Iran or Bust 
The defining test of Bush's war presidency. 
by Jeffrey Bell 
Weekly Standard, 02/06/2006, Volume 011, Issue 20 

EVENTS ARE CONVERGING TO ELEVATE the nuclear crisis with Iran into the
central crisis of the Bush presidency. War presidents are graded not by
circumstances they inherit, including those that lead to war. They are
judged by how they react to those circumstances.

Franklin Roosevelt as a war president is defined not by the attack on Pearl
Harbor, but by the radical war aim he laid out against Japan and Germany in
the wake of Pearl Harbor--unconditional surrender--and by his relentless and
successful pursuit of that war aim until the day he died.

When Lyndon Johnson became president in November 1963, he inherited a
chaotic situation in South Vietnam due to an ill-advised military coup
against the civilian-led Saigon government countenanced by his predecessor,
John F. Kennedy. As vice president, LBJ had fought to prevent the anti-Diem
coup, which proved to be a ghastly mistake. Yet Johnson as a war president
receives a failing grade for one reason only: When he left office in January
1969 the United States was in a far weaker geopolitical position, in Vietnam
and globally, than it had been when Johnson took office.

In the same way, long after the present wartime president leaves office, his
success or failure will be judged not by the enemy attacks of 9/11 but by
how he responded to those attacks--and by whether his responses prove right
or wrong.

In response to 9/11, Bush and his administration put down clear markers and
bright lines. The days of treating terrorism as a criminal activity, to be
solved primarily by the work of policemen, prosecutors, judges, and juries,
were over. The president served notice that foreign governments providing
safe haven for terrorist enemies of the United States would be treated as if
those governments were mounting terrorist operations themselves--that is, as
enemies of the United States in a world war. And he announced that rogue
states would not be allowed to acquire weapons of mass destruction.

To achieve these war aims, Bush proclaimed two new doctrines. The new
military doctrine, a marked departure from the Cold War doctrine of
deterrence, was that of preemption: We would no longer wait for military
mobilizations or attacks before striking against a growing terrorist threat.
Preemption comprised a series of military options up to and including
invasion, occupation, and regime change.

The new geopolitical doctrine was the promotion of democracy as a central
U.S. policy goal around the world but with particular focus on the Arab and
Islamic cultures. Without political reform in the Islamic world, Bush
argued, eliminating one set of terrorists would achieve no more than a
respite before terrorism's next wave.

By the time of the January 2002 State of the Union speech that singled out
an "axis of evil"--Iraq, Iran, and North Korea--as the most dangerous of the
world's surviving rogue states, Bush had successfully defined his response
to 9/11. He had also laid out a coherent U.S. military and political
strategy to deal with the protracted world war he believed us to be in. You
could disagree with the strategy, and many did. But no one could deny that
such a strategy had been laid out.

In the years since 9/11, the Bush war strategy has yielded some undeniable
successes: the turning of Pakistan from a fomenter of terrorism and of
nuclear proliferation into a semicollaborator of the United States; the
ousting of the Taliban government and its al Qaeda mentors in Afghanistan;
and the renunciation by Libya of its nuclear program, to name three. Claims
can be made as well for the Syrian withdrawal from Lebanon followed by free
elections and for the advance of democratic reforms in a number of other
Islamic countries.

Beginning with the March 2003 invasion, the war in Iraq has taken center
stage as the toughest, best-defined test of the Bush war strategies: in a
nutshell, military preemption and regime change, followed by democratic
reform in the wake of terrorist challenges from Sunni revanchists and
Islamist terrorists swearing allegiance to al Qaeda. Iraq has tested every
element of the Bush war strategy. Until fairly recently, it seemed plausible
that the success or failure of Bush's global strategies, and thus of the
Bush presidency itself, would hinge on U.S. success or failure in Iraq.

With the election of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as president of Iran last June,
this began to change. There may or may not be elements in the Iranian
government willing to accommodate the emerging Shiite-majority government in
Iraq. There may even be factions in Iran that would hesitate before
providing a direct challenge to Bush's preemption doctrine. If such factions
exist, however, they are irrelevant today. Ahmadinejad, for whatever
reasons, appears determined to force Bush to live up to his post-9/11
strategy or tacitly admit that he has abandoned it in the face of
difficulties in Iraq.

One by one, Iran's radical president is removing the pretexts for U.S.
inaction or delay. Could we live with a nuclear Iran? Not one led by a man
who says the Jewish Holocaust never happened and muses about the possibility
of correcting that Nazi failure by dropping a nuclear bomb on Israel. Is
there a way to take advantage of the fact that the Shiite wing of Islamism
has not taken part, so far, in a shooting war with the United States or its
allies? Not with an Iranian president who convenes a terror summit in
Damascus with Bashar Assad, the all-but-proven murderer of the former
premier of Lebanon, and with Hamas, the avatar of Sunni terrorism in the
Palestinian territories. Given these events, it would no longer be shocking
to see Ahmadinejad at a summit with Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the head of al
Qaeda in Iraq and an advocate of the mass murder of Shiites as a tactic in
the war against U.S. forces and the Shiite-led Iraqi government.

Reports out of Iran suggest Ahmadinejad may see himself as a central actor
in an Islamic apocalypse. A man with this mindset might see provoking the
United States as forwarding the end game of Allah. And he might not fear
provoking Israel into an attack on Iran's nuclear facilities that could
trigger convulsions throughout the Middle East and beyond.

Much depends on how far Iran is from putting together its first nuclear
warhead. Some reports, particularly those traced to Israeli intelligence,
point to the very near future. Even if the ominous date turns out to be much
further away, Ahmadinejad shows little sign of pausing for breath. Indeed,
the Hamas sweep of the Palestinian parliamentary elections is no doubt being
seen in Tehran as a vindication of Ahmadinejad's Damascus terror summit days

If the Bush administration is developing a military option to deal with
Iran's acquisition of nuclear weapons--a form of preemption--it is doing so
very quietly. On the pure military level, this is, of course, appropriate.
If you had to pick one flaw in the superbly organized U.S. invasion of Iraq,
as Jed Babbin recently pointed out, it would be the lack of an element of

But what is starting to become clear is that Ahmadinejad's seemingly
reckless challenge will extract, and is meant to extract, a cost in U.S.
standing among our friends and allies, in Iraq and across the globe. A war
president who can be portrayed as having given up on the core of his own war
strategy will be seen as a leader considerably less capable of deterring our
terrorist enemies, wherever they are and whatever it is they are plotting.

Jeffrey Bell is a principal of Capital City Partners, a Washington
consulting firm.


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