 NETworked Radicalization: A Counter-Strategy (PDF; 1.59 MB)
Source: Homeland Security Policy Institute
>From press  <http://www.gwumc.edu/hspi/news/index.cfm?d=4098> release:

Through a compelling ‘call to action’ based on myths and falsehoods, terror 
networks have made savvy use of the Internet to radicalize potential recruits 
worldwide. With the “war” now shifting to one of ideology, cyberspace is the 
battlefield, and the United States has not yet developed an effective narrative 
as part of its counter strategy. That’s the conclusion of a new report issued 
by The George Washington University’s Homeland Security Policy Institute (HSPI) 
and the University of Virginia’s Critical Incident Analysis Group (CIAG) 
titled, “NETworked Radicalization: A Counter-Strategy.” The report is the 
second in a series addressing the issue of terrorist radicalization.

Frank J. Cilluffo, Director of HSPI, presented the report’s findings and 
recommendations before the May 3 hearing of the Senate on Homeland Security and 
Governmental Affairs Committee, to address extremist use of the Internet to 
spread radical ideology and the impact of those efforts on potential followers. 
He described how terror networks have moved from using the Internet for 
operational planning (such as 9/11) and propaganda (videos of beheading of 
Nicholas Berg and Daniel Pearl) to a means of social networking to radicalize 
new recruits. According to the report, Internet chatrooms are now major venues 
for recruitment and radicalization by terrorist groups like al Qaeda, and 
video-hosting websites like YouTube broaden the outreach. The report also 
indicates that websites are being used more and more to feature extremist 
interpretations of religious doctrine with little being done on the other end 
to refute, counter, or when appropriate, shut down the dialogue. 




A Special Report by

The George Washington University

Homeland Security Policy Institute

The University of Virginia

Critical Incident Analysis Group

NETworked Radicalization:

A Counter Strategy

Homeland Security Policy Institute (HSPI) and

Critical Incident Analysis Group (CIAG)

Task Force on Internet-Facilitated Radicalization*




Savvy use of the Internet has empowered terror networks to expand their reach 

national borders by enabling wide distribution of a compelling message and 

connectivity with new audiences. Use of computer-mediated communication (CMC) 

made a range of terrorist operational activities cheaper, faster, and more 
secure, including

communications, fundraising, planning and coordination, training, information 

and data mining, propaganda and misinformation dissemination, and 
radicalization and

recruitment. The list is long, and not even complete. Before the Internet, 
terrorists seeking

to communicate with one another through electronic means used telephones or 

which could be tapped. Terrorists seeking to offer training meant congregating 
trainers and

trainees in a fixed training location, exposing the group to capture or worse. 
Terrorists or

their supporters engaged in fundraising or recruitment often pursued these aims 
in public

settings. And terrorists researching a potential target often did so at public 
libraries and

bookstores, subjecting them to surveillance in these public spaces. Now, with 
the Internet,

all of these same activities can be conducted in relative anonymity from safe 
locations across

the globe:

􀂃 Terrorists can draft an email message and save it as a draft rather than 
sending it, so

that anyone with access to that email account can log in and read the message.

Known as “dead drops,” these communications are less subject to interception.1

􀂃 Terrorists can post training manuals online or even hack into a legitimate 

and hide training materials “deep in seemingly innocuous subdirectories of the

legitimate site,” a process known as “parasiting.”2

􀂃 Terrorists can conduct research on potential targets online, where both text 

imagery, including satellite photography, is frequently available. Google 
Earth, for

instance, has been used to target British soldiers in Iraq with increasing 

􀂃 Terrorists can appeal anonymously for donations of financial or other support 


Planning and preparations for the 9/11 attacks were facilitated by the 
Internet. Operatives

engaged in the attack used it to communicate. Flight schools were researched 
through it, as

were targets. Its uses have evolved over time and to increasingly gruesome 
creative effect –

witness the videotaped beheadings of Nicholas Berg and Daniel Pearl circulated 
online to the

four corners of the earth. These uses of the Internet, horrific as they may be, 

fundamentally static – one way communication directed at a global audience.

1 See Appendix A. All information provided, without a pinpoint source, 
originates from task force briefings

with subject matter experts and officials with personal experience in dealing 
with the issues under study. The

task force received many briefings of a sensitive nature and some briefers wish 
to remain anonymous.

