Summary of domestic surveillance since 1960s Army spying against
anti-war groups and leftist politicians up through Nixon to the
current violations of FISA law by Bush43. He did not have to ignore
FISA but probably is doing so deliberately to force a confrontation
that will establish his right to collect on his own authority and thus
kill another chunk of the Constitution. 

Intimately familiar with the Army collection program as I was a part
of it, refusing re-enlistment and leaving the Army in late 1969 (after
removing all files after tipped by a friend in Justice) just before
Justice investigators arrived in early 1970.  

Never mind where my local chunk of files went...all collected from
OSINT sources.  They remained in use elsewhere at the state level,
until the Supreme Court Nixon ruling, to identify folks operating and
training in neighboring nations and coming back and forth into the
U.S. to cause havoc.  Until the Nixon case, none of the restrictive
Federal rules on collection applied to the states, but after that
case, the unit I entrusted the files to was not about to go against
the Constitution.  

Sadly, others are now more eager and willing...

David Bier

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Monday, December 19th, 2005

An Impeachable Offense? 
Bush Admits Authorizing NSA to Eavesdrop on Americans Without Court
President Bush has admitted he secretly ordered the National Security
Agency to eavesdrop on Americans without ever seeking court approval.
Famed constitutional attorney Martin Garbus and former intelligence
officer Christopher Pyle both say it is an impeachable offense. We
also speak with investigative journalist James Bamford about the
history of the NSA. Plus, The New York Times exposed the story, but
why did they hold it for more than a year? [includes rush transcript]
President Bush has admitted he secretly ordered the National Security
Agency to eavesdrop on Americans without ever seeking
constitutionally-required court approved warrants. Under the program
-- authorized in the weeks following the 9/11 attacks -- the agency
has monitored the international phone calls and e-mails of hundreds --
and possibly thousands -- of people inside the country. The New York
Times broke the story Friday. Hours later, Bush was interviewed by
PBS' Jim Lehrer.

    * President Bush, interviewed on PBS' NewsHour with Jim Lehrer,
December 16, 2005.

Bush later reiterated he would not comment on the program because
doing so would: "compromise our ability to protect the people." But
less than twenty-hours later, after a storm of public criticism, he
reversed his position. This is President Bush, in his weekly radio
address Saturday.

    * President Bush, radio address, December 17, 2005.

The disclosure has led to bi-partisan calls for a congressional
investigation. In response, administration officials pointed out both
Democratic and Republican congressional leaders had been briefed on
the program. But former Democratic Senator Bob Graham, who attended
the briefings as chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, told the
Washington Post he was never informed of the two key issues to arise
from the disclosure. Graham says he was never told the government was
eavesdropping on U.S. citizens and foreign nationals in the country,
nor was he told it was bypassing the special courts imposed by the
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, or FISA.

Under FISA, the government can obtain warrants directly from a special
court that requires almost no evidence or probable cause. Passed by
Congress in late 1970s, FISA describes it itself and the criminal
wiretap statutes as "the exclusive means by which electronic
surveillance . . . may be conducted."

Several analysts have questioned the administration's decision to not
seek court-approved warrants when FISA courts have almost never
rejected them. According to the Electronic Privacy Information Center,
FISA courts have rejected only FOUR of over 15,000 warrant requests
made since 1979. That number includes over 4,000 warrant requests
since the 9/11 attacks.

The Washington Post notes the revelation marks the third time in as
many months the Bush administration has been forced to defend a
departure from previous restraints on domestic surveillance. Most
recently, NBC News reported last week the Pentagon has been conducting
domestic intelligence on peaceful anti-war protesters and others.

But the revelation also marks the second time in as many months one of
the country's leading newspapers has withheld information at the
request of the Bush administration. In a November piece on the
existence of CIA-run, Soviet-era prisons in Eastern Europe, the
Washington Post complied with a White House request to withhold
information administration officials said could be harmful to national
security. In its report Friday, the New York Times revealed it had not
only withheld information, but had in fact delayed publishing the
story -- also at the government's request - for at least one year.

