Going Global on the Muslim Brotherhood          
By Patrick
hors.asp?ID=3597> Poole | May 10, 2007 

The debate over the Muslim Brotherhood is going global, with the various
exchanges here at FrontPage taking a central role. Last week, the Italian
daily, Il  <> Foglio, concluded a 3-part series
examining the controversy begun with the publication of Nixon Center fellows
Robert Leiken and Steven Brooke’s article in the March/April issue of
Foreign Affairs, “The Moderate
<> Muslim
Brotherhood”. The reporter, Guilio Meotti, examines in detail the various
claims made by Leiken and Brooke, and interviews a wide range of
international experts on the topic. 

Among those quoted are several past and present FrontPage contributors,
including Daniel Pipes, Rachel Ehrenfeld, Lorenzo Vidino and myself. The
concluding article cites my own 3-part refutation of the claims made by
Leiken and Brooke:


 <> Showdown on
the Muslim Brotherhood, Part 1


 <> Showdown on
the Muslim Brotherhood, Part 2


 <> Showdown on
the Muslim Brotherhood, Part 3


The following English translation of Meotti’s Il Foglio series is my own.


Part 1 (04/27/07)


The Two Faces of the Muslim Brotherhood (Which One to Trust?) 

For two analysts they accept democracy and have rejected violence. For
others it is only tactical.

By Giulio Meotti (trans.  <> Patrick Poole)


Rome. Their history begins one morning in 1928 in the village of Ismaliya,
neighboring the Suez Canal. A group of Muslims gathers around fervent
preacher by the name of Hassan Al-Banna. Egypt was a semi-colonial monarchy
and Al-Banna, he wanted to free it through the return to salafist origins:
"Islam is faith and cult, native land and citizenship, religion and state,
spirituality and action, Book and sword". From this beginning, the Muslim
Brothers have become the oldest and most influential Islamist organization,
condemned in the West for fundamentalism and by the jihadists for their
acceptance of democracy. Dedicating itself to "tarbiyya", preaching and
instruction, the Brothers opened schools, clinics, mosques, and recommended
one style of salafist life. The men began to grow beards, and the women wore
the veil. One of their theoretical leaders, Sayyid Qutb (executed in Egypt
in 1966), combined jihadist ideology with the Wahhabi faith: the Muslim must
fight against the governments of "jahilyya", polytheists who are deprived of
Koranic light, who they accuse of governing in impure way, "takfir", and for
the Arabic world: "a permanent global jihad. To be Muslim means to be a


Someone has said that September 11th was born in the Egyptian jails where
the Muslim Brothers were imprisoned by the hundreds. The sufferings endured
by Qutb are legendary amongst fundamentalists. It is a story that we are
forced to travel over again from the beginning. It was experienced by
everyone from Nobel Prize Winner Naguib Mahfuz to Qutb, then leader of the
fundamentalist wing of the Brotherhood. The book “Bitter Harvest" of Ayman
Al-Zawahiri, number two of Al-Qaida (who ended up in prison for five years),
is a treatise on the forfeiture of the Brotherhood. His father was a doctor,
and he came from a family of engineers, university professors, ambassadors,
judges and parliamentarians. Nearly all members of the Brotherhood. These
are the same bourgeois quarters that today animate the hostile movement
against Hosni Mubarak. From their ranks the murderers of Anwar Sadat
departed; it is from their school where members of Al-Qaida and its defunct
military head Mohammed Atef were formed. 


Today it is a more diffused movement in Arabic countries and Italian
mosques. The Wall Street Journal reveals that even the architect of the
September 11th attacks, Khalid Sheik Mohammed, participated in a Kuwait camp
organized by the Brotherhood. With Saudi petrodollars, they have set foot in
the United States, represented by the Council on American Islamic Relations.
The Palestinian section is better known as Hamas. After having failed at one
revolution in Egypt and having lost the civil war in Algeria, Europe has
become their priority. Their call is to "dar al shaada", land of evangelism.
Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, Al-Jazeera fixture and guru of the Brotherhood, speaks
clearly: "Islam will return to Europe, the conquest will not be with the
sword, but with proselytism". From here the priority is "dawa", the call.
The sheik has been offered the position of Supreme Guide of the [Muslim
Brotherhood] movement. He refused saying that the European mission was more
important. One of their bases is Switzerland. Here in the 1960s Said Ramadan
founded an Islamic center and from here his son, Tariq, operates, an
influential thinker and adviser to Downing Street. As they began their
evolution to democracy and non-violence and he began himself to speak about
that Zawahiri accused them to having "pushed the mass of young people to
elections rather than to jihad". Then there was a tape of Abu Musab
Al-Zarqawi in which he invited the Muslim Brothers of Iraq "to abandon the
way of the perdition. Not pursuing peace through democracy. You will receive
the sentence of apostates from Islam ". To renew the argument are two
American scholars, Robert Leiken and Steven Brooke, who recently had
published in Foreign Affairs, "The Moderate Muslim Brotherhood". Also the
Washington Post writes that "they [the Brotherhood] offer an opportunity in
order to isolate the jihadists". In the meantime, Youssef Nada, backer of
the Brotherhood, is accused by Mubarak of aiding terrorism. He has just been
the subject of a PBS documentary. 


