Watch on the West
A Newsletter of FPRI’s Center for the Study of America and the West

Radical Imams and Terrorists

By Michael Radu

Volume 6, Number 6
August 2005

Michael Radu <>  is co-chairman of
FPRI’s Center on Terrorism, Counter-Terrorism, and Homeland Security. He is
currently writing a book on The Politics of Islam in Europe. For information
about the Center on Terrorism, see
<> .

Islamist terrorism began its attacks in the West more than a decade ago,
with the 1993 World Trade Center attack and the 1995 Paris metro bombings,
and reached a higher stage of effectiveness with 9/11, the 2004
assassination of Theodore van Gogh in the Netherlands, the Madrid train
bombings and, most recently, the London transit system bombings. By now,
most of the methods planned or used previously elsewhere, including
remote-controlled and suicide bombings and chemical attacks, have been
introduced in Europe, and there are good reasons to believe that they will
be attempted again in the United States as well. This is a conflict with
essential ideological implications and, whether the West likes it or not, a
civilizational conflict between a significant segment of Islam and the rest
of the world. Nor, by the way, is the pernicious influence of radical imams
on ignorant populations limited to terrorism — their opposition to “Western”
polio and measles vaccines in Nigeria killed thousands throughout the world
during the past three years—mostly through the pilgrimages to Mecca.

The legitimizers and bearers of Islamism are religious figures— the radical
imams, even if the ideologues (such as Hassan al Banna, Sayid Qutb, Bin
Laden and Ayman al Zawahiri) seldom are. Without them, the entire
ideological, political, and psychological edifice of Islamism would crumble.
It thus follows that any long-term solution to the threat of Islamist
terrorism has to start with Islam’s radical clerics —especially in the West,
where they are more free to operate than in Muslim countries. In contrast,
the terrorist operatives themselves, most obviously those willing to commit
suicide, are expendable, since their motivators and recruiters can always
produce more— and they always do.

The problems with applying this obvious logic to counterterrorism in the
West is familiar—where does free expression and religion stop and incitement
to murder start? What is the personal responsibility of a Muslim cleric who
has never personally committed a violent act, but only recruited,
indoctrinated, and motivated the actual murderers?

Islam, and especially Sunni Islam (85 percent of Muslims are Sunni) does not
have a clergy in the strictest sense of the word. In theory, every Muslim
man is entitled to lead Friday sermons at the mosque. In practice, learned,
professional scholars of Islam are more highly respected and influential
than any Ali or Osman claiming to be an imam. Some institutions, most
prominently Al Azhar University in Cairo, therefore have a large pan-Islamic
influence—but not the right to decide for all Muslims.

In theory, only formally trained imams have a right to issue fatwas—
religious interpretations of legal cases, issues or problems. But especially
in the West, self-proclaimed imams abound and find willing followers, since
Western Muslims’ knowledge of Islam is often skimpy or nil, but their
interest in it is growing. Thus, in the United Kingdom, innumerable
Urdu-only speakers from Pakistan, with no check on their training at all,
were allowed to enter the country under a special religious personnel visa

This is important when it comes to terrorism, because all Islamist terrorist
groups and individuals are bound to act under religious auspices, which
could only be given by an imam - real or self-declared. And because (Sunni)
Islam, unlike other monotheistic religions, lacks a universally recognized
center of legitimacy, such as the Vatican for the Catholics, there is no
universally recognized central body able to determine who is a “true” Muslim
and who is not. This makes declarations to the effect that Islamist
terrorist attacks are a “perversion of Islam” somewhat dubious, whether they
come from Muslims or Western politicians. Indeed, if the Quran makes it
clear that a Muslim is a Muslim once he makes a statement of his faith, and
no one who is not an open apostate could be denied the quality of Muslim,
how could Tony Blair or President Bush , or even Al Azhar, declare that Bin
Laden is not a “true” Muslim?

All of the above is nothing new to Muslim majority countries and,
especially, their governments, which are perfectly aware of the imam problem
and the threats it poses to their security and survival. In Turkey, a 99
percent Muslim country, imams are required to complete formal studies where
the secular government establishes the curriculum, and are only allowed to
preach if they have a government-provided license. As a result, the more
than 2 million strong Turkish diaspora in Western Europe is far less
involved in Islamist activities than Arabs are. In Turkey, but also in many
other Muslim countries—Egypt, Algeria and Saudi Arabia included—the salaries
of imams are paid by the government, another instrument of control. While
some Western countries do have a state religion (Anglicanism in England,
Lutheranism in Scandinavia) and taxpayers’ subsidized clergy, that clergy is
free to act and express itself as it wishes—including, in some cases, going
as far as denying basic tenets of their own religion, with no fear of
government reprisals.

