How to Handle Turkey's Legitimate Nuclear Aspirations

Posted on Friday, November 18 @ 16:00:00 EST by CDeliso    

By Mehmet Kalyoncu

This provocative analysis of Turkey's nuclear ambitions, informed by
current political realities and a historical summary of the country's
previous plans and nuclear partnerships, asks the devil's advocate
question: what do the US and EU plan to give Turkey to keep it from
going nuclear?

Recent heated statements of a nuclear variety made by both Iran and
Israel toward each other introduce a whole new dimension for Turkey's
security concerns in its neighborhood. Given the current
circumstances, Turkey could even be considered late in developing
nuclear capabilities for defense purposes. However, that Turkey can
and that Turkey might procure nuclear weapons are determined by two
different sets of conditions. 

The former possibility largely depends on Turkey's financial and
technical capabilities as well as political connections with nuclear
powers such as Pakistan. The latter possibility depends on primarily
the US', secondarily the European Union's approval.
There are legitimate reasons for them not to approve Turkey going
nuclear. The question is: what do they have to offer Turkey instead,
to convince it not to go nuclear? Accordingly, how can Turkey take
advantage of the nuclear debate going on in its immediate neighborhood? 

Despite its seemingly stable (albeit somewhat rocky) relationship with
Iran, Turkey neighbors here on one of the most threatening nuclear
powers of the time. Recently, openly radical Islamist and
anti-democratic Mr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his aides seized power in
the country. Accordingly, Iran has been more confrontational not only
with its long time foe, the US, but also with arguably friends, or
relatively less foes, the European powers. Let alone it does not
comply with the rule and regulations of the International Atomic
Energy Agency (IAEA) on opening its all facilities for inspection.

Moreover, as some Western commentators argue, Turkey has turned to be
an equally potential target for fundamentalist Islamist groups such as
Al-Qaeda and its global derivatives. A series of bombings in both
Istanbul and Ankara in 2004 has only bolstered that argument, showing
that the same terrorists who attacked the US on September 11, 2001 and
Spain on March 11, 2003 would not hesitate to attack secular and
democratic Turkey, either.

In addition, even though it seems to have a rather friendly
relationship with Israel, Turkey is neighboring another nuclear power,
one which would not think twice in case it feels obliged to use its
nuclear capabilities to counter a standing national security threat.
Given all these reasons, Turkey even would appear to be late in
obtaining nuclear weapons, whereas some of the Western countries, such
as France and the United Kingdom, have procured their nuclear powers
even though they are not exposed to the same level of nuclear threat.
Apparently, Turkey should have nuclear capabilities to protect itself. 
Yet does Turkey qualify to go nuclear? To be realistic, whether Turkey
qualifies to possess nuclear weapons or not depends not on its
technological and economic capabilities, but on whether the United
States, and increasingly the EU, allows Turkey to have nuclear
weapons. To put it another way, whether Turkey may go nuclear or not
depends on international factors, mainly on US approval, whereas
whether Turkey can go nuclear or not depends on Turkey's own
technological and economic capacity. 

It accordingly entails two questions: If the US and the EU do not
approve of Turkey having nuclear weapons, what do they have to offer
Turkey instead? How could the Bush administration justify its
dissidence with Turkey's potential nuclear aspirations whereas it has
been more than willing to tolerate India, a long time
Non-Proliferation Treaty rebel, to continue its nuclear program; and
similarly let North Korea continue its uranium enrichment activities?
Is the Iran-Israel Confrontation a Threat for Turkey? 
It is more obvious than ever that as long as it is headed by a man who
does not hesitate to publicly pronounce his aspirations to wipe
another sovereign country off the map, nuclear Iran will continue to
be a major threat to Turkey. Even if Iran does not directly target
Turkey, its nuclear confrontation with third parties equally threatens
Turkey's national security because the effects of nuclear warfare are
not limited geographically as in conventional warfare. 

