The Issue of Music in Islam

<> I was recently
involved in a discussion on another blog regarding the Somali Islamic Courts
Union's ban on some forms of music. My stance on the issue is that they are
right to ban certain types of music because the scholars of Islam consider
it to be haram (prohibited), as well as anything else that can lead to
sinful and prohibited acts.

I grew up listening to many forms of rock & roll and pop music, which
celebrates sex, exploitation of women, drugs, and violence. I know quite
well the effects music can have on a persons psychy and that most of the
lyrics are contrary to the teachings of Islam. I am also aware of the
overwelming influence music can have on youth in their development within
the society. I have always believed the prohibition to make very good sense.
Thats not to say that I walk around in public with my fingers in my ears,
but I do listen to talk radio as opposed to music stations.

While most of the scholars agree that listening to music, besides that of
the duff, to be haram, there are those that hold a different view and say
that the evidences of the former are weak or fabricated.

Since there are other forms of music besides that I once listened to, I
decided to research both sides and list their evidences here for the
pleasure of Allah the most high, and with intentions of helping other
Muslims that might be confused on the subject.

I ask Allah (ta aala) to forgive us and I Ask him to guide us to the way
that will earn his pleasure. Ameen.

Evidences Prohibiting listening to Music:

1. "And of mankind he who purchases idle talks to mislead (people) from the
Path of Allaah without knowledge, and takes it (the Path of Allaah) by way
of mockery, For such there will be a humiliating torment." quran 31:6

Al-Wahidi, along with other scholars of Tafsir (explaining the Quran), said
that "Idle Talk" in this Ayah is singing. The following companions gave this
Tafsir: Ibn Abbas, Ibn Masud, Mujahid and Ikrimah said, "By Allah, whom
there is no God except Him, "idle talk is singing."

2. Allah the most high says about the disbelievers: "Their prayer at the
House (Kabah) was nothing but Muka'an and Tasdiyah." quran 8:35

The companions Ibn Abbas, Ibn Umar, Atiyyah, Muj ahid, Ad-Dhahh'ak, AlHasan
and Qatadah (radi allahu anhum) said, that Muka'an means whistling, and that
Tasdiyah means clapping of hands.

3. Narrated Abu 'Amir or Abu Malik Al-Ash'ari: that he heard the
Prophet(SAWS) saying, "From among my followers there will be some people who
will consider illegal sexual intercourse, the wearing of silk, the drinking
of alcoholic drinks and the use of musical instruments, as lawful. And there
will be some people who will stay near the side of a mountain and in the
evening their shepherd will come to them with their sheep and ask them for
something, but they will say to him, 'Return to us tomorrow.' Allah will
destroy them during the night and will let the mountain fall on them, and He
will transform the rest of them into monkeys and pigs and they will remain
so till the Day of Resurrection."

4. Imam Ibn Taymiyyah said, "Listening to music and sinful fun are among
what strengthens the satanic ways the most. This is exactly what the
disbeliever's used to do. Allah (SWT) said "And their prayer at the House
(of Allaah) was nothing but Muka 'an and Tasdiyah." 8:35 This was the
Mushrikeen's way of worship.

Imam Ibn Taymiyyah also said, also said regarding the person, whose habit is
to listen to music, "His state of emotions becomes less passionate when he
hears the Quran. On the contrary, when he listens to instruments of the
devil (music), he dances a lot. If the prayer is established, he either
prays while sitting down or performs it as fast as when the roaster picks
seeds. He dislikes listening to the Quran and does not find beauty in it
while reciting it. He has no taste for the Quran and feels no love for it or
pleasure when it is read. Rather, he finds pleasure if he listens to Mukaa'
or Tasdiyah. These are satanic pleasures and he is among those whom Allah
mentioned in the Ayah, "And whosoever turns away from the remembrance of the
Most Beneficent (Allah), We appoint for him Satan to be a companion for
him." quran 43:36