    * Martin Garbus, a partner in the law firm of Davis & Gilbert LLP.
Time Magazine calls him "one of the best trial lawyers in the
country," while the National Law Journal has named him one of the
country's top ten litigators.
    * James Bamford, investigative journalist and author of several
books including the first book ever written about the National
Security Agency called "The Puzzle Palace : Inside America's Most
Secret Intelligence Organization." He is also author of "Body of
Secrets: Anatomy of the Ultra-Secret National Security Agency"; and
most recently, "A Pretext for War: 9/11, Iraq, and the Abuse of
America's Intelligence Agencies."
    * Christopher Pyle, Professor of Politics at Mt. Holyoke. In 1970
Pyle disclosed the military's surveillance of civilian politics and,
as a consultant to three Congressional committees, worked to end it.


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AMY GOODMAN: The President initially refused to answer any questions
about the secret program, but on Saturday he spoke openly about it and
defended the practice.

      PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH: We do not discuss ongoing intelligence
operations to protect the country. And the reason why is that there's
an enemy that lurks that would like to know exactly what we're trying
to do to stop them. I will make this point, that whatever I do to
protect the American people -- and I have an obligation to do so --
that we will uphold the law, and decisions made are made understanding
we have an obligation to protect the civil liberties of the American

      JIM LEHRER: So, if, in fact, these things did occur, they were
done legally and properly.

      PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH: See, you're trying to get me to talk
about a program that's important not to talk about, and the reason why
is that we're at war with an enemy that still wants to attack. I --
after 9/11, I told the American people I would do everything in my
power to protect the country, within the law. And that's exactly how I
conduct my presidency. 

AMY GOODMAN: President Bush admitting on Saturday that he secretly had
ordered the National Security Agency to eavesdrop. The disclosure has
-- he later reiterated he would not comment on the program. Doing so
would, quote, “compromise our ability to protect the people,” but less
than 24 hours later, after a storm of public criticism, he reversed
his position.

The disclosure has led to a bipartisan call for a congressional
investigation. In response, administration officials pointed out both
Democratic and Republican congressional leaders have been briefed on
the program, but former Democratic Senator Bob Graham, who attended
the briefings as chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, told the
Washington Post he was never informed of the two key issues to arise
from the disclosure. Graham says he was never told the government was
eavesdropping on U.S. citizens and foreign nationals in the country,
nor was he told it was bypassing the special courts imposed by the
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, or FISA.

Under FISA, the government can obtain warrants directly from a special
court that requires almost no evidence or probable cause. Passed by
Congress in the 1970s, FISA describes itself and the criminal wiretap
statute as “the exclusive means by which electronic surveillance…may
be conducted.”

Several analysts have questioned the administration's decision to not
seek court-approved warrants when FISA courts have almost never
rejected them. According to the Electronic Privacy Information Center,
FISA courts have rejected only four of over 15,000 warrant requests
made since 1979. That number includes over 4,000 warrant requests
since the 9/11 attacks.

The Washington Post notes the revelation marks the third time in as
many months the Bush administration has been forced to defend a
departure from previous restraints on domestic surveillance. Most
recently, NBC News reported last week, the Pentagon has been
conducting domestic intelligence on peaceful anti-war protesters and

But the revelation also marks the second time in as many months, one
of the country's leading newspapers has withheld information at the
request of the Bush administration. In a November piece on the
existence of C.I.A.-run Soviet-era prisons in Eastern Europe, the
Washington Post complied with a White House request to withhold
information administration officials said could be harmful to national
security. In its report Friday, The New York Times revealed it had not
only withheld information, but had in fact delayed publishing the
story also at the government's request for more than a year.

To discuss this explosive story, we're joined by Martin Garbus,
partner in the law firm, Davis & Gilbert. Time magazine calls him one
of the best trial lawyers in the country, while the National Law
Journal has named him one of the country's top ten litigators. We're
also joined in our D.C. studio by James Bamford. He is author of
several books, including the first book ever written about the
National Security Agency called The Puzzle Palace: Inside America's
Most Secret Intelligence Organization, also author of Body of Secrets:
Anatomoy of the Ultra-Secret National Security Agency, and most
recently, A Pretext for War. And joining us on the phone from
Massachusetts is Christopher Pyle. In 1970, Pyle disclosed the
military surveillance of civilian politics and helped to end that
practice. He is a former military intelligence officer. Let's begin
with Jim Bamford in Washington. Can you talk about precisely what has
been revealed? What exactly is the National Security Agency doing, Jim?

