Then it is UK's comeuppance, for being a terrorist haven...what other
western country is so liberal with terrorists?  Canada?


For a Decade, London Thrived as a Busy Crossroads of Terror

>From the New York Times --


LONDON, July 9 - Long before bombings ripped through London on 
Thursday, Britain had become a breeding ground for hate, fed 
by a militant version of Islam.

For two years, extremists like Sheik Omar Bakri Mohammed, a 
47-year-old Syrian-born cleric, have played to ever-larger 
crowds, calling for holy war against Britain and exhorting 
young Muslim men to join the insurgency in Iraq. In a 
newspaper interview in April 2004, he warned that "a very 
well-organized" London-based group, Al Qaeda Europe, was "on 
the verge of launching a big operation" here.

In a sermon attended by more than 500 people in a central 
London meeting hall last December, Sheik Omar vowed that if 
Western governments did not change their policies, Muslims 
would give them "a 9/11, day after day after day."

If London became a magnet for fiery preachers, it also became 
a destination for men willing to carry out their threats. For 
a decade, the city has been a crossroads for would-be 
terrorists who used it as a home base, where they could raise 
money, recruit members and draw inspiration from the militant 

Among them were terrorists involved in attacks in Madrid, 
Casablanca, Saudi Arabia, Israel and in the Sept. 11 plot. 
Zacarias Moussaoui, the only man charged in the United States 
in the 9/11 attacks, and Richard C. Reid, the convicted 
shoe-bomber, both prayed at the Finsbury Park mosque in north 
London. The mosque's former leader, Abu Hamza al-Masri openly 
preached violence for years before the authorities arrested 
him in April 2004.

Although Britain has passed a series of antiterrorist and 
immigration laws and made nearly 800 arrests since Sept. 11, 
2001, critics have charged that its deep tradition of civil 
liberties and protection of political activists have made the 
country a haven for terrorists. The British government has 
drawn particular criticism from other countries over its 
refusal to extradite terrorism suspects.

For years, there was a widely held belief that Britain's 
tolerance helped stave off any Islamic attacks at home. But 
the anger of London's militant clerics turned on Britain after 
it offered unwavering support for the American-led invasion of 
Iraq. On Thursday morning, an attack long foreseen by worried 
counterterrorism officials became a reality.

"The terrorists have come home," said a senior intelligence 
official based in Europe, who works often with British 
officials. "It is payback time for a policy that was, in my 
opinion, an irresponsible policy of the British government to 
allow these networks to flourish inside Britain."

Those policies have been a matter of intense debate within the 
government, with the courts, the Blair government and members 
of Parliament frequently opposing one another.

For example, when the Parliament considered a bill in March 
that would have allowed the government to impose tough 
controls on terror suspects - like house arrests, curfews and 
electronic tagging - some legislators objected, saying it 
would erode civil liberties. "It does not secure the nation," 
William Cash, of the House of Commons, said of the bill. "It 
is liable to create further trouble and dissension among those 
whom we are seeking to control - the terrorists." The measure 
is still pending.

Investigators examining Thursday's attacks, which left at 
least 49 dead and 700 injured, are pursuing a theory that the 
bombers were part of a homegrown sleeper cell, which may or 
may not have had foreign support for the bomb-making phase of 
the operation.

If that theory proves true, it would reflect the 
transformation of the terror threat around Europe. With much 
of Al Qaeda's hierarchy either captured or killed, a new, more 
nimble terrorist force has emerged on the continent, 
comprising mostly semiautonomous, Qaeda-inspired local groups 
that are believed to be operating in France, Switzerland, 
Spain, Italy and other countries.

"Terrorists are not strangers, foreigners," said Bruno 
Lemaire, adviser to Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin of 
France. "They're insiders, well integrated inside the 

Another senior intelligence official based in Europe said the 
fear was that there would be additional attacks in other 
European cities by homegrown sleeper cells inspired by Al 
Qaeda and by the attacks in Casablanca, Madrid and now London.

"This is exactly what we are going to witness in Europe: most 
of the attacks will be carried out by local groups, the people 
who have been here for a long time, well integrated into the 
fabric of society," the official said.