Imam Ibn Al-Qayyim said,"Of the tricks of the enemy of Allah, Satan, that he
uses to trap those who do not enjoy much intelligence, knowledge or
sincerity in religion, are M ukaa' and Tasdiyah. These people of ignorance
listen to and use musical instruments that are prohibited and which lead the
hearts to abandoning the Quran. These hearts are indulging in sin and
disobedience of Allah. Music, then, is Satan's Quran and the barrier between
one and Allah. It is the way to sodomy and adultery. With it, the lover
finds what he seeks and dreams of sinful love. Satan has trapped the weak
hearts in the love of singing and made it beautiful to them. Satan reveals
to his agents' fake proofs that they use as evidence to the beauty of
singing. These people accept Satan's revelation and, as a consequence,
abandon the Quran. When you witness them while listening, you will find them
silent in humbleness, sitting idle and their hearts are concentrating and
totally enjoying music and singing. Their hearts will feel closer to music,
as if they were drunk. They dance and move in a suggestive manner, like
faggots and whores. And why not? They are drunk with the pleasure of
listening to music and singing and act accordingly. For other than Allah,
and for Satan, there are hearts that are being broken by sin, and fortunes
that are being spent for other than Allah's Pleasure. They spend their lives
in joyful fun and make a mockery of their religion. Instruments of the devil
are sweeter to their ears than the Quran. If one of them listens to the
Quran from beginning to end, it will have little effect or excitement on
him. If Satan's Quran is being performed and heard, they feel joy in their
hearts and one can see it in their eyes. Their feet dance, their hands clap,
their breathing intensifies and the rest of their bodies feel joy. O you who
are trapped in this sin, you who have sold your share of Allah to Satan,
what a losing deal! Why not feel this joy when you listen to the Quran? Why
not feel pleasure and comfort when the Glorious Quran is recited? But,
everyone seeks what he feels is suitable for him, and ends up with what is
really suitable for him." [Ighathat Al-Lahfan].

Sheikh Abdulaziz bin Baz was asked about listening to music and songs, "Is
it Haram? I only listen to it for pleasure. What about playing the Rababah
(a kind of guitar) and old songs? What about using drums in weddings?"

Sheikh Ibn Baz said, "Listening to music is Haram and a sin. It is a matter
that leads to weakening the hearts and abandoning the Dhikr of Allah and the
prayer. The scholars said about the Ayah, "And of mankind he who purchases
idle talks" 31:6 that idle talks means singing. Abdullaah ibn Masud the
Prophet's (SAWS) companion, used to swear by Allaah that it is singing. If
singing is accompanied by the Rababah, 'Ud (Arabic guitar), fiddles or
drums, it is even more Haram. Any singing with any instrument is Haram and
the scholars are unanimous on this. Therefore, Muslims must be aware of it.
The Prophet (SAWS) said, "From among my nation there will be those who
render as lawful adultery, silk (for men), AI-Khamr (alcohol) and musical
instruments." [Bukhari], I advise you and others to read the Qur'aan and
keep remembering Allaah. I advise you to listen to Qur'aanic programs on the
radio. This way, one will find pleasure and will keep busy so he can stay
away from music and songs. As for weddings, the Daff (tambourine) can be
used along with innocent singing that does not call to sin. This can be done
at night, only in weddings and only by and for women. These songs are a way
of announcing an Islaamic marriage. The Sunnah of the Prophet(SAWS) supports
the above. As for the drums, they are Haram all the time. The Daff is
permitted in weddings and only for and by women."

Evidences which Allow listening to Music:

Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi said, The whole issue of singing is controversial,
whether it is with musical accompaniment or not. Some issues succeeded to
gain the Muslim scholars' agreement, while others failed. All scholars have
unanimous view on the prohibition of all forms of singing and music that
incites debauchery, indecency, or sin. As for musical instruments, given the
weakness of the evidence indicating that they are forbidden, the rule to be
applied here is the one states that all things are originally deemed
permissible as long as there is no Shari`ah text that prohibits them.

Among the entertainments which may comfort the soul, please the
heart, and refresh the ear is singing. Islam permits singing
under the condition that it not be in any way obscene or harmful
to Islamic morals. There is no harm in it being accompanied by
music which is not exciting. (Y. al-Qaradawi, "The Lawful and the
Prohibited in Islam," p. 300)

In this book, he gives the support of hadiths regarding his view on
singing and music. An example is the following hadith:

`Aishah narrated that when a woman was married to an Ansari man,
the Prophet (s.a.w.) said,

"`Aishah, did they have any entertainment? The Ansar are fond of
[Reported by al-Bukhari.]

Another hadith which supports the permissability of singing is the

Ibn `Abbas said: `Aishah gave a girl relative of hers in marriage
to a man of the Ansar. The Prophet (peace be on him) came and
asked, "Did you send a singer along with her?"

