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Inquiry and Analysis - Iraq
March 22, 2005
No. 213 

The Plight of Iraqi Christians 
By Dr. Nimrod Raphaeli* 

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The kidnapping of Archbishop Basil Georges Casmoussa on January 17, 2005
in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul, and his subsequent release the
following day, highlighted the plight of Iraqi Christians, like other
Iraqi communities, facing threats from Islamist terrorists bent on
plunging Iraq into ethnic conflict. 

Deep Roots and Current Violence 

The Iraqi daily Al-Mada recently carried a report about the ruins of
what is believed to be the oldest Eastern Christian church, discovered
in 1976 by an archeological team in the desert west of the holy Shi'ite
city of Karbala. The church, known as Al-Qusair Church, was built in the
5th century, 120 years before the appearance of Islam and almost two
centuries before the spread of Islam in what is known today as Iraq. 

The church (53x13 feet) had fifteen arched doors. Inside archeologists
found remnants of an altar and gammadion crosses. There were two small
cemeteries, one within the church walls intended for the priests and one
outside the walls for other church members. 

During the Saddam regime, the eastern side of the church was converted
into a training target for an artillery unit of the Iraqi army. A number
of unexploded shells have been found within the church's perimeter.
After the fall of Saddam, the tombs were desecrated by looters, who
hoped to find gold buried with the dead. The Iraqi Department of
Antiquities has recognized the historical significance of the church,
and restoration and preservation are being considered.(1) 

The Iraqi Christians 

Iraqi Christians represent three percent of the Iraqi population (which
is estimated at 26 million).(2) The overwhelming majority of Iraqi
Christians belong to the Chaldean Catholic Church - the Iraqi branch of
Roman Catholicism. Chaldean Catholics are also known as "Assyrians." The
patriarch of the Chaldean Catholic Church has clarified that "Assyrian"
is an ethnic identity and "Chaldean" is a religious one.(3) There are
other churches in Iraq, including the Roman Catholic, Protestant,
Baptist, Nestorian and Armenian. 

However, the distinction between these churches is not really understood
by most Iraqi Muslims, who look upon all Christians as "People of the
Book," as they are referred to in the Koran. 
Under the secular Ba'th regime, the Christians in Iraq, who presented no
threat to Saddam, enjoyed considerable religious freedom. In an
interview with the Arabic-language London daily Al-Hayat, the Latin
Patriarch in Iraq, Jan Suleiman, said that whenever Saddam Hussein was
approached regarding a problem affecting the Christian education system
in Iraq, he would intervene to resolve it.(4) 

Violence Against Individuals 

The high level of violence in Iraq has affected every sector of the
Iraqi population, and Christians are no exception. Christians, however,
have been specifically targeted by Islamists, who either accuse them of
collaborating with the "invading crusading army" or label them infidels.
As Islamist pressures mounted in Iraq, following its occupation,
Christian businesses were destroyed, Christian university students were
harassed and Christian women were forced to wear the veil.(5) 

Suspected of Collaboration 

Most Christian children attend Christian schools, where the teaching of
a foreign language, primarily English, is a high priority in the
curriculum. It is therefore understandable that the multinational forces
have tapped the Christian community for office and translation work.
However, the Christians are concerned that a prolonged occupation of
Iraq by the multinational forces under the command of the United States
will only heighten the accusations that they are collaborating with an
occupation "originating from a Christian country."(6) 

Recently, the unidentified "Brigades for the Liquidation of Christian
Agents and Spies" has threatened to liquidate those working with the
multinational forces and to "pursue them in their homes and churches."
In placards posted in Christian areas, the Brigades wrote: 

"The Christian minority enjoys peace and security in the land of the
Muslim and in our country in particular. Its members have held senior
positions in the State. But their malevolence toward Muslims became
evident when the occupier entered our country. He found great support
among them in the form of translators and agents who acted as informers
against Muslims. Their churches receive evangelist groups. They spread
moral corruption and pornography in our streets. Muslims have been
arrested, women raped and houses destroyed as a result of Christians
being agents of the occupiers."(7) 

Violence Against Churches 

In August 2004, five churches, one in Baghdad and four in Mosul, were
hit in one day, in a coordinated attack that killed 12 people. In
October, five churches in Baghdad were hit on the first day of the
Muslim month of Ramadan. In November, eight people were killed in two
church bombings.(8) The August attack on churches was followed on
September 10 by mortar attacks against the Assyrian town in Bakhdeda
(also referred to as Qarqosh) in the Ninevah Governorate in northern

The Destruction of Businesses 

With the public sector and the military all but closed to them,
Christians have focused on the services sector of the economy and retail
business. Because of Islamic restrictions on alcohol consumption, Iraqi
governments have limited the liquor retail business to Christians, who,
in turn, have been meeting an obviously high demand for alcoholic
beverages among a large segment of the Iraqi Muslim population. In fact,
a considerable amount of money under the "Oil for Food Program" was used
by the Saddam regime for the import of the most expensive brands of
alcoholic beverages for Saddam Hussein, his sons, and the high echelons
of the secular Ba'th ruling party. At one time, the Coalition
Provisional Authority was contemplating a public auction of high quality
vintage wine and champagne found in the cellars of the palaces of
Saddam, his sons, and their cronies. 

