Briton Used Internet As His Bully Pulpit By Craig Whitlock Washington Post
Foreign Service Monday, August 8, 2005; A01

LONDON -- Second of three articles

Babar Ahmad, a 31-year-old computer whiz and mechanical engineer, was hailed
as a big catch by U.S. law enforcement officials when he was arrested here
one year ago on charges that he ran a network of Web sites that served as a
propaganda and fundraising front for Islamic extremists, including Chechen
rebels, the Taliban militia and al Qaeda affiliates.

Since then, Ahmad has been locked up inside British prisons as he fights
extradition to the United States. But the imprisonment has done little to
silence the British native of Pakistani descent. Rather, it has given him an
even bigger megaphone as he continues to churn out anti-American manifestos
and post them on the Web, turning him into a minor celebrity in Britain.

His case shows how a well-educated engineer operating in London could
allegedly use the Web to project a message of Islamic extremism to a global
audience. While an earlier generation of radicals might have led protest
rallies, Ahmad found a way to make the Internet his bully pulpit, magnifying
al Qaeda's reach far beyond the handful of radical mosques that had
previously propagated Osama bin Laden's message.

Since his arrest, Ahmad, working through relatives and other supporters
outside prison, has created a simple but polished Web site, , to drum up publicity. According to the site,
more than 10,000 people have signed an online petition calling on the
British government to block his extradition. Hundreds have appeared at
public rallies. The BBC aired an entire documentary about efforts by Ahmad's
elderly father to secure his release, titling the show, "A Terror Suspect's

In his bid to avoid prosecution, Ahmad has relied on the technical and
communications skills that U.S. prosecutors said he honed for a decade as a
pioneering webmaster for Islamic extremist causes. He has also cultivated
the support of others who see the Internet as a potential equalizer in what
they describe as a battle between Muslims and the West.

"The war is not just a legal war or a military war, but it's an information
war and you've got to fight it through the press and the Web as much as
anything else," said Bilal Patel, a spokesman for a British Web site called, which has publicized Ahmad's case and worked on his
behalf. "The most effective military jihad these days is to use the Internet
to spread your ideas, and to use the power of words."

Today, portraying himself as an innocent victim, Ahmad has generated
sympathy by arguing that extradition to the United States would violate his
rights as a British citizen. Playing to widespread misgivings over the Bush
administration's tactics in its self-proclaimed "war on terrorism," he has
predicted that he will wind up at Guantanamo Bay or on death row if he is
handed over to the Americans, even though the U.S. government has pledged

"I know, and God knows, that I am not a terrorist and that I have not done
anything wrong or illegal," he wrote in January. "We live in an era where
countries go to war, destroy homes, create orphans and kill thousands of
people, based on reasons that turn out to be lies. Do you think that it is
beyond such people to imprison a handful of individuals based on lies? They
are capable of anything."

A Savvy Recruitment Tool

In late 1996, while a 22-year-old undergraduate at Imperial College in
London, Ahmad launched a Web site dedicated to promoting Islamic fighters in
Bosnia, Chechnya and Afghanistan, according to U.S.
federal prosecutors. Dubbed, in honor of Abdullah Azzam, a
Palestinian who served as bin Laden's spiritual mentor, the Web site rapidly
became a prominent and influential English-language platform for Islamic

According to U.S. prosecutors and terrorism analysts, Ahmad enabled radical
jihadists to deliver their message to a global audience by connecting to and several of his sister Web sites, including and Although the sites were shut down in 2001 and 2002, in the
aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001, hijackings in the United States, Justice
Department officials trumpeted his arrest by British police last August as a
major victory in their efforts to target tech-savvy Islamic extremists.

Ahmad's catered to English speakers, featured snazzy graphics and
couched its radical politics in a moderate tone by posting firsthand news
reports from amateur correspondents around the world. International news
organizations, including the BBC, often cited dispatches from and
its sister Web sites when reporting on events in Chechnya and Afghanistan.

In contrast, many other Web sites sponsored by Islamic extremists in those
days were technologically primitive and often published in Arabic, limiting
their audience. represented a breakthrough, allowing militant
groups to spread their message worldwide and recruit new followers.

"It was the very first real al Qaeda Web site," said Evan Kohlmann, a New
York-based terrorism researcher who has tracked since the late
1990s. "It taught an entire generation about jihad. Even in its nascency, it
was professional. It wasn't technically sophisticated, but it was
professional looking, definitely more professional than any other jihadi Web
sites out there."

