"Both Saddam and the US profited handsomely during his reign. He
controlled Iraq’s wealth while most of Iraq’s oil went to Californian
refineries to provide cheap petrol for American voters. US
corporations, like those who enjoyed Saddam’s favour, grew rich. Today
the system is much the same: the oil goes to California, and the new
Iraqi government spends the country’s money with impunity."

"In the absence of any meaningful accountability, Iraqis have no way
of knowing how much of the nation’s wealth is being handed out to
ministers’ and civil servants’ friends and families or funnelled into
secret overseas bank accounts. Given that many Ba’athists are now back
in government, some of that money may even be financing the insurgents."

Meanwhile, the U.S. government...Bush43...blocked lawsuits in our
courts brought by military POWs from the first Gulf War who had sued
the Iraqi government for damages from torture during their
imprisonment.  Reason:  Funds were needed for reconstruction.  

David Bier


LRB | Vol. 27 No. 13 dated 7 July 2005 | Ed Harriman

Where has all the money gone?
Ed Harriman follows the auditors into Iraq

US House of Representatives Government Reform Committee Minority Office
| Link: http://www.democrats.reform.house.gov/

US General Accountability Office
| Link: http://www.gao.gov/

Defense Contract Audit Agency
| Link: http://www.dcaa.mil/

International Advisory and Monitoring Board
| Link: http://www.iamb.info/

Coalition Provisional Authority Inspector General
| Link: http://www.cpa-ig.com/

Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction
| Link: http://www.sigir.mil/

On 12 April 2004, the Coalition Provisional Authority in Erbil in
northern Iraq handed over $1.5 billion in cash to a local courier. The
money, fresh $100 bills shrink-wrapped on pallets, which filled three
Blackhawk helicopters, came from oil sales under the UN’s Oil for Food
Programme, and had been entrusted by the UN Security Council to the
Americans to be spent on behalf of the Iraqi people. The CPA didn’t
properly check out the courier before handing over the cash, and, as a
result, according to an audit report by the CPA’s inspector general,
‘there was an increased risk of the loss or theft of the cash.’ Paul
Bremer, the American pro-consul in Baghdad until June last year, kept
a slush fund of nearly $600 million cash for which there is no
paperwork: $200 million of this was kept in a room in one of Saddam’s
former palaces, and the US soldier in charge used to keep the key to
the room in his backpack, which he left on his desk when he popped out
for lunch. Again, this is Iraqi money, not US funds.

The ‘reconstruction’ of Iraq is the largest American-led occupation
programme since the Marshall Plan. But there is a difference: the US
government funded the Marshall Plan whereas Donald Rumsfeld and Paul
Bremer have made sure that the reconstruction of Iraq is paid for by
the ‘liberated’ country, by the Iraqis themselves. There was $6
billion left over from the UN Oil for Food Programme, as well as
sequestered and frozen assets, and revenue from resumed oil exports
(at least $10 billion in the year following the invasion). Under
Security Council Resolution 1483, passed on 22 May 2003, all of these
funds were transferred into a new account held at the Federal Reserve
Bank in New York, called the Development Fund for Iraq (DFI), so that
they might be spent by the CPA ‘in a transparent manner . . . for the
benefit of the Iraqi people’. Congress, it’s true, voted to spend
$18.4 billion of US taxpayers’ money on the redevelopment of Iraq. But
by 28 June last year, when Bremer left Baghdad two days early to avoid
possible attack on the way to the airport, his CPA had spent up to $20
billion of Iraqi money, compared to $300 million of US funds.

The ‘financial irregularities’ described in audit reports carried out
by agencies of the American government and auditors working for the
international community collectively give a detailed insight into the
mentality of the American occupation authorities and the way they
operated, handing out truckloads of dollars for which neither they nor
the recipients felt any need to be accountable. The auditors have so
far referred more than a hundred contracts, involving billions of
dollars paid to American personnel and corporations, for investigation
and possible criminal prosecution. They have also discovered that $8.8
billion that passed through the new Iraqi government ministries in
Baghdad while Bremer was in charge is unaccounted for, with little
prospect of finding out where it went. A further $3.4 billion
earmarked by Congress for Iraqi development has since been siphoned
off to finance ‘security’.

