The search for Adnan El Shukrijumah

Adnan el shukrijumaBy Paul L. Williams 
Monday, September 18, 2006 
Adnan el Shukrijumah possesses the uncanny abilities to blend into a crowd,
to alter his looks, and to assume a multitude of identities. He is the
proverbial Mr. Cellophane. Few things about Shukrijumah indicate his radical
Islamic orientation. He is often clean-shaven and never wears a long shirt
or chews a toothpick. He has been known to have a beer on occasion (like an
average American Joe), to smoke an occasional Camel, and to carry rosary
beads in his pocket. He has posed as an Italian-American, a
Mexican-American, a Canadian, a Saudi, a Jamaican, and a Latino from
Trinidad. He stands somewhere between 5'4" and 5'6" and weighs 140 pounds.
He has black hair, black eyes, an olive complexion, and a pronounced nose.
This guy's face does not appear on the nightly news, even though a BOLO
("Be-On-the-Lookout") was issued March 21, 2004, by FBI Director Robert
Mueller and former Attorney General John Ashcroft. He hasn't even made the
spotlight of"America's Most Wanted" with John Walsh. But no one on planet
earth is more of a threat to the lives and well-being of every man, woman
and child within the United States than ferret-faced Adnan. 



Next Attack Imminent:
Muslims ordered to leave the United States

Adnan el Shukrijumah was born in Guyana on August 4, 1975 -- the first born
of Gulshair el Shukrijumah, a 44-year-old radical Muslim cleric, and his
16-year-old wife. In 1985, Gulshair migrated to the United States, where he
assumed duties as the imam of the Farouq Mosque at 554 Atlantic Avenue in
Brooklyn. The mosque, as noted earlier, has served for many years as a
center for terrorist activities and a recruiting station for al-Qaeda.
<> [i] 
In 1995, the Shukrijumah family relocated to Miramar, Fla., where Gulshair
became the spiritual leader of the radical Masjid al Hijah Mosque and imam
of the Boca Raton Islamic Center. Adnan became friends there with such
wannabe terrorists: as Jose Padilla, who planned to detonate a radiological
bomb in midtown Manhattan; Imran Mandhai, who was convicted of attempting to
blow up nuclear power plants in southern Florida; Moessa Shuyeb Jokham, who
was arrested for plotting to blow up Jewish community centers and
businesses; and a group of other home-grown terrorists.
<> [ii]
Questioned about the aspiring terrorists, Sofian Abdelaziz Zakout, director
of the American Muslim Association and a friend of the Shukrijumah family,
said: "I saw [Adnan el Shukrijumah, Padilla and Mandhai] at different times
in different mosques, and I always said hello. Does that make me a
<> [iii]


Adnan attended flight schools in Florida and Norman, Oklahoma, along with
Mohammad Atta and the other 9-11 operatives, and he became a highly skilled
commercial jet pilot, although he, like Atta and the other terrorists, never
applied for a license with the Federal Aviation Commission.
<> [iv] 
In April 2001, Adnan spent 10 days in Panama, where he reportedly met with
al Qaeda officials to assist in the planning of 9-11. The following month,
he obtained an associate's degree in computer engineering from Broward
Community College, where Mandhai and Jokhan had been enrolled as full-time
<> [v]


Shukrijumah came to appear as a blip on the FBI's radar screen in March,
2001, after special agents in Miami launched an investigation of the Darul
Uloom Institute and Islamic Training Center, which operates out of a large
storefront on the Hollywood/Pines Boulevard in Pembroke Pines. The agents
were interested in the activities of Imran Mandhai, who frequented the
mosque and stated his intention to create a jihad cell that would consist of
25 or 30 men, including his pal, Adnan el Shukrijumah. The cell, Mandhai
maintained, would target electric substations, Jewish institutions, a
National Guard armory, even Mount Rushmore. "It was no secret that [Adnan]
was pretty radical," says a federal law enforcement source, "and that
Mandhai thought he would be interested in what they were doing."
<> [vi] 
But Shukrijumah was too slick and smart to become involved in the creation
of a cell with a loudmouth like Mandhai. He declined to join their plans for
jihad, correctly surmising that Mandhai already had attracted too much
attention. But his name had been mentioned, and the federal investigators
discovered that Shukrijumah had lied on his green-card application regarding
a prior arrest. For this reason, a confidential report with cursory
information in his name was opened at FBI headquarters. The record was filed
and quickly forgotten.
<> [vii]


