Tends to validate the brain drain and R&D offshore migration premises
of post 51424, Off Track.

David Bier


India's R&D: Reaching for the Top

    Raghunath A. Mashelkar
    Raghunath A. Mashelkar began life in poverty, sometimes hungry and
shoeless. Now he is the director general of the Council of Scientific
& Industrial Research (CSIR), a chain of 38 publicly funded industrial
R&D institutions in India, and president of the Indian National
Science Academy. That personal experience of ascendance from dire
circumstances, improvements in his country's infrastructure, and
changing patterns of scientific emigration and immigration have
convinced him that India is fated to become one of the world's
greatest intellectual and economic engines. Before becoming a leading
architect of his country's science and technology policies, Dr.
Mashelkar did pioneering work in polymer science and engineering,
which earned him many international laurels. He is a Fellow of the
Royal Society (London), a Fellow of the Academy of Sciences for the
Developing World (TWAS), and a Foreign Fellow of the U.S. National
Academy of Engineering. Dubbed a "dangerous optimist" in India, he is
deeply committed to championing the cause of the developing world. He
is also known in India for several high-powered "Mashelkar
Committees," which have influenced such societal sectors as higher
education, drug regulatory systems, and national automobile fuel policy.


All essays appearing in this series can be found online at

Five years ago, during my presidential address to the Indian Science
Congress, I made a prediction: "The next century will belong to India,
which will become a unique intellectual and economic power to reckon
with, recapturing all its glory, which it had in the millennia gone
by," I told the gathering of 5000, among them the country's prime

It must have sounded crazy. How could a country with so many
impoverished people, and so many illiterates, rise to have such a
central global role? What possibly could have given me the confidence
to make such a prediction?

The confidence came from a little boy. In the late 1950s, this boy
struggled to have two meals a day while he studied under the
streetlights and went barefoot to school. This same boy almost left
school in 1960, because his poor widowed mother could not support his
education. That this boy, who is myself, could become the president of
the Indian Science Congress is what gave me the confidence to say that
India could again achieve intellectual and economic greatness. If this
miracle could happen to any Indian, then given an opportunity, it can
happen to every Indian.

My own turn toward science began at a poor school in Mumbai (the local
name for Bombay). I remember Principal Bhave, who taught us physics.
One day, he took us outside the classroom to demonstrate how to find
the focal length of a convex lens. He focused the sun's rays onto a
piece of paper and told us that the distance between the paper and the
lens was the focal length. Then he held the lens in place until the
paper burned. That's when he turned to me and said, "Mashelkar, if you
can focus your energies like this and not diffuse them, you can burn
anything in the world!" I decided at that moment to become a scientist.

I indeed focused on my goal, invariably placing first in my classes.
After earning a bachelor's degree in chemical engineering from Bombay
University in 1966, I received fellowship offers for graduate study in
the United States and Canada. But I decided to remain in India to
pursue my studies toward a Ph.D. I did postdoctoral research in the
United Kingdom, held a faculty position there, and then had a brief
stint in the United States as a visiting professor. But in the
mid-1970s, when attractive offers came my way for faculty positions in
top schools in the United States and United Kingdom, I decided to
return to India.

In this essay, I focus on the importance of returnees to poor
countries such as India. I will examine how demographic shifts are
creating shortages of skilled scientists and engineers in developed
economies and leading to a new dynamic in human capital that is
enabling some developing countries to emerge as "global R&D hubs." I
also address ways in which global funding sources can be leveraged in
such countries to create new knowledge devoted to the global good.

Intellectual Capital

Let me first address the issue of migration of talented students from
the developing world to the developed world. In 1926, the distribution
of scientific productivity was analyzed by Alfred J. Lotka of the
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company in New York. The result of his
investigation, which remains largely valid, was an inverse square law
of productivity, by which the number of people producing n papers is
inversely proportional to n2. This means that for every 100 authors
who produce, say, one paper in a given period of time, there are
approximately 100/22, or 25 authors, who produce two papers and one
author, who will produce 10 papers. Thirty years later, the same law
was found to be applicable to patents.

This means that the bulk of scientific and technological creativity
and productivity lies in the minds and abilities of a small number of
highly talented individuals. Since India gained independence in 1947,
the country has consistently lost such individuals to the developed
world. The country's leaders comforted themselves by assuming that the
number of scientific émigrés was too small for a country of 1 billion
people to worry about. But they were not considering Lotka's law and
so did not realize that by losing the top tier of talent, we also lost
most of our intellectual energy.