That audit reports were commissioned at all owes a lot to Henry
Waxman, a Democrat and ranking minority member of the House of
Representatives Committee on Government Reform. Waxman voted in favour
of the invasion of Iraq. But since the war he’s been demanding that
the Bush administration account for its cost. Within six months of the
invasion, Waxman’s committee had evidence that the Texas-based
Halliburton corporation was being grossly overpaid by the American
occupation authorities for the petrol it was importing into Iraq from
Kuwait, at a profit of more than $150 million. Waxman and his
assistants found that Halliburton was charging $2.64 a gallon for
petrol for Iraqi civilians, while American forces were importing the
same fuel for $1.57 a gallon.

Halliburton’s chairman, David Lesar, who took over from Dick Cheney in
July 2000, robustly defended his firm. But Waxman raised another
question: if Halliburton was being allowed to rip off the Iraqi
people, was the Bush administration allowing it to milk the US
government as well? Waxman’s committee instructed Congress’s General
Accountability Office to look into Halliburton’s biggest contract in
Iraq: providing virtually all back-up facilities â€" from meals to
laundry soap â€" to American forces. LOGCAP (Logistics Civil
Augmentation Programme) contracts like this one are a product of the
new ‘slimmed down’ American military, the quartermaster’s equivalent
of Rumsfeld’s ‘invasion lite’. Rather than have uniformed troops peel
potatoes and scrub floors, base support services have been privatised
and contracted out so that, the idea goes, soldiers can get on with
the fighting. The contracts are paid on a cost-plus basis, which
allows the contractor to charge for what it has spent, then add on a
profit. LOGCAP contracts have not been put out to tender, but rather
awarded to a few US firms, the largest being Halliburton and its
subsidiary Kellogg, Brown & Root.

The GAO report of July 2004 found that in the first nine months of the
occupation, KBR was allowed a free hand in Iraq: a free hand, for
example, to bill the Pentagon without worrying about spending limits
or management oversight or paperwork. Millions of dollars’ worth of
new equipment disappeared. KBR charged $73 million for motor caravans
to house the 101st Airborne Division, twice as much as the army said
it would cost to build barracks itself; KBR charged $88 million for
three million meals for US troops that were never served. The GAO
calculated that the army could have saved $31 million a year simply by
doing business directly with the catering firms that KBR hired. In
June 2004, the GAO continued, ‘by eliminating the use of LOGCAP and
making the LOGCAP subcontractor the prime contractor, the command
reduced meal costs by 43 per cent without a loss of service or quality.’

The GAO report makes clear that the Americans had given little thought
as to how they might prevent looting and rebuild Iraqi society. They
hadn’t even planned how they were going to provision the US forces
staying on in Iraq: ‘the Army Central Command did not develop plans to
use the [KBR] contract to support its military forces in Iraq until
May 2003’ â€" a month after Saddam fell. Even then, this contract â€" with
an estimated value of $3.894 billion â€" did not adequately provide for
dining facilities, pest control, laundry services, morale, welfare and
recreation, troop transportation or combat support services at the
American bases hastily being built across Iraq. Stung by Waxman’s
revelations about Halliburton’s petrol profiteering, and realising
that KBR’s costs were spiralling out of control (LOGCAP costs in
Kuwait, Iraq and Afghanistan rose from a projected yearly total of
$5.8 billion in September 2003 to $8.6 billion in January 2004), the
army vice chief of staff ‘asked units to control costs and look for
alternatives to the LOGCAP contract’. This was the first admission
that the Pentagon could not afford the occupation on top of the war.

At the same time, the Pentagon’s own auditors, the Defense Contracts
Audit Agency, went to Houston to have a look at KBR’s books. They were
not happy with what they found:

    Our examination disclosed several deficiencies in KBR’s billing
system resulting in billings to the government that are not prepared
in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and contract terms.
We have also found system deficiencies resulting in material invoicing
misstatements that are not prevented, detected and/or corrected in a
timely manner.

