Domestic Terrorism: The Threat From Within

Mike German
Former FBI Agent
Monday, June 6, 2005; 1:00 PM

The FBI has long maintained that Timothy McVeigh , who was executed in
2001 for the Oklahoma City bombing that claimed 168 lives a decade
ago, was the prototypical "lone wolf" terrorist. Other high-profile
acts of domestic terrorism have also been labeled the work of people
working alone. But in an article in Sunday's Outlook section, Mike
German, a former FBI agent who specialized in domestic
counter-terrorism, says that a wider conspiracy is behind these acts
of violence. He points to an array of extremist, white supremacist and
religious-inspired fanatic groups and says they share responsibility
for people like McVeigh by encouraging, inspiring and sometimes
training them. He says: "'Lone extremism' is not a phenomenon; it's a
technique, a ruse designed to subvert the criminal justice system."
And he urges the Justice Department to use civil suits to disrupt
these extremist groups.

Former FBI agent Mike German was online to discuss domestic terrorism
and his Sunday Outlook article, Behind the Lone Terrorist, a Pack

A transcript follows.


Arlington, Va.: Mike, what are the potential similarities and
differences between the resources (training, technology, etc.) that
the FBI and other law enforcement agencies need to track and monitor
the kinds of groups that you describe in your article, and the
resources needed to track and monitor potential al-Qaeda cells in the

Mike German: I think the problem is a lack of institutional knowledge
about how these groups operate, and too much routine turnover in FBI
Headquarters to build it. Heaquarters supervisors turn over after
about only 15 months in a particular job. That's not long enough to
learn about the terrorism problem- domestic or international- and
develop effective strategies to counter it.


Silver Spring, Md.: It seems pretty clear that President Bush, at this
time 4 years ago, was ignoring the international terrorism threat when
he could have been doing something to possibly prevent 9/11. Was there
any similar inattentiveness on the part of the Clinton administration
before Oklahoma City? Were there any missed warning signs, and are we
any better prepared now?

Mike German: Yes. And like the 9/11 failures, there were many reasons,
some of which still exist today. Domestic terrorism investigations are
regulated by Attorney General Guidelines meant to prevent abusive
investigations into unpopular groups. The AG Guidelines required the
FBI to initiate investigations of domestic groups only when there is a
reasonable indication of criminality. As a criminal investigator this
was my focus anyway, but FBI management often overstated the amount of
evidence needed to find a "reasonable indication" of criminality and
stymied investigations unnecessarily.

Domestic Terrorists are also often underestimated. Their beliefs are
so unusual and abhorrent that people mistakenly believe they are
stupid, which they are not. They are very organized and very
dangerous. Besides, it doesn't take a genius to make a bomb. Again,
there's a lack of good intelligence about what these groups are all about.


Alexandria, Va.: We are beginning to live in a world that harkens back
to the '60's, where labels abound and those labels quickly lose
significance. Terrorists; extremists; moderates; blues and reds; and
the list goes on...

My question is this: Does the FBI and other similar organizations have
clear definitions of the terms terrorism or extremism ~ and other
similar terms? For example, there is a dramatic difference between
"pro-lifers" and "anti-abortionists"; similarly, there is a dramatic
difference between "pro-choice" and "pro-abortionists". There are some
of all of these types in our society ~ including pro-abortionists, who
feel that certain types of people should not proliferate...

This is, frankly, getting very confusing for those of us trying to
understand issues of morality and ethics which are plagued with
comparisons, for example, between terrorists and freedom fighters.
Does this all come down to "one person's trash is another person's


Mike German: I agree with you and I'm afraid our desire to turn the
FBI into a domestic intelligence collecting agency will turn out to be
a mistake. As a criminal investigator I didn't concern myself with
what a particular group thought or said, but rather I concerned myself
with the criminal activity they were involved in, and focused my
efforts on gathering evidence of criminal acts. COINTELPRO
demonstrated how poorly the government restricts itself when it is
sure no one will find out what it's doing. My cases were prosecuted in
public trials, for all to judge whether the investigation was appropriate.


