Mr. President, end the North Korean threat now!

 <> Michael Gaynor
July 7, 2006

Mr. President, on January 29, 2002, in your State of the Union Address, with
the memory of September 11, 2001 fresh and foremost in the minds of the
American people, you identified three major threats to America - North
Korea, Iran and Iraq (in that order) - and expressed your firm resolve to
thwart those who would bully, blackmail or even destroy America:

"[Our goal] is to prevent regimes that sponsor terror from threatening
America or our friends and allies with weapons of mass destruction. Some of
these regimes have been pretty quiet since September the 11th. But we know
their true nature. North Korea is a regime arming with missiles and weapons
of mass destruction, while starving its citizens.

"Iran aggressively pursues these weapons and exports terror, while an
unelected few repress the Iranian people's hope for freedom.

"Iraq continues to flaunt its hostility toward America and to support
terror. The Iraqi regime has plotted to develop anthrax, and nerve gas, and
nuclear weapons for over a decade. This is a regime that has already used
poison gas to murder thousands of its own citizens - leaving the bodies of
mothers huddled over their dead children. This is a regime that agreed to
international inspections - then kicked out the inspectors. This is a regime
that has something to hide from the civilized world.

"States like these, and their terrorist allies, constitute an axis of evil,
arming to threaten the peace of the world. By seeking weapons of mass
destruction, these regimes pose a grave and growing danger. They could
provide these arms to terrorists, giving them the means to match their
hatred. They could attack our allies or attempt to blackmail the United
States. In any of these cases, the price of indifference would be

Mr. President, you were born soon after World War II ended, but you
apparently learned much from studying it. The big lesson: appeasing a
bully/blackmailer does not win peace.

On September 30, 1938, British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain returned
to the Prime Minister's residence in London after his infamous Munich
Conference with Hitler, Mussolini and Daladier and hopefully, but inanaely,
announced: "For the second time in our history, a British Prime Minister has
returned from Germany bringing peace with honor. I believe it is peace for
our time....Go home and get a nice quiet sleep."

Two and a half years earlier, in March 1936, Germany had reoccupied the
Rhineland, and British Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin had told the French
Foreign Minister: "[I]f there is even one chance in a hundred that war would
follow from your [proposed] police operation [to oust Germany's military
forces from the Rhineland], I have not the right to commit England. England
is not in a state to go to war."

It's not surprising that John F. Kennedy entitled his first book, While
England Slept.

Fortunately, America has not been sleeping since September 11, 2001 (if not
an earlier date).

World War I was supposed to have been the one and only world war, thanks to
the Treaty of Versailles. Tragically, the peace that the then British Prime
Minister (David Lloyd George) thought that Treaty would assure lasted only
about twenty years.

The Allies failed to enforce that Treaty (and the subsequent Treaty of
Locarno) after Hitler took power in Germany. Ironically, the Ally that urged
enforcement, but did not receive support, was...FRANCE.

The Treaty of Versailles declared that Germany should not have or establish
fortifications on the left bank of the Rhine or within fifty kilometers of
its right bank, and that Germany should not have any military forces, or
hold at any time any military maneuvers, or maintain any facilities for
military mobilization, in this zone.

Under the Treaty of Locarno, entered into on December 1, 1925, Germany,
France, Belgium, Great Britain and Italy guaranteed individually and
collectively the permanence of the boundaries of Germany and Belgium and of
Germany and France.

That Treaty provided not only that Germany, France and Belgium would never
invade or attack neighbors, but that (1) a violation of the Treaty of
Versailles would constitute "an unprovoked act of aggression"; (2) immediate
action would be required from the offended signatories because of the
assembling of armed forces in Germany's demilitarized zone; (3) the
violation should be immediately reported to the League of Nations; and (4)
the League would establish the fact of violation and then advise the
signatory nations that they were bound to give their military aid to the
invaded or attacked nation.

When Hitler occupied the Rhineland in 1936, his occupation was allowed to
stand, because France and Great Britain then were too timid to fight and/or
too easily humbugged.

Winston Churchill, in The Gathering Storm, straightforwardly described the
Rhineland occupation and the reaction to it as follows: "It was not only a
breach of an obligation exacted by force of arms in war and of the Treaty of
Locarno, signed freely in full peace, but the taking advantage of a friendly
evacuation by the Allies of the Rhineland several years before it was due.
The news caused a world-wide sensation. The French Government...uprose in
vociferous wrath and appealed to all its allies and to the League....Here if
ever was the violation, not only of the Peace Treaty, but of the Treaty of
Locarno; and an obligation binding upon all the Powers concerned."

