+ The journalists who run blogs were less concerned. The Nepalese
group blog, United We Blog, quickly ran the photo of the strumming
journalist, along with a commentary on the 1,000 radio journalists who
had possibly lost their jobs recently. "This shows the reality of
Nepalese journalists," wrote Gunaraj, news editor for Kantipur Daily,
who also writes for United We Blog. "You can't write what you think
[is] news. You have to be cautious projecting the news and views. If
the government finds it is against the directives of the rule, you can
be punished. It is very much disturbing for the journalist. If the
situation [stays] like this, more and more media houses will be closed
down and the journalists [will be] out of jobs." +

Dak Bangla:

Check these free Nepal bloggers

United We Blog <http://www.blog.com.np/>
Radio Free Nepal: Glum Future

Nepalese bloggers, journalists defy media clampdown by king

After the Royal Takeover in Nepal, King Gyandendra censored the media,
arrested journalists and cut communications. But tech-savvy
journalists are using their blogs to get news out to the rest of the
By Mark Glaser

"Communications are still cut off. And the future of the country,
people and our journalistic career look glum." -- Radio Free Nepal
blog, Feb. 2, 2005

In the Internet Age, powerful rulers have little chance to operate in
a media blackout. They can shut the newspapers, the TV stations and
even block Web sites and telephone lines. But eventually, news leaks
out, an e-mail here, a Web site there and eventually a Weblog fighting
for the cause of the repressed.

In Nepal, King Gyandendra took power February 1 from Prime Minister
Sher Bahadur Deuba, putting ministers under house arrest and
immediately censoring and threatening the free press. But a few days
later, after phone lines were back up, journalists were getting news
out via Weblogs -- either anonymously posted or under their own names.

And the news was grim. The army had shut the flourishing FM community
radio stations and had put censors on TV broadcasts and inside
newspaper newsrooms. The king called for a ban on negative reports on
his takeover, and at least six more journalists are still in prison
there, including Bishnu Nisthuri, Secretary General of the Federation
of Nepalese Journalists. Both Reporters Sans Frontieres and the
Committee to Protect Journalists have called on the king to renew
press freedoms.

Meanwhile, newspapers that were critical of the king in the past were
more circumspect, running editorials about the weather or trees -- or
even blank editorial pages. As a result of the clampdown, journalists
and other media workers have lost jobs, with a photo in the Kantipur
Daily newspaper of a newly unemployed journalist strumming an acoustic
guitar causing concern from censors.

The journalists who run blogs were less concerned. The Nepalese group
blog, United We Blog, quickly ran the photo of the strumming
journalist, along with a commentary on the 1,000 radio journalists who
had possibly lost their jobs recently.

"This shows the reality of Nepalese journalists," wrote Gunaraj, news
editor for Kantipur Daily, who also writes for United We Blog. "You
can't write what you think [is] news. You have to be cautious
projecting the news and views. If the government finds it is against
the directives of the rule, you can be punished. It is very much
disturbing for the journalist. If the situation [stays] like this,
more and more media houses will be closed down and the journalists
[will be] out of jobs."

United We Blog was launched only last October by a group of
journalists who write for the Kathmandu Post, Kantipur Daily, and
Nepal Weekly. The blog's co-founder Dinesh Wagle, 26, is a gregarious
Kantipur Daily reporter who covers technology issues. His crusade to
get Nepalese journalists to blog has made him a leading figure in the
nascent Nepalese blogosphere, and United We Blog has gone from a
personal forum to a much more politically charged outlet. On February
22, the blog devoted the entire day to protest two jailed Iranian
bloggers, one of whom was recently sentenced to a 14-year prison term.

"We are just blogging whatever we think bloggable on a variety of
topics," Wagle told me via e-mail. "Only since the Feb. 1 Royal
Takeover (well, after the resumption of Internet services on Feb. 8) I
started blogging very much about political situation in the country.
Only on Feb. 8, I came to know the importance of this site ... a place
to express myself. Yes, there are some restrictions in expression
after the emergency rules were imposed in the country following Royal
Takeover. But we will try to write as much as we can. ... We want our
rights to freedom of expression and democracy back. I hope the king
will do that soon."

