In War of Vague Borders, Detainee Longs for Court 

Ali al-Marri, whom the government calls a sleeper agent for Al Qaeda  and
who is the only person on the American mainland still held as an enemy
combatant, spends his days in a small cell in solitary confinement at the
Navy brig in Charleston, S.C. When he is in an ironic mood, his lawyers say,
he calls the cell his villa. 

Mr. Marri waits there for word from his wife, two sons and three daughters,
whom he last saw in 2001, just before his arrest in Peoria, Ill., where he
was studying computer science at Bradley University. 

Letters arrive, but they are late and have words and sentences blacked out.
A note his wife sent to him 10 months ago landed recently. It began with a
standard Muslim invocation, but a word was missing. Mr. Marri is pretty sure
it was "Allah." 

But mostly Mr. Marri waits for word from a federal appeals court, which will
soon rule on one of the most urgent questions in American law, one his case
presents in stark form: May the government indefinitely detain a foreigner
living legally in the United States, without charges and without access to
the courts?

Mr. Marri, who is 41 and a citizen of Qatar, wants the right to challenge
President Bush's assertion that he is a terrorist and "a grave danger to the
national security of the United States." 

The Bush administration says the courts cannot second-guess the president
when he decides that someone is an enemy combatant, at least when
noncitizens are involved. Detaining combatants is a military rather than a
criminal matter, the administration says, adding that its purpose is not to
punish the prisoner but to stop him from returning to the battlefield.

The implications of that position are startling, according to a brief filed
last month in Mr. Marri's case by some 30 constitutional scholars. "The
government's interpretation would be vastly threatening to the liberty of
more than 20 million noncitizens residing in the United States," the brief
said, "exposing them to the risk of irremediable indefinite detention on the
basis of unfounded rumors, mistaken identity, the desperation of other
detainees subject to coercive interrogation, and the deliberate lies of
actual terrorists."

Kathleen M. Blomquist, a spokeswoman for the Justice Department, disputed
that contention. 

"Of all the terrorists currently in the custody of the United States
military, al-Marri is the only one who was captured in the United States,"
Ms. Blomquist said, adding that the notion that millions of people are at
risk is "unfounded and absurd."

Mr. Bush's determination that Mr. Marri is an enemy combatant, she said, was
based on substantial evidence, including "his association with Khalid Shaikh
mohammed/index.html?inline=nyt-per> , mastermind of the 9/11 attacks, and
files found on his computer concerning chemical weapons of mass

Mr. Marri maintains his innocence, his lawyers say. But they have refused to
offer point-by-point rebuttals of the government's detailed assertions,
calling instead for prosecutors to offer evidence to back them up in court. 

"In a civilized society and under American law and tradition," said Jonathan
Hafetz, a lawyer for Mr. Marri with the Brennan Center for Justice
_center_for_justice/index.html?inline=nyt-org>  at New York University
k_university/index.html?inline=nyt-org>  School of Law, "the government has
the obligation to prove its case."

One of Mr. Marri's brothers, Mohammed Marri, in a telephone interview from
Qatar, rejected the charge that Mr. Marri is a terrorist. "For sure it's not
true," he said. 

A third brother, Jarallah, is at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, held as an enemy
combatant based on accusations that he had visited a Qaeda camp. "This is
not a proper way to treat other people from other countries," Mohammed Marri
said of his brothers and other detainees. "If they are guilty, let them
prove it in court." 

An Exclusive Club

The Charleston brig can hold 288 military prisoners and 6 enemy combatants,
but there have never been more than 3 in the exclusive enemy combatant club.
Two of them are now gone. 

One of them, Yaser Hamdi, was freed and sent to Saudi Arabia after the
United States Supreme Court
_court/index.html?inline=nyt-org>  allowed him to challenge his detention in
2004. Jose Padilla
ndex.html?inline=nyt-per>  was transferred to the criminal justice system
last year just as the Supreme Court was considering whether to review his
case. That leaves only Mr. Marri. 

Mr. Hamdi and Mr. Padilla are American citizens, but Mr. Marri is not. They
were seized abroad or on their way back to the United States, while Mr.
Marri was living what seemed to be an ordinary life, in Peoria, a city often
caricatured as the nation's most ordinary, with a family and a minivan. 

The government contends in a partly declassified declaration from a senior
defense intelligence official, Jeffrey N. Rapp, and in a recent book by
former Attorney General John Ashcroft
index.html?inline=nyt-per> , that Mr. Marri was a Qaeda sleeper agent sent
to the United States to commit mass murder and disrupt the banking system. 