2 “Examining the Cyber Capabilities of Islamic Terrorist Groups,” Institute for 
Security Technology Studies at

Dartmouth College, November 2003, 

3 Thomas Harding, “Terrorists 'use Google maps to hit UK troops',” Telegraph 
Online, January 13, 2007,




What renders the Internet a particularly potent tool is its capacity to foster 

Virtual chat rooms make real time, two-way dialogue possible, permitting 
extremist ideas to

be shared, take root, be reaffirmed and spread exponentially. For the post-Iraq 

generation especially, Internet chat rooms are now supplementing and replacing 

community centers and coffee shops as venues for recruitment. In short, 
cyberspace is now

the battlefield, and the “war” is one of ideas. Our adversaries currently have 
firm possession

of that battlefield because they understand this shift and have crafted and 
disseminated a

narrative that resonates and that has served both to energize and expand their 
ranks. They

have woven an effective tale of an imaginary “clash of civilizations” in which, 
supposedly, a

monolithic West has been engaged in an aggressive struggle against a monolithic 
Islam for

centuries, since the time of the Crusades. The messaging is meant to resonate 
with a

younger generation, and reinterpret Islam to suit the agenda of the global 
extremist “jihadi”

Salafist movement.

By its very nature, the Internet “enables groups and relationships to form that 

would not be able to, thereby increasing and enhancing social connectivity.” 4 
As a new

means of social interaction, it brings together people – friends, family 
members, or complete

strangers – with similar interests and values, and fosters a sense of 
affiliation and identity.

The “killer application” of the Internet is not so much its use as a broadcast 
tool, but its

function as a communications channel that links people in cyberspace, who then 
meet and

can take action in the physical world.5

And who are those individuals who will be receptive – or vulnerable – to an 

message and “call to action” at that nexus where the cyber and physical realms 
meet? There

is no one-size-fits-all explanation, and much still remains to be learned on 
this count.

However, from Toronto to London, from Madrid to Morocco, and in Holland, America

and beyond, we have witnessed the effects of radicalization. Some have termed 

instances as the rise of “homegrown” terrorism, but the label is something of a 

The Internet has created a largely borderless world and those who participate 
in terrorist acts

are therefore perhaps best understood within this global context, rather than 
merely a

national one.

Preliminary Matters of Scope and Definition

This report focuses on radicalization in the context of the transnational 
insurgency that is the

global extremist “jihadi” Salafist movement. Further, the report explores the 

delimited question of how to respond to and counter Internet-facilitated 
radicalization. It

does not address wider policy questions, not because they are unimportant, but 
because they

fall outside the scope of this particular study. Key terms are defined as 

4 John A. Bargh and Katelyn McKenna, “The Internet and Social Life,” Annual 
Review of Psychology, 55, 573-

590 (2001), p.2, http://pantheon.yale.edu/~jab257/internet_and_social_life.pdf.

5 Ibid, p. 3, citing J. Kang, “Cyber-race,” Harvard Law Review 113 (2000): 1150.


Special Report on Internet-Facilitated Radicalization

􀂃 Radicalization is “the process of adopting an extremist belief system, 
including the

willingness to use, support, or facilitate violence, as a method to effect 


􀂃 Recruitment is “the solicitation of individuals to commit terrorist acts or 
engage in

behavior for a terrorism purpose.”7

􀂃 The global extremist “jihadi” Salafist movement is a transnational insurgency,

perhaps best exemplified by al Qaeda but including other groups ascribing to the

same ideology. The movement seeks to seize control of the countries of the 

world and unite them in a single state (caliphate) governed by the extremists’ 

interpretation of Islamic law. The terms “jihad” and “jihadi” appear in 

marks because extremists have hijacked the concept of jihad, using it – wrongly 
– to

justify acts of violence. Unfortunately, the media and government entities have

adopted this incorrect usage, and it has now become part of common parlance. In 

true sense, however, jihad refers either to inner struggle (striving for 
righteous deeds),

or to external struggle against aggression and injustice in which strict rules 

engagement concerning the protection of innocents apply.8

Radicalization is not unique to Islam nor is it a new phenomenon. Historically, 

beliefs have been used to subvert the ideals of every major religion in the 
world and Islam is

only one of several that terrorists may invoke to justify acts of violence 
(though such acts run

counter to the very tenets of Islam). Indeed, terrorist organizations of all 
stripes, adhering to

any number of extremist belief systems, are present on the Internet and have 
used it to

radicalize and recruit others.

Virtual Propaganda and Radicalization:

Connecting the Dots in the Real World

Propaganda and radicalization matter, whether online, offline or a mixture of 
the two.

Propaganda fuels the radicalization process, and evidence of the effects of 
that process is


Adam Gadahn. An American citizen from California, Gadahn now serves as al 

English-language spokesman under the name Azzam al Amriki. He has produced

propaganda videos, circulated over the Internet, which extol Muslims to join 
the global

6 Charles E. Allen, “The Threat of Islamic Radicalization to the Homeland,” 
testimony before the Committee

on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, U.S. Senate, delivered on March 
14, 2007, p. 4.

