Warning: Behold The Uncivilized Of Islam Should Know -- Israel May Erase
Them From The Map Any Day
Those in the violent world of Islam must read this, so that they may know
that it is they - not Israel - that are threatened to extinction from the
face of the earth. 
Waging a proxy war in southern Lebanon against Israel using Hezbollah, Hamas
and other mercenaries from terrorist-harboring countries, the uncivilized
from the primitive world of Islam led by Iran and Syria still don't get it -
modern nuclear-armed Israel can wipe them off the map in any rocket-raining
Right now Israel is the only nuke power in the Middle East. With this deadly
nuclear capability which Israel may use anytime, consider Iran's warning of
making Israel disappear from the map a bubble threat non sequitur [meaning,
Iran cannot carry out the threat, therefore that threat is useless]. 
But the Israelis are still trying to be as civilized as possible in this
conduct of war because of hostile world opinion being whipped up against
them even as they defend themselves from barbaric Hezbollah-Hamas attacks.
This answers the internationally snowballing question as to why the invasion
of Lebanon is still being held up to this day as I write this editorial
scrutiny of the landscape of war in the Middle East, with a turned on
possibility that the blazing inferno of the conflict could engulf the world
into a total thermo-nuclear conflagration.
Note that Israel's "strategic military incursions" into southern Lebanon has
just been decided as a calculated response to Hezbollah-Hamas savage rocket
attacks. This option was aimed primarily to neutralize the terrorists'
firing of rockets from terrorist-occupied cities and suburbs of southern
Lebanon which terrorists used as a civilian cover.
For, world opinion is harder to defeat than Hezbollah-Hamas and the forces
of the Axis of Evil that are hiding behind civilians as shields, even with
Israel's limited use of nuclear weaponry if necessary to end the conflict as
quickly as possible. 
It has come to a point where Israel realizes that by responding to
relentless Katuysha rocket attacks with a continuous bombardment of southern
Lebanon where scores of civilians are killed, Israel may win the battle but
loses the political war. 
We all know - and the whole wide world knows - that rocket-firing terrorists
do not only use human shield even in field combat but for decades now had
adopted Arafat's PLO strategy of mounting artillery and rockets on trucks
that would fire at Israeli positions and then move away. When Israelis fire
back their rockets, civilians are killed in the area where the terrorists'
rocket-firing trucks had moved out.
For example, deadly shells and rockets were fired hitting Israel from the
area where foreign embassies in Beirut were located in a night time sporadic
terrorist attacks. Israel responded and stopped the terrorists' barrage but
"hit seven embassies". [1] 
NBC reports made the world angry on this Israeli "barbarism". NBC's
indiscretion in reporting the responding attack created a domino effect on
the rest of the news-syndicated Media, collectively drumbeating the
terrorists' claim that they have no military positions in the area hit by
Israeli bombardment. Israelis killing internationally protected personnel in
their counter-attack therefore committed a crime against humanity - a
violation of international law -- so terrorists chirped to the listening
world like leaping insects in the darkest of nights, thanks to the
news-starved Media.
Notice also that this terror attack on Israel coming from the Lebanon side
of the border was purposely carried out under cover of darkness. When
reconnaissance photos were processed and released thereafter, "the embassy
area [was] honeycombed with tanks, mortars, heavy machine guns and
antiaircraft positions ." that mounted the terrorist attack which had then
moved away immediately from the area after the attack. [See note [1] for
In other words, Israel was lured into attacking foreign embassies in Beirut
when terrorists put the diplomatic community in harms way; it was a
blood-curling Satanic way of Islamic murder without conscience. 
Hezbollah-Hamas terrorists are now adopting this method of attacks for
purposes of beguiling and capturing world opinion to their side at the
expense of innocent human lives. Dull-headed opinions are hooked to this
trickery, most especially the attitudinal judgment of pea-brained Cyprinus
Carpios [Latin to fishermen's carps] amongst us that can see only the yummy
worm but not the hook, thus swallowing this lip-smacking sting of terrorists
in this unsettling river of deception.
