What Extremists Are Saying


What Extremists Are Saying

(U) On 5 December, an English-subtitled video, produced by al-Sahab,
an AQ production company, was issued containing the complete 
with Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri.  The 43:45 minute interview this release
is the full recording of which the Arabic satellite channel,
al-Jazeera, aired 5:30 minutes on September 19, 2005.  Zawahiri's
begins by critiquing the United Nations.  He claims that the "United
Nations is part of the crusader kingdom," but is conspicuously silent
on the effects of the Iraqi embargo, while loudly announcing the
atrocities in Darfur, Sudan. Further, Zawahiri tells the interviewer
that "al-Qaeda is spreading, expanding, and growing in numbers and
strength," adding that "the battle [against the west] is still in its
first skirmishes."  He goes on to dismiss criticism that AQ no longer
exists as a group but only as an ideology, reiterating that the group
is growing in numbers.  He adds that "the Qaida al-Jihad Group's
latest operation was the blessed raid on London."  

He spends several minutes justifying these attacks and verbally
assailing the state of Britain and its latest deportation of several
radical clerics, including Abu Qatada, who Zawahiri states that
England has no room for, while allowing Salman Rushdie to take 
Several times during the interview, Zawahiri states that one of the
great blunders of the U.S. and Britain was announcing shortly after
the London attacks they were preparing plans for a withdrawal from
Iraq.  This, Zawahiri remarks, is "the blundering that comes before
defeat," adding that the "specter of Vietnam blocks all their escape
routes."  Zawahiri, throughout, addresses the Muslim masses and the
mujahideen, calling for everyone to stand up in the name of jihad, 
to attack oil reserves in Arabia. 

Likewise, he addresses westerners and in particular, Americans, 
them to sit and ask themselves clear, honest questions about their
thoughts on their country's policies, and the reasons behind past
attacks from Muslims.  In closing, Zawahiri asks all media production
and internet companies to release the interview in "all languages and
as widely as possible.
(U) This week the Open Source Center released reports on a series of
articles that were posted in November.  The posting came out in four
parts.  On 19 November, a member of the Ana al-Muslim forum posted 
first part in a series of short articles entitled "For al-Qa'ida
Only."  In it, he explained that these articles were written after
monitoring world events and contemplating their development.  

The first article indicated that the struggle in Iraq is one between
Europe and the United States, with Iraq being the current focal 
Turkey, a country with historical links to Iraq, is "militarily,
economically, and demographically strong" and will represent the
Europeans and soon be rewarded by becoming a member in their European
Union.  He indicated that this country, without which "the Roman army
could not enter the Muslim depths", will have a role that will not
become clear until Iraq, Greater Syria, and the Arabian Peninsula are
repartitioned into weaker mini-countries.  

The neighboring regional nations, specifically Israel and its
rejectionist allies, will play an obvious but unsuccessful role on
behalf of the United States.  Finally, he emphasized that
"understanding the struggle between these two parties is very
important and very beneficial and that the decision maker of al-
of Jihad should never ignore it" so that he can use it to
strategically and tactically benefit his ummah. 
(U) Part 2 was posted on 21 November, this part titled "Brain
Ammunition" he advised al-Qa'ida "to preserve talented minds" and
"seek to educate the young for the future."  

The writer emphasized that only by "action rather than resignation"
could the Muslim nation realize the prophecy about its "ultimate
victory" and live up to its destiny as a "fertile nation" with the
capacity to rejuvenate itself. He pointed to the "crucial need for
expertise and brains" and urged al-Qa'ida to strive to meet this need
with the objective of "establishing God's law on this earth rather
than just achieving martyrdom."  He said that Muslims need experts 
their military war but they must be used judiciously for the ultimate
goal of establishing the Islamic state which requires a much longer 