According to a U.S. indictment filed in October, Ahmad used to
solicit donations for Chechen rebels and the Taliban, and arranged for the
training and transportation of Islamic fighters. Among the specific charges
is one alleging that posted messages in early 2001 containing
specific instructions for supporters to deliver cash payments of up to
$20,000 to Taliban officials in Pakistan.

In addition, the indictment states, Ahmad and unnamed co-conspirators bought
camouflage suits, global positioning equipment and gas masks for Islamic

While federal prosecutors described Ahmad's material support for terrorist
groups as significant, they said the primary threat posed by his Web sites
was their power to spread dangerous ideas by exhorting people around the
world to take up arms and become Islamic fighters themselves.

Kohlmann, the terrorism researcher, said made its reputation in
part by hawking some of the earliest English-language videotapes to glorify
Islamic fighters. One top-selling video, titled "Martyrs of Bosnia," was
produced in 1997 and featured a masked narrator -- thought to be Ahmad --
waving an automatic rifle and urging Muslims to go to the Balkans to kill

After the Sept. 11 attacks, printed a lengthy article in praise of
the "Nineteen Lions," a reference to the 19 hijackers who crashed airplanes
into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania.

"The attacks on September 11 2001, which saw the WTC turned to rubble and
destroyed an entire section of the Pentagon, were the single most courageous
and momentous act of Modern History, sending shockwaves throughout the
World, which are still palpable today," read the article, signed by a person
who identified himself as Muadh bin Abdullah Al-Madani, from Uruzgan,
Afghanistan. "Without doubt, it was the defining moment in the battle
between those who wish to destroy Islam and those who wish to make the Name
of Allah Most High."

Mounting a Defense

U.S. prosecutors have outlined their case against Ahmad in an indictment and
a supporting affidavit filed last year in U.S. District Court in
Connecticut, which is where the Briton will face trial if he is extradited.
The British government is scheduled to decide in September whether to
approve Ahmad's transfer, although both sides expect the case will be
appealed to the British High Court.

Ahmad was first arrested in December 2003 by British police on suspicion of
terrorist activities, but they released him after a week and declined to
file charges. U.S. prosecutors pressed their own charges nine months later,
claiming jurisdiction because he allegedly used Internet service providers
in Connecticut and Nevada.

During a series of extradition hearings in London since then, U.S.
government officials have made other allegations against Ahmad, accusing him
of attempting to organize a training camp for Islamic militants in Arizona
in 1998 and meeting people near Phoenix who had access to bin Laden. Lawyers
representing the U.S. government during the extradition hearings have also
said that Ahmad tried to buy 5,000 tons of sulfur phosphate, allegedly for
mixing explosives, in 1997 and 1998.

Although London earned a reputation in the 1990s as a haven for Islamic
extremists and radical clerics who took advantage of free speech protections
to advocate violence and the overthrow of governments, Ahmad did his work
secretly and went to considerable lengths to conceal his identity as the
sponsor of, according to the indictment.

Ahmad's relatives dismissed the charges as "rubbish" and said he was being
unfairly targeted because he filed a brutality complaint against British
police after he was arrested in 2003. Neither he nor his family have
responded in detail to the charges against him.

"As far as the allegations, we're not going to talk about them," his wife,
Maryam Ahmad, said in an interview. "If they are the ones giving the
allegations, let them prove it."

Family members said it is telling that British authorities have not filed
their own charges against Ahmad, given that he allegedly operated
while living in London.

"If you think he is guilty, why not give him a fair trial in this country?"
Maryam Ahmad said. "For us to mount a defense for Babar would be very, very
easy. Their case would crumble. If it did come to trial, we could form a
very solid defense. That's undisputed."

Declining to address the facts of the case, or to discuss his political and
religious views, Ahmad and his family have instead focused on portraying him
as a normal, middle-class British professional.

His Web site features a black-and-white photo of him as a smooth-faced
toddler, eschewing adult pictures that would reveal his full beard, a
suggestion of strict Islamic faith. The site describes in detail how as a
child he was kind to animals, and includes dozens of testimonials from
friends and colleagues. It also asserts that he never had any scrapes with
the law, not even a parking ticket, before his arrest.

