Bukhari:V4B52N220 "Allah's Apostle said, 'I have been made victorious with
Qur'an 8:12 "I shall terrorize the infidels. So wound their bodies and
incapacitate them because they oppose Allah and His Apostle." 
Qur'an 8:57 "If you gain mastery over them in battle, inflict such a defeat
as would terrorize them, so that they would learn a lesson and be warned." 
Ishaq:326 "If you come upon them, deal so forcibly as to terrify those who
would follow, that they may be warned. Make a severe example of them by
terrorizing Allah's enemies."
Qur'an 8:67 "It is not fitting for any prophet to have prisoners until he
has made a great slaughtered in the land."
Ishaq:588 "When the Apostle descends on your land none of your people will
be left when he leaves." 
Tabari IX:42 "We have been dealt a situation from which there is no escape.
You have seen what Muhammad has done. Arabs have submitted to him and we do
not have the strength to fight. You know that no herd is safe from him. And
no one even dares go outside for fear of being terrorized."
Ishaq:326 "Allah said, 'No Prophet before Muhammad took booty from his enemy
nor prisoners for ransom.' Muhammad said, 'I was made victorious with
terror. The earth was made a place for me to clean. I was given the most
powerful words. Booty was made lawful for me. I was given the power to
intercede. These five privileges were awarded to no prophet before me.'" 
Ishaq:327 "Allah said, 'A prophet must slaughter before collecting captives.
A slaughtered enemy is driven from the land. Muhammad, you craved the
desires of this world, its goods and the ransom captives would bring. But
Allah desires killing them to manifest the religion.'" 
Qur'an 7:3 "Little do you remember My warning. How many towns have We
destroyed as a raid by night? Our punishment took them suddenly while they
slept for their afternoon rest. Our terror came to them; Our punishment
overtook them."
Ishaq:510 "When the Apostle looked down on Khaybar he told his Companions,
'O Allah, Lord of the Devils and what into error they throw, and Lord of the
winds and what they winnow, we ask Thee for the booty of this town and its
people. Forward in the name of Allah.' He used to say this of every town he
Bukhari:V5B59N512 "The Prophet offered the Fajr Prayer [Prayer of Fear] near
Khaybar when it was still dark. He said, 'Allahu-Akbar!' [Allah is Greatest]
Khaybar is destroyed, for whenever we approach a hostile nation to fight,
then evil will be the morning for those who have been warned.' Then the
inhabitants came out running on their roads. The Prophet had their men
killed; their children and woman were taken as captives."
Bukhari:V9B87N127  "The Prophet said, 'I have been given the keys of
eloquent speech and given victory with terror.'"
Ishaq:517 "Khaybar was stormed by the Apostle's squadron, fully armed,
powerful and strong. It brought certain humiliation with Muslim men in its
midst. We attacked and they met their doom. Muhammad conquered the Jews in
fighting that day as they opened their eyes to our dust."
Tabari VIII:116/Ishaq:511 "So Muhammad began seizing their herds and their
property bit by bit. He conquered home by home. The Messenger took some
people captive, including Safiyah and her two cousins. The Prophet chose
Safiyah for himself."
Bukhari:V5B59N512 "The Prophet had their men killed, their children and
woman taken captive."
Tabari VIII:129 "After the Messenger had finished with the Khaybar Jews,
Allah cast terror into the hearts of the Jews in Fadak when they received
news of what Allah had brought upon Khaybar. Fadak became the exclusive
property of Allah's Messenger." 
Tabari VIII:133 "The raiding party went to Tha'labah. One of Muhammad's
slaves, said, 'Prophet, I know where Tha'labah can be taken by surprise.' So
Muhammad sent him with 130 men. They raided the town and drove off camels
and sheep, bringing them back to Medina."
Tabari VIII:138 "Muhammad carried arms, helmets, and spears. He led a
hundred horses, appointing Bahir to be in charge of the weapons and Maslamah
to be in charge of the horses. When the Quraysh received word of this, it
frightened them."
Qur'an 33:26 "Allah made the Jews leave their homes by terrorizing them so
that you killed some and made many captive. And He made you inherit their
lands, their homes, and their wealth. He gave you a country you had not
traversed before."
