Changing its stripes
Jul 6th 2006
 From The Economist print edition
Under General Musharraf the economy has turned more tigerish, but 
foreigners remain wary
SHORTLY after his coup in 1999, General Musharraf unveiled a 
"seven-point agenda" to save the nation.
He vowed to do all the right things: revive a sick economy, reduce 
corruption, rebuild national confidence
and so on. But a year later he had made so little progress that The 
Economist labelled him a "useless
Six years on General Musharraf is still in charge, and the economy has 
been transformed. In the financial
year to mid-2005 it grew by 8.6%, the highest figure for two decades, 
followed by a 6.6% rise in the
financial year just ended (see chart 1). The stockmarket index in 
Karachi has risen by over 1,000% since
1999. Pakistan has $13 billion in foreign reserves, up from $1.7 billion 
in 1999. The rupee is stable.
Public debt as a share of GDP is 54%, down from 80% in 2000. One-third 
of the population is still poor,
but at least the figure has not increased recently.
In retrospect this newspaper's verdict of six years ago looks too harsh, 
but mainly for a reason that no
one could have predicted. The Pakistani most responsible for the 
economy's brilliant turnaround, it might
be argued, was not General Musharraf or his technocratic prime minister, 
Shaukat Aziz. It was an ethnic
Pakistani currently in American custody, Khaled Sheikh Mohammed, the 
architect of the attacks on
September 11th 2001.
Before that day, Mr Aziz, then the finance minister, had been struggling 
bravely, launching a few liberal
reforms, slashing import tariffs and energy subsidies, introducing a 
sales tax and stepping up
privatisations. On the eve of the terrorist attacks on America, Pakistan 
had just about met the terms of
an IMF programme, but investment remained low and debt high. In 2001 the 
economy grew by 2%,
barely more than the population, and one-third of the budget went on 
debt-servicing. Then Mr
Mohammed's plan came off, and Pakistan's world changed.
America wanted Pakistan as an ally and was prepared to pay. It gave 
$600m straight up, promised to
forgive $2 billion of debt and persuaded other creditors to go easy. 
Some of Pakistan's debt was already
due to be rescheduled; America ensured that the terms were generous. In 
December 2001 the IMF
agreed on a $1.3 billion facility. Meanwhile remittances rocketed, 
especially from Pakistanis in America,
reflecting fears that Christian countries might freeze Muslim assets. 
Remittance flows also became more
visible as America cracked down on the informal hawala money-transfer 
system, which it thought was
being used by terrorists.
This fiscal reprieve, combined with sensible reforms in the banking 
sector and plenty of spare capacity,
provided the basis for Pakistan's burst of growth. As the economy 
recovered, capital flight was reversed,
leading to speculation in land and stocks. Low interest rates and more 
readily available consumer credit
encouraged middle-class Pakistanis to join the rush. Where they bought 
land, some built houses,
contributing to a modest construction boom. Private consumption has more 
than doubled in the past two
years as households have treated themselves to long-coveted durable 
goods. Last year they bought
600,000 refrigerators, against only 35,000 in 1999.
Agriculture, which makes up 22% of the economy, has
performed fairly well, thanks to helpful weather that boosted
farm output in 2005 by 7.5%. Textiles, which account for 60%
of total exports, have grown by 20% since global trade quotas
were lifted at the start of last year, rewarding several years of
heavy investment in the sector.
This is a hopeful time for Pakistan. But the country has been
here before. In both the 1960s and the 1980s, the economy
About sponsorship
sustained annual growth of over 6%. Those periods, too, saw
military rule---which brought relative stability---and lashings of
aid dollars. The first general in charge, Ayub Khan, managed
the economy well; the second, Zia ul-Haq, did not, but was also
blessed with a rush of remittances, from the Middle East. Both
periods were followed by a decade of civilian misrule during
which donors and investors withdrew, growth dropped to 4%,
and millions of people were pitched into poverty. Will General
Musharraf leave behind a more solid basis for growth?
The good part
He might. Since 1999, his government has privatised $5 billion-worth of 
assets. It has doubled the
number of taxpayers, albeit from a pathetically low base of 1m. It has 
simplified the tax system, a bit:
according to a World Bank survey published last year, the average 
entrepreneur was still stung for 32
separate payments, equal to 57% of his gross profits. The government has 
made itself much more
accessible to businessmen, who mostly sing its praises---especially those 
who are also in the government.
It gets particularly fervent support from the sugar industry, which is 
protected and almost entirely owned
by politicians operating a cartel. The government has also promised, in 
the budget unveiled on June 5th,
to double spending on development (things such as health and education) 
to around 5% of GDP.
This is not a bad record, especially when compared with that of
General Musharraf's predecessors. But if he is to fulfil a pledge
to cut poverty significantly, he must maintain the current level
of growth. The government has set its latest target at 7%, but
that looks impossible. Investment, at around 20% of GDP, is
still lower than it should be. Although foreign direct investment
last year was an encouraging $3.5 billion, or about 2.7% of
GDP (see chart 2), this was boosted by privatisations. A lot of
foreign money also went into telecoms, where profits come
through quickly. Savings account for a modest 15% of GDP.