    Figure 2Indica-tions of things to come. The Indica car, first
designed and built in India for Indians in the 1990s, now is selling
in European markets.


A recent report by the United Nations Development Programme* estimates
that 100,000 Indian professionals leave the country every year to take
up jobs in the United States. If one considers the potential economic
gains, which these exceptionally talented people could have brought to
India, one realizes that the economic losses due to this mass
migration are enormous.

Invariably it is assumed that the main driving force for the brain
drain is economic. People go to the developed world in search of a
higher income, so the theory goes. But I do not think material gain is
the only reason. After all, according to a recent study by the U.S.
National Science Foundation, the number of scientists and engineers
who left Japan to work in the United States and who did not return
jumped by 100% between 1995 and 1999. Yet Japan, unlike India, already
is a developed country with many high-paying jobs. The Italian
scientist Riardo Giacconi, a Nobel Laureate in Physics, summed up what
might be the most important factor behind such a brain drain when he
said: "A scientist is like a painter. Michelangelo became a great
artist, because he had been given a wall to paint. My wall was given
to me by the United States."

Only now are such walls becoming available in developing countries,
but for reasons that could not have been anticipated 10 years ago.

This past December, I visited the John F. Welch Technology Centre in
Bangalore. With 2300 employees, it is General Electric's (GE's)
largest single location for R&D in the world. I found that 700 of the
employees were young Indians, who had chosen to come back to India
from the United States during the preceding 3 to 4 years. GE is not
alone in setting up shop in India. More than 100 global companies
including IBM, Motorola, and Intel have established R&D centers in
India during the past 5 years, and more are coming. Many Indians who
received their training and early work experiences abroad are now
returning to India to work in these research centers. There is a
silent scientific repatriation taking place in India.

Why are the foreign companies, some of whom have budgets larger than
India's entire $6 billion R&D budget, moving a sizable portion of
their R&D infrastructures to India? I was present in Bangalore, 5
years ago, when the John. F. Welch Technology Centre was set up. When
Welch, who then was still GE's chief operating officer, was asked why
he was taking this step, he replied: "India is a developing country,
but it is a developed country as far as its intellectual
infrastructure is concerned. We get the highest intellectual capital
per dollar here."

One way to understand what Welch meant is to calculate the number of
scientific research publications the country produces per dollar that
is spent on R&D in India. Using the data provided by Sir David King
(chief scientific adviser to the UK government) for scientific
publications in major, peer-reviewed journals (SCI publications), I
calculated the number of journal publications per gross domestic
product (GDP) per capita per year. The top three nations were India
(31.7), China (23.32), and the United States (7.0). John Welch's
intuition was right!

My calculation has to be viewed carefully, of course. After all, the
percentage of all global SCI publications produced by India and China
is less than 2% each. But this also means that if India and China were
to increase their science and technology ranks by several fold (which
they are perfectly capable of doing) and invest more per scientist
(which already is happening), then it is possible for both countries
to enhance their competitiveness several fold. Indeed, if we apply
Lotka's law of scientific productivity, India's and China's
competitive advantage ought to increase by several orders of magnitude
as more and more of the most talented scientists return. In this way,
by shifting much of their R&D activity to countries such as India and
China, the world's industries can greatly bolster the domestic
intellectual capital of these countries.

Scientific Repatriation

As the direction of the brain drain shifts away from developed
countries, rather than toward them, shortages in R&D personnel in
developed economies are likely to arise. And as that happens, there
will be a greater drive toward multiple geographical and
organizational sources of technology. The impact of such shortages can
be seen by citing an example from the European Union (EU). For the EU
to meet the goal set at the 2002 Barcelona Summit of increasing R&D
spending as a share of GDP to 3% by 2010, the EU will have to add
700,000 new researchers to the workforce. As one EU representative put
it recently, there will be a greater draw on "Third World
researchers." As the professional opportunities and personal comforts
in their own countries increase, however, will these researchers
prefer migrating to Europe or working in their own countries?

The incentive to stay put is greater than ever. When I returned to
India in 1976, the personal comforts and professional opportunities
there were unbelievably limited. I remember having to endure a 3-year
waiting list to get my first telephone, a 2-year wait to buy a
scooter, and a 6-month wait to buy a black-and-white TV. Today you can
walk into a showroom and choose from among 20 TV models. And millions
of mobile phones now are sold in India every month.

