Special Information 
Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center 
at the Center for Special Studies (C.S.S)       February 2005 
The Union of Good: an umbrella organization comprised of more than 50
Islamic charitable funds and foundations worldwide. 

It in fact channels "charity" money and provides other items for
Hamas-affiliated institutions in the Palestinian
Authority-administered territories, contributing to sustaining the
support-system infrastructure of Palestinian terrorism through the
so-called financial jihad. 

Part of a Union of Good (UG) table of shaheeds, including suicide
bombers in Israeli cities. It designates the allocations of funds to
their families through the Hamas-affiliated Islamic "charitable
society" Al-Tadhamun in Nablus. The society is headed by sheikh Hamid
al-Bitawi, a prominent Hamas figure in the West Bank and one of the
representatives of " Palestine" on the UG board of trustees. The UG is
headed by sheikh Yussuf al-Qardawi, a renowned extremist Sunni Muslim
scholar, who issued a Muslim religious edict [fatwa] permitting women
to perpetrate suicide bombing attacks against Israel. The UG is run by
`Essam Yussuf, a prominent figure in Interpal, the most important
British-based component of the UG. 

The Union of Good was established in October 2000, immediately after
the outbreak of the ongoing violent Palestinian-Israeli confrontation
– with the involvement of Hamas leadership. It was set up to serve as
an umbrella organization for global fundraising for the Palestinians
in the Palestinian Authority (PA)-administered territories, and
continues operating to this day. The UG is headed by Dr. Yussuf
al-Qardawi, a renowned extremist Sunni Muslim scholar, who issued a
Muslim religious edict (fatwa) authorizing suicide bombing attacks
(including by women) against Israel. 

Many important figures from the world of Islamic charities sit on its
administrative board, among them prominent Hamas activists from the
PA-administered territories. The UG is run by `Essam Yussuf, a
prominent figure in Interpal, the most important British-based
Hamas-affiliated component of the UG. It was designated by American
Executive Order 13224 as supporting terrorism. 
The Union of Good is composed of a combination of Hamas-affiliated,
designated extremist Islamic funds and foundations around the world. 

Most of the money it transfers to the PA-administered territories
eventually reaches Hamas-affiliated institutions, helping Hamas
establish itself as a potential alternative to the Palestinian
Authority and maintain a large-scale infrastructure supporting
terrorism, including suicide bombing attacks, as clearly illustrated
by original documents found by Israeli security forces. Moreover,
those documents (and other related information) show that even the PA
has considered the UG as a body supporting Hamas (in other words,
Palestinian terrorism). 
1.      The Union of Good (`I'tilaf al-Khayr) 

2.      Members of the Union of Good's board of trustees 

3.      Palestinian representation on the board of trustees 

4.      Transferring funds from the Union of Good to the Islamic charitable
society Al-Tadhamun in Nablus for the support of shaheed families,
including those who perpetrated suicide bombing attacks in Israel. 

5.      Appendices 

The Union of Good (`I'tilaf al-Khayr) 

 The Union of Good is an umbrella organization representing more than
50 Islamic fundraising groups worldwide. Originally established for
the purpose of aiding Palestinians in the PA-administered territories,
its operations began in October 2000, shortly after the outbreak of
the ongoing violent Palestinian-Israeli confrontation. 

It started as a fundraising drive designed to run for 101 days,
however, following its initial success it institutionalized and
continues its work to this day (January 2005). Hamas leadership was
involved in its foundation.  The UG is composed of Islamic funds and
foundations operating worldwide, some of them Hamas-affiliated
designated organizations outlawed by Israel (such as the Palestinian
Relief and Development Fund – Interpal in Britain, the Union's main
organization; the CBSP in France, etc.) and other radical Islamic
organizations (their names appear in Appendix D). 

Since the Union's founding, its member organizations transfer funds
for Hamas institutions in the PA-administered territories in two ways:
either independently or through the Union, which sometimes serves as a
contractor for such transfers.  To optimize its organizational
efficiency, the UG divided the PA-administered territories into four
districts. In three of them it works with a number of Hamas
organizations and institutions through one of its dominant
organizations, which serves as a coordinator. For example,
Hamas-affiliated Al-Tadhamun ("solidarity") in Nablus coordinates
UG-Hamas activities in the northern West Bank through an organization
called the North [West-] Bank Coordinating Committee. Al-Tadhamun is
headed by sheikh Hamid Bitawi, a leading Hamas activist and one of the
three West Bank representatives on the Union's board of trustees. The
two others are senior Hamas activists from Ramallah and Hebron.  