Shortly after the fall of Saddam, Islamists, who took control of the
streets of many Iraqi cities, began to target Christian owners of liquor
stores. They first ordered the owners to close their businesses; if the
owners failed to comply, the Islamists gutted the stores and often
killed the owners. An example is liquor merchant Bashir Toma Alias, who
was shot in the head in the center of a bazaar in Basra while on his way
home to celebrate Christmas.(10) 

Writing about the "deplorable attack against Chaldean Christians in
Iraq," the Chaldean New Agency wrote on October 7, 2004: 

"Not only did those heinous crimes result in the loss of innocent lives,
but worse, they have created tremendous hardships for those Chaldean
families whose very livelihood were attacked. With a lack of alternative
jobs, many of them are currently living off the charitable contributions
of the local Chaldean churches."(11) 

The report goes on to warn that unless these "Islamic terrorists" are
brought to justice, "Iraqi Chaldeans will continue to be an easy target
for such criminals who are bent on imposing their distorted version of
Islam by force."(12) It was reported that in the southern city of Basra,
the second largest city in Iraq, armed Shi'ite groups with names such as
"The Revenge of Allah," "Hizbullah," and "The Organization of Islamic
Doctrines," roam the streets to mete out "Islamic punishment" on traders
and users of alcohol, as well as on prostitutes. Four hundred Christian
stores were closed. 

According to Faysal Abdullah, the head of the Organization of Islamic
Doctrines, Islam "rewards those who seek martyrdom and who were
designated by Allah to uproot vice."(13) 

Often the police stand idly by in the face of crimes committed in their
presence because they are afraid of the armed Islamists or because they
sympathize with their aims. 

The Christians complain that after they were driven out of the liquor
business by Islamist groups, Muslims have taken over the business and
continue to sell liquor publicly.(14) 

The Islamists have also targeted barber shops run by Christians because
the Islamists object to haircuts and to shaving.(15) 

Harassment of Students 

Christian students at Iraqi universities are also subjected to
harassment and often to violence. At the University of Mosul, the second
largest university in Iraq, 1,500 Christian students recently decided to
suspend their studies because of threats to their lives by Islamists who
have taken control of the university.(16) Because many of these students
traveled to campus in buses from outside the city, they were afraid that
their transportation would be bombed if they persisted in attending the

A survey among Christian students carried out by the Iraqi daily Al-Mada
has found similar sentiments among Christian students attending other
institutions of higher learning in Iraq. They do not understand why they
are being victimized. Anna Mirfit Boutrus, a 22-year-old student at the
Technological University of Baghdad, expressed her distress: 

"Why do the terrorists want to prevent us from performing our religious
rites? Why do they bomb our churches? Why do they want to kill us
...What have we done to them? We are citizens of this land. This is our
country. We will not give it up and we will not replace it with
For female Christian students, there is incessant pressure to wear the
veil or put their lives in jeopardy.(19) 

Christmas Celebrations 

Christians celebrated Christmas in their homes, for fear of attacks.
Most churches avoided the traditional midnight Mass or large gatherings
of church goers.(20) Indeed, the churches called upon their parishioners
to avoid coming to churches on Christmas out of concern for their
safety.(21) Asked to comment on the situation on the eve of Christmas,
Patriarch Emanuel III, the Patriarch of Babylon, responded: 

"As leaders of the Christian communities in Iraq, we are pained by what
has happened to our country. There is destruction of our people,
resources, buildings and churches. We grieve the tragic death of many of
our children and the injuries and psychological shocks suffered by
others. Many of our citizens were subject to humiliating kidnapping,
thefts, and expulsion."(22) 

Sister Warda of the Daughters of Mary Convent commented that the
cancellation of Christmas celebrations must be viewed in perspective.
She said: "We cannot celebrate in isolation of what our relatives and
brothers are subjected to in our wounded country."(23) 

Conversion to Islam 

Chaldeans also complain about pressures to convert to Islam. When a
parent converts to Islam all minors in the family are forcefully
converted regardless of the wishes of the other parent.(24) 

Leaving the Country 

The plight of Iraqi Christians is part of a rapidly deteriorating
situation that is forcing Christians throughout the Middle East to seek
refuge in the West. A recent article by Majid Aziza in the Iraqi daily
Al-Zaman, a newspaper with a long-standing liberal pedigree, highlights
the plight of Christians in the Arab and Muslim world: 

"Christian natives of Arab countries are escaping their countries of
origin. Statistics show that a large number of them have emigrated to
countries which offer them and their children greater security, such as
the United States, Canada, Australia and some European countries. The
reason is the harassment to which they are subjected in countries they
have inhabited for thousands of years. Sometimes the harassment
originates from the regime; at other times it comes from extremist

Saddam and the Iraqi Christians 

On the one hand, Saddam Hussein supported Christian education; on the
other, he forced Christians out of their villages in the north as part
of the Arabization of Kirkuk and its environs. 

