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WSJ Online


Blue: The Next Orange?
Forget reform. The U.N. needs regime change.

Wednesday, December 29, 2004 12:01 a.m. EST

UNITED NATIONS--The advance of liberty and its attendant institutions can
be a rough business, provoking stiff resistance by those who find their
interests most threatened: the dictators, cronies and retinues of
careerocrats who have already have made their compromises of conscience.
And although specifics vary, there are some broad familiar patterns to the
process of genuine reform. Protests break out, criticism once whispered in
backrooms is heard on the streets, misrule and corruption are increasingly
exposed. The regime tries to smother dissent while announcing reforms: too
little, too late. In the best of cases--the Baltics 15 years ago or, one
hopes, Ukraine today--the old framework gives way, and the democratic
revolution has arrived.

 In the worst of cases, however, we could just as well be talking about the
ruckus of recent times at the United Nations, where the regime, is now
really beginning to fight back, and may yet succeed in smothering progress.
Without making a single truly significant reform--or, for that matter,
suffering a single indictment--the U.N. this past year has weathered its
worst spell since the early 1980s. That was the stretch in which the
Soviets shot down a South Korean airliner, the U.S. pulled out of a corrupt
Unesco, and with certain U.N. member states resenting all the fuss, U.S.
Ambassador Jeane Kirkpatrick's deputy, Chuck Lichenstein, told unhappy
member states that if they wished to leave America's shores, "the members
of the U.S. mission to the United Nations will be down at the dockside
waving you a fond farewell as you sail into the sunset."

 Of course, the U.N. remained comfortably berthed in Turtle Bay, stoked to
this day with U.S. taxpayer money, wrapped in diplomatic immunity, and
steeped in secrecy more appropriate to the inner workings of the
18th-century French court than a modern world in which free and open
political systems offer the best hope of all that peace and prosperity the
U.N. is supposed to promote. But don't take my word for it. The phone
number is 212-963-1234; the Web site is www.un.org. Go ahead, try getting a
look at the books, or for that matter any serious audits, let alone the
full deliberations of a Security Council the purports to represent the
world's people while providing rotating seats to the likes of Syria and
permanent veto power to the thugs of Beijing and the antidemocrats of the

 Not that the U.N.'s top officials make much secret about their opinions,
of, say, their U.S. sugar daddy, the latest example being the rush by
Undersecretary-General Jan Egeland this week to condemn as "stingy" U.S.
and European offers of relief for the tsunami that has devastated South
Asia. Mr. Egeland opined that taxpayers "want to give more," a notion that
somehow equates giving more via the U.N. with getting better results. This
comes from a U.N. that while evidently failing to set up an international
warning system for catastrophic tidal waves did manage last year to turn in
a report on snow levels in Alpine ski resorts.
 Nor has Secretary-General Kofi Annan been particularly secretive about his
views on the U.S.-led liberation of Iraq, informing the world not so long
ago that he deemed it "illegal"--a word he has not to my knowledge applied
to any aspect of his own supervision of the Oil for Food program, from
which Saddam Hussein, while forking over $1.4 billion for Mr. Annan's
Secretariat to supervise the process, scammed billions meant for sick and
hungry Iraqis. On that subject, Mr. Annan has been most stunningly
discreet, refusing in his year-end press conference last week to discuss
even his own role. Instead, with a degree of patience the Secretariat has
not displayed toward its critics, Mr. Annan seems to be waiting for the
U.N.-authorized inquiry, funded at his behest with $30 million in residual
Oil for Food money (meant to aid Iraqi citizens, not U.N. investigations),
and led by former Federal Reserve chairman Paul Volcker, to inform the
secretary-general, privately, and at stately speed, sometime next year,
what his own role actually was. At that stage, Mr. Annan will decide what
information he deems appropriate to share with the public.

 To this scene in recent months we may add the reports of rape and child
molestation committed by U.N. peacekeepers in Africa, allegations of sexual
harassment involving the heads of both the U.N. refugee agency and the
internal audit division, a revolt against "senior management" by the U.N.
staff union, the findings of an internal U.N. integrity survey that a lot
of U.N. employees fear retaliation if they speak out, and the statements of
a few brave whistle-blowers, fighting for their jobs, to precisely that
effect. Plus, if you like, there's the expanding saga of how the
secretary-general until confronted by the press allegedly failed to notice
that his son had allegedly been doing lucrative business deals with a major
U.N. contractor under the Oil for Food program. All of which has been
subject to the marvelously circular argument that the press should shut up
until the U.N., in between firing off hush letters to its contractors and
employing Mr. Annan's U.S.-taxpayer-funded staff to lambaste the U.N.'s
critics, can carry out allegedly full and independent investigations of all
these troublesome matters.

 By now, the debate outside the U.N. walls has expanded from calls for Mr.
Annan to resign over Oil for Food to arguments that he really ought to
resign over U.N. toleration of genocide, in which he has played a sustained
part--though it's hard to see why one argument should necessarily exclude
the other. Meanwhile, for a sample of what's going on inside the U.N. walls
(bear with me): According to a Dec. 13 U.N. staff union bulletin,
expressing "outrage," though the staff committee requested an investigation
into allegations of sexual harassment and favoritism within the U.N.'s own
internal audit department, "no formal investigation was ever conducted.
. . . No one was interviewed or questioned about the alleged violations.
Rather, the personnel records were checked in a manner similar to a desk
 If all this starts to sound a bit dizzying, a bit amorphous, a bit too
complicated after a while even to bother about anymore, that, dear reader,
is precisely the problem. The Secretariat has had a year of gagging
contractors, threatening the jobs of whistle-blowers, and pounding out
letters to the editor explaining that the Secretariat should not be blamed
for anything because it is in fact responsible for nothing--though somehow
more money, especially from the U.S., is always wanted. A few senior
officials are now due to depart. Several thick reports on various fronts
are due to be filed, and perhaps here or there a head will roll.

 But to suppose that the United Nations will reform itself from within is
to miss the eerie unreality of the place. It is not simply changes in some
of the staffing that are needed, or U.N. commissioned reports recommending
that the U.N. "reform" by way of doing even more of whatever it does
already. What's needed is something that among sovereign states we have
come to call regime change--the basic alteration of a system that in its
privileges, immunities and practices resembles rather too closely some of
the dictatorships that still pack its ranks.

 Ms. Rosett is a fellow at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies
and the Hudson Institute. Her column appears here and in The Wall Street
Journal Europe on alternate Wednesdays.

R. A. Hettinga <mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation <http://www.ibuc.com/>
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
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