The assertions have not been tested in court, and human rights groups say
they are based on unreliable evidence "There is substantial reason to
believe," lawyers for two of the groups wrote in a brief in November, "that
the allegations of the Rapp declaration are derived from the torture of two
men interrogated at Guantánamo Bay and other detention sites: Khalid Shaikh
Mohammed and Mustafa Ahmed al-Hawsawi." 

The government says that Mr. Hawsawi was one of the financiers of the Sept.
11 attacks.

Mr. Rapp's declaration cites the personal views of Mr. Mohammed, who is
often referred to as K.S.M. "K.S.M. considered al-Marri an ideal sleeper
agent," Mr. Rapp wrote.

Kept in Isolation

Mr. Marri was kept in isolation at the brig and, according to his court
filings, subjected to tough interrogation. Interrogators threatened to send
him to Egypt or Saudi Arabia, according to a lawsuit filed on his behalf in
2005, "where, they told him, he would be tortured and sodomized and where
his wife would be raped in front on him." 

"By winter '05," Andrew J. Savage, who also represents Mr. Marri, said in a
recent interview, "I genuinely thought he was losing his mind. He told me in
this sort of indirect way that he might not be able to hold on, that his
mind was playing tricks on him."

Mr. Padilla's lawyers have said that their client's time in the brig was so
grueling that he is not fit to stand trial. But while Mr. Padilla was
passive, Mr. Marri pushed back. He put wet toilet paper on the video camera,
for instance. The brig responded by taking away his mattress, Koran and
hygienic products, including his toilet paper. 

"There is almost nothing to distract him from his torment," his lawyers
wrote in the lawsuit, "and he therefore becomes preoccupied with his pain
and the degradation he suffers."

Perhaps as a consequence of the lawsuit, conditions have improved.

When Mr. Marri's lawyers were first allowed to see him in October 2004,
after the decision in Mr. Hamdi's case, Mr. Marri was behind a transparent
barrier and bound in leg-irons and handcuffs that were linked to a
belly-chain and fastened to the floor. Officials from the Defense
Intelligence Agency
_intelligence_agency/index.html?inline=nyt-org>  and the brig were present,
and the conversation was videotaped.

On a recent visit, Mr. Savage said, he met his client in a visiting lounge.
Mr. Marri, who was not restrained, was wearing stylish bifocals rather than
institutional prison glasses. He was also wearing a watch, which makes it
easier for him to know when to pray.

Mr. Savage brought hummus and pita bread. "We sat down, we broke bread, and
we had a three-and-a-half hour conversation, unmonitored," Mr. Savage said.

Mr. Marri is now allowed to watch television in the evening, but not the
news. He reads newspapers and magazines, but they are edited. "Brig staff
remove all materials associated with the war on terror from them," Cmdr.
Stephanie L. Wright, the brig's commanding officer, said in court filing in

Sometimes that makes for a thin newspaper. "All I get is sports and obits,"
Mr. Marri has complained, Mr. Savage said. He is critical of the former,
saying there is not enough soccer coverage. 

The Defense Department has allowed journalists and others to tour the
Guantánamo facility, where Mr. Marri's brother Jarallah and 400 other men
are being held. All of the Guantánamo prisoners are foreigners who were
seized abroad. The government has not asserted that the brothers were
working together. 

The Defense Department refused a recent request to inspect the Charleston
brig. A spokesman, Cmdr. J. D. Gordon, cited "operational security concerns
surrounding the detention of an alleged al Qaeda-linked operative in the
U.S. mainland," a reference to Mr. Marri. Commander Gordon added that "it
has always been our policy to treat all detainees humanely."

Return to the United States

Mr. Marri spent eight years in the United States as a young man, graduating
from Bradley with an undergraduate degree in business administration in
1991. When he returned to the United States 10 years later, he brought his

In his declaration, Mr. Rapp noted that Mr. Marri's profile "differed
significantly from that of the Sept. 11, 2001, hijackers." Those
differences, Mr. Rapp said, made Mr. Marri all the more attractive to Al

The years between Mr. Marri's two stints at Bradley are a mystery. The
government says he trained at a Qaeda camp in Afghanistan for about a year
and a half between 1996 and 1998, specializing in poisons. The government
also says that Mr. Marri visited the United States briefly in 2000, which
Mr. Marri has denied.