A complex political situation

To outsiders, the Royal Takeover looks like a cut-and-dried case of a
tyrannical power grab. But the situation is much more complex. The
Himalayan nation of Nepal, the 12th poorest nation in the world, has
lived through a series of monarchs and maharajahs for the past two
centuries. The country has felt the pull of its powerful neighbors,
China and India, while it has been pulled apart by Maoist insurgents
who roam the countryside and a fragile multiparty democracy that ended
with King Gyandendra's Royal Takeover.

The king himself ascended to the throne in 2001 after a bloody Royal
Massacre in 2001, when a drunken Crown Prince Dipendra killed the king
and Queen of Nepal and seven other royals before he killed himself.
Now the people of Nepal are left with Gyandendra's iron-fisted rule
and the Maoist rebels who have shut down transportation in a strike
outside the capital of Kathmandu. The king promised to end the
insurgency and restore democracy within three years. (Read a BBC
primer on Nepal's current crisis here, and a timeline of Nepal's
political history here.)

India has cut off military aid to Nepal, and the European Union and
United States denounced the king's takeover -- though the U.S. is wary
of the Maoists taking power and has provided Nepal with military aid
in the past. Blogger/journalist Wagle says he's upset that the
democratic movement in Nepal had failed over the past 15 years, at one
point having 11 different formations of government rule in 11 years.

"I am very much ashamed to say that all governments of the last decade
and a half couldn't deliver as per people's expectations," Wagle said.
"That doesn't mean governments of the pre-1990 democratic movement
were competent and clean either. They were even more corrupted and we
had no freedom. People expected a lot from elected governments of
post-1990 movement. Opposition parties couldn't play the constructive
role in the parliament, ruling parties couldn't rule properly. In the
mean time, Maoists started their bloody People's War in 1996 and Nepal
was pushed toward being a failed state."

Wagle says that Nepalese journalists are stuck in the middle, not
allowed to report negatively about the king or the Maoists.

"We, the press, are surviving in a crossfire," he said. "We can't
speak or write against Maoists as well. If we do so, we will be
targeted. Several reporters have been assassinated in the last few
years because they wrote against Maoists. Now, we can't write against
the spirit of the Royal Proclamation. If we do so, we will be jailed."

Meanwhile, another Nepalese journalist started the Radio Free Nepal
(RFN) blog, with the express intent of telling the truth about what
was going on in Nepal. But because of the king's threat of jail for
negative reports, the blogger remains anonymous and posts under the
pseudonym "Kathmandu."

"I started the blog to advocate for the return of democracy," the
blogger told me via e-mail. "As a journalist, and a Nepali, it is a
grave concern for me that the king has taken the direct power,
dismissing the government and democracy and imposing censorship on the
media. My primary aim with Radio Free Nepal is to get the information
to the world about Nepal and to tell them that we are not happy with
what's going on and we want democracy back."

Thanks to the Internet, the blogger is able to get uncensored news out
to the world, whether it's links to Western stories on Nepal or
first-hand accounts of army censors on the premises of media outlets
in Kathmandu.

"Even when phones and Internet were cut off in Nepal, we used the
Internet at embassies and diplomatic missions to communicate with the
world," the blogger said. "I am communicating with a few of my
journalist friends asking them to write about Nepal almost everyday to
get the word out. ... For me, the Internet is not only a medium to
spread the word and advocate for democracy but also a means of
encouragement in my fight for democracy."

Bloggers in danger?

Bloggers such as The Media Drop's Tom Biro and BuzzMachine's Jeff
Jarvis have picked up on Radio Free Nepal and linked to it, as the
blog has started to post photos of the Nepalese military stationed
around the capital. But are the Nepalese bloggers putting themselves
in danger by putting negative news on their blogs and calling for
foreign media attention?

The Radio Free Nepal blogger says the government would block the site
if it finds out about it, but that bloggers are currently enjoying
more freedom of expression because of the lack of IT knowledge by
government officials. Still, the blogger knows that the punishment
could be harsh if the government can track down him or her.