"No," said `Aishah.

The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.) then said, "The Ansar are a people
who love poetry. You should have sent along someone who would
sing, `Here we come, to you we come, greet us as we greet you.'"
[Reported by Ibn Majah.]

In addition, the following hadith supports singing and playing of
drums during the celebration of `Eid:

`Aishah narrated that during the days of Mina, on the day of `Eid
al-Adha, two girls were with her, singing and playing on a hand
drum. The Prophet (s.a.w.) was present, listening to them with
his head under a shawl. Abu Bakr then entered and scolded the
girls. The Prophet (s.a.w.), uncovering his face, told him,

"Let them be, Abu Bakr. These are the days of `Eid."
[Reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim.]\par

Furthermore, Yusuf al-Qaradawi reports that

[M]any of the Companions of the Prophet (may Allah be pleased with
them) as well as second generation Muslim scholars used to listen
to singing and did not see anything wrong with it. As for the
ahadith, which have been reported against singing, they are all
weak and have been shown by researchers to be unsound. The jurist
Abu Bakr al-`Arabi says, "No sound hadith is available concerning
the prohibition of singing," while Ibn Hazm says, "All that is
reported on this subject is false and fabricated."
[From al-Qaradawi, p. 302.]

As for those who argue that singing is haram, some of them claim that
the following verse of the Qur'an to be against singing:

And among the people is the one who buys idle talk (at the expense
of his soul) in order to lead (people) astray from the path of
Allah without knowledge, holding it in mockery; for such there
will be a humiliating punishment.
[Qur'an 31:6]

This, however, is not the correct understanding of this ayat (notice
that it does not even mention singing or music at all). The correct
understanding of this ayat, according to Ibn Hazm, is this:

This verse condemns a particular behavior, that of doing something
to mock the path of Allah. Anyone who does this is an unbeliever;
if he even should buy a copy of the Qur'an, doing so in order to
make it the object of his mockery and thereby leading people
astray, he would be an unbeliever. It is this type of behavior
which is condemned by Allah and not the idle talk in which one
may indulge for mere relaxation, without intending to lead people
astray from the path of Allah.
[Ibn Hazm, quoted in al-Qaradawi, p. 302.]

Some of those who condemn singing and music claim that this
condemnation is the meaning of the following verse of the Qur'an:

And what is beyond the truth except error?
[Qur'an 10:32]

However, commenting on this, Ibn Hazm reminds us of the hadith:

The Messenger of Allah (peace be on him) said, "Deeds will be
judged according to intentions, and everyone will get what he
[Reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim.]

Following this hadith, Ibn Hazm (as quoted by al-Qaradawi, pp. 302-3)
goes on to say that one who listens to singing and music with the
intention of sinning or supporting sinning is himself a sinner, and
this holds true of anything other than singing as well. On the other
hand, if someone listens to singing and music with the intention of
increasing his spiritual state, strengthening his soul, and increasing
his duty to Allah, such a person's actions are of the truth. As for
those who listen to singing neither with the intention of disobedience
or obedience, Ibn Hazm says this is neutral and harmless. Ibn Hazm
says listening to singing or music with a neutral intention is like
going to the park and walking around, or looking at the sky, or
wearing blue or green clothes, etc.

Yusuf al-Qaradawi then gives some limitations regarding listening to
music. In summary, they are:

1. The subject matter of the songs must be in accordance with the
teachings of Islam.

2. Although the subject matter of the song may not be against Islam,
if the singing or music is accompanied with something haram, then it
is haram. An example is music accompanied by suggestive sexual
movement, which is therefore haram.

3. Listening to singing or music should not be done to excess or
extravagance, in accordance with the general teachings of Islam
against taking things to extremes.

4. Each individual is the best judge of himself. So if a person finds
that, for him or her, listening to certain singing or music arouses
one's passions and leads him or her towards sin, and dulls
spirituality, then he or she should avoid it.

5. If the singing or music is done in conjunction with haram
activities, then it is haram. An example of this would be singing or
music at a party where people are drinking alcohol.

[Summarized from al-Qaradawi, p. 303.]

Point no. 5 is what is highlighted by the following hadith, in which
the Prophet (s.a.w.) said,

"Some people of my ummah will drink wine, calling it by another
name, while they listen to singers accompanied by musical
instruments. Allah will cause the earth to swallow them and will
turn some of them into monkeys and swine."

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