The consumer boom---along with high-cost oil, of which
Pakistan has little---has caused imports to double in the past
four years. Exports, dominated by low-value textiles, cannot
keep up. Last year, the trade deficit widened to $11.5 billion.
To finance it, the government will have to eat into its foreignexchange
reserves, and eventually may have to devalue the
rupee. But this will exacerbate another ugly effect of consumerled
growth: inflation. Currently at 8%, it squeezes the poor.
In Lahore's Anarkali bazaar, Mohammed Javed, a third-generation 
goat-head salesman, is grumbling. He
reckons that four years ago he sold 200 heads a day at 25 rupees each; 
now he struggles to sell 20 at 60
rupees each. His explanation: "The poor can't afford meat, only dal and 
rice." Other traders tell of similar
woes, and auto-rickshaw wallahs are idle---unable, they say, to find 
customers at the price they must
charge to cover the increased cost of petrol. Only Nasir Anjam, a 
mobile-handset salesman, is doing well:
"We're the latest fashion; even beggars are buying my phones," he says.
The hard bits
To sustain 7% growth, Pakistan will need much more foreign investment, 
but there are one or two
reasons why this will be difficult. For a start, Britain and America, 
Pakistan's biggest donors and portfolio
investors, advise their citizens not to visit the country because there 
is a risk that they might be killed by
Islamist militants. Since 2002 America's State Department has forbidden 
the families of its diplomats in
Pakistan to visit them. Several American diplomats have been murdered in 
Pakistan, most recently in
March, in a suicide bomb attack near the American consulate in Karachi. 
All this conveys a skewed
picture of life in Pakistan, with its thronged beaches in Karachi, 
classy fashion shows in Lahore and
embarrassingly generous hospitality everywhere. But it is not inaccurate.
Those businessmen who brave the risks face other problems too. In the 
cities, and especially in Karachi,
there is not much in the way of law and order. The rich can shield 
themselves from bother, by buying
private security or favours from policemen, but their workers cannot. 
Justice is also for sale, but this
takes longer. The World Bank recently rated Pakistan 134th among 155 
countries for ease of enforcing
contracts, which on average took 395 days. Salman Raja, a commercial 
lawyer in Lahore, thinks these
figures are optimistic. He says that many straightforward disputes take 
a dozen or more years to settle.
Sometimes a plaintiff despairs of the whole process and shoots his 
adversary dead.
Straightening out Pakistan's police and judiciary were also on General 
Musharraf's priority list. Both
featured in a complex package of local-government reforms introduced in 
2000, but neither emerged
much the better for it. The general scrapped the post of deputy 
commissioner, a powerful civil servant
who ran the police and served as magistrate at the district level. In 
his place, he created an elected
mayor, or nazim, who was charged with overseeing a more autonomous 
police force. Judicial
responsibility passed to professional judges, who were also subjected to 
a massive clean-up designed,
run and paid for by the Asian Development Bank. Similar changes were 
made at the higher provincial
On paper, these reforms looked fine, but they soon ran into a sludge of 
vested interests. General
Musharraf's political supporters have rigged local elections to ensure 
the election of nazims loyal to the
government. And local and provincial politicians now have direct control 
over the police, which is helpful
for winning elections but not for building an independent police force.
In the matter of judicial reform, the vested interests are General 
Musharraf's. In 2000 he dismissed 13
senior judges. He then got the remaining top judges to decree that his 
coup was not, after all, treason for
which he must hang, but perfectly legal and necessary. Loyal senior 
judges remain useful to the general
in many ways, especially at election time---which may be one reason why he 
has not attempted to reform
the high courts.
Such political legerdemain is an indictment not only of General 
Musharraf but of Pakistani politics as a
whole. Unlike his civilian predecessors, the general has at least made a 
serious attempt to improve the
country's rotten institutions. His next target for reform is education, 
which is in a desperate state. Half of
all Pakistanis are illiterate. That may include some teachers, who are 
also political appointees. In a recent
survey of 15,000 schools in the Punjab, the education ministry found 
that in 4,000 of them no teacher
was present. Mr Aziz, a tireless salesman, is right to point to 
Pakistan's cheap and plentiful labour as a
potential tool for sustained high growth; but those workers would be 
even more useful if they could read.
To that end, General Musharraf has pledged to double education spending 
as a share of GDP, to 4%. But
it will take more than cash. For example, thousands of useless teachers 
will need sacking---the sort of
political challenge the general has shirked in other areas. Nor do all 
of Mr Musharraf's political allies
actually want their compatriots to be educated. One minister, a rising 
star, was recently overheard
vowing to stop any school being built on his land in Punjab; he feared 
that bookish serfs might demand a
decent wage.
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