Many other Christians opted to leave their villages in the north because
of the unsettled conflict between the Kurds and Saddam's regime. Now
harassment by Islamists is forcing these transplants to return to the
villages of their ancestors in the north. In the words of one person who
plans to relocate: "Some of the Muslims consider us infidels. We are
being targeted. They will eat us alive."(25) For Christians who have
left Iraq, Syria remains the preferred country for temporary residence
for two reasons: first, no visa is required and second, it provides
security at a low cost of living.(26) Jordan is another country
populated by a large number of Iraqi Christians. 

Voting in the Elections 

In a meeting with a Christian delegation, Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani
denounced the attacks on the churches and called upon Christians to
participate in the elections to ensure maximum participation.(27)
Al-Sistani has also been quoted as saying that he would have no
objection for a Christian to be elected president of Iraq if he met the
appropriate qualifications.(28) 

There were no fewer than eight Christian parties that competed in the
January 30 elections. The Christians were determined to vote because
they believed an elected government would provide them with a measure of
security they now lacked. 

They also counted on massive participation of Iraqi Christians in the
Diaspora to vote for their parties.(29) The low rate of participation in
the elections of Iraqis in exile must have been disappointing to the
In the elections, one Christian party, the National Rafidain, received
approximately 37,000 votes, entitling it to one seat in the 275-seat

The low turnout of the Christian voters was involuntary. Many of the
Christians live in Sunni provinces, particularly in Ninevah and
Salahudin in the so-called Sunni triangle. Tens of thousands of
Christians who intended to vote discovered on election day that the
Independent Elections Committee did not provide ballot boxes in these
two provinces because of security concerns. Christians complained that
tens of thousands of their community were in essence disenfranchised,
particularly in the city of Mosul, for no fault of their own. Many
others may have sought the security of their homes rather than risk
violence while going out to vote.(30) 

*Dr. Nimrod Raphaeli is Senior Analyst of MEMRI's Middle East Economic
Studies Program. 

(1) Al-Mada (Baghdad), December 30, 2004. 
(2) Al-Zaman (Baghdad), September 22, 2004. 
(3) Jonathan Eric Lewis, "Iraqi Assyrians: Barometer of Pluralism," The
Middle East Quarterly, Vol. 10 (Summer 2003). 
(4) Interview with Arfan Rashid, Al-Hayat (London), October 4, 2004. 
(5) See MEMRI's Inquiry and Analysis No. 190, "Islamist Pressures in
Iraq," , September 29, 2004. 
(6) The Iraqi daily Al-Zaman (September 22, 2003) quoted a Chaldean
woman named Sanaa as claiming that she was repeatedly accused by Muslims
of being a cousin of the Americans. 
(7) , October 21, 2004. 
(8) Reuters, December 25, 2004. 
(9) Assyrian International News Agency, September 13, 2004. (10
)Al-Sharq Al-Awsat (London), December 31, 2004. 
(12) Loc. Cit. 
(13) Al-Sharq Al-Awsat (London), December 31, 2004. 
(14) Al-Sharq Al-Awsat (London), December 31, 2004. 
(15) Al-Sharq Al-Awsat (London), September 12, 2004. 
(16) Al-Zaman (Baghdad), October 21, 2004. 
(17) Al-Zaman (Baghdad), September 14, 2004. 
(18) Al-Mada (Baghdad) January 2, 2005. 
(19) Al-Zaman (Baghdad), December 24, 2004. 
(20) Al-Sharq Al-Awsat (London), December 26, 2004. 
(21) Al-Mada (Baghdad), January 2, 2005. (22) Al-Sabah (Baghdad),
December 25, 2004. 
(23) Ibid. 
(25) Al-Sharq Al-Awsat (London), September 12, 2004. 
(26) Al-Sharq Al-Awsat (London), August 17, 2004. 
(27) Al-Sabah (Baghdad), October 30, 2004. 
(28) Al-Sharq Al-Awsat (London), November 17, 2004. 
(29) Al-Hayat (Lebanon), December 11, 2004. 
(30) Al-Mada (Baghdad), February 6, 2005. 
The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) is an independent,
non-profit organization that translates and analyzes the media of the
Middle East. Copies of articles and documents cited, as well as
background information, are available on request. 
MEMRI holds copyrights on all translations. Materials may only be used
with proper attribution. 
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