Leiken and Brooke think that the Brotherhood justifies democracy on the
grounds that “the ‘umma’, the Muslim community, is the source of ‘sulta’
political authority. The Brotherhood has formed liberal alliances with
secularists and nationalists. With the publication of ‘Preachers, Not
Judges’, they have rejected violence. The French wing UOIF has collaborated
with Nicholas Sarkozy. In England, the Muslim Association of Britain helps
the government against radicals, such as in the Finsbury Park case. The
jihadists brand democracy as ‘idolatry’. They say that a government that
does not govern according to sharia is apostate. Zawahiri calls it
‘deification of the people’ and Abu Al-Maqdisi, mentor of Zarqawi,
‘polytheism’. Bernard Lewis wrote that this is only tactical: ‘one man, one
vote, one time’. What would they do once they were in power? Behind that
warning is an extensive history: Bolshevik, Nazi, Ba’ath, and Nasserite”
they write in Foreign Affairs. "But the Brotherhood differs from the
previous ones: their road to power is not revolutionary, but depends on
winning hearts through peaceful Islamization". Therefore they should read
the book on Mohammad by [Tariq] Ramadan. 


“Others speculate that the Brotherhood assists in the radicalization of
Muslims in Europe and the Middle East. But the Brothers work in order to
dissuade them from violence. One has said that the maxim could be: ‘listen
and obey’. If one wants to commit violence, he leaves the movement. But the
Brothers that leave move to embrace the center, not jihad ". The supporters
of dialogue are betting on the opposition of "Takfir wal Hijra", the
ideology of death by Mohamed al-Fazisi, who served thirty years in Morocco.
"The national branches have divergent views on the United States. In Egypt
and Jordan, the Brotherhood is critical of America. In Syria they are
supportive in order to isolate Assad". 


They accept "defensive" jihad against foreign powers. "But the jihadist
attacks the Brotherhood because it leads the jihad ‘for territory’ and not
‘for the sake of Allah'. This diversity suggests that Washington would have
to adopt a case by case approach.” Dialogue with the Brothers has a great
significance. Just as Nixon went to China. The controversies between
‘revisionist’ and ‘maoist’ were necessary. “Today those between jihadists
and Muslim Brothers offer a similar opportunity". And in fact a group of
Americans legislators has recently met with members of the Brotherhood. 


Newsweek also speaks about change. "Our demand is freedom of expression,
elections and free government" says Zeki Arshead, leader of the Jordanian
Brotherhood. Foreign Affairs does not take into account the words of
Mohammad Mahdi Akef, Supreme Guide of the Brothers in Egypt. Akef has
defined Israel as a "cancer" and has legitimized the "resistance" in Iraq,
as Qaradawi blessed the Chechen jihad. In the war between Hezbollah and
Israel, Akef claimed of being able to send thousands of Muslims to fight the
Jews. The son of Al-Banna, Seif El-Islam, "Sword of the Islam", secretary of
the Lawyers Syndicate, has echoed that "Allah assures us victory over the
Jews". At the death of Zarqawi, the Jordanian Brotherhood made a condolence
visit Zarqawi’s family. Foreign Affairs also forgets that Fouad Alaoui,
secretary of the UOIF, has declared that the "Koran is our Constitution".
But they will not speak about and are silent on the Sudanese Hassan
Al-Turabi, benefactor of Osama bin Laden and a member of the Brotherhood,
reported on by Thomas Joscelyn in an essay that we published in 2005. 


According to the French analyst Caroline Fourest, "whether they choose the
jihadist option like Zawahiri, or a ‘reformist’ approach, the Islamist
inspiration from the Brothers pursues the same dream, expressed gives to
Al-Banna: `For the flag of Islam to wave wherever a Muslim’ lives ". Another
expert of Brotherhood more critical than Foreign Affairs is Zeyno Baran,
analyst of the Hoover Institution, who gave the same review to the
[International] Herald Tribune. "For them the Koran is not a law source, it
is the only source" Baran tells us. "The Brotherhood has changed tactics,
not objectives. They create a fifth column in order to weaken the Western
systems. Qaradawi has advised to the Muslims to create ghettos against
assimilation. We should not favor the Islamists by defining them as
‘moderate’. They say that they are not violent, but they have not condemned
terrorism. The Brotherhood thinks it is necessary to diffuse Muslim concepts
because they reject peace and they incite fighting". Their language is
bifurcated: moderate in English, radical in Arab. For Baran, more than the
reformist wing of the Brotherhood, we should value the liberal Arabs who in
October 2004 asked the UN to institute court proceedings against the
preachers of death. This was in reaction to the fatwa of Qaradawi against
the Americans in Iraq. The Brotherhood was born four years after the
collapse of the Ottoman caliphate. "Qutb thought that the decline could be
inverted if a group of ‘true’ Muslim would emulate the Prophet. Today the
group wants to Islamize, which is incompatible with democracy ". 