In this case, Iran's confrontation with ever-vigilant Israel is a
perfect threat for Turkey.
Iran is rapidly rolling back from former President Khatami's tolerant
discourse, towards the revolutionary discourse of the 1980's. On
October 26, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad declared the
annihilation of the Zionist regime as one of his government's
priorities during his speech at the "World without Zionism"
conference. Referring to Iran's revolutionary leader Ayatollah
Khomeini, Mr. Ahmedinejad insisted "As the Imam said; Israel must be
wiped off the map."

One could reasonably attribute such an extreme statement to Mr.
Ahmadinejad's political inexperience and ignorance of diplomacy.
Nonetheless, it represents a major shift for Iran from Mr. Khatami's
moderation back to the revolutionary doctrine. More importantly, Mr.
Ahmedinejad is not exhibiting an attitude original to him and his
government. As he puts it in his statements, he justifies his
anti-Israeli attitude by referring to earlier statements of Iran's
revolutionary leader Ayatollah Khomeini. That makes the case even more
critical and threatening.

Both Tel-Aviv and Washington have responded in a relatively calmer
mood to Mr. Ahmedinejad's radical statements. Israeli Foreign Ministry
spokesman Mark Regev, likening Mr. Ahmedinejad to another extremist
and Hamas leader Mahmoud Zahar, noted "[t]he problem with these
extremists is that they followed through on their violent declarations
with violent actions." Similarly, White House press secretary Scott
McClellan added "[I]t confirms what we have been saying about the
regime in Iran. It underscores the concerns we have about Iran's
nuclear intentions."

Although calm, these responses might set the stage for another
legitimized "freedom operation" next to Turkey's border. Even if
Turkey is not likely to be a direct target of any nuclear attack, it
may still want to have nuclear weapons to deter attacks between its
neighbors that would indirectly and yet extensively affect Turkey,
especially indirect effects such as trans-border conflicts and forced
migrations. A nuclear arms race reciprocated by other regional powers
such as Saudi Arabia, Syria and Iraq would only increase Turkey's
legitimate desire to obtain nuclear weapons. However, just as was the
case in the 1980s and 1990s, Turkey is highly likely to face strong
international opposition against its nuclear aspirations, most notably
from the US and the EU.

Turkey's Nuclear Experience

Turkey has never consistently pursued a nuclear program, so far as is
known to the public. However, both opportunities and demand to obtain
nuclear weapons have been attested. Dave Martin of the Nuclear
Awareness Project presents a short history of Turkey's nuclear weapons
experience: Ankara's encounter with the available nuclear resources
dates back to the time when Turkey ratified the Treaty on the
Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) on April 17, 1980 .

In the same year, Turkish President/General Kenan Evren and Pakistani
President/General Zia ul-Haq started to exchange ideas on cooperation
in developing nuclear weapons technology, which continued up until the
latter's death in a tragic plane crash in 1988. Later, in 1990-91,
cooperation between Argentina and Turkey to build the CAREM-25, a 25
MW nuclear reactor in their respective territories was ceased due to
international pressure . In 1998, Turkey, in cooperation with several
international companies sought to build a nuclear reactor at Akkuyu
Bay on the Mediterranean for civilian purposes. The bidders included
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL), a German-French consortium
(Nuclear Power International-NPI), and a partnership between
Westinghouse and Mitsubishi.

However, in the same year Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sherif
offered then Turkish President Suleyman Demirel cooperation in
developing nuclear weapons on May 11, 1998 during the Economic
Cooperation Organization (ECO) Summit in Almaty, Kazakhstan- an act
which increased international suspicions that the "civil" nuclear
reactor could also serve military purposes . Therefore, due to
international and environmentalist pressures, the Akkuyu Nuclear
Reactor project was halted as well.