They also found that ‘KBR also does not monitor the ongoing physical
progress of subcontracts or the related costs and billings.’ When the
auditors asked to see the files of payments to subcontractors to back
up the invoices KBR submitted to the government, there weren’t any:
‘We found no such documents included in KBR’s subcontract files, nor
did we find any log of subcontractor payments.’ So how did KBR work
out its monthly invoices to the government for its whopping $3.9
billion contract? ‘The explanation begins with the costs on a
spreadsheet with no indication of where or how these costs are
accumulated.’ The auditors also wanted to know what happened to the
money the government had paid for those three million non-existent meals:

    Despite repeated requests over two months, KBR has not been able
to provide an adequate explanation or adequate documentation for the
payments to any DFAC [dining-hall] subcontractors. The limited
documentation that has been provided shows, for example, that KBR has
added ‘overage’ factors of 10 to 35 per cent to each bill for one of
the subcontractors. We still do not have an adequate explanation of
the ‘overage’ factor.

KBR’s response has been to tough it out. The company wrote to the
auditors saying that its position regarding the meals ‘had been
misquoted as well as misinterpreted’. The auditors, the corporation
said, knew full well that KBR had ‘established a Tiger Team that is
actively researching and analysing the facts and circumstances
surrounding each of its DFAC subcontracts’. ‘Tiger Teams’ are in-house
investigative units. KBR’s Tiger Team stayed at the five-star Kuwait
Kempinski Hotel, where its members ran up a bill of more than $1
million. This outraged the army, whose troops were sleeping in tents
at a cost of $1.39 a day. The army asked the Tiger Team to move into
tents. It refused. As to how the Tiger Team ‘actively researched and
analysed the facts’, we have the sworn testimony that a KBR employee
gave to Congressman Waxman’s committee: ‘The Tiger Team looked at
subcontracts with no invoice and no confirmation that the products
contracted for were being used. Instead of investigating further, they
would recommend extending the subcontract.’

The Pentagon auditors asked to see ‘evidence that KBR’s internal audit
department is functionally and organisationally independent and
sufficiently removed from management to ensure that it can conduct
audits objectively and can report its findings, opinions and
conclusions without fear of reprisal.’ KBR locked them out of its
audit department. The auditors then asked who did KBR’s audits.
Halliburton, KBR wrote back. The Pentagon auditors said that from then
on KBR would have to submit all bills to them ‘for provisional
approval prior to submission for payment’. Tough talk. But, despite
all the threats to withhold payment, and with several lawsuits
pending, KBR and Halliburton have now been paid more than $10 billion
for quartermastering US forces in Iraq.

One of KBR’s contracts was for transporting supplies between American
bases. Fleets of new Mercedes Benz trucks, costing $85,000 each,
travelled up and down Iraq’s central highways every day, accompanied
by armed US military escorts. If there were no goods to transport, KBR
dispatched empty lorries anyway, and billed accordingly. The lorries
didn’t carry replacement air and oil filters, essential when driving
in the desert. They didn’t even carry spare tyres. If one broke down,
it was abandoned and destroyed so no one else could use it, and left
burning by the roadside. For fear of ambush, KBR drivers were told not
to slow down. ‘The truck in front of the one I was riding ran a car
with an Iraqi family of four off the road,’ a KBR employee told
Waxman’s committee. ‘My driver said that was normal.’

American profligacy with Iraqi money has been, if anything, even
worse. According to the CPA’s own rules, the authority ‘was expected
to manage Iraqi funds in a transparent manner that fully met the CPA’s
obligations under international law including Security Council
Resolution 1483’. Despite repeated efforts, however, it was only in
October 2003, six months after the fall of Saddam, that an
International Advisory and Monitoring Board (IAMB), with
representatives from the United Nations, the World Bank, the IMF and
the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development, was established to
provide independent, international financial oversight of the CPA’s

The IAMB then spent months trying to find auditors acceptable to the
US. The Bahrain office of KPMG was finally appointed in April 2004. It
was stonewalled. ‘KPMG has encountered resistance from CPA staff
regarding the submission of information required to complete our
procedures,’ they wrote in an interim report. ‘Staff have indicated .
. . that co-operation with KPMG’s undertakings is given a low
priority.’ KPMG had one meeting at the Iraqi Ministry of Finance;
meetings at all the other ministries were repeatedly postponed. The
auditors even had trouble getting passes for the Green Zone.