Qur'an 59:2 "It was Allah who drove the [Jewish] People of the Book from
their homes and into exile. They refused to believe and imagined that their
strongholds would protect them against Allah. But Allah came at them from
where they did not suspect, and filled their hearts with terror. Their homes
were destroyed. So learn a lesson, O men who have eyes. This is My
warning.they shall taste the torment of Fire."
Qur'an 33:60 "Truly, if the Hypocrites stir up sedition, if the agitators in
the City do not desist, We shall urge you to go against them and set you
over them. Then they will not be able to stay as your neighbors for any
length of time. They shall have a curse on them. Whenever they are found,
they shall be seized and slain without mercy-a fierce slaughter-murdered, a
horrible murdering." 
Tabari VIII:143 "In this year a twenty-four man raiding party led by Shuja
went to the Banu Amir. He launched a raid on them and took camels and sheep.
The shares of booty came to fifteen camels for each man. Also a raid led by
Amr went to Dhat. He set out with fifteen men. He encountered a large force
whom he summoned to Islam. They refused to respond so he killed all of
Bukhari:V4B52N256 "The Prophet passed by and was asked whether it was
permissible to attack infidels at night with the probability of exposing
their women and children to danger. The Prophet replied, 'Their women and
children are from them.'"
Tabari IX:20 "The captives of Hunayn, along with their possessions, were
brought to the Messenger. He ordered that their captives, animals, and their
possessions be taken to Ji'ranah and held there in custody." 
Ishaq:576 "Allah and His servant overwhelmed every coward. Allah honored us
and made our religion victorious. We were glorified and destroyed them all.
Allah humiliated them in the worship of Satan. By what our Apostle recites
from the Book and by our swift horses, I liked the punishment the infidels
received. Killing them was sweeter than drink. We galloped among them
panting for the spoil. With our loud-voiced army, the Apostle's squadron
advanced into the fray."
Ishaq:580 "Our strong warriors obey his orders to the letter. By us Allah's
religion is undeniably strong. You would think when our horses gallop with
bits in their mouths that the sounds of demons are among them. The day we
trod down the unbelievers there was no deviation or turning from the
Apostle's order. During the battle the people heard our exhortations to
fight and the smashing of skulls by swords that sent heads flying. We
severed necks with a warrior's blow. Often we have left the slain cut to
pieces and a widow crying alas over her mutilated husband. 'Tis Allah, not
man we seek to please."
Tabari IX:122 "Muhammad sent Uyaynah to raid The Banu Anbar. They killed
some people and took others captive. Asma was one of the women taken
Tabari IX:123 "Muhammad sent an expedition to Ghalib and to the land of the
Banu Murrah. The raid on Amr and Abi was sent to the valley of Idam. Another
by Aslami was sent to Ghabah. And Abd al-Rahman was ordered by the Messenger
to lead an army to the seashore."
Tabari IX:69 "He who believes in Allah and His Messenger has protected his
life and possessions from us. As for those who disbelieve, we will fight
them forever in the Cause of Allah. Killing them is a small matter to us."
Bukhari:V5B59N516 "When Allah's Apostle fought or raided people we raised
our voices saying, 'Allahu-Akbar! Allahu-Akbar! None has the right to be
worshipped but Allah.'" 
Tabari VII:10 "In Ramadhan, seven months after the Hijrah, Muhammad
entrusted a white war banner to Hamzah with the command of thirty Emigrants.
Their aim was to intercept a Quraysh caravan."
Ishaq:281 "The Raid on Waddan was the first Maghazi [invasion]. The
Expedition of Harith was second. They encountered a large number of Quraysh
in the Hijaz. Abu Bakr composed a poem about the raid: 'When we called them
to the truth they turned their backs and howled like bitches. Allah's
punishment on them will not tarry. I swear by the Lord of Camels [Allah?]
that I am no perjurer. A valiant band will descend upon the Quraysh which
will leave women husbandless. It will leave men dead, with vultures wheeling
round. It will not spare the infidels.'"