In the summer of 2001, Mr. Rapp wrote, Mr. Mohammed introduced Mr. Marri to
Osama bin Laden
n/index.html?inline=nyt-per> . Mr. Marri "offered to be an Al Qaeda martyr,"
Mr. Rapp wrote.

"Al Qaeda instructed al-Marri that it was imperative that he arrive in the
United States prior to Sept. 11, 2001, and that if al-Marri could not do so,
that he should cancel all his plans and go to Pakistan," Mr. Rapp wrote. 

The Marris arrived in Peoria on Sept. 10, 2001.

Mr. Marri soon came to the attention of the F.B.I.
_bureau_of_investigation/index.html?inline=nyt-org> , which first
interviewed him less than a month later. In December, agents searched his
laptop, finding "research consistent with the tradecraft and teachings
associated with Al Qaeda," Mr. Rapp wrote. Mr. Marri was arrested on Dec.
12, 2001, and held as a material witness at the request of prosecutors in
New York. He was indicted two months later on charges of credit card fraud.
In January 2003, the government added charges of lying to federal agents and
financial institutions, and identity theft. Mr. Marri pleaded not guilty.
His family has since returned to the Middle East.

For a year and a half, the government pursued a conventional criminal case.
Mr. Ashcroft, in his book "Never Again," which was published in October,
wrote that Mr. Marri "rejected numerous offers to improve his lot" by
cooperating with investigators. "He insisted," Mr. Ashcroft wrote, "on
becoming a 'hard case.' "

In June 2003, as the case was nearing trial, the government abruptly changed
course, taking Mr. Marri out of the criminal system and moving him into
indefinite military detention. That means, Mr. Ashcroft later wrote, that
Mr. Marri can be held "at least until the war against Al Qaeda was over."

In its rush to move Mr. Marri, the government short-circuited its criminal
case. On hearing that a federal judge in Peoria would allow Mr. Marri's
lawyers to file papers opposing the transfer as long as the criminal case
was alive, the government agreed to dismiss the criminal charges with
prejudice, meaning they cannot be refiled. 

The decision, however, would not prevent the government from charging Mr.
Marri with other crimes outlined in Mr. Rapp's declaration. 

The declaration has served the purpose for which it was designed. In August,
it persuaded Henry F. Floyd, a federal judge in Spartanburg, S.C., to deny a
habeas corpus petition challenging Mr. Marri's detention. Saying that Mr.
Marri had "offered nothing more than a general denial" of the assertions in
the declaration, Judge Floyd dismissed the petition.

Neither side was happy with the ruling. Mr. Marri has appealed to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit in Richmond, saying that the
president does not have the power to detain him as an enemy combatant. 

A foreigner living legally in the United States, his lawyers say, is not the
same as a soldier captured on a battlefield. Even if the president does have
the power, they say, he should be required to support his assertions with

The government argues that Judge Floyd gave Mr. Marri too full a hearing. It
cited the recent Military Commissions Act, which says that the courts have
no jurisdiction to hear challenges from any alien "who has been determined
by the United States to have been properly detained as an enemy combatant."

The case will be heard Feb. 1 

The government offered Mr. Marri a sort of consolation prize should the
appeals court dismiss his case. It said he could try to persuade a combatant
status review tribunal, convened by the Defense Department, that he was not
an enemy combatant. That would apparently be the first such proceeding on
the mainland; all of the others known to have been conducted were at
Guantánamo Bay. 

A Different View

In a brief filed in November, eight former Justice Department officials,
including Janet Reno
ex.html?inline=nyt-per> , the attorney general in the Clinton
administration, said that taking Mr. Marri out of the criminal system as his
case approached trial "has given to the appearance of manipulation of the
judicial process." The brief listed several criminal statutes available to
prosecute people accused of terrorism along with many successful
prosecutions under them. 

"The criminal justice system has proven that it can make the cases," Ms.
Reno said in an interview. "For the president to be able to designate
someone as an enemy combatant, without process and without regulation, just
doesn't make any sense and isn't necessary."

Ms. Blomquist, the Justice Department spokeswoman, said, "While we respect
the views of former law enforcement officials, the United States cannot
afford to retreat to a pre-September 11 mind-set that treats terrorism
solely as a domestic law enforcement problem."

Mr. Marri shared a fantasy with one of his lawyers not long ago. "I'd love
to be taken back to Saudi Arabia and they would beat the" - here, he swore -
"out of me for six months," Mr. Marri said, according to Mr. Savage. "It
would be brutal, but it would be finite."

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