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The World Needs to Allow Israel to Pursue the Neutralization of Hizballah

By Steve Schippert

It was posited in a recent commentary that, contrary to popular opinion,
Hizballah Is On The Ropes. That is because they are. Yet, if there were one
thing that could have been made clearer in that commentary, it would be to
stress that Hizballah "on the ropes" does not mean they are near destruction
or elimination. Hizballah is still the fiercest Arab fighting force in the
region and still empowered by an intense fanatical ideology. 
But make no mistake, Hizballah is indeed on the ropes and hoping the bell
rings soon.
For those who may believe otherwise, even after the context provided in the
previous commentary,
consider today's events. Hizballah political leader, Hassan Nasrallah,
pressed for a ceasefire and negotiations, couched as it was in yet another
bold threat to Israel and amid further branding of Israel as the aggressors.

While they are presently being reduced in both stature and war-making
capacity - through in-place bombings and un-replenished consumption - it
should not be lost that Hizballah will not be 'destroyed' by this effort
alone as Hizballah is representative of a movement, an ideology, an idea. 
They are, however, in the process of being boxed into two sets of offensive
capability as Israel seeks to neutralize their threat to Israeli population
The Litani River extends eastward from the Mediterranean Sea to the
southeast corner of Lebanon where, like an elbow, it takes a 90-degree turn
northward. All along the Litani River, bridges have been targeted creating a
natural barrier. To the south lies the operational zone of what can be
considered the 'Katyusha Brigades,' with Israel still within the Katyushas'
limited range. To the east is the Bekaa Valley, longtime home of the
international campus of Terror University and home to Hizballah's 'capital,'
In the south of Lebanon, the 'Katyusha Brigades' are maintaining the most
visible sign of Hizballah's strengths by relentlessly raining rockets down
upon northern Israeli cities. Israel looks to sandwich them between forces
on the Litani River and the Israeli border as at least 10,000 IDF troops,
complete with artillery and air support, look to squeeze them as they move,
clearing the area of rockets, launchers and terrorists. 
This will be an ugly task and Israeli forces will likely be met with many of
the same insurgency tactics employed in Iraq, such as waves of IED attacks
on armor and troops. Enter into the equation the brutal close-quarters
fighting already displayed by well-trained Hizballah terrorists and it
becomes clear that the fight will neither be without cost by any measure nor
easy, but one Israel will decidedly win if left unimpeded. 
The latest spate of Katyusha rocket attacks into northern Israel should not
be interpreted as a show of strength by Hizballah as much as it should be
viewed as a state of 'use it or lose it' with the coming IDF advance
But when the downpour of Katyusha rockets begins to abate into silence, then
This is when the sum effect of Israel's unrelenting attacks on Hizballah's
established infrastructure throughout the other regions of Lebanon,
especially the Bekaa Valley, will finally become visible to those currently
focused on Katyushas and Beirut. With the Katyushas destroyed or pushed
beyond their useful range - with the possible exception of their surviving
ZelZal longer-range missiles and any other unknown assets - Hizballah will
be reduced to fighting the Israeli troops who come their way specifically
looking for that fight. 
It is in the Bekaa Valley that Israel's second box comes into play. Israel
likely seeks to cut off that elbow by taking it on the ground, trapping the
'Katyusha Brigades' to the south and stranding much of the rest of
Hizballah's capabilities in the Bekaa Valley above it. It would then become
a two-front theater. How - or rather, to what extent - Israel intends to
punish Hizballah with any IDF ground assault in the southern Bekaa Valley
remains to be seen. Quite possibly, it remains to be determined by the IDF
and Israeli leadership as well.
Regardless of what they may or may not have decided, the external imposition
of a cease-fire may determine that for them. Hizballah is obviously quite
anxious for this to finally occur.
The irony should not be lost in that, while pressing for a ceasefire and