He alluded to what he saw as a "decline in the quality of technical
performance and media production" of al-Qa'ida since the invasion of
Afghanistan, concluding that this was "due to the death of a large
number of [the organization's] experts."  He emphasized that it would
be more beneficial for al-Qa'ida to utilize its brains in an
"education program that would not die with their death;" a program 
like of "what they wrote about military sciences and weapon
manufacturing" rather than "a short-lived video or an audio 
or a magazine."  In conclusion, the writer stated that only by having
recruits qualified to replace the loss in expertise could "the 
survive and improve and the quantity be preserved."
(U) Part 3 was posted on 27 November, in this edition of "For
al-Qa'ida Only"; the forum member said that posters of videos should
determine their particular purpose before making them available to 
public.  He argued that although there were only a few jihadist 
available for the public in the late eighties and early nineties,
these videos were well distributed and readily available on the
internet.  He also argued that the jihad in Afghanistan 
was "supported
by everyone," including governments, scholars of the royal courts, 
preachers.  The enemy, on the other hand, was unable to launch 
campaigns, and thus there were no Russian videos available and no one
in the local media doubted or questioned the jihad in Afghanistan. 

The videos, at that time, were meant to "serve one main, clear, and
general objective," which was to "agitate in favor of jihad, and to
support it financially" and otherwise.  Now, that the fronts of jihad
have proliferated, the thrones and the governments have "gotten
angry," and Muslims have begun to question the jihad against the
Crusaders, he then indicated that the "need for informational 
with particular objectives," has become more relevant.  He said that
"particular objectives" are those that tackle a particular aspect of
the issue, and "do not just agitate," even though such objectives, in
the final analysis, also serve the goal of incitement.  He therefore
emphasized that the media and video productions should serve the
following objectives among other things:

                 -         (U) To remove the misguided imams' doubts
about the blessed jihad and to stress that the aim                   
    of jihad is to drive back the enemy and not sedition or 

-         (U) To show the correctness and the legitimacy of the
mujahidin's decision to target the Iraqi police and the pagan
[National] Guards.

-         (U) To show the correctness and legitimacy of the
mujahidin's determination to target some of the "Shia 'civilians.'"

-         (U) To show the forgiveness of the mujahidin of al-Qa'ida
towards the other fighting groups, even in light of some
methodological disagreements between them

-         (U) To refute rumors spread by the enemy via its media
organizations throughout Iraq.
(U) He also stated that there are videos available on the internet
that were "produced and activated before a particular purpose was
decided" for them, thus causing "replication and lack of clarity."  
concluded by saying that "determining the purpose of the video before
it is produced, provides greater focus and lucidity as it also makes
it easier for the creator of the video to produce it."

(U) The forth and final section was released on 29 November, in 
he proposed changing the name of "al-Qa'ida Organization," to the 
appropriate "al-Qa'ida of Jihad."   The author believed that the
latter title is more appropriate because "'al-Qa'ida of Jihad' is an
international comprehensive title, which is far from being
denominational and party biased.  'Al-Qa'ida' means the basis of
everything, so if we add the word 'jihad' to it then it will 
mean 'the
basis of jihad,' which supports jihad."   He also argued that this
change should be implemented because "'al-Qa'ida of jihad' is not a
group, an organization or even a party, it is the spark of jihad and
its point of inception, its base and support.  

Its objective is to entice the sons of this Ummah [Muslim nation] to
perform their duty.  It does not fight on their behalf, nor does it
have a monopoly on jihad."  The author suggested that all divisions 
al-Qa'ida be renamed accordingly, citing examples such as: "'al-
of Jihad in the Land of Two Rivers' and 'al-Qa'ida of Jihad in the
Arabian Peninsula.'"  He also noted that "issuing a political
statement regarding the changing of the name…will be beneficial to
alert the news media to the agreed upon title."  The "Islamic" forum
of the Ana al-Muslim website at www.muslm.net/vb has become in late
February a popular site for statements issued by Iraqi insurgency 

(U) On 30 November, a 44:35 minute audio message purportedly orated
by Abu Hamza al-Baghdad, the head of the Shari'a Committee of AQI was
issued.  The speech, titled: "The Election is the Way of the
Criminals," expounds upon the group's belief that the upcoming Iraqi
parliamentary elections and democracy, in general, seek to deify man
and denounce Islamic Shari'a, as politicians become the "highest
authority and there is no other authority above them."  Further,
al-Baghdadi argues that elections serve the American's purpose to
extinguish the jihad spirit within the mujahideen – that it will
resolve the differences between the coalition and Iraq 
and the insurgents- and "make your dreams come true."  