In the meantime, some generals in the Turkish military have indicated
their desire for Turkey to develop its own nuclear capabilities rather
than to rely on international alliances like NATO. According to a news
report that appeared in Turkish daily newspaper Radikal, the most
notable champion of Turkish nuclear weapons was Lieutenant-General
Erdogan Oznal, then-in charge of the Balikesir NATO Air Base . Recent
historical experience thus indicates that both the desire and
technical opportunities are available in case Turkey resolves to go

Offers and Opportunities

So, what can the United States and the European Union offer?
The six-party talks and the EU3-Iran negotiations have proven that
neither international treaties such as the Non-Proliferation Treaty
(NPT) nor economic incentives are sufficient to convince North Korea
and Iran to halt their nuclear programs . Besides that, neighbors of
the respective nuclear countries have realized that reliance on
international alliances instead of their own nuclear weapons could be
a fatal mistake. Moreover, the Bush administration's willingness not
only to tolerate but also to assist the long-time NPT rebel India in
its nuclear program has only undermined the credibility of the
Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). 

Consequently, it convinced the willingly-non-nuclear countries - one
of which could be Turkey- that they could have ratified the NPT, and
yet they can go ahead and develop their own nuclear weapons, given
that the US, the big-time NPT guard, and India, the big-time NPT
rebel, could agree on nuclear cooperation.
The recent US-India cooperation on developing India's nuclear
technologies has only bolstered the global common wisdom that the US
always preaches but hardly, if ever, practices whatever it preaches.
On July 18, 2005, President George W. Bush and the Indian Prime
Minister Manmohan Singh issued a joint statement establishing a
"global partnership" between their countries. 

In addition, Mr. Bush expressed his intention to achieve full
cooperation with India to strengthen its nuclear energy facilities,
and ask the US Congress to adjust the current US laws to allow such
cooperation . Accordingly, in the October 26th hearing of the House
International Relations Committee, Chairman Henry J. Hyde noted, "[T]o
implement the nuclear cooperation elements of the agreement,
congressional assent must be obtained in the form of amending the
relevant laws now forbidding such cooperation with India and other
countries which are not in compliance with key nonproliferation
practices and conventions". These recent developments have further
undermined the credibility of the US' dedication to the
Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).

Under these circumstances, both the US and the European Union should
realize that it would not lead to positive consequences in the
relations to behave in a dictatorial way with Turkey in trying to
prevent it from procuring nuclear weapons. A dictatorial approach
would only further diminish the level of trust in Western democratic
fairness felt by Turkish society and the wider Muslim world in
general. Such an approach could lead Muslims to conclude that no
matter how democratic and "rational" a Muslim country can be, the
Western powers will never let it be as powerful as them.

As Cirincione and Vaynman of Carnegie Endowment of International Peace
suggest, US policy and rhetoric should never be dictatorial and
arrogant in ways that would make officials in countries that are
willingly non-nuclear conclude that Washington would be more
respectful of their interests if they had their own nuclear weapons.
Accordingly, both Washington and Brussels should engage in high-level
diplomacy with Turkish officials to convince Ankara that it does not
need nuclear weapons to protect the country. 

They should assure Ankara that they are ready to discuss alternative
security shields and alliances. In this vein, Brussels should address
the nuclear threat Turkey faces in its European Security and Defense
Policy (ESDP), and accordingly expedite the negotiations for Turkey's
EU membership. Similarly, Washington should encourage the EU to do its
part, and be more responsive to Turkey's security concerns. In this
regard, it can first start with the Kurdish PKK problem burgeoning in
Northern Iraq. Doing so would also restore the US image as a reliable
ally in the mind of the Turkish public. Lastly, both Washington and
Brussels could and should back Turkey's candidature for the
non-permanent membership in the UN Security Council for the term

Mehmet Kalyoncu is a graduate student at Georgetown University's
Center for Eurasian, Russian and East European Studies. This article
was originally published in Zaman US. 
Cited at:
Ibid. excerpt from Zeyrek, Deniz "Pakistan's Offer for Cooperation",
Radical Daily, June 1 1998
Ibid. cited in
See "North Korea: The deal that wasn't" the Economist, September 24th
Cirincione, Joseph; Vaynman, Jane "Lock in Nuclear Successes",
Proliferation Brief, Vol.8 No.2 

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