I don't see any reason why upgrading your existing workflow with a static 
Docker container and then updating the bundles would not work.

However ...

Just look at the number of moving parts that you then need in runtime. Creating 
a Docker image in the build is trivial and deploying it to Kubernetes is, well 
less than trivial. You need to have a lot of things going right on different 
systems and much more configuration to make the dynamic update work. All these 
moving parts can fail.

The only issue is size & time. If you need to deploy a full docker image to 
hundreds of thousands of machines the update can be done more efficiently using 
OSGi bundles. And actually that is a solution I'm working on at the moment. 
However, if time/size is not a concern I find a full docker image disturbingly 
hard to beat. About 5 years ago I ran the 'Java Package Manager' web site on 
Kubernetes and it worked scarily easy and reliable.

When I am hired to help one of the first things I look for is reduce as many of 
the moving parts as possible. Yes, you can get anything to work but reducing 
the possible errors cases really increases reliability imho.

Kind regards,

        Peter Kriens

> On 6 Aug 2019, at 16:28, Cristiano via osgi-dev <osgi-dev@mail.osgi.org> 
> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have a challenged POC to do in order to dockerize an existent OSGi
> based application and then deploy it to a Kubernetes based cloud.
> I'm not totally aware of k8 features yet, so I have some doubts that I
> would like discuss here.
> The main doubt is related to our existent upgrading process which
> currently we upload a R5 repository to a webserver and then a node
> management agent bundle access it and upgrades the necessary app bundles.
> Many examples I saw in the web creates a docker image in their building
> process and delivery an image at each dev cycle. I don't like much of
> this idea, so initially I thought to mimic our existent process in a
> docker container just setting up a Volume in order to upload the newer
> repositories.
> So I have created two docker images for testing this locally. One image
> contains the OSGI container and framework bundle (that do not change
> much) and other image that extends the other for only the apps bundles.
> it have worked well running locally.
> Would this also work in K8 ?  What would happen if I need to scale and
> then create multiple PODS for this application?
> thanks for any help.
> best regards,
> Cristiano
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