Between 1996 and 2000, Adnan became a jet-setter. He traveled to Saudi
Arabia and Pakistan, where he met with Ramzi Binalshibh, Khalid Sheikh
Mohammed, and other members of the al Qaeda high command. He also spent
considerable time within al-Qaeda camps in Afghanistan, where he received
training in explosives and special operations
<> [viii].
He traveled to Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, where he met with Ramzi
Binalshibh, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, and other al Qaeda leaders.. He also
spent considerable time within al Qaeda camps in Afghanistan, where he
received training in explosives and special operations
<> [ix]. He
traveled to Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, where he met with Ramzi Binalshibh,
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, and other members of the al-Qaeda high command. He
also spent considerable time within al Qaeda camps in Afghanistan, where he
received training in explosives and special operations
<> [x]. 
In May, 2001, he headed off to Trinidad, where his father Gulshair had
worked as an official for the Saudi Arabian government. From Trinidad, he
trekked to Tobago and Guyana. He managed to amass passports from Guyana,
Trinidad, Saudi Arabia, Canada and the United States and began to adopt a
number of aliases, including Abu Arifi, Jafar al-Tayyar, Jaafar at-Yayyar,
Ja'far al-Tayar, and Mohammed Sher Mohammed Khan (the name that appeared on
his official FBI file).
<> [xi]
Adnan also found time, according to Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, to take part in
the 9/11 attacks as a"fixer," that is, a behind-the-scenes operative who
helped with the plans for hijacking the aircraft. 


Following the success of 9-11, Shukrijumah became singled out by bin Laden
and al-Zawahiri to spearhead the next great attack on America -- a nuclear
attack that would take place simultaneously in seven U.S. cities (New York,
Boston, Miami, Houston, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and Washington D.C.),
leaving millions dead and the richest and most powerful nation on earth in
ashes. <>
To prepare for this mission, Shukrijumah and fellow al Qaeda agents Anas al
Liby, Jaber A. Elbaneh, and Amer el Matti, purportedly were sent to McMaster
University in Hamilton, Ontario, a facility that boasted a five-megawatt
nuclear research reactor, the largest reactor of any educational facility in
Canada. At McMaster, Adnan reportedly kept to himself, made few new friends
or acquaintances, kept strictly to his studies, and left the facility at the
same time as his colleagues.
<> [xiii]
He also managed to obtain employment at the reactor - - allegedly as a
guide. <>
[xiv] Adnan's"normal' behavior on the Hamilton campus, a source said, gave
him entry to places where dangerous materials were stored without raising
undue suspicion. Bit by bit, the al-Qaeda operative allegedly managed to
pilfer approximately 180 pounds of nuclear material from the university - -
enough to build several radiological bombs.
<> [xv]
According to Debka, an internet outlet for Israeli intelligence, Shukrijumah
was under surveillance by Canadian officials in early October 2003, when he
suddenly stopped attending classes and failed to show up for work. His
disappearance aroused no concern, the sources say, until a few days later
when the nuclear material was reported missing.
<> [xvi] 
Jayne Johnson, a spokesperson for McMaster University, declined to comment
on the reports of Shukrijumah and the other al-Qaeda agents at the school.
Other McMaster officials denied that any al Qaeda agents were on campus and
that any nuclear or radiological material was missing from the campus. But
witnesses have verified Shukrijumah's presence in Hamilton and the school,
according to several sources, has experienced radiological"leakage."
<> [xvii]


Upon investigating the matter, Debka raised the following questions
concerning Shukrijumah at McMaster and mind-boggling vanishing act:
A.      Why were there no agents observing the subject inside the reactor?
These sources did not disclose which security agencies were responsible for
the surveillance. 
B.      Who gave Shukrijumah, a Saudi Arabian under suspicion, access to the
reactor? And how is it that no one noticed increasing amounts of nuclear or
radiological materials were disappearing over a period of months? 
C.      How was Shukrijumah able to give his watchers the slip? 
D.      Was the subject tipped off by an inside source in the U. S. or
Canadian security services?
<> [xviii]

Upon their departure from Canada, Adnan and his terrorist friends made their
way to Buffalo where they may have been harbored by some members of the
notorious Lackawanna (LA) Mosque, where Jaber A. Elbaneh had been a
prominent member. It is also possible that they may have received monetary
and logistical support from Mohammed Albanna, who managed to escape under
the radar of the bust of the LA 6 (members of the Lackawanna mosque who were
taken into custody for serving al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations)
in 2002.


