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How to Listen for the Sound of Plutonium 

19960101&td=sysdate&sort=newest&ac=DAVID%20E.%20SANGER&inline=nyt-per> DAVID
Published: January 31, 2006
WASHINGTON, Jan. 30 - In March 2004, the science and technology directorate
of the Central Intelligence Agency called a secret meeting of hundreds of
the government's top experts in nuclear intelligence to address a problem
that had bedeviled Washington for decades: how to know, with precision, when
a country is about to cross the line and gain the ability to build an atomic
The aim of the two-day conference was to reinvigorate the nation's atomic
espionage efforts, not with spies on the ground or satellites in space but
with a new generation of advanced technologies meant to detect the faintest
clues of nuclear activity.
The meeting, said an official who attended, "was to galvanize people to say,
'We recognize this is a big problem and we need to get everybody thinking
about it.' "
"There was a hope that, out of this, promising new approaches might be
identified," the official continued.
The experts discussed a range of potential tools, including new ways to
monitor electric power lines for the signature of high-speed centrifuges as
they purify uranium and lasers that can track radioactive dust. Also on the
agenda were more fanciful items, like robotic butterflies that can monitor
an atomic site while appearing to flutter by innocuously.
Nearly two years later, federal officials and scientists say that meeting
and other secret actions have accelerated the government's efforts to
develop new atomic espionage technologies. The research focuses on better
detection of four basic, but inconspicuous, signatures that covert nuclear
facilities and materials can emit: distinctive chemicals, sounds,
electromagnetic waves and isotopes, or forms of the same element that have
different numbers of neutrons, a subatomic building block.
Now, the Iranian crisis could pose a big test of how far that technology has
come. On Thursday in Vienna, the board of the International Atomic Energy
Agency is to consider what to do about Tehran's recent decision to restart
its enrichment of uranium, which many Western nations see as a major step
toward the acquisition of nuclear arms. 
American officials say better remote monitoring - some of which appears to
have already begun- could prove crucial if Iran follows through on its
threat to limit cooperation with international inspectors.
At a minimum, the crisis is putting more pressure on intelligence agencies
to find out if Iran harbors secret nuclear sites. And after Iraq, there is
huge pressure to get it right. 
It is hard to say which, if any, of the new ideas have come to fruition
because the work is highly classified. So too, it is unclear how well an
improved generation of monitoring devices are yet helping American
intelligence officials see into Iran, North Korea or other states suspected
of trying to build atomic weapons. The C.I.A. declined comment.
However, officials say that the program has become a high priority and that
the work is now spread across the C.I.A., the Energy Department and the
Defense Department, as well as government laboratories, military contractors
and universities.
One participant in the C.I.A. meeting characterized the effort as a
bureaucratic overreaction prompted by a string of recent intelligence
failures. "We're throwing money at it," he said. "We've created a whole
business of people looking for needles in haystacks." That participant, like
many other scientists and officials, spoke on the condition of anonymity
because of the effort's secrecy.
One topic at the C.I.A. meeting was tiny monitoring devices that can fly.
Federal researchers are creating new classes of such remote-controlled
aircraft, pushing the art of miniaturization in what are known as
microflyers. Discussion focused on whether such devices could carry
minuscule sensors to sniff out atomic activity. 
That effort is embryonic, experts say. The government's research program
centers more immediately on developing larger but still stealthy sensors
that can detect the making and manipulation of such key atomic ingredients
as uranium hexafluoride gas, which is fed into centrifuges as part of the
enrichment process.
One way to track the gas is to detect atmospheric rises in radioactivity as
well as the uranium 235 isotope, which is unique to enrichment. Federal
experts say research on that goal is under way at the Oak Ridge National
Laboratory as well as the Los Alamos and Livermore weapons labs. Steve
Wampler, a Livermore spokesman, said the California laboratory could say
nothing "beyond that the work is an important element for proliferation
Another goal, officials say, is to develop remote means of tracking plumes
from clandestine sites that leak the chemical byproducts of uranium
hexafluoride, revealing the presence of the toxic gas. "That's the
/smoking/index.html?inline=nyt-classifier> smoking gun," a nuclear expert
Sidney Drell, a Stanford University physicist who has long advised the
federal government on national security issues, lauded the overall effort.
"It's important to get, as early as possible, reliable evidence on what may
be clandestine facilities," he said. "Being able to develop better ways to
do things like this is a high-priority issue."