The speech elaborates upon a multi-point denouncement of democracy's
purpose vis-à-vis Islam and principles as set out in the Qur'an, and
additionally, states that those who participate and elect the men to
"partner with Allah" will be considered infidels, as "they are the
ones who are providing the mandate to the representatives to make the
laws."  Also, the speech cites historic examples of America's alleged
tampering in foreign elections for their own interests, such as Italy
in 1947, where the United States sought the "success of the Christian
Democrats over the Communist Party." The audio concludes with a
message addressing the mujahideen to remain steadfast in their jihad
and to "draw your swords of dignity."

(U) On 29 November, a member of a password-protected AQ affiliated
forum recently posted a message listing who he deemed the "twenty 
wanted people" in Iraq, additionally providing a photograph of each
wanted person.  The list includes members of the Iraqi government,
political parties, and Shi'ite tribal leaders brigades, whereas the
"devil" Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani is designated as the number 
most wanted, and Abdul Aziz al-Hakim, the Supreme Council for the
Islamic Revolution in Iraq, follows as number two.  

Other men, such as Jalal al-Talibani, Hadi al-Ameri, the head of
al-Ghadr Organization, and Ahmad al-Jalabi are also a part of the
list. The message concludes: "We ask Allah that the mujahideen will 
able to get their heads."
(U) On 29 November, a member of the Shamilah Net Forums
(www.shamela.net/vb) posted a statement issued by AQI in which the
amir of Al-Baraa Jihadist Group claimed to join Al-Zarqawi's 
group "in
response to God Almighty's order to unify the ranks to confront the
infidels and the hypocrites."  The statement was attributed to
"Abu-Maysarah al-Iraqi," the Media Division of al-Qa'ida Organization
in the Land of the Two Rivers.

(U) On 28 November, a 13:47 minute video titled: "Baghdad Badr
Attack," which refers to the attacks on the Meridian Palestine and 
Ishtar Sheraton Hotels in Baghdad on October 24, 2005.  

The film contains clips from various stages of the operation,
including intelligence gathering missions, preparatory stages, and
final execution, as well as designating which sites would be targeted
by the three suicide bombers.  In addition, one of the suicide
bombers, Abu Dahham, reads aloud a portion of his will, forecasting
doom for the enemy and voicing his joy to depart from this world. 
According to the video, the purpose of the attack was to "draw a map
of Islam, the border of which will be glory and victory," by 
hotels which houses foreign journalists, security companies'
personnel, the "center for formulating the constitution," and
Americans.  There were also incitements calling Muslims to join jihad
spread throughout the video.

(U) On 26 November, AQI issued a message from the "brothers and sons"
of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, addressing the al-Khalayla tribe, Zarqawi's
family, and its reported disowning of the group's Emir.  The message
explains that AQI was "hurt" by the tribe's reaction announcement and
questions if it was from obedient acquiescence to "Allah's enemy", or
compelled by threats and pressures.  Further, the group questions the
al-Khalayla tribe that if disavowing Zarqawi summarily disavows those
who "made enemies" of Jews, Christians, and "converters" and those 
defend the Muslim people.