For the purposes of transferring funds, the UG divided the
PA-administered territories into the following districts:    The north
: Nablus, Tulkarm, Jenin and Qalqiliya. The Union's coordinating
organization is Al-Tadhamun, in Nablus.    The center : Jerusalem,
Ramallah, Al-Bireh and Jericho. The Union's coordinating organization
is Al-Islah, in Ramallah.    The south : the city of Hebron and the
villages and refugee camps surrounding it, the city of Bethlehem and
its villages and refugee camps. The UG's coordinating organization is
Hebron's Islamic Charity Society.1 
 1. Dr. `Essam Salhoub, a high-ranking Hamas activist from Hebron who
was vice-chairman of the local Islamic Charitable Society, is one of
the representatives of "Palestine" on the UG's board of trustees.   
The Gaza Strip : the UG operates an independent representative and
does not work through one of the existing local "charitable societies"
(or "charity committees"). 

   The Union of Good is directed by Yussuf al-Qardawi, a Muslim cleric
of Egyptian extraction and one of the heads of the Muslim Brotherhood,
who resides in Qatar . He is known for his extremist political views
(especially those regarding Israel) and is one of Hamas'
most-respected religious authorities, even though he is not
Palestinian. In the past he issued Muslim religious edicts (fatwas)
authorizing the perpetration of suicide bombing attacks and the
kidnapping of Israeli civilians. He was the first to authorize
Palestinian women to perpetrate suicide bombing attacks, even without
a male escort and immodestly dressed.

The Union's director of operations and the moving spirit behind its
activities is `Essam Salih Mustafa Yussuf, who was formerly head of
Interpal in Britain and is currently its vice-president. The other
members of the board of trustees are internationally prominent Islamic
figures, among them three Hamas activists from the West Bank and two
extremist Islamic activists (sheikh Ikrimah Sabri, the Mufti of
"Palestine" and sheikh Ra'ed Salah, the leading charismatic figure of
the Islamic movement in Israel, ex-mayor of the Israeli-Arab city Umm
el-Fahem) both of whom also represent "Palestine" (See below). 
2. According to Islamic law, a Muslim woman must not leave her house
without a male escort – legally a family member whose degree of
kinship forbids her marrying him. In addition, she must be modestly
dressed at all times, indoors and particularly outdoors.  
It should be noted that the funds raised by the UG are not transferred
directly to the Palestinian Authority, but rather to various
Hamas-affiliated institutions in the PA-administered territories.
Since the UG's founding it has transferred, in Israeli and PA
assessment, tens of millions of dollars to Hamas. Hamas uses the funds
for its projects, among them the funding of its large infrastructure
supporting terrorism, including suicide bombing attacks. That is done
by providing financial and material aid to the families of "martyrs,"
prisoners and those wounded during the ongoing violent
Palestinian-Israeli confrontation.       

 The leading financial institution in the transfer of funds to Hamas
and other Palestinian terrorist organizations is the Arab Bank.3 On
its Website ( (as of November
2004) it asks for donations, which can be deposited in branches of the
Arab Bank all over the world. It specifically mentions the Arab Bank
account number at the Beirut, Lebanon branch: 002850/811/9. The
accounts are used, among other things, to transfer funds to Hamas'
civilian infrastructure in the PA-administered territories. 
3. The UG's Website calls for donations which can be deposited "in
Arab Bank branches all over the world."  Some of the money collected
by the UG for Hamas institutions finds its way into the pockets of
Hamas terrorist-operatives. That was became evident during the
interrogation of Ashraf Muhyi al-Din Muhammad Sawafteh from the town
of Tubas (near Jenin), a Hamas activist who represented Hamas in
political dealings with other organizations and who even planned on
joining Hamas' Izzedine al-Qassam Battalions and engaging in
terrorist-operative actions. He admitted during his interrogation to
receiving money from the UG which was passed along to the Tubas branch
of the Palestinian Association of Workers, General Services and
Manufacturing Institutions, which he headed . 

