The Axis of Evil Endorsement

By Ben Johnson <> | October 22, 2004 

You shall judge of a man by his foes as well as by his friends.  Joseph
Conrad in the novel Lord
0man%20by%20his%20foes%20as%20well%20as>  Jim.

Months after John Kerry boasted of having received secret endorsements from
anonymous foreign leaders around the world, many of the gaps have been
filled in. The leaders of the world have weighed in on the 2004 presidential
election. Lets run down the list of nations supporting each candidate: 


John Kerry


North Korea: Although north Asias gulag archipelago has not formally
endorsed a candidate, official Communist organs have shown a pronounced
affinity for John Kerry. In March, the Financial Times noted, John Kerry,
the presumptive Democratic candidate, is also getting good
<>  play in
Pyongyang. North Korean radio has aired several of Kerrys anti-Bush
speeches, and the Korean Central News Agency has given the Democratic
candidate glowing coverage. Kerry has publicly called for bilateral
discussions with North Korea, such as those conducted
<>  by Jimmy
Carter on behalf of the Clinton administration in 1994, although analysts
agree these would be counterproductive
D+bilateral+AND+disaster&u=http%3A//> . 


Iran: A June editorial in the Tehran
<>  Times
stated, Kerry is exactly what the U.S. needs right now. It is undisputed
that Kerry has promised to give Iran exactly what it needs right now:
nuclear fuel. Kerry pledged to supply Iran with nuclear fuel, just as Jimmy
Carter and Bill Clinton did to North Korea as it revved up its nuclear
program during the 1990s.  


Communist China: The state-controlled Peoples Daily news website formally
endorsed <>  John
Kerry in July. An unsigned
<>  editorial


Comparatively speaking, Kerry is noted for being friendly with China. He was
once firmly against linking the most-favored-nation status to China with
human rights. From a long-term view, a Democratic administration, which
stresses international cooperation, pursues multilateralism and stands for
a policy of contacts, will be better for both world peace and Sino-U.S.


The editorial also noted John Kerry opposes containment of China. 


Palestinian Authority: PA foreign minister Nabil Shaath
200410\FOR20041019a.html> has said in a Kerry presidency, it would be
likely that several staff members during Clinton's administration would
return, adding, that would be a good thing. Kerry has vowed to name Bill
Clinton or Jimmy Carter as Middle East envoy. The state-controlled Palestine
Media Center bashed Bush's refusal to deal with Arafat. President Bush has
said Yasser Arafat is not a worthy partner working for Mideast peace.
Conversely, in his 1997 book The New War, John Kerry referred to Yasser
Arafat as a statesman. 


Malaysia: In a letter dated last Friday, former Malaysian Prime Minister
Mahathir Mohamad exhorted fellow Muslims to vote for John F. Kerry
200410\FOR20041019b.html> in the name of Islam. Mohamad said his
co-religionists have a duty to ensure that Bush will not be able to
determine our fate for four more yearsThere is an obvious connection between
the sufferings of the Muslims and the policies and thinking of Bush. This
is not Mohamads first foray into international controversy. As he prepared
to step down from his 22-year-long reign as prime minister last year, he
famously told the 10th Islamic Summit in Kuala Lumpur,
<> Jews rule the
world by proxy. (To counteract this, he has instructed Muslims to vote for
John Kerry, the only ethnically Jewish candidate in the presidential race.)


Socialist Spain: As early as March, Spains appeasenik prime minister and
Socialist Party member Jose Luis Zapatero said,
<> I want Kerry to
win. Zapatero told the International Herald Tribune Spains Socialists  the
party of unilateral surrender elected after the Madrid train bombing on
March 11  were aligning ourselves with Kerry to build an alliance for
peace, against war. Zapatero, who said he favors a dialogue between the
government of Spain and the new Kerry administration, vowed the
Kerry-Socialist axis would assure there will be no more deaths for oil.


France: According to all reports, John Kerry is wildly popular in the land
of Gaul. A recent Le Monde poll found the Francs backing John Kerry over
President Bush by
200410\FOR20041019c.html> more than three-to-one (72 percent to 19 percent).
The Financial Times quotes an unnamed French government official pining
for  <> the return of
the Democrats to Washington and the Baathists to Baghdad, saying, A lot
depends on who is in power in both Washington and Baghdad. If there's change
in both countries then it's possible we would re-examine our position.
(Emphasis added.) The chairman of Democrats Abroad gave the Ich bin ein
Berliner speech of the 2004 campaign,
<> gushing Kerry
is the closest thing that you will have to a French politician. 

Germany: The Financial Times quotes Gert Weisskirchen, the foreign policy
expert for Germanys ruling Social Democratic Party, as
<> analyzing the
presidential race thus:

I cannot imagine that there will be any change in our decision not to send
troops, whoever becomes president. That said, Mr. Kerry seems genuinely
committed to multilateralism and as president he would find it easier than
Mr. Bush to secure the German government's backing in other matters. 


