There is something else in the pipeline as well that might help: 
biz.aQute.bnd.runtime.snapshot. It is not being built yet but you can build it 
yourself in the bnd workspace. If you place that bundle in your runtime it will 
make a snapshot in the current directory just before the framework stops. You 
can then drag from the file system and then drop this file on

It is still under development but it provides a wealth of information. There 
are also gogo commands to make intermediate snapshots. I find this an 
invaluable tool for debugging OSGi issues. 

Glad you like it! Looking forward to your PR's! :-)

Kind regards,

        Peter Kriens

> On 15 Mar 2019, at 08:43, Bram Pouwelse <> wrote:
> Hi Peter, 
> I actually started to play with this cool new toy yesterday and I like it.  
> It gives a lot more control over the framework(s) launched than the test 
> support that has always been there. Not that long ago I was looking for 
> something like this but had to hand craft some code to get more than one 
> framework in a test but with Launchpad I can just use a bndrun again to 
> bootstrap multiple framework instances. So it was a perfect fit for my tests 
> and I can get rid of some framework boostrap boilerplate :).   
> I did run into the "Version Sensitivity" issue when trying to obtain 
> ConfigurationAdmin but that's well explained on the page you just shared, if 
> only I'd read that page yesterday that would've saved me some time....  
> So this is definitely a useful tool, thanks Peter!
> Kind regards, 
> Bram
> Op vr 15 mrt. 2019 om 08:28 schreef Peter Kriens via osgi-dev 
> < <>>:
> I've recently been working on a bndtools testing framework based on some Pax 
> Exam envy. The result is _Launchpad_. It is a builder for a framework setup 
> using all the information from a bnd workspace and its projects. For each 
> test method you can then execute your tests without having to generate a test 
> bundle. Due to some deep class loading magic, the class space of the test 
> code (for example JUnit) is properly exported via the framework. Although 
> there are some pitfalls, sharing the classes this way works quite well.
> Launchpad also contains an injector that you can use to inject services and 
> some key OSGi objects like BundleContext in your test object. A large number 
> of utility methods on Launchpad provide conveniences for testing. For 
> example, you can also hide services with one call.
> Launchpad is agnostic of a testing framework. It has been tested with JUnit 
> but TestNG or other frameworks should be no problem.
> This is all documented: 
> <>
> This is an ambitious test environment. There is now experience at one of my 
> customers but it clearly needs to go to a learning period. Almost all of what 
> is documented is in 4.2.0 which is just released, if you want the absolute 
> latest get the 4.3.0 snapshot. 
> Launchpad is developed for the bnd Workspace model. I think it can be adapted 
> to the Maven model with the bndrun files since this mimics a Workspace 
> beneath the covers. However, that might require some work and surely some 
> documentation. Volunteers welcome.
> Let me know if this is useful and file issues on 
> <> when there are issues or really good 
> ideas.
> Kind regards,
>         Peter Kriens
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