22 November 2005

In the wake of Al-Qaida's November 9 terrorist attacks at hotels in
Amman , Jordan , the family and tribe of terrorist leader Abu Musab
al-Zarqawi have justifiably disowned him.
Zarqawi, born Ahmed Fadheel Nazzal al-Khalayleh, is a Jordanian
citizen who currently serves as the leader of Al-Qaida in Iraq . His
terrorist organization has claimed credit for the three bombings in
Amman which murdered citizens of many nations, primarily Jordanian
hotel employees.   
In an advertisement which ran in Jordanian newspapers on November 20,
Zarqawi's family said, "We denounce in the clearest terms all the
terrorist actions claimed by the so-called Ahmed Fadheel al-
who calls himself Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, and affirm that we, the sons
of the Khalayleh tribe, repudiate him.  

"We announce, and all the people are our witnesses, that we are
innocent of him and all that emanates from him, whether action,
assertion or decision. A Jordanian doesn't stab himself with his own
spear. We sever links with him until doomsday."   
The ads came just days after Jordanians filled the streets of Amman 
a display of patriotism for their great nation, and to take a stand
against terrorism.  

Meanwhile, Zarqawi continues to justify his insane attacks on 
civilians, ranting, "We chose these hotels after over two months of
thorough checks with trusted sources inside the hotels and elsewhere
showed that they were centers for Jewish, U.S. and Jordanian security
The terrorists' dead-end vision for the future has no place in a
civilized world. US CENTCOM stands alongside the people, government,
and King of Jordan, and all who reject Zarqawi and his terrorist 

Original language: Arabic 

>From 11-14 November, the gangster jihadis who call themselves
"Al-Qaida Organization in the Land of Two Rivers," the "Islamic Army
in Iraq" or the "Victorious Sect" posted multiple press releases to
the internet in which they bragged about targeting and killing men of
the Iraqi security forces.  
By killing those charged with security, these jihadists menace the
lifeline of the community – its trade routes – and make the people
afraid to use the roads, forcing them to rely on foreign armies for
protection.  But these transgressions upon the community were not
enough for this week's crime spree. In retaliation for the betrayal 
the "guides to Hell, the pseudo-Sunnis," the jihadists deliberately
murdered families at a wedding feast, to include the fathers of the
bride and groom. The enormity of this unlawful act rejects expiation.
For these cowards, "who love martyrdom and yearn for heaven,"
intentionally hurt believing men and women who did nothing to deserve
it solely "to gain martyrdom out of belief in what God promised 
These selfish acts to find "the shortest way to Paradise " are not
justified in any law. 

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¡ áÇ íÞÑåÇ Ãí ÞÇäæä . 
Once again showing its utter disregard for human life, Al-Qaida has
claimed responsibility for three bombings which deliberately targeted
civilians at hotels in the city of Amman , Jordan on November 9. The
coordinated attacks on the Days Inn, Grand Hyatt and Radisson SAS
murdered at least 56 people and wounded over 200. Although the hotels
are frequented by international tourists, most of those killed were
Jordanians. Citizens of Iraq , China , Palestine , the United States
of America and Saudi Arabia were reportedly among the dead. 

A statement posted online attributed to Al-Qaida in Iraq calls the
bombings retaliation for Jordan 's involvement in Operation Iraqi
Freedom, saying that the kingdom, "is now in the range of fire of the
holy warriors." It credited "A group of lions of Al-Qaida" for
carrying out the blasts, explaining, "Some hotels were chosen which
the Jordanian despot had turned into a backyard for the enemies of 
faith, the Jews and crusaders." 

Jordan 's Deputy Prime Minister Marwan Muasher called Jordanian-born
terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi a "prime suspect.'' 
Since 2001, Jordan has been a proud, vital member of the community of
nations fighting extremism.   Jordan has donated extensive
humanitarian aid to Iraqi citizens and provided doctors and nurses 
have treated over half a million Iraqis.   
Attacking innocence is the norm for Al-Qaida-affiliated terrorists.
They have no positive vision of the future and prey on the most
Original language: Arabic 

