Exclusive Excerpt


by Rep.
Tom Tancredo
Posted Oct 18, 2006 


The first of three excerpts from "In Mortal Danger: The Battle for America's
Border and Security
<> ."

Testifying before Congress in 2005, FBI director Robert Mueller Jr. revealed
that his agency had "received reports that individuals from countries with
known al Qaeda connections have attempted to enter the United States
illegally using alien smuggling rings and assuming Hispanic appearances."
Mueller confirmed that the FBI suspected many of these people had changed
their Islamic surnames and had adopted false Hispanic identities in order to
escape detection and blend into American society.


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Additionally, Richard Clark, the counterterrorism czar who worked in both
the Clinton and Bush administrations, disclosed, "Of the 17,000 people who
are missing in the United States somewhere, some are from countries of
concern, and could be known terrorists. We really have no way of knowing who
they are."

After the September 11, 2001 attacks, U.S. Border Patrol agents experienced
an increase in apprehending so-called special-interest aliens (SIAs) trying
to sneak into this country from nations that we know support or tolerate
terrorism. In 2003, the Border Patrol snagged about 39,000 illegal
immigrants from countries "other than Mexico" (OTM), which includes SIA
nations. By the end of 2005, that number had grown to 155,000, more than
double the 76,000 apprehended in 2004.

Evidence of terrorists in our midst does not stop there. U.S. and Mexican
authorities are well aware of suspected training camps, one of them near
Matamoros, Mexico, a few miles across the Rio Grande and south of
Brownsville, Texas. There are reports that a large number of people are
being trained in paramilitary warfare and exotic explosives in these camps,
which are operated by the Zetas, a group of former Mexican military special
forces troops who deserted in the mid-1990s to work as highly effective
enforcers for the drug cartels. The FBI believes that such paramilitary
organizations working in partnership with the drug cartels have the networks
and the capacity to smuggle terrorists and weapons into the United States as
easily as they smuggle drugs and people seeking jobs. Texas and federal
law-enforcement agencies believe these paramilitary forces have been
monitoring and evaluating U.S. law-enforcement operations along the Rio

What raises suspicions even more among law-enforcement officials is that the
training camps are frequented by a variety of ethnic groups, including Arab
and Asian nationals. Since 9/11, Mexican authorities have reportedly
apprehended hundreds of individuals with suspected terrorist ties in the
border region. Sometimes the suspected terrorists are held in Mexico, and
sometimes they are turned over to local U.S. authorities because federal
officials will not accept custody. Most local law-enforcement agencies
eventually turn them over to the FBI, but they never hear what happens to

Evidence of terrorist infiltration has led one retired federal agent-who is
too nervous to talk about it publicly-to speculate that, for years,
terrorists have been exploiting our porous Mexican and Canadian borders to
bring explosives into this country. The former agent says he believes the
explosives are designed to be detonated simultaneously in all parts of the
United States.

In March 2006, FBI director Robert Mueller Jr. told a House appropriations
subcommittee hearing that the FBI had broken up a smuggling ring organized
by the terrorist group Hezbollah that had operatives cross the Mexican
border to carry out possible terrorist attacks inside the United States.
"This was an occasion in which Hezbollah operatives were assisting others
with some association with Hezbollah in coming to the United States,"
Mueller told the subcommittee. He also testified that the organization had
been "dismantled" and the FBI had identified the individuals who had been
smuggled into the country.

Two things are striking about this latest FBI admission. First, we only
learned of this event as an item in the FBI's annual report to the House
appropriations subcommittee that controls funding for the bureau. The FBI
did not inform the Congress or the American public about Hezbollah's
activities in Mexico at the time they were uncovered and disrupted. No
public announcement was made by the FBI. Instead, the news was buried in
routine testimony. The second interesting facet of this statement is that it
was not considered "newsworthy" by the mainline news media, so most
Americans are still unaware that there are active Hezbollah cells in Mexico
within a day's drive of our porous border.

MS-13, the Zetas, and the Unknown

As my colleague and friend Charles Heatherly and I sat in a booth in a hotel
restaurant waiting to meet with an informant, we wondered about the
information he was bringing us. It turned out to be everything we could have
hoped for. I cannot say much more about him. Suffice it to say, he was a
former law-enforcement officer who wanted someone to know what he had come
across in the years he had spent in the profession.

He began by telling us about Mara Salvatrucha, or MS-13 as it is commonly
referred to. At that time, few had ever heard the name. That has since
changed. The FBI has set up a unit devoted solely to this criminal gang.

Mara Salvatrucha is one of the most violent and bloodthirsty gangs ever to
prey on our society. Originating in Los Angeles in the 1980s, the gang was
founded by Salvadorans fleeing a civil war. The displaced Salvadorans found
themselves settling in the poorest neighborhoods, unemployed, and disliked
by other Hispanics. Its original members came from the leftist insurgent
forces that opposed the Salvadoran government in the 1980s. Members were
trained in firearms, explosives, and booby traps. Considered one of the
fastest growing gangs in the United States, MS-13 not only has a large
presence in Los Angeles but also in Canada, El Salvador, Guatemala,
Honduras, Mexico, and more than thirty U.S. states.