"Since they are summoning newspaper editors for publishing something
that [isn't] even against the king, I would certainly face something
worse than summoning," the blogger said. "I am sure I would be
arrested for going against the 'Spirit of Royal Proclamation.'"

Wagle, for one, is not deterred by the threat of arrest. He says the
anonymous blog posts at Radio Free Nepal aren't as credible as people
putting names on their work.

"I don't think posting anonymously will be that useful and effective,"
Wagle said. "Man, do whatever you like with your identity revealed.
Why are you afraid of jail? I am not, really. I am happy to go to jail
if they want to put me there just because of my blogs."

Bob Zelnick, former ABC News correspondent and journalism school
chairman and professor at Boston University, thinks the bloggers could
be playing with fire.

"The bloggers presented accounts of political heavy-handedness, tight
control of anything published and implied praise for the new
communications technology, without which all or most of the situation
in Nepal would have happened out of sight of the rest of the world,"
Zelnick told me via e-mail. "The tenor of many accounts suggests the
bloggers may feel their electronic communications are more secure than
they in fact are, raising the possibility of future targeted

Already, the bloggers say that sites such as NepaliPost.com and
NewsLookMag.com have been blocked by the king.

What will happen next is anyone's guess. But Wagle notes that the
Internet and blogging are new phenomena in Nepal, with only 300,000
Net users out of a population of 25 million.

Getting foreign media attention

The point of all this blogging -- in English -- is to bring the plight
of the Nepalese to the Western media's attention, which could goad
other countries to pressure the king to back down. So far, the news
has been spotty, with the media's attention focused more on Iraq and
other issues.

Kristin Jones is a research associate of the Asian Program at the
Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ). She noted that Nepal relies
heavily on international aid and tourism -- both of which could be
changed by international public opinion.

"Western journalists and bloggers can do a lot for journalists in
Nepal simply by publicizing their problems," Jones told me via e-mail.
"The crisis in Nepal has gotten very little press coverage, in part
because it is so difficult to report on what's going on there. But
Western journalists are not subject to the same rules of censorship
the local press is, and can cover things the local press cannot. Part
of the problem is also lack of interest outside of Nepal, and bloggers
are expert at stirring interest."

Press freedom group Reporters Sans Frontieres has run a series of
articles on the crackdown in Nepal, and the CPJ recently met with the
Nepalese ambassador to the U.S. in an appeal for threatened
journalists. Jones said the Nepalese ambassador was "very polite and
very firm" in defending the king's moves.

"According to all the statements the king has made, the curbs on press
freedom are intended to be a temporary measure during the state of
emergency," Jones said. "But no one knows how long the assault is
going to last, or what damage may be done to the press in the
meantime. Several journalists have been imprisoned during the last few
weeks; we don't have information on whether they have been mistreated
by security forces. Perhaps hundreds of journalists have lost their
jobs, and hundreds more face layoffs."

Jones said the advent of Internet reports and blogs in Nepal was
relatively new compared to China and Vietnam, where it has been more
commonplace as a way around censorship. She was unsure what might
happen to the outspoken bloggers, as there has never been an
Internet-related crackdown in Nepal before.

But Jones did say that the Nepalese security forces have had
experience blocking Maoist sites in the past and definitely understand
the power of the Net.

"While he's not a blogger, Bishnu Nisthuri, who is the General
Secretary of the Federation of Nepalese Journalists and who has been
in the custody of security forces since the early days of the coup,
may have been targeted for a statement distributed via e-mail and the
Internet in which he condemned the king's actions," she said. "The
statement also protested the government's going after the FNJ
President Tara Nath Dahal for writing a similar statement, also
distributed widely via e-mail and Internet."

The Indian media critic Pradyuman Maheshwari, who writes the Mediaah!
blog, told me that it's critical the United Nations starts to take
communication freedom more seriously and use sanctions against
countries that crack down on freedom of press and expression.

"It is ironic that when we have an increasing number of ways in which
people can communicate freely, and more importantly be heard, there is
also a simultaneous rise in intolerance towards the media," Maheshwari
said via e-mail. "Regrettably, very few countries respect the
importance of free speech."