Ishaq:285 "Then the Apostle went raiding in the month of Rabi u'l-Awwal
making for the Quraysh. Then he raided the Quraysh by way of Dinar."  Tabari
VII:11 "In this year the Messenger entrusted to Sa'd a white war banner for
the expedition to Kharrar. Sa'd said, 'I set out on foot at the head of
twenty men. We used to lie hidden by day and march at night, until we
reached Kharrar on the fifth morning. The caravan had arrived in town a day
before. There were sixty men with it."  Tabari VII:11 "The Messenger of
Allah went out on a raid as far as Waddan, searching for Quraysh."
Tabari VII:15 "Expeditions Led by Allah's Messenger: In this year, according
to all Sira writers, the Messenger personally led the Ghazwa of Alwa. [A
Ghazwa is an Islamic Invasion in Allah's Cause consisting of an army unit
led by the Prophet himself.] He left Sa'd in command of Medina. On this raid
his banner was carried by Hamzah. He stayed out for fifteen days and then
returned to Medina. The Messenger went on a Ghazwa at the head of two
hundred of his companions in October, 623 and reached Buwat. His intention
was to intercept a Quraysh caravan with a hundred men and twenty-five
hundred camels."
Ishaq:286 "Meanwhile the Apostle sent Sa'd on the raid of Abu Waqqas. The
Prophet only stayed a few nights in Medina before raiding Ushayra and then
Bukhari:V5B57N51 "The Apostle said, 'Tomorrow I will give the flag to a man
whose leadership Allah will use to grant a Muslim  victory." 
Bukhari:V5B59N569 "I fought in seven Ghazwat battles along with the Prophet
and fought in nine Maghazi raids in armies dispatched by the Prophet."
Bukhari:V5B57N74 "I heard Sa'd saying, 'I was the first Arab to shoot an
arrow in Allah's Cause.'" 
Bukhari:V5B59N401 "Allah's Wrath became severe on anyone the Prophet killed
in Allah's Cause."
Bukhari:V5B59N456 "Muhammad led the Fear Prayer [Allahu Akbar!] with one
batch of his army while the other (batch) faced the enemy." 
Bukhari:V5B59N440 "Allah's Apostle used to say, 'None has the right to be
worshipped except Allah Alone because He honored His Warriors and made His
Messenger victorious. He defeated the clans; so there is nothing left.'" 
Ishaq:287 "The Muslim raiders consulted one another concerning them. One of
the Muslims said, 'By Allah, if we leave these people alone, they will get
into the sacred territory and will be safely out of our reach. If we kill
them we will have killed in the sacred month.'"  Tabari VII:19 "They
hesitated and were afraid to advance, but then they plucked up courage and
agreed to kill as many as they could and to seize what they had with them.
Waqid shot an arrow at Amr and killed him. Uthman and al-Hakam surrendered.
Then Waqid and his companions took the caravan and the captives back to
Allah's Apostle in Medina. This was the first booty taken by the Companions
of Muhammad."
Ishaq:289 "Our lances drank of Amr's blood and lit the flame of war."
Tabari VII:20/Ishaq:287 "Abd Allah told his Companions, 'A fifth of the
booty we have taken belongs to the Apostle.' This was before Allah made
surrendering a fifth of the booty taken a requirement."
Tabari VII:20/Ishaq:288 "The Quraysh said, 'Muhammad and his Companions have
violated the sacred month, shed blood, seized property, and taken men
captive.' The polytheists spread lying slander concerning him, saying,
'Muhammad claims that he is following obedience to Allah, yet he is the
first to violate the holy month and to kill our people.'"
Ishaq:288 "When the Qur'an passage concerning this matter was revealed, and
Allah relieved Muslims from their fear and anxiety, Muhammad took possession
of the caravan and prisoners. The Quraysh sent him a ransom and the Prophet
released the prisoners on payment. When the Qur'an authorization came down
to Muhammad, Abd Allah and his Companions were relieved and they became
anxious for an additional reward. They said, 'Will this raid be counted as
part of the reward promised to Muslim combatants?' So Allah sent down this
Qur'an: 'Those who believe and have fought in Allah's Cause may receive
Allah's mercy.' Allah made the booty permissible. He divided the loot,
awarding four-fifths to the men He had allowed to take it. He gave one-fifth
to His Apostle." 
