Al-Zarqawi's Group 'Creed and Methodology' Reiterates Mandate of Jihad,
Battling 'Infidels, Apostates, Shia'
Jihadist Websites -- in Arabic 24 Mar 05

Terrorism: Al-Zarqawi's Group 'Creed and Methodology' Reiterates Mandate of
Jihad, Battling 'Infidels, Apostates, Shia'

On 21 March, "Sayf al-Islam al-Athari," a new but active participant in The
Lion's Den, posted the creed and methodology for Abu-Mus'ab al-Zarqawi's
al-Qa'ida of Jihad Organization in the Land of the Two Rivers [Tanzim
Qa'idat al-Jihad fi Bilad al-Rafidayn] which was issued by the Legal Council
of the group.    The council used Koranic verses and religious opinions to
explain the extremist Salafist beliefs of the group members and included
their program of following the Koran and Sunnah, jihad against God's
enemies, respect for Muslims and their property per Islamic law, the mandate
of jihad, and the priority of battling "infidels" and "apostates," and
defending Islam.    "Sayf al-Islam al-Athari" claimed to have copied the
statement from an original posting to the password-protected Al-Ansar Net by
"Abu-Maysarah al-Iraqi."

A translation of the statement follows:

"Our Creed and Methodology" by the Legal Council of the Al-Qa'ida of Jihad
Organization in the Land of the Two Rivers Tenet

We praise God, seek His help, and ask for His forgiveness.   We seek refuge
in God from our own evil and wrongdoings.   No one can mislead a person who
is guided by God and no one can guide a person whom God does not lead.   We
testify that there is no deity but God alone who has no partner.   We
testify that Muhammad is God's messenger.   God Almighty said: "O ye who
believe! Fear Allah as He should be feared, and die not except in a state of
Islam" [Koranic verse].   "O mankind! Reverence your Guardian-Lord, who
created you from a single person, created, of like nature, His mate, and
from them twain scattered (like seeds) countless men and women; - reverence
Allah, through whom ye demand your mutual (rights), and (reverence) the
wombs (That bore you): for Allah ever watches over you" [Koranic verse].
"O ye who believe! Fear Allah, and (always) say a word directed to the
Right: That He may make your conduct whole and sound and forgive you your
sins: He that obeys Allah and His Messenger, has already attained the
highest achievement" [Koranic verse].   

The following is the creed and methodology of the al-Qa'ida of Jihad
Organization in the Land of the Two Rivers.   It sheds light on our
situation and what we have agreed on.   We believe in the faith of God
Almighty, we adhere to it, and we fight in the cause of God.   All praise be
to Him.

We believe that there is no god other than God Almighty in the highest.   We
worship Him alone.   We believe in defending tawhid [monotheism in Islam]
and eliminating polytheism.   We testify that there is no deity but God
alone who has no partner.   This is the most important aspect of our creed.
A Muslim abides by the conditions of tawhid.   On the other hand, someone
who does not adhere to the conditions of tawhid or who commits an act that
contradicts tawhid is an infidel even though he claims he is Muslim.   

We believe that God Almighty is the Creator.   All praise be to Him.   He is
the All-powerful.   He is the first and last.   "There is nothing whatever
like unto Him, and He is the One that hears and sees (all things)" [Koranic
verse].   We do not abandon our religious creed.   We praise the names of
God Almighty as they appear in the Koran and Sunnah without distortion.   

We believe that Muhammad is God's messenger for the entire human race.   We
should obey all what he was told.   We should believe in him and accept
everything he said.   The Almighty said: "But no, by the Lord, they can have
no (real) Faith, until they make thee judge in all disputes between them,
and find in their souls no resistance against Thy decisions, but accept them
with the fullest conviction"   [Koranic verse].   

We believe in God's revered angels.   They obey God's orders.   They do what
they are ordered to do.   It is a religious faith to love them and atheism
to hate them. 

We believe that the Koran is the word of God Almighty in letter and spirit.
It is a duty to exalt God's word and abide by the rulings of the Koran.

We believe in all the prophets and messengers of God Almighty, including the
first prophet, Adam, and the last, Muhammad, prayers and peace be upon him.
The prophets are fraternal brothers who were sent with the message of
monotheism -- one Lord of the universe.   

We believe that the Sunnah is the second revelation.   It clarifies and
interprets the Koran.   We do not allow anyone, no matter who they are, to
contravene the Sunnah.   We avoid heresies of all kinds.   

The love of our prophet is a duty.   It is atheism and hypocrisy to hate
him.   Since we love our prophet, we love and respect his family.   We do
not exceed proper bounds or slander them.   We are pleased with the entire
companions and we speak well of them.   It is a duty to love them and
hypocrisy to hate them.   We do not discuss their disagreements.   They are
the best ancestors.   

We believe in destiny -- good and bad.   It is all God's will.   The
Almighty has absolute authority.   Whatever God wants will happen and
whatever He does not want will never happen.   God Almighty is the creator
of the actions of mankind, who should choose their deeds with permission
from God.   Destiny is God's mercy and justice.   

We believe that the ordeal of the grave is justice.   God torments whoever
He wishes and forgives whoever He wants.   We believe in Munkar and Nakir
[the two angels who examine the dead in their graves as to their faith].
We say God is Great whenever God's apostle is mentioned.   God Almighty
said: "Allah will establish in strength those who believe, with the word
that stands firm, in this world and in the Hereafter; but Allah will leave,
to stray, those who do wrong: Allah doeth what He willeth."

We believe in resurrection after death.   We believe in the Hereafter.   We
believe in the Day of Judgment, the balance by which God weighs conduct, and
the right path.   Heaven is justice and hell is justice for whom who
deserves any of them.   