In Their Own Words
A sampling of thoughts from Nepalese bloggers

On the king's directive:

"The first thing that his ministry did today was issuance of a
directive prohibiting any articles, news, view, even personal view
against the theme of [Royal] Proclamation for the next six months. ...
What will we do without the right to expression, information and with
the censorship? I am curious about what the king might have been
thinking about the Internet. It can not be blocked for long and if
it's open there is no meaning of blocking foreign newspaper and
channels in Nepal. And all the things will be out on the Internet
through e-mails. It's very difficult to live without communication."
-- Radio Free Nepal blog posting, Feb. 2

On media censorship at Kantipur TV:

"We had aired international news, which had it that the Marxist
guerrillas had killed 14 Colombian marines, in Colombia. We ran the
news in three of our bulletins, starting in the morning. The army
major [on the premises to censor news], very polite in his
conversations, requested to remove that news as well. The reason: that
could be detrimental to our security forces' morale. The word
'communist' had its effect. The army men stayed within the premises
for three days and the screening went on a regular basis. One of our
bulletins had to be aired two minutes late, because the major had not
finished reading the news then. On the third evening, the army left.
But before leaving, they cautioned us to follow the guidelines issued
by the government while disseminating news. And we have been following
that ever since." -- Radio Free Nepal blog posting

On the BBC:

"The irony is that, the FM station (103 megahertz) that the BBC had
hired from state-owned Radio Nepal since last October still airs
24-hours broadcast of BBC World Service. In the same station, the
30-minutes-long BBC Nepali Service program used to be broadcast live
at 1500 GMT, and a 15-minute segment live at 1700 GMT. Both programs
are not being relayed now on that FM station. Still, the content of
BBC World Service is not censored. They are airing balanced news that
authorities wouldn't have liked if the language were in Nepali. They
think very few people know English and that's fine with people like
me. In fact, BBC WS was the only medium for me in those days of
incommunicado immediately after the Royal Takeover." -- Dinesh Wagle

On violence after the takeover:

"The worst news of the day is yet to be fully confirmed. The BBC Radio
reported that the security personnel entered the hostel of the
Prithivi Narayan Multiple Campus in Pokhara on Tuesday night after the
students initiated a protest rally and sounds of shooting were heard.
Although the BBC said it was not clear what types of bullets were
used, it said that more than 250 were injured and arrested. Later, I
heard a report that at least 15 have been shot dead. And, all the
newspapers and FM stations outside the Valley have been forced to
close down. It appears that the king wants no media at all." -- Radio
Free Nepal blog posting, Feb. 4

On his blog writing:

"Nepal is in state of emergency after the Royal Takeover. So,
officially, our rights of expression and civil liberties have been
curtailed. I hope this situation doesn't last longer. So, as a Nepali
citizen, I have to respect the law of the land. I don't think I have
blogged anything that goes against the 'spirit of the Royal Takeover.'
I have demanded the restoration of democracy that the king has already
promised in his Proclamation." -- Dinesh Wagle

On the press taking more chances:

"The Nepali press, especially dailies who were very much afraid during
the early days of the king's rule, are now opening up. They are not
only mentioning curtailed freedom more often but also writing about
political parties meeting and publishing photos of arrests in protest
rallies. This is because there is no way the media can be kept quiet -
they will find one way or another to defy the directives. Since there
are no military officials doing the final censorship on the pages as
[they were] for the first two days, newspapers are publishing stories
which they believe they can defend in front of officials if summoned."
-- Radio Free Nepal blogger in OJR interview

On getting journalists to blog:

"I show my blogs to my colleagues at Kantipur Daily. They like them.
But the sad thing is that they are not still encouraged to join the
fray. Oh my 18-year-old brother Email Sharma (yes, his name is Email)
reads my blogs whenever he finds time (and money of course) to go to a
cyber cafe. After I wrote an article about blogging (which appeared as
the lead op-ed piece in Kantipur), some people actually went to the
site and they said that I was doing great. I don't think I need any
encouragement to blog, but of course, comments from various parts of
the world energize me." -- Dinesh Wagle

Dak Bangla is a Bangladesh based South Asian Intelligence Scan Magazine.
URL: http://www.dakbangla.blogspot.com

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