7 Frank Cilluffo, Gregory Saathoff, et al., Out of the Shadows: Getting Ahead 
of Prisoner Radicalization, Special

report by The George Washington University’s Homeland Security Policy Institute 
and the University of

Virginia’s Critical Incident Analysis Group, September 19, 2006, p. 3.

8 See Appendix A.



extremist “jihadi” Salafist movement and take part in “slitting the throats of 
the infidel.”9

Adept at building networks offline, he was able to carry that ability – along 
with a sense of

moral outrage – to the online environment.

Hassan Abujihaad. Formerly known as Paul R. Hall. “[A]n American-born Muslim

convert,” Abujihaad was arrested in March and charged with disclosing secret 

about the location of Navy ships to terrorist groups. Abujihaad was in contact 

extremists online and had ordered from them videos “that promoted violent 
jihad.” 10

Christopher Paul. In April 2007, Paul, an American from Ohio, was charged with 

training to al Qaeda operatives, and planning terrorist attacks overseas. He is 
alleged to have

trained with al Qaeda operatives in Pakistan and Afghanistan, and recruited for 
al Qaeda in

Germany. He is also believed to have provided equipment and money to terrorists 

attacks overseas.11 It is further alleged that Paul watched propaganda videos 
showing violence

against Muslims.12

The Madrid Bombings. On March 11, 2004, terrorists detonated a series of 

placed on Madrid’s commuter trains, killing one hundred ninety-one people. The 

are believed to be members of an autonomous network active in North Africa, 
connected to

al Qaeda only by ideology and drawing no more than inspiration from other 
terrorist groups.

The Internet is known to have played a role in promoting extremist ideology 
among the

group. Specifically, among propaganda circulated by the Global Islamic Media 

(GIMF) was speculation as to the impact of an attack prior to Spanish 

The London Bombings. On July 7, 2005, four suicide bombers killed themselves 
and fiftytwo

others in a series of coordinated attacks on London’s public transportation 

targeting crowded commuter trains and a bus. Three of the bombers were born and 
raised in

Britain. There is no indication that the attacks were planned or supported by 
al Qaeda or

other foreign extremist groups.14 Instead, the group appears to have formed, 
planned, and

acted on its own.

The Toronto Case. In June 2006, Canadian authorities arrested seventeen people 

eighteen) suspected of plotting a series of terrorist attacks including truck 
bombings against

the Toronto Stock Exchange, a strike on Parliament, the murder of Prime 
Minister Stephen

Harper, and other acts of mass murder. The group appears to have sprung up on 
its own, its

9 Raffi Khatchadourian, “Azzam the American: The Making of an Al Qaeda 
Homegrown,” The New Yorker,

January 22, 2007, 

10 “Judge Orders Terror Suspect Held without Bond” International Herald 
Tribune, March, 23 2007,


11 Peter Selvin, “Jury Indicts Ohio Man for Conspiring With Al-Qaeda,” The 
Washington Post, April 13, 2007,

p. A09,


12 Kevin Bohn, “Ohio Man Charged With Helping al Qaeda,” CNN, April 12, 2007,


13 Geoff Pingree and Lisa Abend, “Judge Assesses Madrid Attacks,” The Christian 
Science Monitor, April 13,

2006, http://www.csmonitor.com/2006/0413/p06s02-woeu.html.

14 “Report of the Official Account of the Bombings in London on 7th July 2005,” 
United Kingdom House of

Commons, May 11, 2006, p. 21, 


Special Report on Internet-Facilitated Radicalization

members radicalized in part by extremist “jihadist” videos downloaded from the 
Internet and

viewed as a part of training exercises.15

Radicals in the Netherlands. These include the Hofstad Group, which plotted to 

suicide bombings and assassinate Dutch politicians. One operation allegedly 
considered was

an assault on a nuclear power plant. The Group included immigrants, the 
descendants of

immigrants to the Netherlands, and indigenous Dutch converts to extremist 
“jihadi” Salafist

beliefs; one person who helped provide safe houses to the Group was a former 

Dutch police have identified several examples of Dutch Muslims, mostly young 
and not

religiously trained, who have adopted extremist “jihadi” Salafist beliefs to 
which they were

exposed over the Internet.”16

Casablanca. In March 2007, a Moroccan man was killed in Casablanca when the 

he had strapped to his body exploded inside an Internet café. The man and his 

often visited the café to view “jihadist” websites. It appears that the bomb 
detonated during

a struggle with the café’s owner, who wanted to stop the men from downloading 
and viewing

propaganda materials in his shop.17

The pace of “transformation” is striking and has been accelerating.18 London 
police chief Ian

Blair has said that the suspects in the plot to bomb airliners in the United 
Kingdom during

the summer of 2006 went “from what would appear to be ordinary lives in a 
matter of some

weeks and months, not years, to a position where they were allegedly prepared 
to commit

suicide and murder thousands of people.”19 This toxic combination of speed and 

consequences brings into stark relief the urgent need to better understand how 
and why

radicalization occurs, either in person or via the Internet or chat rooms, so 
that it may be