There was a good reason for the Americans to stall. At the end of June
2004, the CPA would be disbanded and Bremer would leave Iraq. The Bush
administration wasn’t going to allow independent auditors to be in a
position to publish a report into the financial propriety of its Iraqi
administration while Bremer was still answerable to the press. The
report was published in July. The auditors found that the CPA hadn’t
kept accounts for the hundreds of millions of dollars of cash in its
vault, had awarded contracts worth billions of dollars to American
firms without tender, and had no idea what was happening to the money
from the Development Fund for Iraq (DFI) which was being spent by the
interim Iraqi government ministries.

An Iraqi hospital administrator told me that, as he was about to sign
a contract, the American army officer representing the CPA had crossed
out the original price and doubled it. The Iraqi protested that the
original price was enough. The American officer explained that the
increase (more than $1 million) was his retirement package. Iraqis who
were close to the Americans, had access to the Green Zone, or held
prominent posts in the new government ministries, were also in a
position to benefit enormously. Iraqi businessmen complain endlessly
that they had to offer substantial bribes to Iraqi middlemen just to
be allowed to bid for CPA contracts. Iraqi ministers’ relatives got
top jobs and fat contracts.

Hard evidence comes from a further series of audits and reports
carried out by the office of the CPA’s own inspector general (CPA-IG).
Set up in January 2004, it reported to Congress. Its auditors,
accountants and criminal investigators often found themselves sitting
alone at cafeteria tables in the Green Zone, shunned by their
compatriots. Their audit, published in July 2004, found that the
American contracts officers in the CPA and the Iraqi ministries ‘did
not ensure that . . . contract files contained all the required
documents, a fair and reasonable price was paid for the services
received, contractors were capable of meeting delivery schedules, or
that contractors were paid in accordance with contract requirements’.

Pilfering was rife. Millions of dollars in cash went missing from the
Iraqi Central Bank. Between $11 million and $26 million worth of Iraqi
property sequestered by the CPA was unaccounted for. The payroll was
padded with hundreds of ghost employees. Millions of dollars were paid
to contractors for phantom work: $3,379,505 was billed, for example,
for ‘personnel not in the field performing work’ and ‘other improper
charges’ on a single oil pipeline repair contract. An Iraqi sports
coach was paid $40,000 by the CPA. He gave it to a friend who gambled
it away then wrote it off as a legitimate loss. ‘A complainant alleged
that Iraqi Airlines was sold at a reduced price to an influential
family with ties to the former regime. The investigation revealed that
Iraqi Airlines was essentially dissolved, and there was no record of
the transaction.’ Most of the 69 criminal investigations the CPA-IG
instigated related to alleged ‘theft, fraud, waste, assault and
extortion’. It also investigated ‘a number of other cases that,
because of their sensitivity, cannot be included in this report’. At
around this time, 19 billion new Iraqi dinars, worth about £6.5
million, were found on a plane in Lebanon which had been sent there by
the American-appointed Iraqi interior minister.

The IAMB, meanwhile, discovered that Iraqi oil exports were unmetered.
Neither the Iraqi State Oil Marketing Organisation nor the American
authorities could give a satisfactory explanation for this. ‘The only
reason you wouldn’t monitor them is if you don’t want anyone else to
know how much is going through,’ one petroleum executive told me.
Officially, Iraq exported oil worth $10 billion in the first year of
the American occupation. Christian Aid has estimated that oil worth up
to an additional $4 billion may also have been exported and is
unaccounted for. If this is correct, it would have created an off the
books slush fund that both the Americans and their Iraqi allies could
use with impunity to cover expenditures they would rather keep secret
â€" among them the occupation costs, which were rising far beyond what
the Bush administration could comfortably admit to Congress and the
international community.

