

Illustration by Ed Sorel

The Crusaders

Christian evangelicals are plotting to remake America in their own image


It's February, and 900 of America's staunchest Christian fundamentalists
have gathered in Fort Lauderdale to look back on what they accomplished in
last year's election -- and to plan what's next. As they assemble in the
vast sanctuary of Coral Ridge Presbyterian, with all fifty state flags
dangling from the rafters, three stadium-size video screens flash the name
of the conference: reclaiming america for christ. These are the evangelical
activists behind the nation's most effective political machine -- one that
brought more than 4 million new Christian voters to the polls last
November, sending George W. Bush back to the White House and thirty-two new
pro-lifers to Congress. But despite their unprecedented power,
fundamentalists still see themselves as a persecuted minority, waging a
holy war against the godless forces of secularism. To rouse themselves,
they kick off the festivities with "Soldiers of the Cross, Arise," the
bloodthirstiest tune in all of Christendom: "Seize your armor, gird it
on/Now the battle will be won/Soon, your enemies all slain/Crowns of glory
you shall gain."

 Meet the Dominionists -- biblical literalists who believe God has called
them to take over the U.S. government. As the far-right wing of the
evangelical movement, Dominionists are pressing an agenda that makes Newt
Gingrich's Contract With America look like the Communist Manifesto. They
want to rewrite schoolbooks to reflect a Christian version of American
history, pack the nation's courts with judges who follow Old Testament law,
post the Ten Commandments in every courthouse and make it a felony for gay
men to have sex and women to have abortions. In Florida, when the courts
ordered Terri Schiavo's feeding tube removed, it was the Dominionists who
organized round-the-clock protests and issued a fiery call for Gov. Jeb
Bush to defy the law and take Schiavo into state custody. Their ultimate
goal is to plant the seeds of a "faith-based" government that will endure
far longer than Bush's presidency -- all the way until Jesus comes back.

"Most people hear them talk about a 'Christian nation' and think, 'Well,
that sounds like a good, moral thing,' says the Rev. Mel White, who
ghostwrote Jerry Falwell's autobiography before breaking with the
evangelical movement. "What they don't know -- what even most conservative
Christians who voted for Bush don't know -- is that 'Christian nation'
means something else entirely to these Dominionist leaders. This movement
is no more about following the example of Christ than Bush's Clean Water
Act is about clean water."

The godfather of the Dominionists is D. James Kennedy, the most influential
evangelical you've never heard of. A former Arthur Murray dance instructor,
he launched his Florida ministry in 1959, when most evangelicals still
followed Billy Graham's gospel of nonpartisan soul-saving. Kennedy built
Coral Ridge Ministries into a $37-million-a-year empire, with a
TV-and-radio audience of 3 million, by preaching that it was time to save
America -- not soul by soul but election by election. After helping found
the Moral Majority in 1979, Kennedy became a five-star general in the
Christian army. Bush sought his blessing before running for president --
and continues to consult top Dominionists on matters of federal policy.

"Our job is to reclaim America for Christ, whatever the cost," Kennedy
says. "As the vice regents of God, we are to exercise godly dominion and
influence over our neighborhoods, our schools, our government, our
literature and arts, our sports arenas, our entertainment media, our news
media, our scientific endeavors -- in short, over every aspect and
institution of human society."

At Reclaiming America, most of the conference is taken up by grassroots
training sessions that supply ministers, retirees and devout churchgoers
with "The Facts of Stem-Cell Research" or "Practical Steps to Impact Your
Community with America's Historical Judeo-Christian Heritage." "We're going
to turn you into an army of one," Gary Cass, executive director of
Reclaiming America, promises activists at one workshop held in Evangalism
Explosion Hall. The Dominionists also attend speeches by supporters like
Rep. Katherine Harris of Florida, who urges them to "win back America for
God." In their spare time, conference-goers buy books about a God-devised
health program called the Maker's Diet or meet with a financial adviser who
offers a "biblically sound investment plan."

To implement their sweeping agenda, the Dominionists are working to remake
the federal courts in God's image. In their view, the Founding Fathers
never intended to erect a barrier between politics and religion. "The First
Amendment does not say there should be a separation of church and state,"
declares Alan Sears, president and CEO of the Alliance Defense Fund, a team
of 750 attorneys trained by the Dominionists to fight abortion and gay
marriage. Sears argues that the constitutional guarantee against
state-sponsored religion is actually designed to "shield" the church from
federal interference -- allowing Christians to take their rightful place at
the head of the government. "We have a right, indeed an obligation, to
govern," says David Limbaugh, brother of Rush and author of Persecution:
How Liberals Are Waging War Against Christianity. Nothing gets the
Dominionists to their feet faster than ringing condemnations of judicial
tyranny. "Activist judges have systematically deconstructed the
Constitution," roars Rick Scarborough, author of Mixing Church and State.
"A God-free society is their goal!"

Activist judges, of course, are precisely what the Dominionists want. Their
model is Roy Moore, the former Alabama chief justice who installed a
5,300-pound granite memorial to the Ten Commandments, complete with an open
Bible carved in its top, in the state judicial building. At Reclaiming
America, Roy's Rock sits out front, fresh off a tour of twenty-one states,
perched on the flag-festooned flatbed of a diesel truck, a potent symbol of
the "faith-based" justice the Dominionists are bent on imposing. Activists
at the conference pose for photographs beside the rock and have circulated
a petition urging President Bush to appoint Moore -- who once penned an
opinion calling for the state to execute "practicing homosexuals" -- to the
U.S. Supreme Court.