We believe in the portents of the Day of Judgment.   We believe in the
narration of the prophet, prayers and peace be upon him.   Ever since God
created Adam and until the Day of Judgment, the issue of the imposter
Messiah is the gravest sedition.   We believe in the advent of Isa [Jesus],
peace be upon him.   We believe in the reestablishment of a wise caliphate
in harmony with the prophet's advice.

We believe that God will take a group of monotheists out of fire at the
entreaty of the faithful, who intercede in favor of monotheists.
Intercession is a right that God bequeaths on whom He wants.   We believe in
the intercession of our Prophet Muhammad, who has a station of praise and
glory on the Day of Judgment.

Faith should be expressed in words and deeds.   Faith is belief in Paradise.
A person should express his faith with might and main.   A believing heart
should express itself in practice.   Love, fear, and hope are expression of
the heart.

Obedience reinforces faith while disobedience undermines it.   The righteous
prophet said that faith is divided into branches.   The main branch is:
There is no deity but God alone.   The minor branch is elimination of harm
from the path.   Faith ceases to exist if the main branches are removed,
including the branches of tawhid -- there is no deity but God alone and
Muhammad is the messenger of God -- and praying.   Adultery, drinking
alcohol, and robbery undermine faith.

We do not excommunicate monotheists or those who pray toward the qiblah
[direction to which Muslims turn in praying] if they commit such sins as
adultery, drinking alcohol, or theft unless they declare these sins
permissible.   We have a middle ground between ultra-Khawarij [dissidents]
and non-compliant ahl al-Irja [proponents of a sect that separates between
belief and action].

Those who commit atheism in their heart, with their tongue, or by their
actions will be excommunicated and will go to hell forever provided that all
conditions for excommunication exist.   Threat and excommunication will be
exercised against unbelievers and those who commit major sins.   We do not
excommunicate people for mere suspicion.   

We excommunicate those who do not believe in God and His apostle.   Everyone
who believes in a religion other than Islam is an atheist whether or not he
is aware of the truth.   However, the punishment of the Hereafter shall only
fall on those who are aware of the truth.   The Almighty said: "Nor would We
visit with Our Wrath until We had sent an apostle (to give warning)"
[Koranic verse].   

We will treat every person the way we treat Muslims if he testifies that
there is no deity but God alone and that Muhammad is God's messenger and if
he does not violate any of the rules of Islam.   God Almighty is aware of
secrets.   A person who shows us that he performs religious rituals will be
treated as a Muslim.   God deals with hidden secrets.   

We view the Rafidin [derogatory term for Shia] as a sect of polytheism and

We believe that atheist countries are the countries that are dominated by
atheism -- where atheist, not Islamic, rules are implemented.   This does
not mean that we excommunicate the population of these countries since the
state of Islam has not been established.   Power is in the hand of apostates
in Muslim countries.   We do not agree with radicals who say that people are
unbelievers until proven otherwise.   Rather, every person, including an
unbeliever, has individual circumstances.   

We believe that all tenets of secularism -- including nationalism,
communism, and Ba'thism -- are a blatant violation of Islam.   A person who
believes in any of them is non-Muslim.   

Our Methodology

Our sources of inference are the Book [Koran], Sunnah, and the wisdom of the
virtuous ancestors who live in the favorite first three centuries.   

We believe it is permissible to pray for faithful, sinful, or average

Jihad will continue until the Day of Judgment whether or not an imam exists
and whether he is trustworthy or ruthless.   Jihad will not be deferred if
an imam does not exist since the advantages of jihad will not materialize if
jihad is delayed.   Spoils should be divided in accordance with the
Shari'ah.   Every believer should initiate jihad against the enemy even
though he is left alone.   

The blood, honor, and resources of Muslims should not be wasted unless
indicated otherwise in the Shari'ah and by the apostle, prayers and peace be
upon him.   

Jihad becomes an individual duty if assailant infidels attack Muslims.
There is no condition to jihad, which should be launched by the means
readily available.   Next to faith, there is nothing more important than
repulsing an assailant enemy who ruins the religion and the world.

The atheism of apostates is graver than original sins.   Consequently,
fighting apostates is more important for us than fighting sinners.   A
sinner should never assume power as an imam or else he must be deposed and
disobeyed.   It is a duty that Muslims should overthrow him and appoint a
just imam, if they could.   

Faith is established by means of the Koran that guides and the sword that
achieves victory.   Our jihad should be launched by means of sword, spear,
reason, and evidence.   

A person is our foe if he calls for a religion other than Islam, slanders
our faith, or unsheathes his sword against us.   

We renounce division and disagreement and we call for unanimity and accord.

We do not excommunicate or abandon a Muslim regarding issues of ijtihad
[independent judgment].

We believe in the importance of the unity of the nation -- particularly
mujahidin -- under one banner.   

Muslims are one nation.   Arabs or non-Arabs, piety is what counts the most.
Muslim blood is equal.   The lowliest of Muslims seek to cause detriment to
other Muslims.   We do not deviate from the names that God assigned to us.

We ally with the friends of God Almighty.   We declare the enemy of God
Almighty as our enemy.   We excommunicate and wash our hands of every creed
other than Islam.   We abide by the Book and Sunnah and we avoid divergence
from the straight path.

This is our faith and this is our methodology.   They are our religion and
our tradition.   We are in agreement regarding them and we initiate jihad
for them.   

We ask God to guide us to the right path and help us to remain steadfast
until death.   We ask Him to enable us to conquer the countries, raise the
banner of tawhid and Sunnah, and fight apostasy and heresy.

God's prayers be upon our Prophet Muhammad and his entire family and

[Signed]   The Legal Council of the Al-Qa'ida of Jihad Organization in the
Land of the Two Rivers

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