> On 13 Mar 2017, at 12:57, Daghan ACAY <daghana...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hi peter,
> As a clarification, i can see this design allows multiple ProfileRunner 
> instances (actually as  many as IRCProfile configurations) at runtime where 
> each ProfileRunner has zero or more IRFfilters whose properties obeys the 
> LDAP filter defined by the filters_target value. Now for each ProfileRunner 
> instance filters_target value can be configured at runtime through web 
> console or @ConfigurerExtender using filters.target in json. Am i right?
> My second clarification is about life cycle of ProfileRunner. If i change the 
> IRCProfile configuration of an existing ProfileRunner instance then that 
> instance will be recreated and IRFFilters will be injected to the newly 
> created instance. Am i right?
> Now two tricky ones. 
> 1- if we had defined configuration for IRFFilter as you have suggested and 
> assume we have for a single IRFFilter component e.g "filter=log". Again 
> assume this IRFFilter instance  is already injected to one of the existing 
> ProfileRunner instance. If i change the IRFFilter component’s property to 
> "filter=uppercase", is this IRFFilter removed from the List<IRFFilter> 
> without destroying the existing ProfileRunner instance?
Yes because it is a volatile list. This makes the reference dynamic

> 2- If you had @updated method defined for ProfileRunner and changed the 
> filters_target value for an existing ProfileRunner instance from 
> (filter=uppercase) to (filter=log), what happens to the List<IRFFilter> 
> member, are they refreshed according to the new filters_target value, without 
> destroying the existing ProfileRunner instance?
I expect they should be updated dynamically but I am not a 100% sure about it. 
And if I felt this was an important distinction I might read through the spec, 
but to be honest, who cares? I would never optimize a system to prevent an 
object from being recreated until I had a real problem. Recreating an object 
works very nice and imho has hardly any consequences in a well designed OSGi 

Kind regards,

        Peter Kriens

> Thanks in advance. 
> -daghan
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> -------- Original Message --------
> From: list+org.o...@io7m.com
> Sent: Monday, March 13, 2017 03:05 PM
> To: Peter Kriens <peter.kri...@aqute.biz>
> Subject: Re: [osgi-dev] Building a "profile" system with declarative services 
> and configuration admin?
> CC: OSGi Developer Mail List <osgi-dev@mail.osgi.org>
> On 2017-03-13T09:03:49 +0100
> Peter Kriens <peter.kri...@aqute.biz> wrote:
> > Just use configuration admin. So first define your profile configuration:
> > 
> >        @ObjectClassDefinition
> >        @interface IRCProfile {
> >                String username();
> >                String password();
> >                String host();
> >                String filters_target() default “(filter=uppercase)“;
> >        }
> > 
> > You then create a a runner that does the work:
> > 
> >        @Designate( ocd= IRCProfile.class, factory=true )
> >        @Component(service=ProfileRunner.class)
> >        public class ProfileRunner {
> > 
> >                @Reference
> >                volatile List<IRFFilter> filters;
> >        
> >                @Activate
> >                void activate( IRCProfile profile ) {
> >                        …
> >                        // start a thread?
> >                }
> > 
> >        }
> > 
> > This runner can now be created as many times as you want with WebConsole. 
> > Each configuration you create is automatically cause a ProfileRunner to be 
> > instantiated when its filters are registered. The filters are coupled to 
> > the component via the `filters.target` configuration field. The default 
> > currently shows that it needs the ‘uppercase’ filter. However, with the or 
> > (|) operator you can make it any number of filters: 
> > (|(filter=uppercase)(filter=log)). If you need ordering in the filters, use 
> > the service.ranking property on the filter components.
> > 
> > You can now make any number of filters that look like:
> > 
> >        @Component( property={“filter=uppercase”, “service.ranking=-100”}) 
> >        public class UpperCaseFilter implements IRCFilterType {
> > 
> >                String process( String s) {
> >                        return s.toUpperCase();
> >                }
> >        }
> > 
> > I do not think you need anything more? Of course your IRCFilterType are now 
> > components so they can be configured independently in a similar vein as the 
> > ProfileRunner.
> Interesting, thanks!
> I'm reading through the DS spec right now and I'm not sure I understand
> how the filters_target() method ends up coupling the components. I
> understand how filters work, I'm just not sure how the OSGi runtime
> knows to use that method...
> The rest seems fairly straightforward.
> > Having file based configuration is always a bad smell in OSGi. 
> > Configuration Admin looks different from what most developers know but it 
> > is quite powerful.
> To be clear, I was referring to the property files that back Felix's
> implementation of the Configuration Admin service. The implementation
> appears to want one configuration file per service PID, so in a system
> with a lot of components, that can mean a lot of separate configuration
> files. That ends up being a fairly user-hostile thing in a system like
> this because the user then has to understand service PIDs and know what
> all of them are for the components in order to configure the client.
> M
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