Online Propaganda and Virtual Radicalization:

The Medium, the Message and Reasons for its Appeal

The Internet facilitates radicalization because it is without peer as a tool 
for both active and

passive communication and outreach. Online chat rooms are interactive venues 

aberrant attitudes and beliefs may be exchanged, reinforced, hardened and 
validated (at least

15 See Appendix A.

16 S.J. van Hulst, “Violent Jihad in the Netherlands: Current Trends in the 
Islamist Terrorist Threat,”

Netherlands Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, 2006, p. 47.

17 Craig S. Smith, “Companion of Suicide Bomber Questioned over Casablanca 
Internet Café Blast,”

International Herald Tribune, March 12, 2007, 

18 Stewart Bell, “Jihadization of Youth a 'Rapid Process',” The National Post, 
January 26, 2007,



19 Michael Holden, “Bomb Suspects ‘Radicalized in Weeks’,” Reuters, January 24, 





in the minds of participants). This mutual affirmation in turn gives rise to a 
sense of

community and belonging – a virtual ummah (worldwide Muslim community). Even 

who simply lurk in these forums may be at risk, although they may not realize 
it. As

extremist viewpoints are continuously reaffirmed by the like-minded, the doubts 

observers/listeners may be assaulted and eroded. CMC has been shown to increase

conformity to group norms.20 In studies of racial violence and hate crime over 
the Internet,

it has been demonstrated that the anonymity of the Web and the culture of chat 
rooms leads

to an increased level of endorsement for violence than is actually felt by 

As a mechanism to exert influence and mold opinion, the Internet is powerful 
because it

gives voice to potentially everyone and does so in distinctly egalitarian 
fashion. The case of

“Irhabi (Terrorist) 007” offers a powerful illustration. Under this pseudonym, 
and while

barely into his twenties, Younis Tsouli rose from obscurity to a position of 
leadership by

participating frequently and enthusiastically in online extremist forums. The 
sheer volume

of Tsouli’s postings began to earn him the trust of other participants and, 
when he

responded positively and energetically to the beheading videos posted on the 
Web by al

Qaeda in Iraq, that group in turn praised and endorsed Tsouli.22

Indeed, any extremist group, no matter how small, can create a 
professional-looking website

that may reach a wide, geographically dispersed audience of potential recruits. 

groups, for example, “were among the first to seize upon the benefits of 

establishing websites, bulletin boards, newsgroups, mailing lists, and chat 
rooms.24 Just a few

years ago, hundreds of websites served terrorists and their supporters.25 Now, 
ten to twentyfive

such sites are thought to generate new material which is mirrored in several 


These developments mirror those in society writ large, where use of the 
Internet is

continually expanding and evolving as a means of social networking and 
mobilization. For

example, a number of candidates running for president in 2008 announced their 

not at rallies or press conferences, but through videos broadcast on their 
websites. Almost

every top contender is turning to social networking sites, such as MySpace, as 
“a method of

reaching people who are historically not interested in voting.”27 Politicians 
now maintain

blogs, conduct web chats with constituents, and hold virtual town hall meetings 
to shape

public opinion and mobilize popular support.

20 Bargh, supra note 4 at p. 8, citing T. Postmes and R. Spears, 
“Deindividuation and Anti-Normative

Behavior: A Meta-Analysis,” Psychological Bulletin 123 (1998): 238-259.

21 Jack Glaser, Jay Dixit, and Donald P. Green, “Studying Hate Crime with the 
Internet: What Makes Racists

Advocate Racial Violence?” Journal of Social Issues 58, no. 1 (2002): 177-193.

22 See Appendix A.

23 Michael Whine, “Cyberspace – A New Medium for Communication, Command, and 
Control by

Extremists,” Studies in Conflict and Terrorism 22 (1999): 233.

24 Phyllis B. Gerstenfeld, et al., “Hate Online: A Content Analysis of 
Extremist Internet Sites,” Analysis of Social

Issues and Public Policy 3, no. 1 (2003): 30.

25 Gabriel Weimann, “www.terror.net: How Modern Terrorism Uses the Internet,” 
United States Institute of

Peace, March 2004, p. 2.