When imams, legitimate or not, go beyond the limits tolerated by Muslim
states, those governments take decisive action. Thus, when Muslim “scholar”
Abdul Rehman of Pakistan organized a widely attended service for Shehzad
Tanweer, one of the London suicide terrorists, he was arrested; when Ali
Belhadj, the former number two of the banned Islamic Salvation Front (FIS)
of Algeria, supported the murder of Algerian diplomats in Iraq, he was
arrested; when Yemeni cleric Ali Yahya supported the rebellion led by the
Zaidi cleric Sheikh Badr al-Din al-Huthi, he was sentenced to death.

Belatedly, some European countries are beginning to realize the threat the
imams pose to their security, and to address the closely related matter of
their Muslim communities’ ability or willingness to integrate, if not
assimilate—belatedly, because some of them, especially Britain, have long
tolerated activities by UK-based imams that led directly to murder
elsewhere. Abu Qatada, a Palestinian, gave religious cover to the Algerian
GIA (Group Islamique Armee) and its atrocities, which produced some 150,000
deaths; London-based Abu Hamza planned, legitimized, and encouraged
(including by sending his own son to participate) the kidnapping and murder
of foreign (Christian) tourists and locals in Yemen; and Omar Bakri
Mohammed, also based in London, recruited volunteers for Islamist terrorism
in Bosnia, Chechnya, Iraq and elsewhere — by his own admission.

But those in the West who have long been serious about fighting Islamist
ideology are now less alone. The French were the first and still the most
effective in tackling this problem — especially under the leadership of
their ambitious interior minister, Nicolas Sarkozy. No matter how long they
have lived in France, Islamist clerics are now being routinely expelled—
usually to Algeria — under Sarkozy’s “zero tolerance” approach for such
things as explaining how to beat one’s wife in a “correct Islamic way,”
calling Jews “apes,” or inciting jihad.

Even traditionally “tolerant” Belgium has created a plan mosque, placing
mosques under police surveillance; in Germany, “spiritual inciters of
disorder” are to be prosecuted; in Austria, radical imams could now be
expelled for “speeches threatening public security"; in Italy, radical imams
could be expelled by the Interior minister.[1] And the UK is finally dealing
with the radical imams on its territory, by proposed criminalization of
their acts and sermons and extradition or expulsion, even to countries like
Egypt, Jordan or Saudi Arabia, traditionally the taboo “human rights
violators” of the powerful NGO human rights lobbies and their supporters in
the judiciary. On the other hand, with relatively few (but growing) numbers
of Muslims in their midst and no terrorism (yet), Sweden and Finland are
leading a Scandinavian resistance to this EU-based European crackdown on
radical imams.

The general intention, in Europe at least, is to ensure that imams help
establish a European Islam, rather than the present Islam in Europe —hence
the newly required (in Denmark, Netherlands, etc.) insistence on imams’
proficiency in those countries languages, training in European institutions,
and familiarity with local/national traditions, including oaths of loyalty
to the countries’ respective monarchs.

In one remarkable development, the United States is joining France in
implementing the strongest, and most realistic and practical, approach to
Islamist “clerics” of all Western democracies. But where France often expels
radical inciters to their unpleasant fate in North Africa, the United States
is trying them and imposing stiff sentences at home. Sheikh Mohammed Ali
Hassan al-Moayad, 57, a Yemeni imam-recruiter of terror, was sentenced in
New York on July 28, 2005 to 75 years in prison for conspiring to support
and fund Al Qaeda and Hamas; Sheikh Omar Abdul Rahman, blind and diabetic,
got a life sentence for legitimizing the 1993 World Trade Center attack (his
sympathetic American lawyer was also imprisoned); Ali Timimi, a northern
Virginia “spiritual” Islamic leader, was convicted of encouraging others to
attend terrorist camps and received a life sentence. The bottom line is
that, under U.S. law, there are clear limits between freedom of expression
and using it as a pretext to call for mass murder. This bottom line is
ultimately less “legal” than self-preserving — U.S. prosecutors, like French
interior ministry officials, have to work around a generally obsolete legal
system, poorly designed for dealing with Islamist terror, in order to
protect their citizens—against terrorists and, more difficult still,
anti-antiterrorist human rights fundamentalists.

Ultimately, it all comes down to common sense—and law not supported by
common sense is law not supported. The fact that a blind or mutilated imam
does not commit a violent crime because he is physically unable to do so,
but “just” recruits and encourages Islamist terrorists, is no excuse or safe
legal protection— nor is it, or should it be, harbored by “freedom of speech
religion or expression” laws. Thus, French and Italian, as well as American
laws are now moving toward applying the same legal rules once limited to the
Mafia and criminal gangs in general, to Islamist terrorists and crack down
on clerics—and for good reason: incitement and recruitment for terrorism
should be seen and treated at least as seriously as actual terrorist acts,
and in fact, far more seriously. If falsely shouting fire in a crowded
theater is not protected by the first amendment, as Supreme Court Justice
Oliver Wendell Holmes famously argued in 1917, then calling for murder in
the name of Islam is not protected, either.


[1] Marc Semo and Brigitte Vitalle-Durand, “L’Europe face aux prêcheurs de
haine,” Liberation, July 30, 2005

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