Ahmad's most outspoken supporters in Britain include luminaries such as
actress Vanessa Redgrave and several members of Parliament. With Redgrave's
backing, Ahmad ran for Parliament in May on a platform of overhauling
Britain's anti-terrorism laws.

Confined to his prison cell during the campaign, he received only 685 votes,
or about 2 percent of the total cast in his district. But he managed to stir
debate over a new treaty that provides for the speedier extradition of
British terrorism suspects, such as himself, to the United States. The
treaty allows the United States to seek extradition of Britons without
submitting specific evidence of their guilt, and even if they do not face
criminal charges at home, but the extraditable offense must be punishable by
the laws of both states.

"Electing Babar would be the most powerful message on human rights and
justice that could be given," the actor Corin Redgrave, Vanessa's brother,
said at a campaign event in April, when he announced that he had recruited
Ahmad to run for Parliament as a member of the antiwar Peace and Progress
Party. "Just let the Americans try to say that an elected MP should be

Tracking a Cyber-Activist

U.S. law enforcement officials have said Ahmad secretly operated the and its sister Web sites while studying and working at Imperial
College, a science, technology and engineering school in central London.

After receiving a master's degree in mechanical engineering six years ago,
Ahmad landed a job at Imperial as a computing and networking specialist and
worked there full time until his arrest in August 2004.
U.S. prosecutors allege that he ran his Web site in part by relying on
college networks; British police raided his campus office when he was first
arrested in 2003. Imperial College officials did not respond to phone calls
and e-mails seeking comment.

Friends and colleagues at Imperial said they had no inkling of Ahmad's
Internet activities. Although he was active in the campus Islamic Society,
they said he was seen as a voice of moderation, not extremism.

When a controversial Islamic sect tried to establish a presence at Imperial
a few years ago, Ahmad was outspoken in opposing the group but also tried to
calm tensions by building consensus among Muslim students, said Mustafa
Arif, the president of the Imperial College student union.

"He was the father figure in that debate," said Arif, who has known Ahmad
for six years. "A lot of the vitriolic talk he was opposed to.
He was one of those Muslims whose views were that Muslims need to sort
themselves out before they can deal with who they think their oppressors
are. That's why it was such a shock when he was arrested.
It just went counter to everything we knew about him."

British and U.S. officials started paying close attention to Ahmad after the
Sept. 11 attacks on the United States. U.S. Homeland Security agents said in
court papers that they began investigating Ahmad and four years

In an interview for a BBC documentary last month, Andrew Ramsey, a friend of
Ahmad, said he was approached a few years ago by the British domestic
intelligence service, MI5, and offered money to spy on the webmaster. Ramsey
said he declined.

Ramsey said he converted to Islam largely because of Ahmad's influence. He
said Ahmad introduced him to, which persuaded him to travel to
Afghanistan to help the Taliban before the militia was removed from power
during the U.S.-led invasion of the country.

"Azzam was an English Web site for a start. That made a lot of impact,"
Ramsey said. "An English Web site that covered a controversial issue, which
is the issue of jihad. When the first set of images started coming through
-- murdered children, murdered women, murdered men -- it has that kind of
shock effect, like, 'Wow!' " struggled to remain on the Internet after Sept. 11, as the U.S.
government and private groups pressured its Web service providers to yank
the site because of its content. vanished and reappeared several
times in different formats over the next several months, before giving up
for good in late 2002, although other Web sites still carry some of its
original postings, pamphlets and videos.

It is unclear why U.S. prosecutors waited until last summer to file charges
against Ahmad. Virtually all of the crimes described in the indictment
against him occurred before 2002, and he is not alleged to have attempted to
rebuild his Web sites in recent years.

One possible explanation can be traced to the arrest in July 2004 of an
accused al Qaeda operative in Pakistan, Muhammad Naeem Noor Khan. A British
citizen, Khan was caught with laptops that allegedly contained detailed
surveillance information on financial targets in the United States,
including the World Bank headquarters in Washington, according to U.S. and
Pakistani officials.

U.S. intelligence officials said Khan is also Ahmad's cousin. Although they
declined to comment on whether their cases are related, Khan reportedly
cooperated with Pakistani and U.S. investigators after his arrest, agreeing
to send e-mails to other al Qaeda figures in an attempt to entrap them.

Staff researcher Julie Tate in Washington contributed to this report.

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