And with regards to version increases, if a new method added to
`DataHandler` that would break API and cause a major version increase for
the package, however, if a new method was added to `DataContext` since that
API is marked `@ProviderType` the package version increase would only have
to be minor.  Is that correct?

On Wed, Oct 16, 2019 at 6:06 PM Raymond Auge via osgi-dev <> wrote:

> Let me see if I can take a crack at it! Though I'm often told I also don't
> understand when I try to explain it. :D
> Suppose you have an API like so:
> interface DataHandler {
>      void processData(DataContext context);
> }
> This API has 2 interfaces `DataHandler` and `DataContext`
> Now you happen to know there is a library data.machine-1.2.3.jar which is
> a data processing engine and to use it all you need to do is publish an
> OSGi service of type `DataHandler` and it will do some magic.
> Since you implement `DataHandler` this interface is sensitive to you as a
> consumer. If the API were to add a method if would break your code. In this
> case DataHandler is effectively @ConsumerType. It is a type which is
> implemented in order to _use_ the API.
> Now, DataContext is not so sensitive for you in this scenario because you
> only _recieve_ instances of it. You never have to implement it in your
> _use_ of the API. In this case DataContext is @ProviderType since it's an
> interface which only _providers_ implement. Therefore if a new method was
> added to it, it would _not_ break your code, it _would_ however force the
> implementers of data.machine-1.2.3.jar to make a new release since they are
> a _provider_ of the API.
> So you see, both interfaces are part of the same API, yet one is
> @ConsumerType (DataHandler) and the other is @ProviderType (DataContext).
> I hope that helps. Others feel free to correct my understanding and
> hopefully, I'll finally grok it myself.
> - Ray
> On Wed, Oct 16, 2019 at 3:34 PM Milen Dyankov via osgi-dev <
>> wrote:
>> Welcome to the club ;) I struggled with that myself for a long time.
>> I think I finally got to understand it couple of years ago. Here is how I
>> explained it during one of my talks:
>> I hope this helps better than me trying to write it all down here.
>> Best,
>> Milen
>> On Wed, Oct 16, 2019 at 9:15 PM Leschke, Scott via osgi-dev <
>>> wrote:
>>> I’m trying to wrap my head around these two annotations and I’m
>>> struggling a bit. Is the perspective of the provider and consumer roles
>>> from a bundle perspective or an application perspective?
>>> I’ve read the Semantic Versioning whitepaper a number of times and it
>>> doesn’t really clear things up for me definitely.
>>> If an application has an API bundle that only exposes Interfaces and
>>> Abstract classes, and those interfaces are implemented by other bundles in
>>> the app, are those bundles providers or consumers? My inclination is that
>>> they’re providers but then when does a bundle become a consumer?  Given
>>> that API bundles are compile only (this is the rule right?), would a good
>>> rule be that if you implement the interface and export the package it’s in,
>>> that type would be @ProviderType, if you don’t implement it it’s
>>> @ConsumeType?
>>> It would seem to me that @ProviderType would be the default using this
>>> logic, as opposed to @ConsumerType, which leads me to believe that I’m
>>> thinking about this wrong.
>>> Any help appreciated as always.
>>> Regards,
>>> Scott Leschke
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>>> OSGi Developer Mail List
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> *Raymond Augé* <>
>  (@rotty3000)
> Senior Software Architect *Liferay, Inc.* <>
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> OSGi Developer Mail List

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Liferay Developer Tools
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