In Politics Even A**es Need Credibility
"The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by
evil men."
- Plato (427 BC-347 BC)
America is a nation where the power of government theoretically rests in the
hands of the nation's citizens. The people's power over the politician, and
the majority of government, is dependant on the citizen's vote. In a society
where speech is not censored and a wide range of ideas are expounded upon
regularly; one would think access to information critical to choosing those
who desire to lead would be readily available to, if not thrust upon, people
from every media type. Although each of the two political parties prevalent
in American politics is guilty of misdirection and omission, only one has
truly used these methods as an essential tool to preserve its dwindling
power: the Democrats.
By nature, the purpose for any political party is to consolidate a mass of
people with common ideas and common goals into a single voting block to
shape American government. Democrats laud themselves as a 'big tent' party
that has room enough for everyone. But does not diversity in itself by
definition negate the necessity of a political party? How does a party with
hundreds of splintered ideological views and perhaps thousands of
individualized goals bind millions of people together under one banner? The
composition of the Democrat party prevents definitive statements on issues
which result in a lack in sincerity and substance. In place of idea's to
restore, improve, or strengthen America, Democrats give voters rhetoric,
generalities, and hopeful speculation of scandals to degrade the opposition.

How could a party with a bounty of charismatic political pundits but a near
absence of conviction or objective, remain in contention for power in
America? Democrats, with good reason, believe that Americans are gullible
DNC chairman Howard Dean claims that his party is full of ideas on how to
save America from the ominous 'religious right' which has overtaken the
Republican Party and has begun a process of destroying the essence of
America. Democrats know what to do to rebuild America's squandered global
reputation, he assures. Yet Mr. Dean, like many Democrats, will not reveal
these ideas to the public prior to assuming power. Why? It would help the
Republican Party, of course. 
Chairman Dean's politics, like so many other politicians, is getting in the
way of his patriotism. By withholding ideas that could benefit the nation,
the DNC is in effect hindering the countries ability to recover - provided
there really is a danger. By refusing to participate in campaigns consisting
of national ideas and national direction the democrats reveal their contempt
for the American experiment. 
A child, while being quizzed by a parent, saying 'I know what 9 times 4 is'
and flatly refusing to say the answer would not be tolerated. Yet those very
same parents would vote for a political party that hides its ideas, its
solutions, and its vision for America? A parent will invest hours a day
going over math, history, science and spelling with their child, but not
devote 2 hours a week to finding out about the people who are seeking
influence their family's future? 
Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts ran for President of the United States
in 2004 without any real platform. Remarkably, just about any statement
Senator Kerry made was either already in contrast to his previous statements
or actions, or would be contradicted by something the Senator would soon say
or do. Yet Mr. Kerry's
<> anti-Bush,
substance void, 'say anything to please' crusade managed to cajole greater
than 48% of the American vote.
How? The Democrats and media spent years discrediting everything President
Bush said or did without regard to the benefit to the nation or America's
war against terrorism. The public was led to believe that President Bush was
a complete imbecile. When painting the President as a fool didn't work the
democrats portrayed him as a diabolical mastermind with sinister motives.
The end result of this lengthily media blitz was a gradual turning of the
population against a leader who had safely led the nation through perilous
times, weathered a recession, cultivated a strong economy, fostered all time
high levels of home ownership levels, maintained record low unemployment
numbers, and reduced taxes for the majority of the nation. But 48% of the
voting American public ignored facts, focused on conjecture and voted
against President Bush in 2004.

Mr. Kerry showed the politicians, but apparently not all of the American
people, that a political campaign doesn't necessarily need facts, substance,
or ideas to persuade voters. To contend a politician simply needs charisma,
audacity, good communication skills, and most importantly the ability to
create anger or fear in voters minds. The Kerry campaign demonstrated that
when a voting body is angry or in doubt, they will turn on anyone regardless
of that persons record. To his credit, Mr. Kerry avoided committing himself
to any position for his entire campaign. After all, why would the
Massachusetts Senator want to take the public eye away from the DNC's
manufactured discontent against a successful sitting President? 
Many Americans appear to have lost the purpose of voting. Instead of voting
on substance increasing numbers of Americans are voting against something,
or for one or two issues, or for who looks better on camera, or who can play
the saxophone on television. Superficiality has become an art form in
contemporary American politics while complacency has become the bedrock of
the typical American voter. 
Americans must come to recognize that voting against someone is not the same
as voting for a person, an idea, or point of view. To allow a party to stoke
anger or cloud critical thought to the extent that a ballot is cast against
a candidate, allows someone who hasn't presented his ideas or proven his
mettle to vie for power. In this age of Islamofascist violence, purpose
driven, principled leadership is more critical than ever. Yet, 48% of
Americans seemed unconcerned in 2004.
Recently failed Presidential candidate John Kerry said of the
Israel-Hezbollah conflict "If I was President, this wouldn't have happened."
Typical to Democrat form, Mr. Kerry failed to mention exactly what he could
have said or done to avert this conflict. Perhaps if Mr. Kerry ever
impressed upon the American people his strategy for crafting peace in the
Middle East he wouldn't have to constantly remind the American people what
he 'would have done' had he been elected.
With the media in tow, Democrats approach the 2006 and 2008 elections with
refurbished socialism, class warfare, deliberately condescending omissions,
and blatant falsehoods ready for public consumption. If history is any
indicator, a large percentage of the populace will be seduced by nothing and
ask for even less from the Democratic candidate. Only the Democrats can say
to what levels they are willing to stoop to express their desire for power
and their contempt for the American political system, capitalism, and those
pesky 'fly over state' traditional values. Only time will tell if the
American public has finally tired of wallowing in this doldrums and decided
to reclaim its birthright. 

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