In this particular instance, like the beast of the wild, the feeding Media
had already masticated and ingested their prey. Media hardly throw up what
it had swallowed alive as news, in this case Israel's savagery in bombing
foreign embassies in Beirut. No amount of retraction could vindicate
Israel's loss in the bar of world opinion. Media starving to banner a
spine-tingling bombshell helps terror win the political war against Israel.
This incident was a teaching lesson to Israel after paying with their own
blood the price of learning the hellish ways of terror that kills them
indiscriminately and wantonly. It indubitably explains why land incursions
in southern Lebanon by Israeli ground troops are trying to neutralize the
killing madness of Hezbollah and Hamas before the green light is turned on
for an all-out Lebanon invasion.
Hezbollah demonstrated this killing madness last Wednesday August 2, 2006
when it rained Israel with rockets. [2] A record of more than 160 rockets
were fired in one day hitting Israeli civilian areas and killing a 52-year
old American in his Kibbutz Sa'ar home in Nahariya. Hezbollah rockets rained
on the villages of Beit Hillel, Jenin, Fakua and Jalboun. Hezbollah was
using the longer-range Khaybar 2 killer missile to destroy Beit Shean and in
targeting the Israeli town of Afula. 
To stop this carnage, Israel ordered more airstrikes on southern Lebanon
hitting civilian towns and suburbs used by Hezbollah as a civilian cover to
launch those murderous rocket attacks on Israel. Watch how the Media and
world opinion crucify Israel when casualties inflicted by Israel in stopping
Hezbollah's rocket attacks are reported. 
I am sure this rocket storm over Israel is viewed by the misguided as an
accolade heaped on Hezbollah-Hamas' capacity to crush Israel into
submission, a scenario that is sending a wrong signal to the uncivilized and
the ignorant the world over. With the help of the Media, sure
Hezbollah-Hamas terror, with Syria and Iran behind it, is winning the
political war. But this should never becloud the fact that no country in the
world can wipe out Israel from the map, be that the evil force of Islam led
by Iran or of any power that pretends to be a friend or friends of the
United States that would go to war against us for economic, political or
ideological reason. 
Why this is so, is not hard to explain in a single sentence: The existing
Israel-US strategic alliance would not and cannot allow any obsessed demonic
country to make Israel disappear from the map by any means fair or foul.
Even just the thought of it ever happening is unreal - what is real is the
impossibility of it ever happening. 
Yet, Syrian-Iran warmongers and their dogs of war still don't get it.
Try digesting this so that the uncivilized of Islam may know: Iran's threat
against Israel for total annihilation had shocked the world. But it turned
into a laughing joke when Iran's puppets -- Hezbollah-Hamas and their duped
sympathizers -- are now mouthing this in an international discordant
symphony of terrorist intimidation. 
More shocking than this Israel-off-the-map threat of the terrorist president
of Iran, is Teheran's ignorance of the fact that even if all the Mullahs of
Iran would open their Satanic book of shadow to summon the demons from the
underworld to help them - conjure and call for all the help from Islam
countries they could use to defeat Israel -- this would never come to pass
much more succeed, at least for two reasons: 
[a] Israel's WMD would erase any invading Islamic aggressor from the face of
the earth; 
[b] United States would never allow it, because to allow it means that Iran
- or whatever is left of it after an Israeli nuclear attack - would have to
defeat this most powerful nation on the planet - the United States of
America that has been long committed to defend Israel. 
Again, sans Hitler-like madness becoming an epidemic in Iran, the
possibility of this Iranian threat to obliterate Israel ever happening is a
myth; to be poetic about it, it is but a mist in Islam's dream of world
conquest that comes when cold darkness descends at the end of a hot summer
day, and melts away like crystal-clear morning dew drops the night after. 
To dream of going to war against the US-Israel combine even without the help
of Western alliance, and hope to win, would not cost any Islamic dreamer
like the terrorist president of Iran a cent. Since to dream cost nothing,
indeed why not dream something big with the sky is the limit or even dream
the impossible? 