Chicago, Ill.: Mike, What kind if numbers are there estimated to be
when it comes to 'trained' potential terrorists out there? McVeigh had
military training, but the most common nightmare-Driven by 'Rambo'
movies, I guess-is that some ex-Green Beret/Navy Seal might have
extremist tendencies. It might not go over well with the ACLU, but are
such folks spied on? Thanks!

Mike German: Numbers are hard to come by because these are clandestine
groups, so most of what they do is secretive. Many people in the
movement have military training, and there are a lot of publicly
available training materials for terrorists. Especially online. A
large part of what these groups do on a day-to-day basis is to train
each other, either based on their own experience or these materials. I
don't believe the government needs to be spying on these groups. The
FBI should be conducting well predicated, proactive criminal
investigations like mine. The focus needs to be on the real criminals,
not just people whose message we don't like.


Washington, D.C.: The government's sole current interest in "domestic
terrorism" is in suppressing political dissent by environmental and
animal-protection advocates, not one of whom has ever killed anybody.
Meanwhile, the government is completely ignoring the numerous
right-wing groups which engage in assault, attempted murders, and mass
murders with frequency. The government simply lacks any credibility of
any kind on the issue of "domestic terrorism."

Mike German: I think it's important to keep the focus on criminality
rather than ideology. We all have a first amendment right to speak
out, but we don't have a right to force people to listen. Terrorism,
whatever the ideology, is about forcing people to listen to your
message. There are plenty of legitimate ways for people in this
country to get their message out, but violence- for whatever cause- is
not one of them.


Virginia: Not really a question, just a comment. I work in trying to
crack down on anti-tax resisters, which are one of the most common
ways people first get involved with the white supremacist movement. I
can say without hesitation that my agency (the IRS) is unable to see
the forest for the trees in dealing with these people and the problems
that they create. I agree that a national strategy to deal with this,
but there isn't anything in the pipeline right now that should give me
hope? Like you said, the solution is not going after the needles, but
the needle manufactures, but all I ever do is go after the needles,
and hear the same names of where they got the ideas from in the first
place who we're NOT going after.

Mike German: I shared your frustration and part of the reason I left
the FBI was to start getting the message out to the public and to the
Congress. But we can't all leave- so please stay and keep doing the
best you can.


Philadelphia, Pa.: I recall the paramilitary movement, which was
(still is?) prevalent in Pennsylvania. Organizations would provide
military type training which was advertised for people who wanted to
play soldier, but there was also a strong theme of learning how to arm
against the coming counterculture with strong hints of the coming
religious war, racial war, protecting yourself against the government
taking away your guns, etc. From your observation, who is organizing
these paramilitary groups and do they consciously hope to foster
soldiers who may take the racial/class warfare struggle on a
military-type basis on their own?

Mike German: I believe there are radical elements in most political
and social groups, whether they are anti-abortion, pro-gun, anti-tax,
pro-vegan, whatever. That's the problem with an intelligence-based
approach- we spend too much on learning everything there is to know
about the groups without focusing on the criminals within them.
Criminal investigations can be proactive, and focus all of the
resources on the real threat, rather than on others in the group who
are not a threat.


Lawrence, Mass.: In Jayna Davis' book, "The Third Terrorist", she
claims that the Oklahoma City bombing was the work of Iraqi agents
along with McVeigh. Is this true? And if it is, why the cover-up?

Mike German: I'm sorry to say I did not read Jayna Davis's book,
although I have read a lot about it and am familiar with what she
says. I also did not work on the McVeigh case so I have no first-hand
knowledge of the investigation. One of the interesting things about
being a criminal investigator was discovering how often there were
seemingly impossible coincidences uncovered during an investigation.
Whether the coincidental facts mean anything to the investigation
requires a lot of hard work and objectivity. Sometimes a coincidental
fact can lead an investigation down the wrong path, which takes time
away from the proper investigation, but you have to go down that path
to find out whether it's a coincidence or not. A lack of objectivity
often prevents us from going down that path in the first place. But a
lack of objectivity can also prevent us from realizing we're on the
wrong path when we do go down it. I don't believe there's a cover-up,
just a disagreement over the meaning of different facts. There should
be more objective investigation into what Jayna has uncovered.