On November 1st, Major General Khalid al-Khulaywi of the Fahd 
College in Riyadh was interviewed on the Al-Arabiyah pan-Arab
satellite network. He spoke critically of Zarqawi's gangsters, those
selfish greedy thieves who swore allegiance to Al-Qaida but act
without permission or approval of the higher authorities.  In 
to threatening the global jihad goals, Zarqawi's brigands murder and
torture anyone they can capture, such as those who are in the service
of the diplomatic community at the request of the Iraqi people, and
pretend they are engaged in actual military combat.  "The number of
Muslims he has killed in Iraq is hundreds of times greater than the
Americans he has killed there," said General al-Khulaywi. "A
collective, concerted Arab action is required to expose the goals and
strategy of that charlatan."   
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Original language: Arabic 

In yet another example of the extreme nature of the insurgency, Al
Qaida has claimed responsibility for kidnapping two civilian 
of the Moroccan embassy in Baghdad and has threatened to kill them. 
November 3rd, Al Qaida announced on a terrorist website that it had
sentenced the men to death, saying they, "were without doubt 
of the oppressors and elements of the apostate regime in Morocco ."
Increasingly, moderates of the region are standing up against these
barbaric and desperate acts.  In a televised address to his nation,
Moroccan King Mohammed VI said, "We condemn the reprehensible
kidnapping of two Moroccan citizens by terrorist groups in Iraq ." 
Moroccan foreign embassy has stated, "Unfortunately, and despite many
calls in the country, the Al-Qaida Iraqi branch has apparently opted
for the supreme barbarity that nothing would explain or even 
  Original language: Arabic 

On November 1st, Major General Khalid al-Khulaywi of the Fahd 
College in Riyadh was interviewed on the Al-Arabiyah pan-Arab
satellite network. He spoke critically of Zarqawi's gangsters, those
selfish greedy thieves who swore allegiance to Al-Qaida but act
without permission or approval of the higher authorities.  In 
to threatening the global jihad goals, Zarqawi's brigands murder and
torture anyone they can capture, such as those who are in the service
of the diplomatic community at the request of the Iraqi people, and
pretend they are engaged in actual military combat.  "The number of
Muslims he has killed in Iraq is hundreds of times greater than the
Americans he has killed there," said General al-Khulaywi. "A
collective, concerted Arab action is required to expose the goals and
strategy of that charlatan."


Original language: Arabic 
31 October and 3 November, two separate messages were posted to an Al
Qa'ida affiliated website concerning Syria .  The 31 Oct message
warned the people of "al-Sham" ( Syria ), to beware and prepare for 
imminent battle. 

The author believes that the "hateful crusaders [are] preparing to
seize you and shake your regime," and argues that the hostilities are
not directed against the regime; rather, to fight Muslims "according
to fake religious promises driven by blind hatred."  Further, he 
for the preparation of cells for gang warfare, and suggests that the
"proven" weapons of improvised explosive devices, Kalashnikovs, and
suicide bombings are best utilized against the enemy.  The 3 Nov
message, titled: "A Brief Message to the Muslims in al-Sham," warns 
an impending dismantling of the Syrian regime by 
the "Zionist/Crusader
alliance," and alerts Syrian Muslims to ally within the "Global
Islamic Front."  According to the author, regardless of any
appeasement or collaborations with the "idiot monster," the Syrian
regime will be struck as the alliance seeks to create a schism within
Muslims in Syria , allegedly inventing their role in the al-Hariri
assassination and "infiltration of mujahideen to Iraq ".  Further, to
confront this situation, the author advocates the unification of
Muslims under the flag of "international jihad."