The dream of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad that Iran could defeat
Israel in an all-out war is typical of this dream of somnambulists - sleep
night walkers. In law, somnambulism is a form of insanity that needs
guardianship because judgment is impaired.
If you have no idea of Israel's nuclear capabilities, at least have even the
faintest of it as follows:
"Israel nukes are among the world's most sophisticated, largely designed for
'war fighting' in the Middle East. A staple of the Israeli nuclear arsenal
are 'neutron bombs', miniaturized thermonuclear bombs designed to maximize
deadly gamma radiation while minimizing blast effect and long term radiation
- in essence designed to kill people while leaving property intact. Weapons
include ballistic missiles and bombers capable of reaching [even and as far
as] Moscow." [3]
With this nuclear power of Israel that perhaps you know for the first time
only from what you are reading now, you know nothing yet. Israel is reported
to have WMD [chemical and biological] capable of wiping out any terrorist
Islamic country in the Middle East any time when only critical annihilation
force - no longer reason - would rule the day for Israel's survival. 
Try to imagine why Israel has turned itself into the nuclear centurion of
the Middle East: Israelis' main preoccupation in life in the threatening
environment they live, is to arm themselves to the teeth because their
surrounding Arab neighbors are ready to jump on them any time of the day, if
not to kill them, to chase them out of what history has written as "the
biblical Holy Land" of the Christian world. Remember Mordechai Vanunu, the
guy that used to work with Israel's secret weapons programs who became a
whistleblower? He was tried and convicted for treason for warning the world
what Israel was capable of doing - especially if it has to survive an all
out Arab attack.
It might be pertinent to know that it was not the United States that built
up Israel's nuclear facilities. The British, Russians, Germans and French
did it - for money - as the Russians and French had contracted Iran's
nuclear programs allegedly for civilian use - for money. We are not in that
nuclear business with Israel or Iran for money. 
We are aware that militant Islamic countries could use any nuclear plant
that the Western technology built, to manufacture bombs to be used against
us. The same awareness was ignored by our European allies who put their
primary interest first on money than on winning the war on terror. 
Let me think louder to let you know that it was their economic interest that
fought us in the world fora when the free world led by the United States
decided to overthrow the Butcher of Baghdad from his throne of power, and
banished him into the dustbin of history. France and Russia were opposed in
moving the war on terror away from the shores of United States to the Middle
East - specifically Iraq -- where we can fight them terror-for-terror,
hammer and tong, till hell freezes over. Their opposition was no different
from the opposition of our Lefwags [liberal enemy from within Al Gore
standard]. They value their economic interest [Lefwags value their fat
liberal behind] more than American lives, and didn't care if 9/11 is
repeated anywhere in the United States. It is very tempting to think that in
international diplomacy, we no longer need enemies if we have "friends" of
their kind. 
While we were in the arms deal with Israel, Egypt and Saudi Arabia [not
involving nuclear weaponry], our total commitment to provide Israel's
superior armament was never put in doubt. State Secretary Henry Kissinger
had declared our foreign policy on this matter: With regards to arms
procurement from the United States, Israel's "qualitative edge" over the
rest of the world in the armament market is maintained at all times, and
should be sustained in order to strengthen the existing U.S.-Israeli
strategic alliance in the Middle East. 
Washington had seen to it since the time of Kissenger's declaration of U.S.
military assistance to Israel, that all the modern weapons in Israel's
arsenal supplied to or bought by Israel from the United States for its
defense development program were decades ahead from, and much superior to,
all kinds of Soviet and European weaponry that the Arab world have. This was
proven during the 1967 and 1973 Arab-Israel wars. The Arabs overwhelmingly
outnumbered the Israelis, and overwhelmed Israel in the quantity of arms
used in the battlefield, but Israel's brain, quality of arms although much
fewer in number than the Arabs', and superior technology, forced the Arabs
down to their knees in total submission.
I invite you to have a fleeting glance at U.S.-Israel relationship for
survival against terror. The uncivilized need to know that the strength of
this relationship was forged on the anvil of mutual political and strategic
necessity. I need to write a book to explain this more intricately in a more
scholarly way, but the task today is how to reduce those intricacies into a
plain layman's language.