Tehran's acts have given sudden prominence not only to research meant to
improve atomic espionage but, in less classified forms, to aid the nuclear
inspectors of the United Nations' I.A.E.A. 
Even the less secret versions of such technologies can be quite exotic,
including sensors that track ghostly particles known as antineutrinos - a
kind of antimatter.
There are signs that atomic espionage is already aiding Washington's hunt
for clandestine Iranian sites. Late last year, Iran publicly complained to
the United Nations about two unmanned American aircraft that it said crashed
on its territory. In interviews, two federal intelligence experts said such
drone aircraft, launched from Iraq, periodically spy on suspected nuclear
"They look for all kinds of emissions," said a senior intelligence official.
The United States has practiced various forms of atomic surveillance since
the earliest days of the cold war, flying jets around the globe to pick up
radioactive dust from atomic testing, or to detect faint emissions from
plants harvesting plutonium for bomb fuel. 
In 1991, the research began focusing more intensely on uranium, the other
main path to building nuclear weapons. This came about when United Nations
inspectors discovered, after the gulf war, that the United States and its
allies had vastly underestimated Iraq's progress on developing a uranium
In the mid-1990's, the I.A.E.A. conducted studies to investigate the
monitoring of air, water and land for clues. A 1999 agency report found that
uranium releases might be detected at distances of up to 64 kilometers, or
40 miles, but cautioned that, over wide areas, pinpointing the source would
be difficult.
"The conclusion was, 'Yes, it's technically feasible,' " recalled Jill
Cooley, a senior I.A.E.A. official. "However, it was seen as being extremely
expensive to implement," requiring dense arrays of detectors to monitor
target areas successfully. "For us, it didn't seem like the bang was worth
the buck."
The landscape changed drastically by early 2004. After invading Iraq, the
United States came to realize that it had overestimated
/index.html?inline=nyt-per> Saddam Hussein's efforts to make unconventional
arms. At the same time, intelligence officials saw that they had seriously
underestimated the damage done by
han/index.html?inline=nyt-per> Abdul Qadeer Khan, the Pakistani nuclear
engineer who had secretly supplied nuclear know-how to Iran, Libya, North
Korea and perhaps other countries. 
The twin failures produced a surge of interest in improving the methods of
atomic espionage.
The C.I.A. meeting, held on March 18 and 19 of 2004 at the Virginia offices
of Science Applications International Corporation, a federal contractor,
came just two months after Dr. Khan's arrest. Its speakers included Dr.
Duane F. Starr, an expert on nuclear proliferation at Oak Ridge in
Tennessee, a federal complex that specializes in how best to gather
intelligence on the use of uranium abroad.
A recommendation of the meeting was that the United States build a secret
center where scientists could practice monitoring the kind of
first-generation centrifuges sold by Dr. Khan.
"The notion of a test bed was really pushed," a participant recalled, using
the phrase to describe a centrifuge facility where American researchers
could conduct surveillance experiments. "The problem was that it was seen as
expensive, really expensive." 
Although the United States obtained some of these centrifuges from Libya
after it agreed to end its nuclear program, it is not known whether the
government has used them as part of a testing facility.
Several intelligence experts said they believed Iran was well aware of the
range of remote sensors trained on its corners, even if it did not know
their specific technical capabilities, and was probably engaged in devising
countermeasures. It is a kind of technological intelligence race.
Robert Joseph, the under secretary of state for arms control and
international security, who has led the drive within the administration to
find new ways to pressure Iran and North Korea, called the research vital. 
"There is an urgency and imperative to invest in the technology to determine
which approaches are best," he said in an interview. While declining to
discuss specific methods, he added: "Some will work. Some will not. But it
is the geopolitics that makes this urgent."
Experts inside and outside the Bush administration agree that the new
technologies, even if successful, are no substitute for the human inspectors
of the International Atomic Energy Agency, who have the right, at least on
paper, to examine closely suspect facilities.
The Iranians, say I.A.E.A. inspectors, are acutely aware that many if not
all detection technologies work best in close proximity to nuclear
facilities. That is one reason Iran's recent threat to stop cooperating with
inspectors worries Western nations that are trying to negotiate limits on
Tehran's nuclear efforts.
"There is a lot we can now do with remote sensing," a senior government
official said recently. "But it is very hard when you talk about activities
going on in buildings that don't generate a unique signature. There are real
limits to what you can do."
David E. Sanger reported from Washington for this article and William J.
Broad from New York and Vienna.

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