >     >
      >     >> On 11/3/2016 2:17 AM, Christian Schneider wrote:
      >     >> You can use CXF-DOSGi to register your rest resource.
You just
      >     need to add some properties to your example component to make
      it work.
      >     >
      >     > Another option is to use ECF's impl of OSGI Remote
Services [1]
      >     with the Jax-RS distribution provider [2,3]...which supports
      >     Jersey or CXF impls of Jax-RS.
      >     >
      >     > Scott
      >     >
      >     > [1]


      >     > [2]
      >     > [3] https://github.com/ECF/JaxRSProviders
      >     >
      >     >
      >     >>
      >     >> See
      >     >> https://github.com/apache/cxf-dosgi/tree/master/samples
      >     >>
      >     >> There is a also a bndrun file to easily run and package
      >     for bndtools.
      >     >>
      >     >>
      >     >> Christian
      >     >>
      >     >>> On 03.11.2016 03:05, Tanvir wrote:
      >     >>> I have a REST resource class, say Employees, and I
need access
      >     to another service using DS. Hence I have to make this
call  a
      >     component.  Now objects instantiated by @component and JAX-RS
      >     Servlet are not same.
      >     >>>
      >     >>> I do not want to use static reference to the service
as shown
      >     below. How this can be handled?
      >     >>>
      >     >>> -----------------------------------------------
      >     >>> @Component
      >     >>> @Path("employees")
      >     >>> public class EmployeeResource {
      >     >>>    static MyService service;
      >     >>>    @Reference
      >     >>>    void setMyService(MyService s) {
      >     >>>       service = s;
      >     >>>    }
      >     >>>
      >     >>>    @GET
      >     >>>    @Produces("text/plain")
      >     >>>    public String getEmployees() {
      >     >>>        return service.get();
      >     >>>    }
      >     >>> }
      >     >>>
      >     >>
      >     >>
      >     >
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Christian Schneider

Open Source Architect

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