  On 3 November, a message posted to a jihadist forum, a woman
claiming to be a Palestinian in Iraq entreats Abu Musab al-Zarqawi,
the Emir of al-Qaeda in Iraq , for his assistance in freeing their
family members from prison and to defend the women from
"cross-worshipper" and Shi'ite aggression.  The woman alleges that
al-Ghadr Brigade and al-Zeeb Brigade have committed acts of dishonor
and desecration upon them and sisters from the Sunni people, 
"Every day they send to us threats of eviction and expulsion.  Our
husbands are taken to concentration camps."  Calling upon Zarqawi and
the mujahideen for support, the message also includes a prayer for
them to capture the "infidel's heads, the traitors, and the agents."
On 2 November, "Murasil Akhbar 4," a site moderator of the Global
News Network forum, posted a statement issued by al-Qa'ida
Organization in the Land of the Two Rivers (AQI) in which the group
announced the release of Part II of the "Biographies of Eminent
Martyrs" series.  This three-page issue, written by "Abu-Isma'il
al-Muhajir," talked about "Abu-Hurayrah al-Hijazi" who carried out a
suicide attack against the Public Security headquarters in an Iraqi
  On 31 October, "Al-Jabhah al-I'lamiyah" posted to Al-Faruq Forums a
statement issued by the Global Islamic Media Front  (GIMF) entitled
"Jundi al-Qa'ida al-Qadim (the future al-Qa'ida soldier), Rakan Ben
Wilyamz" (as published) in which the group promised western countries
and the US that they have and will continue to recruit people born to
Christian families that have converted to Islam and adopted the Al
Qa'ida philosophy and it will be these mujahideen that will perform
the new operations against the West and the US in the future.


Original language: Arabic 

On 21 October, "Murasil Akhbar 4," a moderator of the Global News
Network forum, posted a statement issued by the Media Division of
al-Qa'ida Organization in the Land of the Two Rivers, in which the
group responded to "lies" made by Islam Memo, saying that this was 
the first time Islam Memo makes up such lies. The original post was
attributed to "Abu-Maysarah al-Iraqi" of the Media Division of
al-Qa'ida Organization in the Land of the Two Rivers. The Global News
Network at www.world-news-network.net was established in July and
immediately became the major source of statements issued by insurgent
groups in Iraq .

On 13 October, "Murasil Akhbar 4," a site moderator of the Global 
Network forum, posted a statement issued by Abu-Mus'ab al-Zarqawi's
al-Qa'ida Organization in the Land of the Two Rivers [Tanzim al-
fi Bilad al-Rafidayn] in which the group condemned moderate Sunnis 
"reject terrorism," and participated in the writing of the
"constitution of infidelity."  The statement was attributed to
"Abu-Maysarah al-Iraqi" of the Media Division of al-Qa'ida
Organization in the Land of the Two Rivers. 

The most recent press release posted by the so-called "Media 
of the so-called "al-Qa'ida Organization in the Land of Two Rivers"
expressed frustration with the Islam Memo which accused the group of
killing Sunni voters in Ramadi. "These are lies," said Zarqawi's
statement, reacting angrily to the question of when the group would
stop the trail "of bloodshed against the Muslims under differing
pretexts."  In particular, targeting Sunnis voting either yes or no 
the constitutional referendum, attacking the Islamic Party and arming
themselves against other mujahidin.  While Zarqawi's group vehemently
denied all accusations and claimed its goal was to "defend the
Muslims, not kill them," just days earlier it lumped "the 
Crusader-Jewish alliance" in with "another enemy," referring to those
who "claim to be Sunnis."  These people who liked to call themselves
moderates or enlightened, it said, "obscure the religion of the
prophets for people and pushes them to take the road to annihilation
and to use methods that conflict with the rules of the faith.  It is
not supported by the fundamental truths of tradition or 
In essence, Zarqawi declared them to be non-Muslims and thus –  in
accordance with all its previous messages – eligible for a
jihad-backed death: "We will not differentiate between a rejectionist
who cooperated with the Crusaders and someone who claims to be a 
who sold himself to the enemies of this religion, betrayed God and 
The "al-Qaida Organization in the Land of Two Rivers" is clearly
experiencing the consequences of its own stated actions and must now,
with the round approval of the Iraqi Constitution, ponder its own
legitimacy to act.  It knows that it has no legal basis to kill the
millions of Iraqis who voted for a future that will benefit the ummah
but does not include them.    

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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