Ishaq:288 "Allah divided the booty stolen from the first caravan after he
made spoils permissible. He gave four-fifths to those He had allowed to take
it and one-fifth to His Apostle."  Tabari VII:29/Ishaq:289 "The Apostle
heard that Abu Sufyan [a Meccan merchant] was coming from Syria with a large
caravan containing their money and their merchandise. He was accompanied by
only thirty men."  Ishaq:289 "Muhammad summoned the Muslims and said, 'This
is the Quraysh caravan containing their property. Go out and attack it.
Perhaps Allah will give it to us as prey."
Tabari VII:29 "Abu Sufyan and the horsemen of the Quraysh were returning
from Syria following the coastal road. When Allah's Apostle heard about them
he called his companions together and told them of the wealth they had with
them and the fewness of their numbers. The Muslims set out with no other
object than Sufyan and the men with him. They did not think that this raid
would be anything other than easy booty."
Bukhari:V5B59N702 "Allah did not admonish anyone who had not participated in
the Ghazwa [raid] of Badr, for in fact, Allah's Apostle had only gone out in
search of the Quraysh caravan so that he could rob it. But Allah arranged
for the Muslims and their enemy to meet by surprise. I was at the Aqaba
pledge with Allah's Apostle when we gave our lives in submission, but the
Badr battle is more popular amongst the people. I was never stronger or
wealthier than I was when I followed the Prophet on a Ghazwa.'"
Tabari VII:29 "They did not suppose that there would be a great battle.
Concerning this Allah revealed a Qur'an: Qur'an 8:7 'Behold! Allah promised
you that one of the two parties would be yours. You wished for the unarmed
one, but Allah willed to justify His truth according to His words and to cut
off the roots of the unbelievers.'"
Tabari VII:29 "When Abu Sufyan heard that Muhammad's Companions were on
their way to intercept his caravan, he sent a message to the Quraysh.
'Muhammad is going to attack our caravan, so protect your merchandise.' When
the Quraysh heard this, the people of Mecca hastened to defend their
property and protect their men as they were told Muhammad was lying in wait
for them."  Ishaq:290 "Some Meccans got up to circumambulate the Ka'aba..
Sitting around the mosque, they wondered why they had allowed this evil
rascal to attack their men."
Ishaq:292 "Setting out in Ramadhan, Muhammad was preceded by two black
flags. His companions had seventy camels."  Tabari VII:38 "I have been
informed by authorities that Muhammad set out on 3 Ramadhan at the head of
310 of his companions. The war banner of the Messenger was carried by Ali.
The banner of the Ansar was carried by Sa'd."
Ishaq:293/Tabari VII:30 "The prophet marched forward and spent the night
near Badr with his Companions. While the Prophet was standing in prayer
[asking Allah to help him steal] some Quraysh water-carriers came to the
well. Among these was a black slave. Muhammad's men seized him and brought
him to the Messenger's bivouac. They ordered him to salute Allah's Apostle.
Then they questioned him about Abu Sufyan. When the slave began to tell them
about the protecting force, it was unwelcome news, for the only object of
their raid was the caravan."  Tabari VII:30 "Meanwhile the Prophet was
praying, bowing and prostrating himself, and also seeing and hearing the
treatment of the slave. They beat him severely and continued to interrogate
him but they found that he had no knowledge of what they were looking for."
Ishaq:294 "The Apostle was afraid the Ansar would not feel obliged to help
him fight without the enemy being the aggressor and attacking in Medina.
Sa'd said, 'We hear and obey. We are experienced in war, trustworthy in
combat. Allah will let us show you something that will bring you joy. The
Apostle was delighted at Sa'd's words which greatly encouraged him. Muhammad
shouted, 'It is as if I see the enemy lying prostrate.'"  
Tabari VII:32 "When the Quraysh advanced, Muhammad threw dust in the
direction of their faces, and Allah put them to flight.. The Meccan
[merchant] force and the Prophet's [pirates] met and Allah gave victory to
His Messenger, shamed the unbelievers, and satisfied the Muslims' thirst for
revenge."  Ishaq:297 "When the Apostle saw them he cried, 'Allah, they
called me a liar. Destroy them this morning.'"