Vietnam: An unnamed Vietnamese diplomat told the international press, I
think Vietnam would support Kerry because he has travelled many times to
Vietnam and he understands better the situation here than Bush, who is a
war-mongering president. Why not? Kerry has 30 years experience negotiating
with Vietnamese Communists and is immortalized
<>  in Ho
Chi Minh Citys War
<>  Remnants


Others: International polls indicate the vast majority of Pakistanis,
Jordanians, and Moroccans disapprove of President Bush and may be assumed to
support Sen. Kerry by default.


Meanwhile, those engaged in the War on Terrorism have supported President
George W. Bush.


George W. Bush


Russia: On Monday, Russian President Vladimir Putin
200410\FOR20041018c.html> told Russias RIA news agency Iraqi terrorism
aims at causing maximum damage to President Bush and to forestall his
second term re-election. He warned, If they succeed, they would celebrate
a victory against America and the anti-terror coalition, and this could lead
to more acts of international terrorism. Although Putin pledged to respect
any choice of the American people, his comments were seen as a muted
endorsement of President Bush. It seems, since mourning the tragedy of
Beslan, he has discovered the wisdom of pre-emption. 


Israel: Although Yasser Arafats Palestinian Authority favors John Kerry,
the Israelis favor George W. Bush. Israels military intelligence chief,
Major-General Aharon Zeevi told the Israeli Cabinet he feared, 
<> Arafat is now waiting
for the month of November in the hope that President Bush will be defeated
in the presidential election and turned out of his office. Israeli citizens
seem to agree. In a poll taken by the newspaper Haaretz, Israelis preferred
Bush over Kerry  <> by
two-to-one. (In all, one may expect an improvement in domestic Jewish
support for the president, but many American Jews remain
<> steadfastly loyal to
the Democratic Party.) 


Japan: Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi divulged his
%5CPOL20041018b.html> support for the president last week. I don't want to
interfere in another country's election, he said, but I am close to
President Bush so I want him to do well. The Secretary-General of Japans
Liberal Democratic Party, Tsutomu Takebe, told the media, I think there
would be trouble if it's not President Bush. Takebe said Kerrys plan for
bilateral U.S.-North Korean negotiations would be exactly what North Korea


The Philippines: Filipinos also support President Bush. Filipinos...have a
frontline appreciation of the threat posed by international terrorism,
according to  <>
political science professor Alex Magno, an adviser to President Gloria
Arroyo. Over the past two decades, hundreds of Filipinos  and some Americans
have died at the hands of such
<> al-Qaeda
affiliates as
<> Abu Sayyaf
and  <'at+Islamiya> Jamaaat
Islamiya. Perhaps unsurprisingly, Magno states, If Filipinos were voting
for the American president, George W. Bush would have this election in the


South Korea: South Koreans, who have been tending toward anti-Americanism
for years, remain split on the election. However, polls show the most
anti-Communist segments of South Korea favor President Bush. 


Two More Important Endorsements


Finally, two non-state actors have made their preferences known: al-Jazeera
Television and the Communist Party USA. 


Osama bin Ladens chosen media outlet, al-Jazeera  which regularly refers to
suicide bombers as  <>
martyrs and may have
<> direct ties
to terrorism  now hopes to refer to John Kerry as Mr. President. The
pro-terror Mideastern network
<> referred to John
Kerry as a popular mainstream Democrat with liberal tendencies and noted
the junior senator from Massachusetts has suggested Bush's handling of
[Iraq] is f****ed up. Although the National Journal named Kerry the
Senates most liberal member, al-Jazeera claimed Kerry is well placed
politically between his party's radical left and arch conservatives.
(Arch-conservative Democrats?) After all, the
<> Democratic
Party gave al-Jazeera a skybox at its national convention this summer.


The Communist Party USA is not foreign, although it illegally received
Soviet money for decades. It, too, has cast its lot with John Kerry. The
CPUSA lists as election priority number one that Communists do their
<> utmost to help defeat
Bush. The communist website dedicates
<> an entire page of internal
articles to anti-Bush propaganda. Echoing John Kerry (or is it the other way
around?), the Communist Party USA decries the
<> well-financed campaign
to weaken and destroy the impact of the African American vote.  Similarly,
on September 11th of this year, Kerry
<> told the
Congressional Black Caucus, We are not going to stand by and allow another
million African American votes to go uncounted in this election. The
rhetorical similarities no doubt account for the CPUSAs silent endorsement.




In all, it appears those nations most opposed to the War on Terrorism
including the remaining two members of the Axis of Evil  endorse the foreign
policies of the Left, which they see embodied in the person of John Kerry.
On the other hand, those nations historically friendly to the United States
back President George W. Bush. It is significant that those nations under
the greatest terrorist threat  Russia, the Philippines, Israel and (if one
counts nuclear threats from North Korea) Japan  all favor the aggressive
policy of taking the war to the terrorists pursued by the Bush
administration.  If we do not wish to share their peril, we would do well to
heed their advice to reject the discredited, defeatist foreign policies of
the Left. 


Ben Johnson is Managing Editor of FrontPage Magazine and author of the book
R8>  Varieties of Radical Causes: Teresa Heinz Kerry's Charitable Giving. 


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