JAMES BAMFORD: Well, there hasn’t really been very much revealed at
all, simply the fact that the Bush administration has admitted that
they have been eavesdropping on U.S. citizens within the United
States, and apparently, they were focusing on international
communications; in other words, where at least one of the terminals of
the phone call was outside the United States. So that's about all we
know right now. The New York Times indicated that there was somewhere
between several hundred and maybe several thousand people that were
affected by this. But apparently, it's been going on at least since
2001, so there's probably quite a few people out there that have been
surveilled, and have no knowledge about it, and again, without any
court order.

AMY GOODMAN: Now, has this never happened before?

JAMES BAMFORD: No. It's happened quite a bit before. Throughout the
1960s -- actually, since the end of World War II, the NSA was doing
illegal spying. One project was known as Project Shamrock, where they
were getting illegal access to all the telegrams that came into the
United States, went through the United States, or went out of the
United States, every single day. They would go to New York, and
Western Union would turn over all the telegrams to them. And that
continued right up until the 1970s. And they were also doing a lot of
targeting on communications on behalf of the C.I.A. and other
agencies, telephone communications and so forth, and again, without
any warrants.

So that was why, after these revelations became public and during the
Church Committee hearings in 1975, they created the FISA Act, the
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act and then the Foreign
Intelligence Surveillance Court to act as sort of a buffer or a
firewall between the whatever president, whatever administration
happens to be in power and the American public, so there will be some
neutral arbiter there to take a look at the request and decide whether
the government should be able to do the eavesdropping or not.

AMY GOODMAN: We're going to go to a break. We'll be rejoined by James
Bamford, investigative journalist, Martin Garbus, First Amendment
attorney, and former military intelligence analyst, Christopher Pyle.


AMY GOODMAN: We're talking about the revelations of the National
Security Agency spying on Americans. We're joined by James Bamford,
investigative journalist in Washington. In a moment, Christopher Pyle,
former military intelligence analyst who exposed this kind of
surveillance back decades ago, and in our studio in New York, Martin
Garbus, who is a well known First Amendment attorney. Martin Garbus,
you wrote a piece in a letter to the editor in the New York Times that
appeared on Saturday that talks about, well, both the expose, but why
the Times held onto it. What is the significance of this?

MARTIN GARBUS: Well, I think it's the first time in a while that the
Times has done something like that, and I compared it to the Pentagon
Papers case, when they went ahead and they ignored what the government
said. Here the government had meetings with the New York Times.

AMY GOODMAN: Stop for a moment, for kids who are listening who don't
even know what the Pentagon Papers are.

MARTIN GARBUS: The Pentagon Papers were documents that ultimately
Daniel Ellsberg released. They were secret documents which indicated
and gave information about our involvement in Korea and North Vietnam,
in both those wars. And those documents released, the government then
tried to stop the publication of those papers. The New York Times and
the Washington Post both went ahead and published those stories. The
government, at that time, made the claim that our foreign policy would
be affected, and that particular individuals or many individuals would
be killed because of the release of secret information. And the Times
and the Washington Post ignored that.

What we’ve recently seen is both the New York Times and the Washington
Post have taken a totally different tack. The Washington Post, when it
wrote about the secret prisons, was asked by the government not to
give the locations of those secret prisons, and the Washington Post
acceded to that. The New York Times, for one -- at least one year,
held up the publication of this story, and had this story come out in
2002, 2003, 2004, probably the politics in the country would be very,
very different. And the New York Times had meetings with the
government, and according to the New York Times, they made an
investigation, and they concluded what there were legal safeguards in
effect that permitted the government's policy.