Bukhari:V5B59N330/Ishaq:300 "Here is Gabriel holding the rein of a horse and
leading the charge. He is equipped with his weapons and ready for the
battle. There is dust upon his front teeth."  Bukhari:V5B59N327 "Gabriel
came to the Prophet and said, 'How do you view the warriors of Badr?' The
Prophet said, 'I see the fighters as the best Muslims.' On that, Gabriel
said, 'And so are the Angels who are participating in the Badr battle.'"
Tabari VII:55 "Mihaja, the mawla [slave] of Umar [the future Caliph] was
struck by an arrow and killed. He was the first Muslim to die."
Tabari VII:55 "Allah's Messenger went out to his men and incited them to
fight. He promised, 'Every man may keep all the booty he takes.' Then
Muhammad said, 'By Allah, if any man fights today and is killed fighting
aggressively, going forward and not retreating, Allah will cause him to
enter Paradise.' Umayr, who was holding some dates in his hand and eating
them, said, 'Fine, fine. This is excellent! Nothing stands between me and my
entering Paradise except to be killed by these people!' He threw down the
dates, seized his sword, and fought until he was slain."
Tabari VII:56 "'Messenger of Allah, what makes the Lord laugh with joy at
his servant?' He replied, 'When he plunges his hand into the midst of an
enemy without armor.' So Auf took off the coat of mail he was wearing and
threw it away. Then he took his sword and fought the enemy until he was
Ishaq:301 "Muhammad picked up a handful of pebbles and faced the Quraysh. He
shouted, 'May their faces be deformed!' He threw the pebbles at them and
ordered his companions to attack. The foe was routed. Allah killed Quraysh
chiefs and caused many of their nobles to be taken captive. While the
Muslims were taking prisoners, the Messenger was in his hut." 
Bukhari:V5B59N290 "The Prophet said, 'The believers who failed to join the
Ghazwa of Badr and those who took part in it are not equal in reward." 
Bukhari:V5B59N333 "Az-Zubair said, 'I attacked him with my spear and pierced
his eye. I put my foot over his body to pull the weapon out, but even then I
had to use great force. Later on Allah's Apostle asked me for that spear and
I gave it to him.'"
Ishaq:301 "As the Muslims were laying their hands on as many prisoners as
they could catch, the Prophet, saw disapproval in the face of Sa'd. He said,
'Why are you upset by the taking of captives?' Sa'd replied, 'This was the
first defeat inflicted by Allah on the infidels. Slaughtering the prisoners
would have been more pleasing to me than sparing them.'"
Tabari VII:59 "On the day of Badr I passed Umayyah as he was standing with
his son Ali, holding his hand. I had with me some coats of mail which I had
taken as plunder. Umayyah said, 'Abd al-Ilah, would you like to take me as a
prisoner? I will be more valuable to you as a captive to be ransomed than
the coats of mail that you are carrying.' I said, 'Yes. Come here then.' I
flung away the armor and bound Umayyah and his son Ali, taking them with me.
Muslims encircled us. Then they restrained us physically. One of the Muslims
drew his sword and struck Ali in the leg, severing it so that he fell down.
Umayyah gave a scream the like of which I have never heard. I said, 'Save
yourself, for there is no escape for your son. By Allah, I cannot save him
from these men.' Then the Muslims hacked Ali to pieces. Abd al-Rahman used
to say, 'May Allah have mercy on Bial [a slave turned Muslim marauder]! I
lost my coats of mail, and he deprived me of my captives.'" 
Bukhari:V5B59N297 "The Prophet faced the Ka'aba and invoked evil on the
Quraysh people." 
Bukhari: V5B59N397 "Allah's Apostle raised his head after bowing the first
Rak'a of the morning prayer. He said, 'O Allah! Curse so-and-so and
so-and-so.' After he had invoked evil upon them, Allah revealed: 'Your Lord
will send thousands of angels riding upon chargers sweeping down as a form
of good tidings to reassure you that victory comes from Him. He will cut off
parts of the unbelievers, overthrow them, and turn them back in frustration.
For Allah is forgiving and kind.'" [3:124]
Ishaq:303 "A cousin and I mounted a hill from which we could overlook Badr
and see who would be defeated, so that we could join in the plundering
afterwards. I was pursuing one of the Meccan polytheists in order to smite
him, when his head suddenly fell off before my sword touched him. Then I
knew that someone other than I had killed him."