"The other side knows we've got strongholds in the executive and
legislative branches," Cass tells the troops. "If we start winning the
judiciary, their power base is going to be eroded."

To pack the courts with fundamentalists like Moore, Dominionist leaders are
planning a massive media blitz. They're also pressuring Senate Majority
Leader Bill Frist -- an ally who's courting support for his presidential
bid -- to halt the long-standing use of filibusters to hold up judicial
nominations. An anti-filibuster petition circulating at the conference
blasts Democrats for their "outrageous stonewalling of appointments" --
even though Congress has approved more nominees of Bush than of any
president since Jimmy Carter.

It helps that Dominionists have a direct line to the White House: The Rev.
Richard Land, top lobbyist for the 16-million-member Southern Baptist
Convention, enjoys a weekly conference call with top Bush advisers
including Karl Rove. "We've got the Holy Spirit's wind at our backs!" Land
declares in an arm-waving, red-faced speech. He takes particular aim at the
threat posed by John Lennon, denouncing "Imagine" as a "secular anthem"
that envisions a future of "clone plantations, child sacrifice, legalized
polygamy and hard-core porn."

The Dominionists are also stepping up efforts to turn public schools into
forums for evangelism. In a landmark case, the Alliance Defense Fund is
suing a California school district that threatened to dismiss a born-again
teacher who was evangelizing fifth-graders. In the conference's opening
ceremony, the Dominionists recite an oath they dream of hearing in every
classroom: "I pledge allegiance to the Christian flag, and to the Savior
for whose kingdom it stands. One Savior, crucified, risen and coming again,
with life and liberty for all who believe."

Cass urges conference-goers to stack school boards with Dominionists. "The
most humble Christian is more qualified for office than the best-educated
pagan," says Cass, an anti-abortion activist who led a takeover of his
school district's board in San Diego. "We built quite a little grass-roots
machine out there. Now it's my burden to multiply that success all across

Cass points to the Rev. Gary Beeler, a Baptist minister from Tennessee who
got permission for thousands of students to skip class and attend weeklong
events that he calls "old-time revivals, with preaching and singing and
soul-saving and the whole nine yards." Now, with support from Kennedy,
Beeler is selling his house and buying a mobile home to spread his crusade
nationwide. "It's not exactly what I planned to do with my retirement," he
says. "But it's what God told me to do."

Cass also presents another small-town activist, Kevin McCoy, with a Salt
and Light Award for leading a successful campaign to shut down an
anti-bullying program in West Virginia schools. McCoy, a soft-spoken,
prematurely gray postal worker, fought to end the program because it taught
tolerance for gay people -- and thus, in his view, constituted a "thinly
disguised effort to promote the homosexual agenda." "What America needs,"
Cass tells the faithful, "is more Kevin McCoys."

While the dominionists rely on grass-roots activists to fight their
battles, they are backed by some of America's richest entrepreneurs. Amway
founder Rich DeVos, a Kennedy ally who's the leading Republican contender
for governor of Michigan, has tossed more than $5 million into the
collection plate. Jean Case, wife of former AOL chief Steve Case -- whose
fortune was made largely on sex-chat rooms -- has donated $8 million. And
Tom Monaghan, founder of Domino's Pizza, is a major source of cash for
Focus on the Family, a megaministry working with Kennedy to eliminate all
public schools.

The one-two punch of militant activists and big money has helped make the
Dominionists a force in Washington, where a growing number of congressmen
owe their elections to the machine. Kennedy has also created the Center for
Christian Statesmanship, which trains elected officials to "more
effectively share their faith in the public arena." Speaking to the group,
House Majority Whip Tom DeLay -- a winner of Kennedy's Distinguished
Christian Statesman Award -- called Bush's faith-based initiatives "a great
opportunity to bring God back into the public institutions of our country."

The most vivid proof of the Christianizing of Capitol Hill comes at the
final session of Reclaiming America. Rep. Walter Jones, a lanky congressman
from North Carolina, gives a fire-and-brimstone speech that would have
gotten him laughed out of Washington thirty years ago. In today's climate,
however, he's got a chance of passing his pet project, the Houses of
Worship Free Speech Restoration Act, which would permit ministers to
endorse political candidates from their pulpits, effectively converting
their tax-exempt churches into Republican campaign headquarters.

"America is under assault!" Jones thunders as his aides dash around the
sanctuary snapping PR photos. "Everyone in America has the right to speak
freely, except for those standing in the pulpits of our churches!" The amen
chorus reaches a fever pitch. Hands fly heavenward. It's one thing to hear
such words from Dominionist leaders -- but to this crowd, there's nothing
more thrilling than getting the gospel from a U.S. congressman. "You cannot
have a strong nation that does not follow God," Jones preaches, working up
to a climactic, passionate plea for a biblical republic. "God, please --
God, please -- God, please -- save America!"

 (Posted Apr 07, 2005)

R. A. Hettinga <mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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