
Thanks for the info. Just as a side note we are using EMF with CDO here and
I'll double check but I believe we have this correctly managed, but I'm
aware of some CME issues that can sometimes happen, even in a normal RCP
application when dealing with itemProviders for example.


On Wed, Mar 11, 2020 at 10:18 AM Mark Hoffmann via osgi-dev <> wrote:

> Hi Alain,
> a little bit late but maybe some side notes to EMF and OSGi. EMF is not
> thread-safe. May it be possible that you share one ResourceSet/Resource
> over many Prototype instances?
> This is in general not a good idea. In case you use EMF with Equinox, you
> should give each prototype instance an own ResourceSet instance. Otherwise
> you will sooner or later run into ConcurrentModificationException when
> adding/removing Resources to/from a ResourceSet. In any case sharing a
> ResourceSet over Prototype instance will also lead to memory leaking over
> the time, if you do not remove/cleanup the Resources after using them.
> Using EObjects in a detached state can be helpful, but is not useful for
> some use-cases e.g. Validation / Compare, because you have to attach the
> objects before doing something.
> You can also take look at our GeckoEMF. We have ResourceSets as a service,
> also as PROTOTYPE scoped. So you can get an own ResourceSet instance
> injected. We also have a ResourceSetFactory, that can create ResourceSets.
> This solves many problems using EMF in pure OSGi. There is also a
> Thread-safe ResourceSet implementation regarding the usage of Resources
> Mark
> Am 11.03.20 um 13:26 schrieb Alain Picard via osgi-dev:
> Peter and Tim,
> Thanks for the pointers. The error was caused by some invalid use of a
> disposed object. This was using factory components and I switched all of it
> to use prototype components instead which IMHO are easier to manage.
> And Peter to your question about using prototype scope, those objects
> contain state and it is my understanding that prototype scope is required
> in those cases.
> Thanks
> Alain
> On Mon, Mar 2, 2020 at 9:39 AM Peter Kriens <>
> wrote:
>> Some remarks:
>> * Yes, it is thread safe. In OSGi we mark all thread safe types with the
>> @ThreadSafe annotation.
>> * The error message is not in the log you listed. Since the log contains
>> a deactivation message, I hope you're handling the case corrected that
>> you're being called after deactivation? Seems too simple, but anyway ... :-)
>> * And for something completely different, is there any reason you use the
>> prototype scope? You real code might need it but for this code it just
>> looks like making it accidentally complex?
>> * And last but not least, you seem to be using slf4j? Did you wire up the
>> OSGi log to it? I've seen cases where the information was in the OSGi log
>> but those messages were discarded.
>> Kind regards,
>> Peter Kriens
>> On 2 Mar 2020, at 12:03, Alain Picard via osgi-dev <
>>> wrote:
>> Question: The method getDiagnosticForEObject can be called by different
>> threads. Can this be the source of the issue? I see that
>> ComponentServiceObject is tagged as ThreadSafe, but?
>> Alain
>> On Mon, Mar 2, 2020 at 5:47 AM Alain Picard <>
>> wrote:
>>> Tim,
>>> I don't think so. BaValidationManagerExt is used in only 1 place and it
>>> is instantiated in activate and released in deactivate:
>>> @Component(
>>> factory = ValidationManager.CONFIG_FACTORY,
>>> service = ValidationManager.class
>>> )
>>> public final class CoreValidationManager extends
>>> CDODefaultTransactionHandler1 implements ValidationManager,
>>> CDOTransactionHandler2 {
>>> ...
>>> @Reference(scope=ReferenceScope.PROTOTYPE_REQUIRED)
>>> private ComponentServiceObjects<ValidationManagerExt> extenderFactory;
>>> private ValidationManagerExt extender;
>>> @Activate
>>> private void activate() {
>>> log.trace("Activating {}", getClass()); //$NON-NLS-1$
>>> extender = extenderFactory.getService();
>>> }
>>> @Deactivate
>>> private void deactivate() {
>>> log.trace("Deactivating {}", getClass()); //$NON-NLS-1$
>>> extenderFactory.ungetService(extender);
>>> }
>>> Cheers,
>>> Alain
>>> Alain Picard
>>> Chief Strategy Officer
>>> Castor Technologies Inc
>>> o:514-360-7208
>>> m:813-787-3424
>>> On Mon, Mar 2, 2020 at 3:40 AM Tim Ward <> wrote:
>>>> Hi Alain,
>>>> Is it possible that someone has a reference to a BaValidationManagerExt
>>>> service instance that they aren’t releasing after ungetting it (or that
>>>> they’re holding onto after it has been unregistered)? It might be an SCR
>>>> bug, but it’s more likely to be some code holding onto a component instance
>>>> that it shouldn’t.