America’s situation in Iraq took a turn for the worse in April 2004,
with the uprisings in Najaf and Fallujah, the Abu Ghraib prison
scandal and mass defections from the new Iraqi security forces. ‘At
the beginning of April,’ one of the audits says, ‘the Iraqi National
Guard force held steady at around 32,000 personnel. Between 9 and 16
April this number dropped to a low of 17,500.’ As for the police, ‘the
Iraqi Ministry of Interior has decided to reduce the number of police
officers to 89,000’ â€" from 120,000 â€" ‘by trimming from its rolls those
who have proved to be unsuitable.’ At the same time, ‘recent attacks
on the pipelines reduced exports in April to an average of 1.7 million
barrels per day and 1.4 million barrels per day in May. The total
could possibly be lower in June.’ That’s a million barrels per day
fewer than under Saddam. Across Iraq, hospitals and schools were
derelict, electricity was intermittent, and water supplies were polluted.

The American response to the militant insurgency and to the loss of
their moral credentials at Abu Ghraib was a ‘hearts and minds’
campaign. Law-abiding Iraqis were to be shown respect and given
buckets of money, while Bremer and the CPA prepared to hand over the
management of Iraq to an interim government picked by the Americans.
KBR’s lorry drivers were told not to run Iraqis off the road. And
millions of dollars in cash â€" most of it Iraqi money â€" were handed out
by American commanders in local communities across Iraq in an attempt
to buy friends. ‘The Commanders’ Emergency Reconstruction Programme
continues to be a very effective programme . . . which has built trust
and support for the United States at grass roots level,’ the CPA-IG
report said. ‘As of 19 June 2004, the local commanders have spent
$364.6 million . . . on over 27,600 small projects . . . repairing and
refurbishing water and sewer lines, cleaning up highways by removing
waste and debris, transporting water to remote villages, purchasing
equipment for local police stations, upgrading schools and clinics,
purchasing school supplies, removing ordnance from public spaces . .
.’ It was too little too late. With the concentration on big
infrastructure projects and contracts for American corporate cronies
and Iraqi businessmen ‘friends’, there had been little for ordinary
Iraqis to benefit from or to take part in. Rumsfeld knew by the
beginning of 2004 that his and Bremer’s management was in deep
trouble. ‘Iraqis are puzzled; they truly don’t know what the US really
intends for them. We haven’t communicated well. The “story” has not
been believed,’ a Personnel Assessment Team reported to Rumsfeld on 11
February 2004. ‘We have in essence a pick-up organisation in place to
design and execute the most demanding transformation in recent history.’

Last September was the crucial month. By then the US government had
spent $60 billion on the US forces in Iraq, and $1 billion on the
Iraqi security forces. The Americans knew that they were widely hated.
‘In the war of ideas or the struggle for hearts and minds . . .
American efforts have not only failed, they may also have achieved the
opposite of what they intended’ was the principal finding of the
Pentagon’s Defense Science Board. The answer was a big rethink â€" a
strategic spending review. The $18.4 billion Iraq Relief and
Reconstruction Fund that Congress had voted to rebuild Iraq, and which
Bremer had left largely untouched and possibly never intended to spend
as mandated, would be spent on counter-insurgency warfare directed by
US commanders and John Negroponte from the new US embassy in Baghdad.

First, $3 billion was diverted from the budgets to restore Iraq’s
destroyed electricity supply, water supply and sewers to security and
law enforcement. The reduced electricity budget (down from $5.6
billion to $4.4 billion) was to be spent patching up neighbourhoods
flattened by American fire power, and electricity pylons and stations
sabotaged by the insurgents. The electricity supply had become one of
the war’s main battlegrounds.

This meant fewer large contracts for American and international energy
firms, which were further discouraged from staying in Iraq as their
personnel were attacked and the price of private security soared. It
also meant flickering lights and hours of power cuts for ordinary
Iraqis. Yet development and reconstruction were officially deferred.
Or, as the auditors put it, ‘this redistribution of funds . . .
appears to be generally consistent with the stated management
objective of de-emphasising longer-term development projects as funds
are shifted toward more immediately realisable goals.’