26 See Appendix A.

27 Alex Williams, “The Future President, on Your Friends List,” The New York 
Times, March 18, 2007,



Special Report on Internet-Facilitated Radicalization

The media posture of the global extremist “jihadi” Salafist movement is, 

sophisticated and multidimensional. By way of illustration, al Qaeda has its 
own official

production arm (As-Sahab), for which the GIMF serves as clearinghouse.28 The 
GIMF itself

is a multipronged operation, which to date has used many of the tools of a 
major public

relations effort including television, websites/chat rooms, and word of mouth. 
Indeed, al

Qaeda as we now know it is both an inspirational and operational force. And the 

it has spawned is fuelled by ideology propagated in a range of ways, from 
simple word of

mouth to sophisticated technological means. The Internet facilitates the spread 
of that

ideology and inspiration in various ways, including by serving as a 
distribution vehicle for

videos, songs, videogames and radio broadcasts.29

The primary focus of the movement’s efforts online appears to be youth, 
including those

living in the West. Websites are often flashy and colorful, apparently designed 
to appeal to

“a computer savvy, media-saturated, video game-addicted generation.”30 One site 
features a

game called “Quest for Bush” in which the player fights Americans and proceeds 
to different

levels including “Jihad Growing Up” and “Americans’ Hell.”31 These so-called 

amount to a dynamic form of propaganda, whose purpose is to transform a 
generation into

radicalized foot soldiers of a global insurgency.32 Videos circulated through 
websites serve the

same purpose, spreading a simple but seemingly compelling message: Islam is 
under attack

and young Muslims have a personal duty to fight in defense of the ummah.


The images presented in these videos are graphic and calculated to provoke, 
issue a call to

arms and motivate. News footage is included from the Israeli-Palestinian 
conflict, Iraq,

Lebanon, Chechnya, Bosnia, Kosovo, and other “hot spots” around the world. U.S. 

allied troops are framed as invaders, occupiers, and destroyers. Civilian 
casualties of these

conflicts, especially Muslim women and children, are depicted as victims of 

aggression, with blood, gore, and tears often emphasized. Exposed to these 
images over and

over again, the viewer may internalize the message, becoming frustrated and 
enraged over the

enormous injustice he perceives to be occurring. 34

Once produced only in Arabic, videos are being dubbed, subtitled, or produced 
in a wider

range of languages in order to reach a broader audience.35 Some now include 
hip-hop and

rap musicians whose catchy, melodic messages contain calls to violence. In one 
such video,

28 Sebastian Usher, “Webcast News Gives Al-Qaeda View,” BBC News, September 30, 


29 Weimann, supra note 25 at p. 4. See also Frank J. Cilluffo, Sharon L. 
Cardash and Andrew J. Whitehead,

“Radicalization: Behind Bars and Beyond Borders,” Brown Journal of World 
Affairs (2007), referencing select

concepts/passages in the present report.

30 Bruce Hoffman, “The Use of the Internet by Islamic Extremists,” testimony 
before the Permanent Select

Committee on Intelligence, U.S. House of Representatives, May 4, 2006, p. 5.

31 Jose Antonio Vargas, “Way Radical, Dude,” The Washington Post, October 9, 
2006, p. C01,


32 See Appendix A.

33 Hoffman, supra note 30 at p. 6. See also Weimann, supra note 25 at p. 6.

34 See Appendix A.

35 Frank Gardner, “The Growth of ‘Online Jihadism’,” BBC News, October 25, 2006,




titled “Dirty Kuffar [Non-believers],” the rapper “Sheikh Terra” sings with a 
gun in one

hand and a Qur’an in the other; images of Iraqis being killed by American 
troops are

displayed, the terrorist attacks of 9/11 are lauded, and viewers/listeners are 
called on to fight

back.36 Videos were crudely produced, sold for a few cents and in limited 
distribution before

the Internet. Raids of “safe houses” often yield stacks of DVDs, CDs, VHS 
tapes, and

VCDs. The Worldwide Web has made it increasingly easy to produce and circulate 

videos globally.37 All of these visuals are accompanied or underpinned, either 
explicitly or

implicitly, by a carefully crafted narrative depicting the Islamic world under 
siege or attack.

New video-hosting websites like YouTube broaden potential audience reach 
further. The

site receives tens of thousands of new videos daily, and users watch over a 
hundred million

per day, making content difficult to monitor. Though authorities have 
identified a number

of “jihadist” propaganda items on the site – some being viewed by thousands – 
these are

often replaced almost as soon as they are removed.38 Extremists themselves 
confess the

importance of the video as tool. As one said of his radicalization, the “first 
time I saw an al-

Qaeda video, I was ready to go… I wanted to kill the disbelievers.”39

Extremist interpretations of religious doctrine feature prominently on 
websites, where

articles, pamphlets and even libraries of books appear. These texts are devoted 
to finding

justifications, within the context of Islam, for the movement’s violent 
ideology and acts.