negotiations, Nasrallah framed Israel's assault on Hizballah as a "campaign
against our cities, villages, civilians, and infrastructure." For it is
clearly Hizballah who has been targeting Israeli cities, villages and
civilians with incessant rocket attacks upon them with warheads filled with
anti-personnel projectiles. Unlike parts of Lebanon, with Hizballah
intentionally and deeply embedded within the Shi'a civilian population, the
only 'personnel' in those targeted Israeli villages are civilians. Note that
it is not IDF artillery or other troop positions targeted by the 2,000+
Katyushas. Terrorism doesn't work that way.
Hizballah has created a massive infrastructure of facilities, institutions,
networks of tunnels, weapons stores and firing positions deeply seeded
among, beneath and behind the civilian population. This choice, rather than
the placement of that infrastructure in remote or isolated areas, as its
Israeli enemy has, is precisely why attacking Hizballah's war-making
capabilities (infrastructure) results in civilian casualties and the
destruction of private property. 
While Israel showers the civilians of Lebanese towns with warning leaflets
urging evacuation, Hizballah showers civilians of Israeli towns with ball
bearings, nails and bolts, hoping for sudden and gruesome death and injury.
But Nasrallah may have dropped a form of leaflets of his own today by
warning Israel not to bomb 'Beirut proper,' north of the Hizballah-dominated
Shi'a suburbs of southern Beirut. He has increasingly spoke with the assumed
authority of all Lebanese people and in so warning Israel, he may just have
warned the citizens of Beirut proper: "Hizballah is coming to town." The
apparent swell in support for Hizballah may have been interpreted by
Nasrallah as a green light to seek new refuge outside the current bounds of
But, where Hizballah goes, Israel is likely to follow - as evidenced by the
bold air assault on Baalbek. Nasrallah and his puppet masters know this and
may likely seek to extract greater support through their sacrificing of
swaths of the civilian population in 'Beirut proper,' banking on the
likelihood that they, like the rest of the world, will easily recognize the
source of the bombs without due pause to recognize their cause.
This may be the preferred front chosen by Hizballah in hopes of drawing
enough international outcry to result in an immediate ceasefire before
Israel can properly clamp the vice on their "two boxes" and effectively
reduce Hizballah to an operational capacity that leaves northern Israel well
beyond Hizballah's reach.
Yes, Hizballah is on the ropes. The victorious do not sue for ceasefire and
The unfortunate truth is that there can be no negotiation with terrorists
who ultimately seek to destroy a nation, a people and, eventually, an entire
civilization. Yes, the fight is hard. Yes, the fight is ugly. But this is
not a reason refuse to engage in a war inspired and begun by aggressors who
seek your death and destruction. 
That Hizballah chooses not to finish the fight they have wrought is no
reason impose a false sense of peace that would allow a battered terrorist
organization to replenish resources and once again plot against Israel. 
For Israel to accept an immediate ceasefire and withdraw is to cede victory
to terrorists and sentence their civilian population to further unprovoked
slaughter. This is unacceptable.
The 'international community' should reconsider rewarding Nasrallah with
precisely what he desires: An immediate ceasefire and negotiations, through
which Hizballah can reconstitute, re-arm and, eventually, re-deploy better
equipped in pursuit of the destruction of Israel. For, as it stands, his
terrorist organization is persistently being slammed with the aerial
destruction of its complex infrastructure used to manage the machine and is
essentially cut off from Syrian (and thus Iranian) aid. Hizballah's tools of
war are being expended and destroyed with little if any re-supply.
The Hizballah terror machine increasingly starves for resources as the
tables have turned on Nasrallah's pronounced desire for a war of attrition
with the IDF. The Peacemakers must be unobstructed while they seek to do the
difficult work of neutralizing Hizballah. Who else is willing or able? The
UN Peacekeepers?
The world needs to get out of the IDF's way and allow them to loose the dogs
in pursuit of Hizballah.
Now, please.

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