On 23/11/2016 15:19, David Daniel wrote:
I am guessing you are trying to do other things and that's why your passing this to your new thread and you are taking a config object even if it is not being used.

I am "taking a config object even if it is not being used" simply because I just cut-and-pasted some @Activate and @Deactivate methods from elsewhere. Removing the config from the method signatures doesn't make any difference, I still get @Activate called twice.

If you remove the config so you just have void activate( ComponentContext cc, BundleContext bc) and use an executor or don't pass the current context to thread does it work ok http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5623285/why-not-to-start-a-thread-in-the-constructor-how-to-terminate I am just worried the this is doing something funny.

Tim Ward

OSGi Developer Mail List

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