Now, the New York Times has a lot of very sophisticated lawyers, and
those lawyers know better than that. There is a case, and I'd like to
refer to something James Bamford said, with respect to how long this
has gone on before. There had been a case in 1972, when Nixon tried to
do the same thing. Lenny Wineglass, a very fine lawyer, argued the
case in District Court. Nixon claimed that you could, for domestic
surveillance, that you had a right to use executive warrants, as he
claimed, the permission of the President and the Attorney General. And
he said that that was sufficient. This was at a time of civil unrest,
according to him, 1971, 1972. There were some bombings within the
United States. And he went out, and he tried to survey, surveillance
people, eavesdropping, wiretapping without judicial warrants, without
probable cause.

And the United States Supreme Court said no. The United States Supreme
Court said you can’t do this. The United States Supreme Court said
that the President does not have that kind of power within the
Constitution. He has the power to protect the nation, but this goes
beyond that. He can’t violate the Constitution. That's exactly what's
happening now. And what’s going to happen is: You now have a different
Supreme Court. You’re going to have Roberts, probably Alito, and my
judgment is they're going to uphold what Bush is doing, and in effect,
they're going to reverse, though not directly, the Nixon case. It's a
strategy to get past that Nixon case and to give the President the
broadest powers that any President has ever had.

AMY GOODMAN: Let's go to Christopher Pyle. He is a Professor of
Politics at Mount Holyoke College right now, but formerly was a
military intelligence officer who exposed -- blew the whistle on the
Pentagon's spying on civilians in this country. Can you go back in
time, Professor Pyle, and talk about what happened, its significance,
and what you ended up doing about it?

CHRISTOPHER PYLE: In the 1960s, Army intelligence had 1,500
plainclothes agents watching every demonstration of 20 people or more
throughout the United States. They had a giant warehouse in Baltimore,
Maryland, full of information on the law-abiding activities of
American citizens, protest politics, mainly. I learned about this
while I was in the Army, just before I was discharged, and I wrote
about it after I was discharged, and then investigated it for two
congressional committees: Senator Ervin’s Committee on Constitutional
Rights and Senator Church’s Select Committee on Intelligence. As a
result of those investigations, the entire U.S. Army Intelligence
Command was abolished and all of its files were burned. And then,
after that, the Senate Intelligence Committee wrote the Foreign
Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978, which tried to stop the
warrantless surveillance of electronic communications.

AMY GOODMAN: Can you talk about your own counterintelligence program
that you set up once you left the Pentagon?

CHRISTOPHER PYLE: Well, after I disclosed the Army's surveillance, I
began hearing from students I had taught at the U.S. Army Intelligence
School. I was head of the legal section there, and I taught
investigative legal principles. I taught them not to do what it turned
out they were doing. And so I began to conduct my own investigation;
later did it under the auspices of Senator Ervin’s committee, and
through that investigation, recruited 125 agents to tell what they
knew about the spying to members of Congress, to the courts and to the

AMY GOODMAN: And what happened?

CHRISTOPHER PYLE: The military said they didn't do it, and beside,
they stopped, and they wouldn't do it again. We were unable to pass
legislation permanently ending it, but extensive assurance was given,
executive orders were issued, and the Army was supposed to be out of
the domestic spying business.

AMY GOODMAN: So, your response when you heard about what the National
Security Agency has been authorized to do by the President?

CHRISTOPHER PYLE: Not terribly surprised, but the one piece of it that
amazes me is that the President admitted that he personally ordered
the National Security Agency to violate a federal statute. Now, he has
no Constitutional authority to do that. The Constitution says he must
take care that all laws be faithfully executed, not just the ones he
likes. The statute says it's, as you said at the beginning of the
program, that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act is the
exclusive law governing these international intercepts, and he
violated it anyway. And the law also says that any person who violates
that law is guilty of a felony, punishable by up to five years in
prison. By the plain meaning of the law, the President is a criminal.

AMY GOODMAN: Martin Garbus, you say this is an impeachable offense.

MARTIN GARBUS: Yes, I agree that it is a crime, that it is an
impeachable offense. The question is: What will happen? The mere fact
that it’s impeachable doesn't necessarily mean that the Supreme Court
will find that, and it doesn't mean that he will necessarily be
impeached. He should be impeached, but he is claiming, for the first
time, that he has the authority to do this, even though FISA is there,
because he has relied on counsel. He has relied on John Yoo. He has
relied previously on Ashcroft, and he’s now relying on Gonzales. And
all of these people are telling him that it's legal. All these people
are telling him that the President's powers can be expanded, even
though FISA is there. And the President has come up with an excuse,
which I don’t see how anybody can buy. In FISA, you can get a warrant
in five minutes. You just go before the FISA court and you get your
warrant, and that's all there is to it. There’s no argument --

AMY GOODMAN: Hasn't the criticism been that FISA gives them too easily?