Tabari VII:61 "When the Prophet had finished with his enemy, he gave orders
that Abu Jahl should be found among the dead. He said, 'O Allah, do not let
him escape!' The first man who encountered Abu Jahl yelled out and I made
him my mark. When he was within my reach, I attacked him and struck him a
blow which severed his foot and half his leg. By Allah, when it flew off I
could only compare it to a date-stone which flies out of a crusher when it
is struck. Then his son hit me on the shoulder and cut off my arm. It
dangled at my side from a piece of skin. The fighting prevented me from
reaching him after that. I fought the whole day, dragging my arm behind me.
When it began to hurt me, I put my foot on it and stood until I pulled it
off.'"  Ishaq:304 "Abd Allah bin Mas'ud said, 'I found Abu Jahl in the
throws of death. I put my foot on his neck because he had grabbed me once at
Mecca and had hurt me. Then I said, Has Allah disgraced you and put you to
shame, O enemy of Allah?' 'In what way has he disgraced me?' he asked. 'Am I
anything more important than a man whom you have killed?'"
Bukhari:V5B59N298 "Abu Jahl said, 'You should not be proud that you have
killed me.'"
Ishaq:304/Tabari VII:62 "I cut off Abu Jahl's head and brought it to the
Messenger. 'O Allah's Prophet, this is the head of the enemy of Allah.'
Muhammad said, 'Praise be to Allah.'" 
Ishaq:305 "Ukkasha fought until he broke his sword. He came to the Apostle
who gave him a wooden cudgel telling him to fight with that. He brandished
it and it became a brilliant weapon. Allah gave him victory while he wielded
it. He took that weapon with him to every raid he fought with Allah's
Apostle until he was killed in the rebellion. These were his dying words:
'What do you think about when you kill people? Are these not men just
because they are not Muslims?'"
Ishaq:315 "It was so criminal, men could hardly imagine it. Muhammad was
ennobled because of the bloody fighting. I swear we shall never lack
soldiers, nor army leaders. Driving before us infidels until we subdue them
with a halter above their noses and a branding iron. We will drive them to
the ends of the earth. We will pursue them on horse and on foot. We will
never deviate from fighting in our cause. We will bring upon the infidels
the fate of the Ad and Jurhum. Any people that disobey Muhammad will pay for
it. If you do not surrender to Islam, then you will live to regret it. You
will be shamed in Hell, forced to wear a garment of molten pitch forever!"
Ishaq:310 "A Meccan said, 'As soon as we were confronted by the raiding
party, we turned our backs and they started killing and capturing us at
their pleasure. Some of our men turned tail humiliated. Allah smote some of
us with pustules from which we died.'"  Ishaq:311 "When the Quraysh began to
bewail their dead, consumed in sorrow, one said, 'Do not do this for
Muhammad and his companions will rejoice over our misfortune.'"
Ishaq:340 "Surely Badr was one of the world's great wonders. The roads to
death are plain to see. Disobedience causes a people to perish. They became
death's pawns. We had sought their caravan, nothing else. But they came to
us and there was no way out. So we thrust our shafts and swung our swords
severing their heads. Our swords glittered as they killed. The banner of
error was held by Satan. He betrayed the evil ones, those prone to
treachery. He led them to death crying, 'Fear Allah. He is invincible!' On
that day a thousand spirits were mustered on excited white stallions.
Allah's army fought with us. Under our banner, Gabriel attacked and killed
Ishaq:341 "Allah favored His Apostle and humiliated the unbelievers. They
were put to shame in captivity and death. The Apostle's victory was
glorious. Its message is plain for all to see. The Lord brought repeated
calamities upon the pagans, bringing them under the Apostle's power. Allah's
angry army smote them with their trusty swords. Many a lusty youngster left
the enemy lying prone. Their women wept with burning throats for the dead
were lying everywhere. But now they are all in Hell." 
Ishaq:342 "I wonder at foolish men like these who sing frivolously and
vainly of the slain at Badr. This was nothing more than an impious and
odious crime. Men fought against their brothers, fathers, and sons. Any with
discernment and understanding recognize the wrong that was done here."
