
Peter just wrote a very interesting note in a separate thread:

> After working in this area for too many years I’ve come to the conclusion 
> that objects cannot be really transferred to other systems in a reliable way, 
> only self typed data can. JPA, RMI, and many other systems promise heaven to 
> the programmer that they can use their objects local and remote 
> transparently. The consequence of this dream is a huge amount of complexity 
> that far outweighs any gains in programmer friendliness. Few things have 
> caused so much trauma in the software world as ORM. (Persistence is 
> communications to a future process.)
> The reason objects are so complex to use in communications is that it is in 
> direct violation of the goal of OO to hide your data. However, once you 
> expose the internal data on the wire you have effectively made it public but 
> too many people they can still have the advantages of abstract data types. 
> OSGi is a bitch in this case because it tells you that you’re trying to do 
> something wrong by refusing to cooperate. In this case, it balks at you 
> because you create an invisible dependency between the sender and the 
> receiver. Though this is a good thing too often the receivers of this message 
> blame the messenger.
> You can handle this dependency but you’ll find out is that it is a hugely 
> complex task that introduces a lot of frailty in the overall system. Having 
> tried this several times I can assure you that any gains in programmer 
> friendliness are dwarfed by the complexity of creating this facade.
> The best solution I found is to give up on data hiding. The fact your objects 
> is on the wire means that that wire format is public. I therefore use Data 
> Transfer Objects, in my case objects with public fields. On both sides I have 
> my own objects to provide behavior to this data with methods and classes but 
> this data record is at the core of my code. Since this data is public because 
> it goes over the wire it is better to wrap you code around that ‘standardized 
> public’ object than to try you internal object data.
> If you look at the OSGi specifications of the past 5 year then you will 
> notice that all applicable APIs have been designed to be useful with 
> Distributed OSGi. Calls do not pass objects but they pass DTOs back and 
> forth. They do not rely that the receiver and sender have exactly the same 
> type and version. In this model it is easy to replace an endpoint using 
> another language, which is a really good sign.
> For Java developers this is often an unpleasant message, and quite often OSGi 
> get the blame. However, the fact OSGi gives you these problems means that 
> you’re trying to do something that has hidden dependencies.
> Distributed computing has 7 well known fallacies[1] but I strongly believe 
> that there is an eighth: ’One can communicate objects over a network’.
> Now your question. Yes, you could run a resolve and load the proper bundles 
> but you introduce a huge amount of error cases and a large amount of 
> complexity and you won’t solve the fundamental problem. 
> Kind regards,
>       Peter Kriens
> [1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fallacies_of_distributed_computing 
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fallacies_of_distributed_computing>

Peter, may I copy and reuse some of this text?

I have already bought into the concepts you mention here, and am trying to 
apply it to my systems. I am calling it “DTO-as-Schema”. Currently, I don’t 
have much reference documentation or code, but I am (very slowly) working on 
that. Here are two sources:

 * https://github.com/apache/felix/tree/trunk/converter/schematizer 
    (Describes the high level principle)

    (Earlier post that describes some more technical details)

Other than your permission to copy/paste, of course comments are always 
welcome. Would be happy to convert your comments + the above to an AppNote.


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