 At the same time, the UG transfers enormous sums to finance
infrastructure projects in the PA-administered territories as well as
welfare, health and education projects (with special support for
Hamas-affiliated institutions). The projects are carried out through
such institutions and improve its status among the population, helping
Hamas to present itself as a potential radical Islamic alternative to
the more secular-oriented Palestinian Authority. During the ten years
(1994-2004) during which it was ruled by Yassir Arafat, the PA took no
effective, long-term steps to prevent external funds from reaching
Hamas, including funds from the UG .  Due to its close ties to Hamas,
the UG was outlawed by Israel in February 2002. 

Members of the Union of Good's board of trustees 


 The Union of Good's board of trustees is composed of prominent
figures, some of whom are identified with radical Sunni Islam. Some
are known to be current or past members of the Muslim Brotherhood, and
others are identified with Hamas. Some head various charitable
societies and institutions and transfer contributions from their own
countries to Hamas-affiliated institutions in the PA-administered
territories, either directly or through the UG .  

They can be divided into three main categories:    The UG's
administrators: Sheikh Yussuf al-Qardawi is head (Ra'is al`i'tilaf) of
the UG and known for his extremist political views. The director of
operations (al-Mudir al-Tanfidhi) is `Essam Yussuf, one of the
dominant figures of Interpal, the Hamas-affiliated designated fund in
Britain. Al-Qardawi's second in command is the Sudanese Field Marshal
(mushir)4`Abd al-Rahman Siwaral-Dhahab. 
4.Mushir is the highest rank in a modern Arab army.    Representatives
of the Arab world ( Qatar, Sudan, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia,
Kuwait, Bahrain, Morocco, Yemen and " Palestine" -- which includes the
territory of State of Israel: Prominent among them are those from
Saudi Arabia, the Gulf States and " Palestine." However, important
Arab countries such as Egypt and Syria, and large Shiite Muslim
countries such as Iran, have no representation on the UG 's board of
trustees.    Representatives of Muslim communities outside the Arab
world : prominent among them are the four representatives from Britain
(other West European countries whose institutions belong to the UG are
not represented on the board of trustees) and one from South Africa.5 
5. The list of funds, foundations and institutions belonging to the UG
contains many from South Africa (See Appendix G). 
Who are the trustees?  The three most important members of the Union
of Good's board of trustees6 are: 
6. The list is from the UG's Website (in Arabic), November 2004. For
the original list, see Appendix G. The names of the trustees may
change occasionally. The list in this bulletin is the updated version.
The list of names on the Arabic site is different from that on the
English site. In the past the Arabic site featured names which had
dropped off the English site as well as those which had never appeared
on it.    The chief administrator, sheikh Dr. Yussuf al-Qardawi. He
lives in Qatar and is known for his extremist political views (see
Appendix G).    The director of operations, `Essam Salah Mustafa
Yussuf. He lives in Britain, is a member of the board of trustees and
the dominant figure in Interpal. 


`Essam Salah Mustafa Yussuf

   Second in command is Field Marshal `Abd al-Rahman Siwaral-Dhahab.
He lives in Sudan and was its president (1985-1989). He is head of an
Islamic organization dealing with da'wah (preaching, conversion to
Islam, charity, etc.).7 The organizations he heads preach Islam in the
African countries as part of their battle against the influence of
Christianity on the continent and in an attempt to forestall Israeli
influence. Their da'wah activities mesh with those of Saudi Arabia in
Africa. At a UG convention al-Dhahab expressed his support for the
Palestinian insurgency, emphasizing the "financial jihad , "8 which,
in his opinion, complements the armed aspect.9
7. The organization is called (in English) The Organization for
Islamic Preaching, a non-governmental organization based in Sudan
which deals with Muslim preaching in Africa. Al-Dhahab is also second
in command of the World Islamic Council for Preaching and Support,
based in Cairo.

8. See our bulletin in English on Interpal,

9. From the Lebanese Website, ( September 27, 2002).
Accordingly, funds collected by the Union members should be used to
further the ongoing violent Palestinian-Israeli confrontation.  The
other members of the board of trustees are:1 
10. As of November 2004.    

Dr. Kamil al-Sharif ( Jordan) : Chairman of the World Islamic Council
for Daawa and Relief, Jordanian Minister of Islamic Endowments, a
member of the Jordanian Senate, head of the executive committee of the
Islamic Committee for Jerusalem, head of the board of directors of the
Jordanian daily newspaper Al-Dastour. 