Most of MS-13's tens of thousands of members in the United States are
illegal aliens. They are a huge problem in northern Virginia, where their
calling cards are dismembered limbs that were severed by machetes. MS-13 is
heavily involved in drug trafficking, human trafficking, assaults, homicide,
robbery, extortion, turf battles, drive-by shootings, and exporting stolen
cars to El Salvador. Additionally, MS-13 maintains links to other gangs in
El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras.

Tattoos indicate both gang membership and one's area of responsibility. For
instance, a dragon tattoo indicates the individual is involved in smuggling
immigrants into the country. These dragones transport their human cargo from
El Salvador through Mexico by train. Conductors and railroad officials are
bribed to facilitate the mission. At some point, the cargo is transferred to
vehicles to better penetrate the U.S. border. The routes are spotted with
safe houses along the route to ensure their success. And make no mistake,
they are highly successful in delivering their cargo.

Numerous media reports have featured intelligence officials' warnings of a
connection between MS-13 and al Qaeda. In July 2004, reports surfaced of an
al Qaeda figure meeting with MS-13 in Honduras in order to secure entry
routes into the United States. Reports also surfaced that, during the summer
of 2004, Iraqi Shi'ite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr was possibly in contact with
MS-13 and/or the Farabundo Matri National Liberation Front (FMNL) in an
attempt to get them to commit terrorist acts in El Salvador with the hope of
forcing that government to withdraw its support for U.S. efforts in Iraq.
The FBI will not comment on these reports.

Our informant also told us about the corruption that is spreading throughout
the United States that is linked to Mexican-based drug cartels and the
Mexican mafia. To interested observers within the law-enforcement community,
there seems to be a pattern of corruption in which these cartels are buying
influence and seeking comfort within U.S. cities. Like so many stories
involving illegal immigration and drug smuggling, this story begins in
Southern California.

The Tijuana-based Felix drug cartel and the Juarez-based Fuentes cartel
began buying legitimate businesses in small towns in Los Angeles County in
the early 1990s. They purchased restaurants, used-car lots, auto-body shops,
and other small businesses. One of their purposes was to use these
businesses for money-laundering operations. Once established in their
community, these cartel-financed business owners ran for city council and
other local offices. Over time they were able to buy votes and influence in
an effort to take over the management of the town. They wanted to create a
comfort zone from which they could operate without interference from local
law enforcement.

In the small suburban city of Bell Gardens in central L.A. County, there was
an effort to shut down the police department. City officials who would not
cooperate with the Mexican-born city manager were forced out of office.
Eventually, the L.A. County attorney's office moved in, and the city manager
was prosecuted on charges of corruption. Unfortunately, Bell Gardens was
only the tip of the iceberg. Other Los Angeles suburbs-including Huntington
Park, Lynwood, and Southgate-became targets for the cartels.

The corruption spreading from south of the border is not confined to
Southern California. In Cameron County, Texas, the former sheriff and
several other officials were recently convicted of receiving drug-smuggling
bribes. In Douglas, Arizona-where the international border runs down the
middle of the town and divides it from its sister city of Agua Prieta,
Mexico-the mayor's brother was discovered to have a tunnel from one of his
rental properties going into Mexico.

The sad story of drugs and our porous borders doesn't end here, because no
discussion of the problem is complete without recounting the story of the
Tohono O'odham Indian Reservation in Arizona, which shares just a tiny
fraction-seventy-one miles-of the nearly two-thousand-mile U.S. border with
Mexico. Homes burglarized by illegals, deadly car wrecks caused by reckless
smugglers, drug runners brandishing weapons as they demand help from the
local people-all of this happens daily on the reservation. The reservation
is the scene of one of the major drug corridors between the United States
and Mexico. In 2002, tribal police seized 65,000 pounds of narcotics. During
the first four months of 2003, tribal police reported seizing 33,000 pounds
of marijuana and discovered 1,877 vehicles abandoned by smugglers. One of
the busiest smuggling routes through the reservation begins about
twenty-five miles to the west, where taxis finish a fifteen-minute run from
Sonoyta, Mexico, by dropping off their passengers at a flimsy border fence.

Tohono O'odham children are being taken into the drug cartels, sometimes
forcibly but oftentimes joining in for the money. On a visit to the
reservation, I saw five-year-old children stumbling around stoned. Their
parents are going crazy; they don't know what to do. They can't deal with
the fact that they have been invaded.

The War on Terror Comes to Our Backyard

Sheriff Sigifredo Gonzalez Jr. of Zapata County, Texas, sees the sixty miles
of border his deputies patrol as a front line in the war on terror. He says
the biggest fear they face is that smugglers will bring terrorists and dirty
bombs into the country through his county.

In November 2005, he told a conference in San Antonio that it was not a
matter of if, but when a terrorist will enter the United States through
Mexico with a dirty bomb or some other portable weapon of mass destruction.
"We tried everything we know, with little success, to make the federal
government aware of the problems we face and how they have affected us. The
creation of the Department of Homeland Security has done nothing to help
us," he concluded.