Virginia: The MilitiaWatch of ADL and the Southern Poverty Center both
have an extensive lists of groups. What do you think of their efforts?

Mike German: I think both of these groups do amazing work. They are a
tremendous resource to law enforcement counter-terrorism efforts.


Virginia: Can you tell us of your background?

Mike German: I joined the FBI immediately after graduating from Law
School and I was an agent for sixteen years.


Chesapeake Beach, Md.: Freedom Fighter, Terrorist, Tree hugger,
Environmentalist....yada yada...

Has the FBI a specific working definition that they use that
"elevates" a potential threat into the sphere of "counter terrorism"?
Or is it only when violence ensues (or is likely to ensue) that
someone becomes a terrorist?

Mike German: I think you point out a real problem that clouds every
discussion of terrorism. "Terrorist" is always what we call the other
guy. The FBI definition of terrorism refers to the "criminal" use of
violence or threat of violence, and I think that's an effective
definition for the FBI because it is essentially a crime-fighting
organization. But when we start calling all of our enemies
"terrorists" and granting our government special powers to go after
"terrorists" we are on a slippery slope(especially if the government
is allowed to exercise these powers in secret).


Somerville, N.J.: I get annoyed often when I read details in
newspapers, for example about nuclear waste, that I think would be
helpful to someone who is inclined to be a terrorist.

Do you also have this reaction, does the FBI reach out to the media
about this and is there a FBI site where I might email examples?


Mike German: It's definitely a difficult balance. Having information
available to the public is necessary in a democracy. It might be
helpful for a terrorist to know that nuclear waste is being hidden in
your town, but if the press is silenced you wouldn't know it was
hidden in your town either. I'd rather know.


Los Angeles, Calif.: Hello Mr. German, and thanks for taking our

It's difficult for me to see these groups as very serious threats.
Obviously, the Oklahoma bombing was horrible, but domestic terrorism
in the nation seems extremely rare these days.

Why should I be so concerned?

Mike German: Actually if you talked to experts most would tell you
that the numbers of people joining domestic extremist groups are
growing. Again it's hard to tell because these are clandestine groups,
but the reality is that it's not hard to make a very destructive bomb,
like Tim McVeigh did. There are a lot of threats out there but the
likelihood of being a victim of a domestic terrorist are still greater
than being a victim of an international terrorist. Right-wing groups
are very active- but the violence they do is not always characterized
as terrorism.


Washington, D.C.: Given the growth of bio companies and hospitals the
last 10 years and the access by more people to the components that
might make up a bioterror weapon, do you feel that enough preventive
measures like background checking and access protocols are being

Mike German: The problem is there are so many vulnerabilities in an
open society. Richard Reid snuck a bomb in his shoe and now we all
have to take our shoes off every time we get on a plane. If he had
hidden it in his hat, hats would be banned but nobody would ask about
your shoes. That's why I think we have to focus our investigations on
the bad guys within these groups rather than trying to investigate
everyone who drives a truck for a living.


Arlington, Va.: To the guy looking for definitions - here are the

Terrorism is a tactic. Terror is a state of mind.

You can't defeat or win a 'war' on either, at least in the
conventional sense of those words.

Mike German: You're right. And words are most important because
terrorism is all about the message. Al Qaeda wanted a "holy war" and
we responded with a "Global War on Terrorism." We gave them what they
wanted and elevated them in status.


Mike German: Thanks everyone.


Editor's Note: moderators retain editorial control
over Live Online discussions and choose the most relevant questions
for guests and hosts; guests and hosts can decline to answer questions.

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