‘The country’s widely failing sewage management infrastructure and the
sporadic availability of potable water,’ the auditors wrote, ‘continue
to pose health threats and tarnish overall impressions of
reconstruction achievements.’ Yet the water and sanitation budget was
cut almost in half, as long-term development was again handed over to
the Iraqi government so US funds could be doled out to Iraqis in
neighbourhoods where the insurgents held sway and it was now unsafe
for foreigners to go. ‘Initial plans to rehabilitate large portions of
the country’s water and wastewater system through the IRRF have been
curtailed,’ the auditors wrote. ‘Water resources and sanitation sector
funds have been reallocated to security, governance, debt relief and
efforts to boost Iraqi employment opportunities . . . creating local
water and wastewater projects to stimulate Iraqi employment and
deliver needed services to high-risk areas.’

The budget for employing Iraqis rose by more than 350 per cent, to be
spent largely on ‘local projects that will visibly impact Iraqi
communities before the 30 January 2005 national election’. At the same
time, ‘the construction sector saw the withdrawal of the prime
design-and-build road contractor from Iraq, reportedly because of
concern for personnel and site security.’ The insurgents had forced a
fundamental reshaping of US spending priorities, further widened the
no man’s land between themselves and US troops, polarising Iraq, and
assuming the initiative in the war.

None of this has changed. In December 2004, the US Mission in Iraq
allotted an extra $457 million to keep the electricity working and ‘to
boost short-term employment through health, electricity and water
initiatives in Najaf, Samarra, Sadr City and Fallujah. Together,’ the
auditors reported, ‘the two adjustments reflect a significant change
in US spending priorities.’

In March this year, a further $832 million ‘was reprogrammed for
management initiatives’, largely ‘for operations and maintenance at
various power and water plants, urgent work in the electrical and oil
sectors’ to repair sabotage damage, and to pay for building contracts
on which it had become extremely dangerous and expensive to work. The
most recent audit, issued in April, reports that projects are running
between 50 and 85 per cent above the original estimated costs. The
free-spending days are over. Americans are having to divert increasing
amounts of US development money just to keep what remains of Iraq’s
damaged public utilities working, and to finance the Iraqi police and

Six months into the occupation, in autumn 2003, the Americans planned
to transfer security to the Iraqi police and army so they could ‘draw
down US forces from Iraq’. The goal was to have 250,000 Iraqis in the
security forces by the following summer. However, as a GAO report
submitted to Congress in March this year explains, most of the
recruits were neither vetted nor properly trained. The result has been
that the ‘Ministry of Interior’s security forces committed numerous
serious human rights abuses’; the Iraqi police and army have been
easily infiltrated by former Ba’athists and other insurgents; and
morale is low.

As the GAO put it,

    police and military units performed poorly during an escalation of
insurgent attacks against the Coalition in April 2004 . . . Many Iraqi
security forces around the country collapsed during this uprising . .
. units abandoned their posts and responsibilities and in some cases
assisted the insurgency . . . Police manning a checkpoint in one area
were reporting convoy movements by mobile telephone to local
terrorists. Police in another area were infiltrated by former regime

‘In response to the unwillingness of a regular army battalion to fight
Iraqi insurgents in Fallujah’, the Americans created a special Iraqi
Intervention Force. Then last autumn they decided to beef up the Iraqi
police service from 90,000 to 135,000, to add 20 battalions to the
Iraqi National Guard and double the border guard. This February, the
State Department glowingly reported that almost 82,000 Iraqi police
and 60,000 troops had been trained.