Well before Thursday's bombings, British officials predicted a 
terrorist attack in their country. In a speech in October 
2003, Eliza Manningham-Buller, the director general of MI5, 
Britain's domestic intelligence agency, said she saw "no 
prospect of a significant reduction in the threat posed to the 
U.K. and its interests from Islamist terrorism over the next 
five years, and I fear for a considerable number of years 

Britain's challenge to detect militants on its soil is 
particularly difficult.

Counterterrorism officials estimate that 10,000 to 15,000 
Muslims living in Britain are supporters of Al Qaeda. Among 
that number, officials believe that as many as 600 men were 
trained in camps connected with Al Qaeda in Afghanistan and 

British investigators say that identifying Islamic militants 
among the two million Muslims living here, about 4 percent of 
the population, is especially hard. The Muslim community here 
is the most diverse of any in Europe in terms of ethnic 
origins, culture, history, language, politics and class. More 
than 60 percent of the community comes not from North African 
or Gulf Arab countries, but from countries like Pakistan, 
India and Bangladesh.

Before Sept. 11, 2001, British officials monitored radical 
Islamists but generally stopped short of arresting or 
extraditing them. After Sept. 11, the government passed 
legislation that allowed indefinite detention of terrorism 
suspects. But last year, it was overturned by Britain's 
highest court, the Law Lords, as a violation of human rights 

Complicating Britain's antiterrorism strategy is its refusal 
or delays of requests for extradition of suspects by some 
allies, including the United States, France, Spain and 

Moroccan authorities, for example, are seeking the return of 
Mohammed el-Guerbozi, a battle-hardened veteran of Afghanistan 
who they say planned the May 2003 attacks in Casablanca, which 
killed 45 people. He has also been identified as a founder of 
the Moroccan Combatant Islamic Group, cited by the United 
Nations as a terrorist network connected to Al Qaeda. An 
operative in that group, Noureddine Nifa, told investigators 
that the organization had sleeper cells prepared to mount 
synchronized bombings in Britain, France, Italy, Belgium and 
Canada. In an interview last year, Gen. Hamidou Laanigri, 
Morocco's chief of security, said Osama bin Laden authorized 
Mr. Guerbozi to open a training camp for Moroccans in 
Afghanistan in the beginning of 2001. Last December, Mr. 
Guerbozi was convicted in absentia in Morocco for his 
involvement in the Casablanca attacks and sentenced to 20 

But the British government has no extradition treaty with 
Morocco and has refused to extradite Mr. Guerbozi, a father of 
six who lives in a rundown apartment in north London. British 
officials say there is not enough evidence to arrest him, 
General Laanigri said.

Similarly, Baltasar Garzn, a Spanish investigating magistrate, 
has requested extradition of Abu Qatada, a radical Muslim 
cleric living in Britain who received political refugee status 
in the early 1990's. A Palestinian with Jordanian nationality, 
Mr. Qatada is described in court documents as the spiritual 
leader of Al Qaeda in Europe. Although Mr. Qatada was put 
under house arrest in 2002 and then arrested, he was freed in 
March and put into an observation program.

He is also wanted in Jordan, where he has been given a 15-year 
prison sentence in absentia for his connection to bomb attacks 
during 1998.

For 10 years, France has been fighting for the extradition of 
Rachid Ramda, a 35-year-old Algerian, over his suspected role 
in a bombing in Paris in 1995 staged by Algeria's militant 
Armed Islamic Group. Much to the irritation of the French, 
three years ago, Britain's High Court blocked a Home Office 
order to hand him over, citing allegations that his 
co-defendants gave testimony under torture by the French.

Last week, Mr. Clarke, the home secretary, approved the 
extradition order, but Mr. Ramda is appealing.

Another prime terrorism suspect who operated in London for 
years is Mustafa Setmarian Nasar, the suspected mastermind of 
the Madrid bombings. Although the authorities now cannot find 
him, he is believed to have visited Britain often and lived 
here openly from 1995 to 1998.

Officials believe he tried to organize his own extremist group 
before Sept. 11, but afterward officials say he pledged 
loyalty to Osama bin Laden. He lived in north London and was 
the editor of a militant Islamist magazine, Al Ansar, which is 
published here, distributed at some mosques in Western Europe 
and closely monitored by British security officials.

