Instead of trying to kick people out of the party, why even let them in to
begin with?

i.e. sounds like you have the well documented problem of _not well curated

- Ray

On Sun, Mar 3, 2019, 07:35 Michael Lipp via osgi-dev, <> wrote:

> Is it possible to write a requirement that combines criteria from
> different namespaces? I want the resolution to exclude all providers of
> org.log4j.impl -- except the one that I want.
> So I'd need something like this:
> -runblacklist: \
>     osgi.wiring;filter:='(org.wiring.package=org.slf4j.impl)' AND
> osgi.identity;filter:='(!(osgi.identity=de.mnl.osgi.slf4j2osgi))'
> ... which does, of course, not work. All the descriptions and examples
> that I could find are about requirements that can be expressed within a
> single namespace.
> Best Regards,
>     Michael Lipp
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