These figures are grossly misleading. According to the GAO’s March
report to Congress ‘the reported number of Iraqi police is unreliable
because the Minister of the Interior does not receive consistent and
accurate reporting from the police forces around the country. The data
does not exclude police absent from duty.’ As for the army, ‘Ministry
of Defense reports exclude the absent military personnel from its
totals. According to DOD officials, the number of absentees is
probably in the tens of thousands.’ Furthermore the State Department
no longer reports on whether Iraqi security forces have the required
weapons, vehicles, communication equipment and body armour. Bluntly,
‘US government agencies do not report reliable data on the extent to
which Iraqi security forces are trained and equipped.’ The GAO further
found that the Iraqi police are being trained for ‘community policing
in a permissive security environment’ rather than getting
‘paramilitary training for a high-threat hostile environment’. It’s
hardly surprising that close to 2000 Iraqi police have been killed.

This is all horribly reminiscent of American policy in Vietnam.
American troops are staying in Iraq to stiffen Iraqi forces who are
dying in droves in an escalating counter-insurgency war that neither
the Americans nor the Iraqi forces are prepared for. The Americans
originally allocated $5.8 billion to build the Iraqi security forces.
In February this year, George Bush asked Congress for another $5.7
billion to go towards this task.

What’s happened to the rebuilding of Iraqi society, and real
governance based on transparency and accountability? In the few weeks
before Bremer left Iraq, the CPA handed out more than $3 billion in
new contracts to be paid for with Iraqi funds and managed by the US
embassy in Baghdad. The CPA inspector general, now called the Special
Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, has just released an audit
report on the way the embassy has dealt with that responsibility. The
auditors reviewed the files of 225 contracts totalling $327 million to
see if the embassy ‘could identify the current value of paid and
unpaid contract obligations’. It couldn’t. ‘Our review showed that
financial records . . . understated payments made by $108,255,875’ and
‘overstated unpaid obligations by $119,361,286’. The auditors also
reviewed the paperwork for a further 300 contracts worth $332.9
million. ‘For 198 of 300 contracts, documentation was not available .
. . to indicate that contract execution was monitored for performance
and payment . . . Files did not contain evidence that goods and
services had been received for 154 contracts, that invoices had been
submitted for 169 contracts, or that payments had been made for 144

Clearly the Americans see no need to account for spending the Iraqis’
national income now any more than they did when Bremer was in charge.
Neither the embassy chief of mission nor the US military commander
replied to the auditors’ invitation to comment. Instead, the US army
contracting commander lamely pointed out that ‘the peaceful conditions
envisioned in the early planning continue to elude the reconstruction
efforts.’ This is a remarkable understatement. It’s also an admission
that Americans can’t be expected to do their sums when they are
spending other people’s money to finance a war.

Not only the Americans are guilty of a lack of accountability. In
January this year, the SIGIR issued a report detailing evidence of
fraud, corruption and waste by the Iraqi Interim Government when
Bremer was in charge. They found that $8.8 billion â€" the entire Iraqi
Interim Government spending from October 2003 through June 2004 â€" was
not properly accounted for. The Iraqi Office of Budget and Management
at one point had only six staff, all of them inexperienced, and few of
the ministries had budget departments. Iraq’s newly appointed
ministers and their senior officials were free to hand out hundreds of
millions of dollars in cash as they pleased, while American ‘advisers’
looked on. ‘CPA personnel did not review and compare financial,
budgetary and operational performance to planned or expected results,’
the auditors explained. One ministry gave out $430 million in
contracts without its CPA advisers seeing any of the paperwork.
Another claimed to be paying 8206 guards, but only 602 could be
accounted for. There is simply no way of knowing how much of the $8.8
billion went to pay for private militias and into private pockets.