This is intended to assure potential recruits, and to reassure those already 
recruited, of the

righteousness of both the cause and the means adopted to further it.40 By way 
of example,

consider the following fatwa (religious ruling) published online by an Egyptian 

suicide terrorism to be legitimate within Islam (contrary to the traditional 

jurisprudence that it is a violation of the religion and forbidden by God):

He who commits suicide kills himself for his own benefit,

while he who commits martyrdom sacrifices himself for the

sake of his religion and his nation. While someone who commits

suicide has lost hope with himself and with the spirit of Allah,

the Mujahid [struggler] is full of hope with regard to Allah’s

spirit and mercy. He fights his enemy and the enemy of Allah

with this new weapon, which destiny has put in the hands of

36 This video was viewed on March 29, 2007 at 
http://youtube.com/watch?v=5mcSbUQc3hU. See also Antony

Barnett, “Islamic Rappers’ Message of Terror,” The Guardian, February 8, 2004,


37 See Appendix A.

38 Tariq Panja, “Militant Islamic Groups Turn to YouTube,” The Washington Post, 
February 11, 2007,


39 Stewart Bell, “Making of a Zealot,” National Post, June 30, 2006,


In online images, “jihadist” leaders are depicted as either heroic or angelic. 
Fighters are juxtaposed with images

of lions, horses, falcons, and other animals to emphasize their bravery, 
strength, and ferocity. Those who died

while fighting are depicted as martyrs for the cause; their images – in life 
and, sometimes, after death – are

juxtaposed with images of flowers, waterfalls, Korans, and beams of light in 
order to depict the holiness of their

sacrifices and the paradise expected to await them after death. See “The 
Islamic Imagery Project: Visual Motifs

in Jihadi Internet Propaganda,” Combating Terrorism Center, U.S. Military 
Academy, March 2006,


40 See Appendix A.


Special Report on Internet-Facilitated Radicalization

the weak, so that they would fight against the evil of the strong

and arrogant.41

The virtual world cannot be divorced from the physical realm in which it is 

however. It is the complex, iterative and dynamic interplay between the two 
that helps

explain why the extremist narrative resonates and how it spreads. There is no 
set formula

that explains why someone is vulnerable to radicalization, or why a radicalized 

goes on to become a terrorist. As the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)’s 
Office of

Intelligence and Analysis observes, the process of radicalization “varies 
across ideological and

ethno-religious spectrums, different geographic regions, and socioeconomic 

Social bonds play an important role in the radicalization process. Some argue 
that they “are

the critical element and precede ideological commitment.”43

This is especially true for diaspora communities around the world, which often 
turn inward

to seek mutual support, a sense of identity, and an enhanced sense of dignity. 
Youth in these

communities, including second- and third-generation descendants of immigrants, 
may feel

alienated both from their parents’ culture and from the surrounding culture of 
the country in

which these youth live. They may therefore rely on each other to provide a 
sense of

community, making it considerably easier for a single radicalized individual to 

others. Shaming of a group or community is transmitted by first-generation 

fleeing economic and social conditions elsewhere to the next generations 
(second, third and

fourth) who may not feel part of either their new land or the land that their 
parents fled.

Their ambivalence about their parents and their new country may lead to 
disturbance in

them as a group and sometimes to violent actions that their individual personal 

would not immediately have suggested.44

While particularly evident in Europe, similar senses of alienation exist within 

Muslim communities – although barriers to assimilation are on average much 
lower in the

United States.45 American Muslim community leaders have expressed their 
perception of

“the roll back of basic civil liberties in America” since 9/11. Of specific 
concern is the

perception of how the USA PATRIOT Act was implemented, and the subsequent

“imprison[ment of] well over 1,200 Muslim and Arab men using the pretext of 


41 Gabriel Weimann, “Virtual Disputes: The Use of the Internet for Terrorist 
Debates,” Studies in Conflict and

Terrorism (2006): 634.

42 Allen, supra note 6 at p. 5.

43Angela Gendron, “Militant Jihadism: Radicalization, Conversion, Recruitment,” 
Canadian Centre for

Intelligence and Security Studies, The Norman Paterson School of International 
Affairs, Carleton University,

April 2006, p. 9, http://www.csis-scrs.gc.ca/en/itac/itacdocs/2006-4.pdf.

44 Lord Alderdice, “The Individual, the Group and the Psychology of Terrorism,” 
International Review of

Psychiatry (June 2007), in press.

45 Cilluffo and Saathoff, supra note 7 at pp 9-10.

46 Parvez Ahmed, “Terror in the Name of Islam: Unholy War not Jihad” (paper 
presented at the ‘Sacred

Violence: Religion and Terrorism’ conference held by the Institute for Global 
Security, Law and Policy at the

Case Western University School of Law, Cleveland, Ohio, March 30, 2007), citing 
figures in “The September

11 Detainees: A Review of the Treatment of Aliens Held on Immigration Charges 
in Connection with the

Investigation of the September 11 Attacks,” Office of the Inspector General, 
U.S. Department of Justice, April

1, 2003.