MARTIN GARBUS: Surely. Your statistics were correct. Namely, that out
of some 15,000 warrant applications, there were eight that were denied
since 1978, so it's basically a rubber stamp. Now, what Bush said is,
‘I don't have the time,’ he says, ‘to go to FISA.’ Now, everybody has
had the time to go to FISA. It doesn't take any time at all. So, that
the argument that he has the right to avoid FISA, I think, is a false

AMY GOODMAN: James Bamford, if you could explain how exactly the
surveillance happens, how does it work at the NSA? What was allowed
before, in terms of monitoring overseas conversations, and where are
these listening devices?

JAMES BAMFORD: Well, before I get into that, just one other comment on
what we just have been talking about. When the Foreign Intelligence
Surveillance Act was created in 1978, one of the things that the
Attorney General at the time, Griffin Bell, said -- he testified
before the intelligence committee, and he said that the current bill
recognizes no inherent power of the President to conduct electronic
surveillance. He said, ‘This bill specifically states that the
procedures in the bill are the exclusive means by which electronic
surveillance may be conducted.’ In other words, what the President is
saying is that he has these inherent powers to conduct electronic
surveillance, but the whole reason for creating this act, according to
the Attorney General at the time, was to prevent the President from
using any inherent powers and to use exclusively this act.

Now, the way the NSA actually does its eavesdropping, is it -- if you
think about the FBI being sort of a retail eavesdropper, they will go
from house to house or put a bug on a central telephone company’s
office for where a person happens to have their junction box, or
whatever. The NSA, on the other hand, does it wholesale, where they
take entire streams of communications coming down from satellites,
which can contain millions of communications, and they sort of
intercept those communications with large dishes and filter the
information through very quick computers that are loaded with names of
people, words that they're looking for, and at one point they -- one
listening post in the central part of England, for example, they
intercept two million pieces of communications an hour. So that's
emails, faxes, telephone calls, cellular calls and so forth. So, it's
an enormous amount of eavesdropping, and Senator Frank Church, back in
the mid-70s, when he was conducting his investigation of NSA, said
that if NSA's technology were ever turned on the American public,
there would be no place to hide.

AMY GOODMAN: And how it actually goes down? I mean, how they record?

JAMES BAMFORD: Well, they record it by picking up the signals. The
signals are transmitted by -- either by satellite or microwave or by
undersea cable. And the NSA has developed methods for eavesdropping on
all of those techniques, either using satellites in space or ground
stations or submarines that can actually tap into undersea cables. So,
they have perfected the methods by which they can intercept all of the
different forms of communications, even fiber optic communications,
which are buried underground. And the key is that being able to sift
through it all and pick out the communications that they want. But
again, the NSA is supposed to be directed externally. And the problem
is once a president decides to secretly turn the NSA's big ear
internally, and that's what has been happening.

AMY GOODMAN: On Saturday, I was talking to some U.N. personnel and
ambassadors, ambassadors to the United Nations. Now, we know about the
scandal of the Security Council members being eavesdropped on,
wiretapped, when there was pressure in the lead up to the invasion.
When I asked them about this, you know, they take this as standard
fare at the U.N. Everyone assumes that they're being wiretapped.

JAMES BAMFORD: Well, that's true, and there were a number of
revelations that came out early on in the lead up to the war in Iraq.
There was an employee of the British equivalent of NSA, called GCHQ,
Government Communications Headquarters, who leaked a memorandum from
the NSA which specifically said they were -- they wanted extra
targeting on some of the members of the Security Council, in order to
try to get them to change their votes in favor of the United States.
So by eavesdropping on their communications, they could find out --
say, it was in Gambia or something, they want a bridge, so the United
States can offer money to help them build a bridge, or whatever it is,
offer some kind of a bribe in order to get their vote. So, that was
why that document was leaked, and it showed very clearly that the U.S.
was using the NSA to help sort of twist arms to get the votes they
wanted in the United Nations.