In the wake of Operation Enduring Freedom (the U.S.-led invasion of
Afghanistan), CIA and military intelligence officials discovered the
reoccurrence of the names of Jaffar al Tayyar ("Jafer the Pilot") and
Mohammed Sher Mohammed Khan in "pocket litter" -- documents and scraps taken
from prisoners and dead al Qaeda soldiers.
<> [xix]
In May 2002, U.S. intelligence and military officials starting asking a
pressing question to al Qaeda detainees who were being interrogated at
foreign prisons and secret CIA and military facilities abroad."Whom," the
officials asked,"would al Qaeda pick to lead the next big attack against
U.S. targets?" Intelligence sources told U. S. News and World Reports that
several of the detainees coughed up the same answer: "Jaffar al Tayyar."
<> [xx]
The detainees said they had encountered "the Pilot" during al Qaeda training
exercises in Afghanistan. Intelligence officers presented photos of hundreds
of suspected al Qaeda operatives to the detainees. Several identified an
individual who bore a resemblance to Adnan el Shukrijumah. But the
resemblance was not reality, and it would take months before the FBI and CIA
teams, with their sophisticated equipment and state-of-the-art search
engines, would realize it. "We were pursuing a lead," says one official,
"that in the end turned out to be a dead end. We found out we were after the
wrong person."
<> [xxi]
Indeed, the teams might still be searching for the wrong suspects and
hitting dead-ends, if not for Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, al-Qaeda's military
operations chief, who was captured, quite by accident, in Karachi, Pakistan
March 1, 2003. 


After days of interrogation, coupled with severe sleep deprivation, Mohammed
told U.S. officials that bin Laden was planning to create a "nuclear hell
storm" in America.
<> [xxii]
Unlike other attacks, the terrorist chief said, the chain of command for the
nuclear attack answered directly to bin Laden, al-Zawahiri, and a mysterious
scientist called "Dr. X." Mohammed later admitted that "Dr. X" was Dr. Abdul
Qadeer Khan, the Pakistani father of the Islamic bomb and the godfather of
modern nuclear proliferation. He further confessed that the field commander
for this operation was a naturalized American citizen whom he also referred
to as Mohammed Sher Mohammed Khan and "Jafer al Tayyar" ("Jafer the Pilot").
<> [xxiii]
Both names are aliases of Adnan el Shukrijumah. 
Khalid Mohammed went on to say that Adnan represents a"single-cell" - - a
lone agent capable of launching a solo nuclear or radiological attack on a
major American city. The news of such a cell reportedly startled U. S.
officials who assumed that al Qaeda cells contained several members who were
supported by broad logistical back-up crews.
<> [xxiv]


On March 21, 2004, Attorney General John Ashcroft and FBI Director Robert
Mueller issued a BOLO ("be-on-the-lookout") alert for Shukrijumah and Amer
el-Maati, along with Aafia Siddiqui, a Pakistani woman who received a
biology degree from Massachusetts Institute of Technology and penned a
doctoral thesis on neurological science at Brandeis University; Ahmed Kalfan
Ghailani (aka "Foopie"), who took part in the 1998 embassy bombings in Kenya
and Tanzania; Adam Yahiye Gadahn (aka Adam Pearlman), a convert to Islam who
grew up on a goat ranch in Riverside County, California; and Abderraouf
Jdey, the leader of the al-Qaeda cell in Toronto.
<> [xxv] 
Several days after the BOLO was issued, Adnan and Jdey were spotted at a
Denny's restaurant in Avon, Colo., where one ordered a chicken sandwich and
a salad. Samuel Mac, the restaurant manager, described them as "demanding,
rude and obnoxious."
<> [xxvi]
They told Mac they were from Iran and were driving from New York to the West
Coast. Upon calling the FBI headquarters in Washington, D.C., Mac said the
agent who answered the telephone said he had to call the bureau's Denver
office and declined to take down any information. When Mac called the Denver
office of the FBI, he said he was shuttled to voice mail because"all the
agents were busy."
<> [xxvii]
It was five hours before a seemingly uninterested agent called the
restaurant manager. This agent, according to Mac, took a few notes and said
she would pass the information along to the field agents who were handling
the case.
This promise represented the full extent of the government's interest in the
sighting even though Shukrijumah had been labeled by FBI Director Robert
Mueller as"the next Mohammad Atta" and even though the FBI had posted a $5
million reward for any information leading to his capture. The federal and
state law enforcement officials failed to interview the restaurant workers
and the patrons, purportedly even those who were willing to verify the
presence of the terrorists in the restaurant. No forensic evidence was
obtained from the scene by any law enforcement officials - - not even the
utensils that had been used by the suspects. When contacted by The Denver
Post, Monique Kelso, spokeswoman for the Denver bureau, said the office had
received at least a dozen calls as a result of the BOLO. The calls, Kelo
said, were all taken seriously. She added, "We follow up on every lead."
<> [xxix]


