Good evening,
i am developing a *bundle for* *Eclipse Smarthome* (a binding for the
OpenHAB runtime to be precise) but i have encountered a problem during
the *release
of the bundle*.
i have already googled and mailed OpenHAB days ago, but i haven't find an

i have imported *a non-OSGi library* ( PubNub, a realtime database with
functions of publish/subscribe ) *through both a line in my pom.xml and
feature.xml files*.
the bundle builds and compiles correctly (through running '*maven clean

I would like to point out this is not a library problem, as *i am using the
same library*, with the same dependencies, *in another local java project,
and it is working*.
The problem seems to be related to OpenHAB, or OSGi, so that is why i am
mailing this to you and not to PubNub dev support. I am sorry if it turns
out this isn't a problem of your competence and i am wasting your time.

>From the *karaf console* when i run bundles:list i see *my bundle as
Installed*, not as Active.
When i run "restart [id]" it *displays the following error*:

*Unresolved requirement: Import-Package: com.pubnub.api*

a "resolve [id]" command does not yield anything visible.

In my *pom.xml i included this dependency*:
 groupid: com.pubnub
 artifactid: pubnub-gson
 version: 4.31.0
 scope: provided

As per PubNub official documentation (source here ) this is the only
dependency i need to add, so the required might be a *transitive dependency*

This is the *feature.xml* *line *i have added, following OpenHAB official
documentation ( source here ) :
 feature: openhab-runtime-base
 feature prerequisite="true": wrap
bundle dependency="true": wrap:mvn:com.pubnub/pubnub-gson/4.31.0

*I suppose i should provide some jar files *to my bundle root or to my
local maven .m2 folder, but i do not know which jar file and where to find
PubNub has a general .jar file indicated in the documentation page above
but i suppose Maven included it through my pom's dependency.

Thank you for your time,
hoping you can help me.

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