Across Britain since Sept. 11, 2001, nearly 800 people have 
been arrested under the Terrorism Act of 2000, according to 
recent police records. Of that number, 121 were charged with 
terrorism related crimes, but only 21 people have been 

In one of the biggest antiterrorism cases made here, Scotland 
Yard arrested 12 men and charged them with making traces of 
the poison ricin inside an apartment in Wood Green, in north 
London, in January 2003. But 11 of the 12 men were acquitted 
without trial based on a lack of evidence.

Since Thursday's attacks, there have been calls for a 
crackdown on radical Muslims, including some from Britain's 
Muslim leaders.

"As far as I am concerned these people are not British," said 
Lord Nizar Ahmed, one of the few Muslims in the House of 
Lords. "They are foreign ideological preachers of hate who 
have been threatening our national security and encouraging 
young people into militancy. They should be put away and sent 
back to their countries."

He added, "They created a whole new breeding ground for 
recruitment to radicalism."

Even last week's bombings did little to curtail the rhetoric 
of some of the most radical leaders, who criticized Prime 
Minister Tony Blair for saying that the bombings appeared to 
be the work of Islamic terrorists.

"This shows me that he is an enemy of Islam," Abu Abdullah, a 
self-appointed preacher and the spokesman for the radical 
group Supporters of Shariah, said in an interview on Friday, 
adding, "Sometimes when you see how people speak, it shows you 
who your enemies are."

Mr. Abdullah declared that those British citizens who 
re-elected Mr. Blair "have blood on their hands" because 
British soldiers are killing Muslims. He also said that the 
British government, not Muslims, "have their hands" in the 
bombings, explaining, "They want to go on with their fight 
against Islam."

Imran Waheed, a spokesman for a radical British-based group, 
Hizb ut Tahrir, which is allowed to function here but is 
banned in Germany and much of the Muslim world, said: "When 
Westerners get killed, the world cries. But if Muslims get 
killed in Iraq or Afghanistan, it's the smallest of news. I 
will condemn what happened in London only after there is the 
promise from Western leaders to condemn what they have done in 
Falluja and other parts of Iraq and in Afghanistan."

So far, there appears to be little effort to restrain 
outspoken clerics, including prominent extremists like Sheik 
Omar, who has reportedly been under investigation by Scotland 

Sheik Omar, who remains free, is an example of the 
double-edged policies in Britain. He is a political refugee 
who was given asylum 19 years ago and is supported by public 
assistance. Asked in an interview in May how he felt about 
being barred from obtaining British citizenship, he replied, 
"I don't want to become a citizen of hell."

Information Sought on British Man

By The New York Times

LONDON, July 8 - British law enforcement officials 
investigating the terrorist attacks here asked their 
counterparts in Germany and Belgium for information about a 
London man who is accused by the Moroccan government of 
engineering the May 2003 terrorist attacks in Casablanca, two 
officials said Saturday.

The man, Mohammed el-Guerbozi, 48, a British citizen who was 
born in Morocco, has lived in London for nearly two decades.

At a news conference, Scotland Yard officials denied that Mr. 
Guerbozi was a suspect in the bombing attacks on Thursday. But 
on Saturday night, senior British officials said that for 
caution's sake, they had asked several countries in Europe for 
information about Mr. Guerbozi and his contacts.

Several news organizations in recent days reported that Mr. 
Guerbozi had fled London on Thursday. But in a telephone 
interview Saturday night, he said he was still in London and 
denied any involvement in the London bombings.

"Nothing is true," said Mr. Guerbozi. "What they said about me 
after the Madrid bombings, they are saying it again and the 
media are writing the same things. It is not true. Now they 
say that I fled from London, but this is not true. I'm here."

Mr. Guerbozi said he offered to speak with the British police, 
but they did not accept his offer. "I'm not in the mountains 
and I'm not in the forest," he said. "I'm in hiding and the 
intelligence service and the police know where I am."

Souad Mekhennet contributed reporting from London for this 
article, and Tim Golden from New York.

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