‘It’s remarkable that the inspector general’s office could have
produced even a draft report with so many misconceptions and
inaccuracies,’ Bremer said in his reply to the SIGIR report. ‘At
Liberation, the Iraqi economy was dead in the water. So CPA’s top
priority was to get the economy going.’ The SIGIR responded by
releasing another audit this April, an investigation into the way
Bremer’s CPA managed cash payments from the Development Fund for Iraq
in just one part of Iraq, the region around Hillah: ‘During the course
of the audit, we identified deficiencies in the control of cash . . .
of such magnitude as to require prompt attention. Those deficiencies
were so significant that we were precluded from accomplishing our
stated objectives.’ They found that CPA headquarters in Baghdad ‘did
not maintain full control and accountability for approximately $119.9
million’, and that agents in the field ‘cannot properly account for or
support over $96.6 million in cash and receipts’. These agents were
mostly Americans in Iraq on short-term contracts. One agent’s account
balance was ‘overstated by $2,825,755, and the error went undetected’.
Another agent was given $25 million cash for which Bremer’s office
‘acknowledged not having any supporting documentation’. Of more than
$23 million given to another agent, there are only records for
$6,306,836 paid to contractors. Many of the American agents submitted
their paperwork hours before they headed to the airport. Two left Iraq
without accounting for $750,000 each; the money has never been found.
CPA head office cleared several agents’ balances of between $250,000
and $12 million without any receipts. One agent who did submit
receipts, on being told that he still owed $1,878,870, turned up three
days later with exactly that amount. The auditors thought that ‘this
suggests that the agent had a reserve of cash,’ pointing out that if
his original figures had been correct, he would have accounted to the
CPA for approximately $3.8 million more than he had been given in the
first place, which ‘suggests that the receipt documents provided to
the DFI account manager were unreliable’.

Staff at the CPA head office in Baghdad usually worked 12 hours a day,
seven days a week, often on three-month postings. They didn’t trust
the computer network so many of them put their records on USB sticks
and in private computer files that couldn’t be opened by their
replacements. At one point there was only one officer at the CPA
account manager’s office clearing all the paying agents throughout
Iraq. Paying agents in the field often couldn’t get â€" let alone be
bothered with â€" the paperwork, which was frustrating for the honest
ones and a boon to their crooked colleagues. So where did the money
go? You can’t see it in Hillah. The schools, hospitals, water supply
and electricity, all of which were supposed to benefit from this
money, are in ruins. The inescapable conclusion is that many of the
American paying agents grabbed large bundles of cash for themselves
and made sweet deals with their Iraqi contacts.

And so it continues. The IAMB’s most recent audit of Iraqi government
spending, which is yet to be published, talks of ‘incomplete
accounting’, ‘lack of documented justification for limited competition
for contracts at the Iraqi ministries’, ‘possible misappropriation of
oil revenues’, ‘significant difficulties in ensuring completeness and
accuracy of Iraqi budgets and controls over expenditures’, and
‘non-deposit of proceeds of export sales of petroleum products into
the appropriate accounts in contravention of UN Security Council
Resolution 1483’.

Bremer re-established the Iraqi Board of Supreme Audit a month before
he left Baghdad. It is now said to have more than a thousand auditors
and support personnel spread throughout Iraqi government ministries. A
new Iraqi Commission on Public Integrity, the equivalent of the FBI,
is said to have 200 staff and 15 US advisers. Yet according to the
latest American figures, of more than 3400 complaints, only about one
in 50 has been passed to the Commission on Public Integrity for
possible prosecution.

There is an explanation for this lack of activity. On Thursday, 1 July
2004, two days after Bremer left Baghdad, Ehsan Karim, the new head of
the Board of Supreme Audit, was killed by a bomb as he left the
Finance Ministry. Two weeks later, Sabir Karim (no relation) was
murdered in a drive-by shooting as he set off for work at the Ministry
of Industry, where he was in charge of investigating corruption. A few
weeks ago, another senior official investigating corruption was
murdered. The IAMB keeps the names of its Iraqi delegates secret to
keep them alive.

In the absence of any meaningful accountability, Iraqis have no way of
knowing how much of the nation’s wealth is being handed out to
ministers’ and civil servants’ friends and families or funnelled into
secret overseas bank accounts. Given that many Ba’athists are now back
in government, some of that money may even be financing the insurgents.

Both Saddam and the US profited handsomely during his reign. He
controlled Iraq’s wealth while most of Iraq’s oil went to Californian
refineries to provide cheap petrol for American voters. US
corporations, like those who enjoyed Saddam’s favour, grew rich. Today
the system is much the same: the oil goes to California, and the new
Iraqi government spends the country’s money with impunity.

Ed Harriman is a journalist and television documentary film-maker.

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