Following the incident in Colorado, the diminutive Shukrijumah resurfaced at
a terrorist summit in the lawless Waziristan Province of Pakistan in April
2004. The summit has been described by the FBI as a "pivotal planning
session" in much the same manner as a 2000 meeting was held in Kuala Lumpur
for the 9-11 attacks. Attending the summit were Abu Issa al Hindi, a
Pakistani technician whose company contained plans for staging attacks at
financial institutions in New York, New Jersey, and Washington, D.C., and
Mohammed Babar, who has been charged with buying materials to build bombs
for attacks in Great Britain
<> [xxx]
Babar is an American citizen and resident of Queens, New York, where he was
a leading member of the Islamic Thinkers Society, a group that burned the
American flag during a demonstration before the Israeli consulate in 2006
and held up placards stating:"The mushroom cloud is on its way."
<> [xxxi]


On May 27, 2004, Adnan el Shukrijumah was spotted at an Internet café in
Tegucigalpa, the hilly capital of Honduras, where he made calls to France,
Canada, and the U.S. He was described as badly dressed and bearded. At his
table were Mara Salvatrucha leaders (jefes) from Panama, Mexico, Honduras,
and El Salvador.
<> [xxxii]
According to the café owner, who recognized Adnan from photos in the
newspaper, he spoke to the jefes in English and Spanish. Shukrijumah's
presence at the cafe was later verified by the Honduran Security Ministry,
who confirmed that the elusive terrorists had made telephone calls from
there to France, the U. S., and Canada.
On June 12, Gulshair el Shukrijumah, Adnan's radical father, died in Miramar
as a result of a stroke. Some sources attributed his demise to "the will of
Allah." His funeral was attended by around 1,000 people who "prayed for
Allah to accept their departed Sheik into his arms." Ibrahim Dremali, the
Imam of the Boca Raton Islamic Center, said that Gulshair had"a positive
effect on people."
<> [xxxiv]

>From Tegucigalpa, Adnan made his way north to Belize in British Honduras
and, from Belize, to Mexico's Quintana Roo State, south of Cancun.
<> [xxxv]
He remained in Mexico for much of the summer of 2004. In late August, he was
spotted in the northern Mexican province of Sonora near "terrorist alley,"
the main passageway for illegal aliens, including OTMs (other than Mexicans)
and "Special Interest Aliens" - - to the land of Mickey Mouse, MTV, and
George W. Bush.
<> [xxxvi]