   Sheikh Sa'ad al-Din al-Zamili (Jordan) : A high-ranking Muslim
Brotherhood activist in Jordan, businessman, head of the
administrative board of Al-Ridhwan school network, head of a number of
Jordanian charitable societies, member of Al-Mounasara Fund in Jordan
, which supports many Hamas-affiliated institutions in the
PA-administered territories .    

Sheikh Dr. Feisal Mawlawi (Lebanon) : A native of Tripoli in northern
Lebanon, member of the Guidance Office of the World Muslim
Brotherhood, general secretary of Al-Jama'ah al-Islamiyyah11 in Lebanon. 

In March 1997 he also helped found the European Fatwa Research Council
in Britain (headed by Dr. Yussuf al-Qardawi). In 1997 he participated
in a convention marking the tenth anniversary of the founding of
Hamas. He is an Islamic cleric who has issued fatwas permitting the
perpetration of suicide bombing attacks: "istishhad is not suicide and
should not be seen as unfit and endangering the life of the
perpetrator… regarding the Palestinians… I believe that those actions
are a duty performed in self-defense and [represent] active opposition
to violence and injustice" (from Islamic site 

11. A local radical Islamic group, although not known to be connected
with other similar Islamic groups outside of Lebanon bearing the same
name.    Sheikh Dr. Marwan Qabbani ( Lebanon) : The Lebanese UG

Ahmad al-Zayn ( Lebanon) : A judge in the Shar'i (Muslim religious)
court in Sidon, head of the Council of the Faithful, which unites
Muslim clerics in Lebanon. Stand-in for the Head Mufti of Lebanon.    

Sheikh Dr. Sa'ad al-Barik ( Saudi Arabia) : Imam in Riyadh. He called
the fighting in Afghanistan against the Russians and the Palestinians
fighting against Israel "a holy war" [ jihad ].    

Dr. Salah [ibn Suleiman] al-Wahhibi ( Saudi Arabia) : Head of the
Shurah [Consulting] Council of the World Assembly of Muslim Youth
(WAMY)12 and editor of its house organ, Al-Mustaqbal. 
12.An international Muslim "charitable" organization outlawed by
Israel because of its ties with Hamas.    Dr. `Abd al-Wahhab Nurwali (
Saudi Arabia): Aide to WAMY general secretary.    Dr. `Abd al-Hamid
al-Mi'jal ( Saudi Arabia).    

Sheikh `Abdallah `Ali al-Mutawwa' ( Kuwait) : Head of the Kuwait
branch of Al-Islah Charitable Social Society. On October 2, 2000, he
signed a petition supporting the second Palestinian "intifada" [armed
insurgency] .    

Sheikh Dr. Jassem Muhalhial al-Yassin ( Kuwait) : On the Islamic Law
faculty at the University of Kuwait.    

Sheikh Nadir al-Nouri ( Kuwait) : Chairman of the " Palestine"
Committee of the International Islamic Charity Organization (IICO), an
Islamic fund which supports many Hamas-affiliated institutions in the
PA-administered territories and which was outlawed by Israel in 2002.    

Sheikh `Abd al-Latif Muhammad A'al Mahmoud ( Hebron) : Hebron's senior
Islamic cleric, a Salafist Muslim13 and a member of the Surah Council
in Hebron. 
13.Salafism literally means "following in the footsteps of the
forefathers of Islam." The movement seeks to purify Islam which, in
its opinion, is tainted and should return to "the golden age" of
Muhammad and the first caliphs. 

It began in Egypt and inspired many other organizations both inside
Egypt, such as the Muslim Brotherhood, and elsewhere. In modern times,
especially during the past few decades, Salafism reflects a radical
Islamic movement (also known as Wahbabyyah) whose objective is the
establishment of a strict Islamic law to guide an Islamic state. It
sometimes resorts to violence to implement its radical views through
force on a not totally willing population.    

Ibrahim Muhammad al-Hassan ( Hebron).    Dr. `Abd Ziyad al-Muqrawi
al-Idrisi ( Morocco) : A senior Islamic activist, member of the Shurah
Council of the extremist United Reform party (Al-Tawhid wal-Islam) and
of the general secretariat of the Justice and Development Party.