Terror networks target young men by giving them “interpretations of Koranic 
verses that

have been chosen so as to lead them to rebel against their parents, their 
families, and even

against the society in which they live.”47 Veterans of combat – in Iraq and 
other places – are

particularly useful for recruiting youth, who respect the veterans’ 
anti-authoritarian attitude

and “street credibility.” Therefore, there may also be an element of youthful 
rebellion in all

of this, as some may be swept up by the romanticism of joining an 
“international brigade.”48

Through social network analysis, a remarkably complex array of interactions – 

terrorists, their supporters, potential recruits and targeted audiences, and 
many others

relevant to understanding this movement – is rendered easier to understand. 
Social network

analysis offers “a way to visualize the nodes in the network and how things 
move through

that network such as weapons, pieces of knowledge or people…”.49 The Internet, 
by virtue

of being the preferred mode of social connectivity among this generation, 
coupled with an

understanding of social networking can better inform our understanding of the 

process and what moves one from sympathizer to activist.

A psychological understanding of radicalization via the Internet includes an 
appreciation of

large and small group psychology.50 An important means of understanding large 

psychology is through the prism of cultural identity. Historically, geography 
was a major

determinant of cultural, ethnic and religious identity. Whether contained 
within a country

of origin or within ethnic or immigrant communities, spread of these large 
group identities

was only as effective as the limited transportation possibilities at that time. 
If jet

transportation has accelerated the process of large group identity formation, 
it may be that

the Internet is transforming large group identity formation from a lateral, 
physical process to

a metastatic, technological process. Previous boundaries have little relevance.

Now, through chat rooms and websites, boundaries are formed and broken 

so that persons in Seattle, Singapore and Stockholm can meet, establish and 

ideologic bonds, perhaps even stronger than if they had been forged in 

encounters. Extremist radicalization, whether secular or religious, is 
inherently a group

phenomenon. This can begin in open environments such as universities, or closed

environments such as prisons. For large groups, there is a resonance to shared 

ethnic and religious symbols. Real events that can be perceived as oppressive 
or humiliating

– described in psychiatric literature as “chosen traumas”51 – may be 
memorialized through

language, images and music, and may then powerfully resonate within the 
intended audience

and in subsequent generations.

An understanding of small group psychology and sociology is also vital. 
According to Atran,

members of individual cells usually show remarkable in-group homogeneity (age, 
place of

47 Gendron, supra note 43 at p. 9.

48 See Appendix A.

49 Bryan Bender, “Antiterrorism Agency Taps Boston-area Brains,” The Boston 
Globe, March 27, 2007,



50 Emerging neuropsychiatric research is also important to a psychological 
understanding of this process.

51 V. Volkan, Bloodlines (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1997) 48-49.


Special Report on Internet-Facilitated Radicalization

origin, residence, educational background, socioeconomic status, and so on).52 

homogeneity can be established and shaped by extremists through initial and 

interactions on the Internet, using aliases as the initial identifying feature 
and progressing in

a give-and-take process.

A Snapshot of Countering Efforts To-Date

To generate a sense of context, a sampling (albeit unscientific) of noteworthy 
and creative

initiatives—many of which are not very well known—are highlighted below. 

some of these measures may be limited in their ability to counteract the impact 
of the

extremist narrative, which is being accepted and adopted by an important 
minority around

the world. It is also important to recognize that certain countries and 
institutions may be

sending mixed messages by simultaneously engaging or acquiescing in other 
activities that

would seem to undercut the efforts referenced.


• An important grassroots effort directed against radicalization in the U.K. is 

Radical Middle Way,” an initiative aimed at articulating a mainstream 

of Islam that is dynamic and relevant, particularly to young British Muslims.

Partially funded by the government, the project is a collaboration among several

British Muslim organizations. It seeks to undermine the extremists’ message that

violence is a legitimate way of practicing Islam. To this end, the Radical 

Way maintains a website that features presentations by scholars of religion on 

tenets of Islam. The project has also held roundtables with radical groups in 

seeking to establish dialogue as a way of encouraging extremists to renounce 

radical beliefs.

• Pursuant to a recently announced UK government initiative, Muslim “opinion

formers” (imams and others) will be offered “special training in how to face 

extremism and be role models for moderation and tolerance.” There is also to be 

major increase in the number of `forums against extremism’—regional groups which

meet regularly and which were set up in the wake of the July 7 London bombings 

enable Muslims to discuss ways of tackling extremism.”53

• In the wake of 9/11, UK intelligence officials posted messages on websites 
known to

be accessed by extremists, to appeal for information about the perpetrators. The

requests emphasized that people of all faiths, including Muslims, were murdered 


52 Scott Atran, “Commentary: A Failure of Imagination (Intelligence, WMDs and 
‘Virtual Jihad’),” Studies in

Conflict and Terrorism 29 (2006): 263-278.