Concern about Shukrijumah's extended stay in Mexico was heightened in
November 2004 with the arrest in Pakistan of Sharif al-Masri, a key al Qaeda
operative. Al Masri, an Egyptian national jihadist with close ties to al
Zawahiri, bin Laden's No. 2 man, informed interrogators that al-Qaeda had
made arrangements to smuggle nuclear supplies and tactical nuclear weapons
into Mexico. From Mexico, the weapons were to be transported across the
border with the help of a Latino street gang. The gang was later identified
as Mara Salvatrucha, the gang that Adnan had trekked across the North
American continent to meet in a Honduran café, and the plans that he
discussed with the gang leaders were the plans that had been purportedly
finalized at the terrorist summit in Waziristan.
In response to this information, U.S. officials began monitoring all heavy
trucks crossing the border, while Mexican officials pledged to keep close
watch over flight schools and aviation facilities. Such precautions may have
been adopted too late. A Piper PA Pawnee crop duster was stolen from Ejido
Queretaro near Mexicali on November 1, 2004. The plane's tail number was
XBCYP. The thieves, Mexican officials surmised, were either drug dealers or
al-Qaeda operatives, and clearly one was a highly trained pilot who met the
description of Adnan el-Shukrijumah.
 <> [i]
Andy Newan and Daryl Khan,"Brooklyn Mosque Becomes Terror Icon," New York
Times, March 9, 2003.
 <> [ii]
Daniel Eggen and Manuel Roig-Franzia, "FBI on Global Hunt for Al Qaeda
Suspect," Washington Post, March 21, 2003.
[iii] Sofian Abdelaziz Zakout, quoted in "Texas and Arizona on Alert for
Dirty Bomber Wannabe Shukrijumah, Officials Warn of Border Crossing,"
Militant Islam Monitor, August 18, 2004,
 <> [iv]
Kelli Arena and Kevin Bohn,"Link between Wanted Saudi Man and ’ÄòDirty Bomb'
Suspect," CNN, March 22, 2003.
[v]"Texas and Arizona on Alert for Dirty Bomber Wannabe Shukrijumah,
Officials Warn of Border Crossing," Militant Islam Monitor.
 <> [vi]
Chitra Ragavan,"A Hunt for ’ÄòThe Pilot,'" U. S. News and World Report, June
15, 2003.
[vii] Ibid.
[viii]"FBI Manhunt Targets Al Qaeda Suspects, CBS News, March 26, 2004.
[ix]"FBI Manhunt Targets Al Qaeda Suspects, CBS News, March 26, 2004.
[x]"FBI Manhunt Targets Al Qaeda Suspects, CBS News, March 26, 2004.
[xi] FBI Alert, March 20, 2003.
[xii] James Gordon Meek,"Officials Fear Al-Qaeda Nuclear Attack," New York
Daily News, March 14, 2003.
[xiii]"One-Man ’ÄòDirty Bomb' Cell Sought in US and Canada," Debka file,
Issue 132, November 7, 2003,
[xiv] Ibid.
[xv] Ibid.
[xvi] Ibid. See also Bill Gertz,"Al Qaeda Pursued A Dirty Nuke," Washington
Times, October 16, 2003,
[xvii] Christine Cox,"Terror Fears Suspend Tours of Mac Reactor," Hamilton
Spectator, October 15, 2001. See also"Board Suspends Hospital License," Mc
Master News (the news outline for Mc Master University), March 1998,
[xviii]"One-Man ’ÄòDirty Bomb' Cell Sought in US and Canada," Debka file.
[xix]"Most Wanted: The Next Atta," 60 Minutes, CBS News, March 26, 2004.
[xx] Chitra Ragavan,"A Hunt for ’ÄòThe Pilot."
[xxi] Ibid.
[xxii] James Gordon Meek,"Officials Fear Al Qaeda Nuclear Attack."
[xxiii] Ibid
[xxiv]"One Man ’ÄòDirty Bomb' Cell Sought in US and Canada."
[xxv]"FBI Seeking Public Assistance in Locating Individuals Suspected of
Terrorist Activities," FBI National Press Office, March 20, 2004. Also see
Evan Thomas, David Klaidman, and Michael Isikoff,"Enemies among Us,"
Newsweek, June 7, 2004.
[xxvi] Jim Kirksey,"Two Suspected Al Qaeda Agents Dropped In for Meal, Says
Denny's Manager," Denver Post, May 28, 2004.
[xxvii] Ibid.
[xxviii] Ibid.
[xxix] Monique Kelso, quoted in Ibid.
[xxx] Elaine Shannon and Tim McGirk,"What Is This Man Planning?" Time,
August 23, 2004.
[xxxi] Interview with Steve Emerson, Hannity and Colmes, Fox News, April 24,
[xxxii]"Al Qaeda Said to Recruit in South America," Associated Press, August
22, 2004.
[xxxiii] Sherrie Gossett,"Police Searching for Next Muhammad Atta," World
Net Daily May 27, 2004,
[xxxiv] Texas and Arizona on Alert for Dirty Bomber Wannabe Shukrijumah,
Officials Warn of Border Crossing."
[xxxv]"Border Breach Stirs Fears," Dallas Morning News, August 14, 2004.
[xxxvi] Michael Marizco,"Sonora on Alert for #1 Al Qaeda Suspect," Arizona
Daily Star, August 18, 2004.
[xxxvii]"Al-Qaeda Wants to Smuggle N-Materials to US," Nation, November 17,
[xxxviii] Anna Clearley and Ornell R. Soto,"Reason for Plane Theft
Worrisome," San Diego Union Tribune, November 7, 2004.

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