>>>> Best Regards,
>>>> Tim
>>>> On 29 Feb 2020, at 13:29, Alain Picard via osgi-dev <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi
>>>> I am having a very intermittent issue with getService on a prototype
>>>> component. This is called hundreds of times and I put a breakpoint a few
>>>> weeks ago and have now gotten the error.
>>>> I have this class:
>>>> @Component(scope=ServiceScope.PROTOTYPE,
>>>> property= org.osgi.framework.Constants.SERVICE_RANKING + ":Integer=10"
>>>> )
>>>> public final class BaValidationManagerExt implements
>>>> ValidationManagerExt {
>>>> private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());
>>>> @Reference(scope = ReferenceScope.PROTOTYPE_REQUIRED)
>>>> private ComponentServiceObjects<Validator> validatorFactory;
>>>> @Activate
>>>> private void activate() {
>>>> log.trace("Activating {}/{}", getClass(),
>>>> System.identityHashCode(this)); //$NON-NLS-1$
>>>> }
>>>> @Deactivate
>>>> private void deactivate() {
>>>> log.trace("Deactivating {}/{}", getClass(),
>>>> System.identityHashCode(this)); //$NON-NLS-1$
>>>> }
>>>> ....
>>>> @Override
>>>> public Diagnostic getDiagnosticForEObject(EObject eObj) {
>>>> log.trace("Getting diagnostic for {}", eObj); //$NON-NLS-1$
>>>> Validator validator = validatorFactory.getService();
>>>> if (validator != null) {
>>>> try {
>>>> return validator.runValidation(false, Collections.singletonMap(eObj,
>>>> new HashSet<>()),
>>>> new NullProgressMonitor()).getB();
>>>> }
>>>> finally {
>>>> validatorFactory.ungetService(validator);
>>>> }
>>>> }
>>>> else {
>>>> log.error("Validator Service not found for {}", eObj, new Throwable());
>>>> //$NON-NLS-1$
>>>> return Diagnostic.CANCEL_INSTANCE;
>>>> }
>>>> }
>>>> }
>>>> and the validator:
>>>> @Component(
>>>> scope = ServiceScope.PROTOTYPE,
>>>> property= org.osgi.framework.Constants.SERVICE_RANKING + ":Integer=10"
>>>> )
>>>> public final class BaValidator implements Validator {
>>>> private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());
>>>> private Map<EObject, Set<EObject>> elementsToValidate;
>>>> private Set<EObject> validated = Sets.newHashSet();
>>>> private boolean batch;
>>>> private EditingDomain domain;
>>>> private AdapterFactory adapterFactory;
>>>> @Reference
>>>> private volatile List<ValidationProvider> validationProviders;
>>>>  //NOSONAR as per OSGi
>>>> @Reference
>>>> private ValidationUtils validationUtils;
>>>> @Activate
>>>> private void activate() {
>>>> log.trace("Activating {}/{}", getClass(),
>>>> System.identityHashCode(this)); //$NON-NLS-1$
>>>> }
>>>> @Deactivate
>>>> private void deactivate() {
>>>> log.trace("Deactivating {}/{}", getClass(),
>>>> System.identityHashCode(this)); //$NON-NLS-1$
>>>> }
>>>> ...
>>>> }
>>>> The error is on the highlighted line, which happens since getService
>>>> returns null.
>>>> As can be seen here, ValidatorFactory serviceObjects is null which
>>>> seems to be what makes it return null:
>>>> ComponentServiceObjectsImpl [instances=[], serviceObjects=null,
>>>> deactivated=false, hashCode=301166435]
>>>> I am not seeing any special in the logs (tracing is on). Just before I
>>>> see a number of successful call to the same code with the last one being:
>>>> just before in the logs:
>>>> 08:00:45.854 [Worker-1: Create Diagram] TRACE c.c.i.v.b.p.BaValidator -
>>>> Activating class
>>>> 08:00:45.857 [Worker-1: Create Diagram] TRACE c.c.i.v.b.p.BaValidator -
>>>> Notify 4 listeners with diagnostics ([Diagnostic OK
>>>> code=0
>>>>  data=[RadialDiagramImpl{[cdoID->6558b1f9-dbcf-4e9d-b7b8-73779b5ada8f]
>>>> 08:00:45.858 [Worker-1: Create Diagram] TRACE c.c.i.v.b.p.BaValidator -
>>>> Deactivating class
>>>> Has anyone seen this before or can provide some pointers to address
>>>> and/or debug this.
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Alain
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> --
> Mark Hoffmann
> M.A. Dipl.-Betriebswirt (FH)
> Geschäftsführer
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