Sheikh `Abd al-Fattah al-Farisi ( Morocco).    Sheikh `Abdallah
al-Ahmar ( Yemen) : Speaker of the Yemeni Parliament, founder of the
Association for Aid to Al-Aqsa [Mosque]. He has ties with Hamas
activists in Yemen (See Appendix I, Document No. 1).    Sheikh Dr. `

Abd al-Majid al-Zindani ( Yemen) : A prominent " Afghanistan veteran"
and one of Osama bin Laden's "spiritual fathers." He founded the
Al-Iman ("faith"), an Islamic college (now university) in Yemen, whose
students were involved in terrorist attacks on American targets. The
United States declared him a bin Laden-Al Qaeda supporter. He was
involved in acquiring weapons for Al Qaeda and other terrorist
organizations, and served as the liaison between the radical Kurdish
Islamic organization Ansar al-Islam [The Supporters of Islam] and Al

Yussuf Islam ( Britain) : Yussuf Islam is name the singer Cat Stevens
chose when he converted to Islam. He is head of a British organization
called Muslim Aid. The United States recently ( September 21, 2004)
refused him entry on the grounds he was suspected of transferring
funds to Hamas and to the blind sheikh `Imad `Abd al-Rahman, under
arrest in the United States for his part in attack on the World Trade
Center in 1993. In the past he was refused entry into Israel    Dr.
Ahmad al-Rawi ( Britain) : Head of the Union of Islamic Organizations
in Europe.    

Sheikh Ikrimah Sabri ["The Mufti of Palestine" in the original] : The
Mufti of Jerusalem, Al-Aqsa's chief preacher and in effect the highest
Islamic authority in the Palestinian Authority (bearing the official
title of "The Mufti of Palestine" on the board of trustees of the UG).
An extremist who often preaches about the "liberation of Palestine"
through jihad , including suicide bombing attacks.    

Sheikh Hamid al-Bitawi (" Palestine") : Chairman of Al-Tadhamun
Charitable Society in Nablus, which was outlawed in 2002 because of
its ties to Hamas. He is chairman of the Palestinian Islamic Scholars
Association, and a prominent Hamas figure in the West Bank.    Bassam
Nihad Jarrar (" Palestine") : A leading Hamas figure in Ramallah , one
of the deportees to Marj al-Zahour, southern Lebanon, December 1992. 
  Dr. `Azzam Nu'aman `Abd al-Raham Salhoub (" Palestine") : A
prominent Hamas figure in Hebron, was vice-chairman of the Islamic
Charitable Society in Hebron.    Sheikh Ra'ed Salah (" Palestine") :
Head of the northern (extremist) division of the Islamic Movement in
Israel.    Sheikh Ibrahim Jibril ( South Africa). 

Palestinian representation on the board of trustees 

 The Union of Good's administration is made up of Islamic figures from
all over the Arab and Muslim world, and also includes representatives
from " Palestine," which, according to the organization's Internet
site, includes the territory of the State of Israel. " Palestine" is
represented by three senior Hamas figures: Sheikh Hamid al-Bitawi who
represents Nablus; Dr. `Essam Salhoub, Hebron; and Bassam Jarrar,

Three Hamas activists from the West Bank, " Palestine's" representatives 
on the board of trustees of the Union of Good 

 The Hamas activists from the West Bank were joined by two individuals
(who, in the eyes of the UG , also represent " Palestine") who hold
extremist Islamic views: Sheikh Ikrimah Sabri, and Sheikh Ra'ed Salah,
in Israeli custody (as of January 2005). 
Sheikh Yussuf al-Qardawi, chairman of the Union of Good's board of
Sheikh Yussuf Mustafa al-Qardawi , chairman of the board at the UG ,
is a leading Islamic scholar, one of the most prominent in the Sunni
Muslim world. He has played a central role in fomenting anti-Israeli
sentiment in the Arab and Muslim world today. 

That can be clearly seen in the fatwa he issued which gave
Islamicreligious justification for the Palestinian terrorist
organizations' perpetration of suicide bombing attacks, including
those perpetrated by female terrorists against Israel (for the full
text of the fatwa, see Appendix F, for a description of the sheikh,
see Appendix G).         
Transferring funds from the Union of Good to the Islamic charitable
society Al-Tadhamun in Nablus for the support of shaheed families,
including those who perpetrated suicide bombing attacks in Israel. 
 During Operation Defensive Shield (April 2002) documents of
Al-Tadhamun, a Hamas-affiliated Islamic charitable society in Nablus,
fell into Israeli army hands. The Society is headed by sheikh Hamid
al-Bitawi, who sits on the UG's board of trustees. 