Gonzalez has given credit to federal officials, however, for warning him
that al Qaeda terrorists were looking to use smugglers, including the brutal
MS-13 gang, to bring terror operatives across the border. "If smugglers can
bring a hundred people or 2,000 pounds of marijuana into the United States,
how simple would it be to bring terrorists into this country, or a suitcase
loaded with a dirty bomb? I am very surprised it hasn't happened," he told a

Gonzalez's frustration over the lack of cooperation from the Border Patrol
was evident when Zapata County deputies responded to a rancher's report of
people in black attire crossing his land late one night. The sheriff's
department knew the rancher to be a solid, stable sort who would not concoct
such a story, so deputies took up position on his land and waited. Around
9:00 p.m. one night they heard the footsteps of people marching in cadence.
With the aid of night-vision equipment, they saw a group of approximately
thirty men dressed in black and marching in twos. The first two men and the
last two carried automatic weapons while the rest lugged large duffel bags
between them. Since the deputies were outnumbered and outgunned, they
quietly observed. As soon as they could, they reported to the sheriff in an
attempt to get assistance from the Border Patrol. When the armed group moved
toward a light in the distance near a paved road, the deputies withdrew.

Later, the sheriff learned that nineteen of the men had been apprehended.
When he asked about their disposition, he was stunned to learn that they had
almost immediately been returned to Mexico. Even worse, after reviewing
pictures taken of the nineteen men, it was determined that one of them was
one of the original thirty-one Zetas. Los Zetas is known for its heavy
weaponry-AK-47 and AR-15 assault rifles-and its ties to drug trafficking,
assassinations, kidnappings, and murders throughout Mexico. Follow-up
inquiries yielded nothing. One can only speculate if corrupt officials, who
are so pervasive on the border, were responsible for the return of these
people to Mexico.

Other border authorities have filed reports of similar groups. In Jim Hogg
County, Texas, Sheriff Erasmo Alarcon Jr., in a letter published in the
local newspaper in the spring of 2003, warned of unidentified armed men
dressed in military fatigues who had been spotted a number of times by area
citizens and ranchers. The sheriff said that witnesses had described the men
as wearing "professional-looking" backpacks and walking in military cadence.

In another Tex-Mex border county, a sheriff's department said deputies
discovered a large metal container that had washed ashore from the Rio
Grande. The container held several cylinders, each filled with papers
covered with Arabic writing. This finding, among other evidence, is part of
the reason why another Texas sheriff has prepared a training CD for the
Border Patrol and other officers and agents working in the area. The CD
features a picture of Osama bin Laden and urges officers and agents "to stop
looking for him and start looking at the mega-drug cartels running rampant
south of the border."

Terrorists Among Us

In December 2005, the Department of Homeland Security sent word that
authorities had arrested dozens of terrorist operatives who were already
inside the country. While the total number of suspects was unknown,
officials reported at least fifty-one people from countries known to support
terrorist activities or harbor terrorist sympathies- Egypt, Iran, Iraq,
Lebanon, Pakistan, and Syria-had been intercepted by the Border Patrol and
other members of the Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) since the unit began
tracking such arrests a little more than a year before. These suspected
illegal-alien terrorists had been apprehended for a wide variety of charges,
including weapons smuggling and illegally wiring large sums of money into
the country.

Though I had sought the information for some time, the December 2005 JTTF
report was the first I'd seen that provided hard figures regarding suspected
terrorists arrested inside the United States. It served as an admission of
sorts by the government that there is a problem with terrorist infiltration.
Prior to the report's release, much of the evidence had been anecdotal.

In August 2005, a Rand Corporation analysis stated that the United States
was likely to be the next country that would experience suicide bombings
similar to those carried out in London against mass-transit targets the
month before. At about the time this report was released, federal, state,
and local officials, along with a number of U.S. civilians, were discovering
additional evidence of a terrorist presence in the country. Items such as
discarded beverage boxes with Arabic writing, a jacket with a patch
depicting an airliner flying into a tall building followed by the words
"Midnight Mission," and other clothing, including an Arab military patch,
proved this possible terrorist presence.

In November 2005, Texas congressman John Culberson released information that
an Iraqi with ties to al Qaeda and on the terrorist watch list had been
arrested and detained at the border. This apprehension, of course, fueled
concern from several elected officials. "Remember that for every illegal
border crosser caught at least another three make it in," argued Arizona
congressman J. D. Hayworth. "We are playing a dangerous game of Russian
roulette, and the longer we resist securing our border and enforcing our
immigration laws, the more likely a terrorist incident becomes."

If this incident isn't a wake-up call, I don't know what is. What scares me
is not that list from federal law enforcement-after all, we've already
caught those terrorists. What scares me is the potentially hundreds of
terrorists who make their way through our porous borders each year and go
undetected. Where are they? What are they planning? Where are they planning
to strike? When? How many are there? How rough do the seas have to get
before we know the storm is about to engulf us? 

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