Ishaq:344 "I wonder at Allah's deed. None can defeat Him. Evil ever leads to
death. We unsheathed our swords and testified to the unity of Allah, and we
proved that His Apostle brought truth. We smote them and they scattered. The
impious met death. They became fuel for Hell. All who aren't Muslims must go
there. It will consume them while the Stoker [Allah] increases the heat.
They had called Allah's Apostle a liar. They claimed, 'You are nothing but a
sorcerer.' So Allah destroyed them."
Ishaq:348 "They retreated in all directions. They rejected the Qur'an and
called Muhammad a liar. But Allah cursed them to make his religion and
Apostle victorious. They lay still in death. Their throats were severed.
Their foreheads embraced the dust. Their nostrils were defiled with filth.
Many a noble, generous man we slew this day. We left them as meat for the
hyenas. And later, they shall burn in the fires of Hell."
Ishaq:349 "The battle will tell the world about us. Distant men will heed
our warning. The infidels may cut off my leg, yet I am a Muslim. I will
exchange my life for one with virgins fashioned like the most beautiful
Ishaq:357 "Their leaders were left prostrate. Their heads were sliced off
like melons. Many an adversary have I left on the ground to rise in pain,
broken and plucked. When the battle was joined I dealt them a vicious blow.
Their arteries cried aloud, their blood flowed."
Ishaq:308 "Muhammad halted on a sandhill and divided the booty Allah had
given him. They congratulated him on the victory Allah had granted. But one
of the warriors replied, 'What are you congratulating us about? We only met
some bald old women like the sacrificial camels who are hobbled, and we
slaughtered them!' The Apostle smiled because he knew that description fit
Tabari VII:81 "The next day I went to the Prophet. He was sitting with Abu
Bakr, and they were weeping. I said, 'O Messenger of Allah, tell me, what
has made you weep? If I find cause to weep, I will weep with you, and if
not, I will pretend to weep because you are weeping.' The Prophet said, 'It
is because of the taking of ransoms. It was laid before me that I should
punish them instead.' Allah revealed: 'It is not for any Prophet to have
captives until he has made slaughter in the land.' After that Allah made
booty lawful for them."
Tabari VII:98 "The Messenger ordered Zayd [the prophet's former slave turned
adoptive son] out on a raid in which he captured a Quraysh caravan led by
Abu Sufyan at a watering place in Najd.. A number of their merchants set out
with a large amount of silver since this was the main part of their
merchandise. They hired a man to guide them along this route. Zayd captured
the caravan and its goods but was unable to capture the men. He brought the
caravan to the Prophet." [If this isn't piracy and terror the words need to
be redefined.] 
Tabari VII:98 "The reason for this expedition was the Quraysh said,
'Muhammad has damaged our trade, and sits astride our road. If we stay in
Mecca we will consume our capital.' .The news of the caravan reached the
Prophet, as did the information that it contained much wealth and silver
vessels. Zayd therefore intercepted it and made himself master of their
caravan. The fifth (khums) was twenty thousand dirhams; Allah's Apostle took
it and divided the other four fifths among the members of the raiding party.
Furat was taken captive. They said to him. 'If you accept Islam the
Messenger will not kill you.'"
Qur'an 3:150 "Soon We shall strike terror into the hearts of the Infidels,
for that they joined companions with Allah, for which He had sent no
authority: their abode will be in the Fire!"
Ishaq:395 "Muslims, if you listen to the unbelievers you will retreat from
the enemy and become losers. Ask Allah for victory and do not retreat,
withdrawing from His religion. 'We will terrorize those who disbelieve. In
that way I will help you against them.'"
Qur'an 33:9 "O ye who believe! Remember the Grace of Allah, on you, when
there came down an army. But We sent against them a hurricane and forces
that ye saw not. Behold! They came on you from above you and from below you,
and behold, the eyes became dim and the hearts gaped up to the throats,
stupefied with terror, and ye imagined various vain thoughts about Allah!"
Ishaq:461 "Muhammad besieged them for twenty-five nights. When the siege
became too severe for them, Allah terrorized them. Then they were told to

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