AMY GOODMAN: Professor Christopher Pyle?

CHRISTOPHER PYLE: The problem here is everybody knows that
international intercepts go on all the time, particularly those with
political or economic advantage. The problem with the latest
disclosure is it’s focused upon persons in the United States.

Two months ago, two agents of the Department of Homeland Security went
to visit a student at the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth.
They were concerned because he had made an interlibrary loan request
for Mao Tse-Tung’s book, the Little Red Book. Now, somehow the
government was monitoring the email record that sought to get that
book out of Peking, because the kid was looking for the official
Peking version. Now, somebody is monitoring interlibrary loans. This
would seem to occur under Section 215 of the PATRIOT Act. But the
question is who is carrying it out? And it could very well be NSA.

And this is precisely what the Church Committee, which I worked for,
tried to stop, this kind of vacuum cleaner surveillance, this
watch-listing of books and titles and words and names of people who
are loyal Americans who are carrying out constitutionally protected
activity. The agents actually said that the Little Red Book is on a
watch list, and so that's why they had to investigate why he wanted to
read the Little Red Book.

AMY GOODMAN: Christopher Pyle, you were a military intelligence
analyst. On this issue of people who say, you know, this is a
different time after 9/11, and we -- the U.S. has to do everything it
can, no holds barred, to go after terrorists, when you have this
vacuum cleaner approach, when you are taking in so much information,
can this actually distract from â€" I mean, forget the moral
implications, the legal implications, the constitutional implications
-- can it actually hurt efforts to protect national security?

CHRISTOPHER PYLE: It entirely overwhelms the agents who are doing the
analysis by gushing in this much information from so many agencies on
so much trivia. The whole system is based upon the assumption that the
way you find a needle in a haystack is to add more hay.

AMY GOODMAN: Martin Garbus.

MARTIN GARBUS: I think that one of the things that we should be aware
of is the way the argument by the Bush administration has shifted.
First, when they admitted to this wiretapping, they were saying it was
wiretaps for surveillance between domestics and people overseas. Now,
they’ve admitted it's the wiretapping and investigation of people
within the United States, domestic calls to domestic calls. Secondly,
the way the argument has shifted: The argument originally had been
that the mandate, given as a result of September 11, gave the
President the power to do this, as it gave him the power to do
torture, as it gave him the power to restrict detainees, as it gave
him the power to stop habeas corpus. The argument has now shifted.
They're no longer claiming that it's that particular enactment which
gives him this authority. This is a straight constitutional argument,
saying that under the Constitution, he has the power to protect the
United States, and he can do anything under the Constitution to
protect the United States, and therefore, he now has a constitutional
power, not a statutory power, and that was, again, the argument in the
Nixon case.

AMY GOODMAN: And the issue about torture, the Levin-Graham amendment?

MARTIN GARBUS: I think that -- I think it's astonishing, first of all,
that it's the Levin amendment. And when that first passed in the Senate--

AMY GOODMAN: This is Michigan Senator Carl Levin.

MARTIN GARBUS: One of the most, perhaps, liberal, one could argue,
members of the Senate. Now, when that bill passed in the Senate, it
was 79-16. So, I think it's extraordinary the extent to which the
Democrats have capitulated on this particular issue. I think this
business about the PATRIOT Act, I think it's just a firestorm. I
think, ultimately, it's going to be passed, and they are going to rely
on the President's authority at the end of the day. You really don't
need the PATRIOT Act if the President has all of this authority.

So, they're switching the argument. They no longer need that
particular statute. This comes within the President's Article 2,
Section 2 rights under the Constitution to protect the people. They
have changed the battleground to bring it close to the Nixon case,
which they, with this new Supreme Court, will overrule. The Nixon case
was ’72. At that time, you had Brennan, Marshall, Douglas. This is a
very, very different court.

AMY GOODMAN: Martin Garbus, I want to thank you for being with us,
well-known First Amendment attorney; James Bamford, investigative
journalist; and Christopher Pyle, Professor of Politics at Mount
Holyoke, also a former military intelligence officer. 

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