53 Patrick Hennessy, “Muslim Leaders Helped to Tackle Extremists,” Sunday 
Telegraph, February 2, 2007,


54 Maura Conway, “Terrorist ‘Use’ of the Internet and Fighting Back,” (paper 
prepared for presentation at the

“Cybersafety: Safety and Security in a Networked World: Balancing Cyber-Rights 
and Responsibilities”

conference held by the Oxford Internet Institute, Oxford, United Kingdom, 
September 8-10, 2005), p. 24.




• The Muslim Brotherhood has denounced terrorist attacks committed by 

accusing them of having no “conscience or religion.”55

• Ali Gomaa, Grand Mufti of Egypt, has issued a statement declaring that “women

have equal political rights in Islam,” and that nothing in Islamic principles 

women from holding high institutional positions including “the highest office in

Muslim nations.”56 This is a direct challenge to the extremists, who seek to 

incredibly strict restrictions on women.


• Kyai Haji Abdurrahman Wahid, the country’s first democratically elected 

now serves as head of a major Muslim congregation and as senior advisor to the

LibforAll Foundation; in those capacities he advocates religious tolerance, 

and democracy for all.57

• Ahmad Dhani, an Indonesian rock star, has used both his music and his stardom 

counter calls to violence with a message of peace and tolerance. His 2004 album,

titled “Laskar Cinta” (Warriors of Love) was a direct challenge to “Laskar 

(Warriors of Jihad), a violent militia in Indonesia.58


• In July 2005, 170 leading Muslim clerics issued a fatwa (Islamic legal

pronouncement) in Amman denouncing all acts of terrorism committed in the name

of Islam. A little known but notable fact, the fatwa was issued a day before the

bombings in London on 7/7.59

Saudi Arabia.

• Public television aired a five-part series titled “Jihad Experiences: The 

Among other things, the series featured renunciations of terrorism by former

“jihadists.” The series also showcased scholarly rebuttals to extremist 

• Huge banners and signs have been hung throughout the capital to illustrate the

human costs of terrorism.61 Similar broadcasts have occurred on television and 

on the screens of automated teller machines.

55 Fawaz A. Gerges, “The End of the Islamist Insurgency in Egypt?: Costs and 
Prospects,” The Middle East

Journal (Autumn 2004): 594.

56 “Women Have Equal Rights in Islam and Can Be Rulers, ” Gulf News, February 
5, 2007,


57 See LibforAll Foundation <http://www.libforall.org/home.html>.

58 Daveed Gartenstein-Ross, “Warrior of Love: An Unlikely Champion of Moderate 
Islam,” The Weekly

Standard, November 15, 2006,


59 Kenneth Ballen, “The Myth of Muslim Support for Terror,” The Christian 
Science Monitor, February 23,

2007, http://www.csmonitor.com/2007/0223/p09s01-coop.html.

60 See “TV Seminar Offers an Overview of the Series titled Jihad Experiences,” 
Al-Riyadh Newspaper, Issue No.

13700, December 27, 2005, 
http://www.alriyadh.com/2005/12/27/article118422.html. See also “TV

broadcasts a five part series titled ‘Jihad Experiences, the Deceit…’,” 
Al-Riyadh Newspaper, Issue No. 13672,

November 25, 2005, http://www.alriyadh.com/2005/11/29/article111369.html.


Special Report on Internet-Facilitated Radicalization

• The Interior Ministry is developing a plan (to include lectures and seminars) 

portray extremist “jihadi” Salafism as a deviant form of Islam to students in 

and universities.62 Textbooks and curriculum are being audited to ensure that

schools are not used to radicalize students.63

• As part of a government-supported “Tranquility Campaign,” volunteers including

scholars of religion, psychiatrists, and sociologists have visited websites, 
chat rooms

and forums to engage in dialogue with extremists. According to government 

almost 700 individuals have recanted their beliefs as a result. As part of the

Campaign, there is an ongoing effort to establish a website to help counter 


• Under a new law to fight cyber-crime, approved on April 13, 2007, it is a 

offence (up to ten years in prison and/or a fine of up to 5 million Saudi 
riyal, which

equates to approximately $1.3 million) to create a website for a terrorist


United States.

• Immediately following September 11, 2001, a fatwa condemning terrorism and

extremism was issued by American Muslim jurists and ultimately was endorsed by

more than one hundred and twenty U.S. Muslim groups, leaders and institutions.

The fatwa deemed terrorism or involvement in terrorism by any individual or 

as haram (forbidden) and stated “it is the civic and religious duty of Muslims 

cooperate with law enforcement authorities to protect the lives of all 


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