Now consider the professional side. In my earlier career as a
scientist, it took me 2 years to buy a special type of flow meter that
I needed for my work on polymers. It was a struggle to gain access to
even a rudimentary computer. And scientific journals used to arrive by
sea mail, which made it hard for us to remain up-to-date on current
research. Now we have our own supercomputers and, thanks to the cyber
world, our scientists read Science at the same time as their American

    Figure 3 Tradition's future. Researchers in India are scouring
traditional remedies, like this miraculous fish treatment for asthma,
for clues to new medicines.


Most importantly, today's returnees to India are finding that the
opportunity to do cutting-edge research has increased many fold
compared to what it was when I returned in the 1970s. The latest Intel
chip and the latest GE aeroengine are being designed in Bangalore, for
example. True, these are multinational companies with headquarters
outside of India, but India-based companies are changing too. For one
thing, on 1 January 2005, India enacted a new patent regime that is
compliant with the World Trade Organization's TRIPS (Trade Related
Intellectual Property Rights) agreement, which establishes a set of
rules to ensure that intellectual property rights are respected in
international trade contexts.

In anticipation of the new challenges that will follow in the wake of
this action, Indian drug and pharmaceutical industries have increased
their R&D spending by 400% in the past 4 years, and they are now
looking to hire hundreds of Ph.D.'s. They also are shifting toward
more in-house innovative research. Rather than just copying drug
molecules made by others, the R&D programs of these industries now are
trying to create new therapeutic molecules. In a similar fashion, the
Indian automobile industry now is exporting indigenously designed and
manufactured cars such as the Indica to European markets.

Global Goods

Multinational companies are locating their R&D resources in India to
create proprietary knowledge for private good--that is, for the
stockholders--through private funding. However, my dream is to create
a global knowledge pool for global good through global funding. Here,
India can become an agent for change. This global-good perspective
could become the case in diverse sectors ranging from biotechnology to
information technology to space research.

This dream already has some momentum. First, consider a pedagogical
tool, the computer-based functional literacy (CBFL) program, developed
by Indian software pioneer Faqir Chand Kohli. Within a mere 8 to 10
weeks and at a cost of a mere U.S. $2 (provided a discarded computer
is supplied for free), an illiterate adult using this tool can read
his or her first newspaper. In the past 2 years alone, 40,000 adults
from five states in India have been made literate. If CBFL is launched
as the technical engine of a national literacy movement, in less than
5 years, 200 million adult illiterates can learn to read. The same
Indian innovation could be of great service to the rest of the world's
estimated 854 million illiterates too! To this end, the Indian
Institute of Technology in Madras has created a low-cost wireless
Internet access system that needs no modem and eliminates expensive
copper lines. It is just what is needed to offer CBFL to low-income
communities throughout India and beyond. The technology already is in
use in many countries, among them Fiji, Yemen, Nigeria, and Tunisia,
to name a few, and it has been licensed to manufacturers in India,
Brazil, China, South Africa, and France.

India can similarly become an innovation hub for global health. Its
reputation as a low-cost manufacturer of high-quality generic drugs
already is high. Now discovery, development, and delivery of new drugs
to the poor is another area in which India is becoming stronger. By
following alternative paths rather than beaten ones, India is aiming
to develop drugs at prices that are more affordable to more of the
world's people. For instance, India is trying to build a golden
triangle between traditional medicine, modern medicine, and modern
science. By culling clues from traditional medical practices,
researchers here are doing a sort of "reverse pharmacology," which is
showing great promise. Our recent program on developing a treatment
for psoriasis through a reverse pharmacology path (presently in phase
II human clinical trials) is expected to take 5 years and cost $5
million. If successful, the resulting treatment will be priced at $50,
quite a step down from a new $20,000 antibody injection treatment
developed by a western biopharmaceutical company! The opportunities
that are unfolding are breathtaking.

As I see it from my perch in India's science and technology
leadership, if India plays its cards right, it can become by 2020 the
world's number-one knowledge production center, creating not only
valuable private goods but also much needed public goods that will
help the growing global population suffer less and live better.


*United Nations Development Programme, Human Development Report 2001:
Making New Technologies Work for Human Development (Oxford Univ.
Press, New York, 2001).

National Science Board, Science and Engineering Indicators 2002;
available at www.nsf.gov/sbe/srs/seind02/start.htm.

D. King, Nature 430, 311 (2004).

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