For those wondering why France has been so resentful of the United States
and Great Britain and obstructionist, part of the answer seems to lie in
their failure to support France in 1936.

Churchill reported: "In France there was a hideous shock. [The French Prime
Minister and Foreign Minister] had the impulse to act at once by general
mobilisation. If they had been equal to their task, they would have done so;
and thus compelled all others to come into line. It was a vital issue for

But they appeared unable to move without the concurrence of Britain. This is
an explanation, but no excuse. The issue was vital to France, and any French
Government worthy of the name should have made up its own mind and trusted
to the Treaty obligations....they did not meet with any encouragement to
resist the German aggression from the British. On the contrary, if they
hesitated to act, their British allies did not hesitate to dissuade them.
During the whole of Sunday there were agitated telephonic conversations
between London and Paris. His Majesty's Government exhorted the French to
wait in order that both countries might act jointly and after full
consideration. A velvet carpet for retreat!"

What was the French Foreign Minister's frank appraisal of the situation, as
conveyed to the English at the time?

"The whole world and especially the small nations today turn their eyes
toward England. If England will act now, she can lead Europe. [England] will
have a policy, all the world will follow [England], and thus [England] will
prevent war.

It is [England's] last chance. If [England] do[es] not stop Germany now, all
is over. France cannot guarantee Czechoslovakia any more because that will
become geographically impossible. If [England] do[es] not maintain the
Treaty of Locarno, all that will remain to [England] is to await a
rearmament by Germany, against which France can do nothing. If [England]
do[es] not stop Germany by force today, war is inevitable, even if [England]
make[s] a temporary friendship with Germany As for myself, I do not believe
that friendship is possible between France and Germany; the two countries
will always be in tension. Nevertheless, if [England] abandon[s] Locarno, I
shall change my policy, for there will be nothing else to do."

What did Great Britain do?

"The British Cabinet, seeking the line of least resistance, felt that the
easiest way out was to press France into another appeal to the League of
Nations," which had been "weakened and disheartened by the fiasco of
sanctions and the Anglo-German Naval Agreement...."

Did the League of Nations cause Germany's military forces to leave the

Of course not.

What would have happened if France had initiated military action instead?

"If the French Government had mobilised the French Army, with nearly a
hundred divisions and its air force (then still falsely believed to be the
strongest in Europe), there is no doubt that Hitler would have been
compelled by his own General Staff to withdraw, and a check would have been
given to his pretensions which might well have proved fatal to his rule. It
must be remembered that France alone was at this time quite strong enough to
drive the Germans out of the Rhineland, even without the aid which her own
action, once begun, and the invocation of the Locarno Treaty would certainly
have drawn from Great Britain."

So wrote Winston Churchill, who understood Nazi Germany infinitely better
than his predecessors as Prime Minister, Stanley Baldwin and Neville

North Korea's "dear Leader" (Kim Jong-il) celebrated July 4, 2006 by
launching missiles into the Sea of Japan, one of which reportedly was aimed
at or near Hawaii but blew up so soon after launch that it did not travel

The People's Republic of China should have reigned in North Korea, in its
own interest, but it has not done so.

So what should the United States do?

Remember what Founder Charles Cotesworth Pinckney did and said when it was
Frenchmen who were trying to blackmail the United States. As America's
Minister to the French Republic in 1797, Pinckney refused to be blackmailed
and declared defiantly, "Millions for defence but not a damned penny for

North Korea bamboozled America's Neville Chamberlain, Bill Clinton, and his
Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright. It took the benefits that it won by
threat and then became a greater threat.

Mr. President, you and your Secretary of State (Condoleeza Rice) should
profit from the bad example of your predecessors and remember that the two
of you have even less excuse than they (Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me
twice, shame on me.)

Mr. President, you need to do whatever is needed to protect America. If
diplomacy will not succeed (and it did not with Saddam and will not with
Kim), for whatever reason, that means military action. Better to act now
that to wait until North Korea is an even greater danger.

Mr. President, you were right to depose Saddam Hussein, and you would be
right to end the North Korean danger NOW (and wrong not to do so).

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