Think of a powerful Jewish lobby in Washington, D.C. that helps dictate the
formulation of our foreign policy in the Middle East. When the Republicans
and the Democrats clash, it puts our political relationship with Israel in
jeopardy, such as the recent rift between the United States and Israel on
Israel's sale of technology to China. When the Republicans or Democrats
accuse Israel of security breach of the prevailing strategic alliance,
Israel has to defend itself, thus occurs the disagreement between the two
countries spawned by Washington's political intrigue.
Unlike the vagary of political relationship between Washington and
Jerusalem, the strategic relationship is not premised on political
expediency but on survival against terror, hence more enduring. It is
independent of our political relations with the government of Israel. It is
so vital that Israel's success for survival is our success, otherwise its
defeat in the hands of terrorists is our defeat on our war on terror.
The investment of Israel and United States programmed into this strategic
anti-terror alliance [strategic relationship] in the Middle East comes in
many forms. In money sense, the relationship is "asymmetric" because U.S. is
pouring billions of dollars into the armament projects created and approved
by such bonding institutions as the JPMG [joint political-military working
group] that meets two times a year. Otherwise, the contributions of each
country into this relationship are reciprocally even.
More than $3.0 billion of our tax money is appropriated as "annual aid" to
Israel [economic, weaponry, ammunition and 'consumables']. In addition, U.S.
has just recently provided Israel of more than $2.0 billion for its Homa BMD
project with nuclear warheads [Homa ballistic missile defense project] that
placed Israel decades ahead of the Arab world in war footing. This advance
technology in sophisticated delivery system in case nuclear war breaks out,
includes the " 'Arrow' missile system, the 'Green Pines' fire-control radar
system, a command and control system and other sub-systems." Don't ask me
how this works or kills. Just imagine the label of this U.S.-Israel Homa BMD
project with skull and crossbones in it.
Israel's "intelligence sharing" with the United States is worth more than
billions of dollars in terms of strategic importance to us. Most of our
missile technologies are shared from Israel's R & D contributions. 
"In the 1970s, Pentagon studies pointed to technologies in which Israel had
greater experience or edge over the United States, and in which case,
cooperation was in the American interest." [4] 
Israeli firms had formed partnerships with American firms like Martin
Marietta to produce a variety of weapons systems, such as the "Popeye
missile and the Pioneer mini-RPV", and many more in our arsenal that had
been tested, and deadly fully operational in combat either in a
country-to-country level of conflict or when the wider confrontation is
regional-global in scope.
What I have provided here is just a passing glance of how the Israelis,
threatened for extinction by those uncivilized war-like elephants of Islam
with a primitive mouse brain, may be able to erase its threatening foe from
the face of the planet. 
Our policy with regards to Israel's self-defense and survival was announced
by former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger in Washington Post on June 16,
"No sovereign state can tolerate indefinitely the buildup along its borders
of a military force dedicated to its destruction and implementing its
objectives by periodic shellings and raids". 
Hezbollah and Hamas who are now doing this, still don't get it.
This nation's policy on Lebanon has been written in stone. On June 21, 1982,
President Ronald Reagan declared:
"On Lebanon, it is clear that we and Israel both seek an end to the violence
there, and a sovereign, independent Lebanon. We agree that Israel must not
be subjected to violence from the north [Lebanon]." The key wording of this
warning ". must not be subjected to violence." is mandatory because of the
intentional use of the word "must".
Reagan used the kindest words of diplomacy in warning those who have a
nefarious design for Israel's demise. 
Still the uncivilized of Islam don't get it. To the uncivilized, killing
Jews and murdering innocent civilians is their - and only -- international
This sheer ignorance and plain stupidity of the uncivilized in the violent
world of Islam are forcing Israel to deliver the first blow in a
thermo-nuclear war and erase the likes of Hezbollah and Hamas in Lebanon,
and the whole of Syria and Iran, from the face of the earth.
When this happens - God forbids - and the white dust of death clears the
air, perhaps only a sleek of oil may be found where Syria and Iran were once
there the day before.#

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