The documents deal with the transfer of funds collected by the UG to
the families of shaheeds who died during the ongoing violent
Palestinian-Israeli confrontation. The list of names includes those of
suicide bombers who were killed while perpetrating such attacks in
Israel between January and March 2002, the months leading up to
Operation Defensive Shield. 
Sheikh Hamid al-Bitawi, one of "Palestine's" representatives on the
UG's board of trustees, carrying a weapon in Nablus during a ceremony
to commemorate Mahmoud Maydani, a high-ranking Hamas activist who died
in a targeted killing in February 2001 (From Al-Najah University's
student organization Internet site, February 22, 2001).Sheikh Hamid
al-Bitawi: "charity" and terrorism…      

 The list of shaheeds also notes the circumstances of their deaths,
including those who died during suicide bombing attacks, proving that
the UG was in all probability fully aware that the donations it
collected were given to the families of Palestinian terrorists,
including suicide bombers who caused the deaths and wounding of
thousands of Israeli (including Israeli Arabs) citizens and foreign
civilians.  It should be noted that the aid promised to the families
of shaheeds is an important factor in motivating young Palestinians
recruited to the ranks of terrorists. 

It is particularly important for those sent to blow themselves up,
who, experience has shown, in all probability know beforehand that
their families will win respect and receive generous financial aid
after their deaths. 

 Al-Tadhamun Society in Nablus, a way-station for funds paid to the
families of shaheeds of all the Palestinian terrorist organizations,
is a veteran Islamic association founded by the Muslim Brotherhood in
1956 and today run by Hamas. Besides its social-educational activities
it is an important factor in Hamas' terrorism-supporting apparatus in
the Nablus region in particular and the northern part of Samaria in

The Union of Good in Palestinian Authority perspective  A file of
documents, found in Palestinian Preventive Security headquarters in
Gaza and addressed to Arafat, deals with the activities of the UG. The
documents show the UG in Palestinian perspective and note that it is
considered one of the organizations which supports Hamas. (Rashid Abu
Shbak, head of Palestinian Preventive Security in the Gaza Strip,
reported to Arafat on September 2, 2002, that a UG delegation was
visiting Yemen and meeting with Hamas and radical Islamic activists.
For the original documents and their translation see Appendix H.) 

 As part of its actions against Hamas' civilian infrastructure, in
January 2001 the PA froze funds transferred from the UG to Al-Islah
Charitable Society in Ramallah.14 On January 6, 2003, the Hamas
Internet site reported that acting on Palestinian General Intelligence
orders the "Palestinian Monetary Authority" had confiscated checks
amounting to $50,000 which had been donated by the Lebanese branch of
the UG and transferred to Al-Islah Charitable Society in Ramallah.
According to the report, "informed sources" said that a high-ranking
member of Palestinian General Intelligence in Ramallah had ordered the
confiscation of all checks originating in Lebanon, Iraq, Syria and
Iran, on the grounds that they were intended for the support of
14. A Hamas-affiliated "charitable society" through which the Union of
Good operates in the West Bank district. 

 This bulletin contains the following appendices:    

Appendix A : The transfer of funds from the UG to Al-Tadhamun
Charitable Society in Nablus (jam'iyyat al-tadhamun al-khayriyyah
al-islamiyyah), a test case for the UG's willingly having aided Hamas'
terrorism-supporting apparatus.    

Appendix B : The transfer of funds by the UG to the Hamas-affiliated
Jenin Charity Committee.    

Appendix C : The transfer of funds from the UG through Al-Tadhamun to
the Hamas-affiliated Tulkarm Charitable Society.    

Appendix D : The transfer of funds from the UG to the Hamas-affiliated
Ramallah-Al-BirehAl-Islah Charitable Society.    

Appendix E : The names of organizations and bodies belonging to the

Appendix F : Encouraging terrorism: The fatwa of sheikh Yussuf
al-Qardawi, chairman of the board of the UG, permitting – and even
encouraging – the participation of Muslim women in the perpetration of
suicide bombing attacks.    

Appendix G : Profile of Sheikh Dr. Yussuf al-Qardawi, chairman of the
board of the UG.    

Appendix H : A list of the Union of Good's board of trustees (original

Appendix I : A memorandum and accompanying documents from Rashid Abu
Shbak, head of Palestinian Preventive Security in Gaza, to Arafat
about the activities of the UG, presented as one of the organizations
supporting Hamas.        

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