The symbols often help. That of the Brotherhood is a Koran and two sharp
swords. In the 2005 they published a map of the world. In the center a green
area, the color of the Islam. In a lower panel: "After one hundred years".
The field is completely green. Their mission statement is still more
unequivocal: "Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. The Koran
is our law. Jihad is our way. To die in the way of Allah is our supreme


Part 2 (05/01/07)


Who identifies and who does not the (positive) evolution of the Muslim

For Magdi Allam, "A mistake to grant them too much power". For Hamza
Piccardo, “They are Reformist like Erdogan” 

By Giulio Meotti (trans.  <> Patrick Poole)


Rome. The debate on the evolution of the Muslim Brotherhood began with the
two American scholars Robert Leiken and Steven Brooke in their essay in
Foreign Affairs, and continues while in Egypt some thirty supporters of the
Brotherhood are on trial and Turkey debates between Europe and the Middle
East, between secularism and the presidential political aspirations of the
Islamist party premier Tayyip Erdogan (see article on page three). In Egypt
the principal defendant is Khairat Al-Shater, the man who Leiken and Brooke
like to identify as a "moderate example". The Egyptian Minister for
Parliamentary Affairs, Mufid Shihab, says that the government will use the
iron fist against "anyone wants to establish an Islamic caliphate". In
December, 50 militants of the Brotherhood marched hooded and dressed in
black in front of Al-Azhar University. The director of [Egyptian daily]
Al-Gomhouria, Muhammad Ali Ibrahim, said that "the black Ts-shirts are tied
to fascism, Nazism and extremism. The Brotherhood has drawn inspiration from
the past in order to best express itself". However, the two Nixon Center
analysts, the center of a red-hot debate that has involved numerous figures,
from Commentary to the New York Sun, ask the Department of State to begin a
dialogue with the Brothers. The movement along the line between legality and
terrorist fundamentalism remains subject to change. On June 8, 1992
terrorists of the Al-Gamaa Al-Islamiya assassinated in Cairo the
intellectual Farag Foda. One of the leading Islamic theologians, Mohammad
Al-Ghazali, a member of the Brotherhood, justified in court the "punishment
of the apostate". In 1959, Al-Ghazali had condemned to death the Nobel
Laureate Naguib Mahfouz, which inspired the attempt to assassinate him in
1994. The Tunisian intellectual Lafif Lakhdar was also condemned to death by
Rashid Al-Ghannouchi, leader of Al-Nahda, the Tunisian Brotherhood,
referring to the UCOIF, the French branch of the Islamist movement. The
guilt of Lakhdar was his demand for "bleeding away the cultural foundations
of martyrdom, suicide and decapitations". 


In Italy, the Islamist movement controls and inspires the greater part of
the mosques. Assistant manager of [Italian daily] Corriere della Serra,
Magdi Allam, critic of the Brotherhood and its propaganda, condemns the
thinking of Foreign Affairs. "The United States and Great Britain are
mistaken in sponsoring the strategy that tends to, in one aspect, to
corroborate the power of the Brothers on both sides of the Mediterranean
and, from the other, to assert European multiculturalism", Allam explained
to us. "This perspective empowers the southern and eastern Mediterranean and
weakens the north. We are deceived that the Muslim Brothers are committed to
Cartesian logic. But they only believe in one logic – the Koranic type".
Consider the relationship with Israel: "the maximum of the pragmatism to
which they can arrive at is to say that Israel is a fact and that they are
ready to support a truce. The reference is the truce of Mohammad in 628,
which he accepted to stop the doors of Mecca [from being closed to him] on
account of him not having sufficient forces to enter the city. Adopted with
a commitment to a truce of ten years, it was violated a year after". 


Hamza Piccardo, leader of the Union of the organizations and the Muslim
communities in Italy and editor of the Italian version of the Koran, speaks
about the historical inclination to the reforming policy of the Muslim
Brothers. "When it was confronted with despotic regimes, there were radical
drifts in the Brotherhood. As it happened with Sadat. But the movement is
not violent. The only country in which they took up arms was Syria in the
1970s. I am not astonished that they are drawing close to democracy. The
writings of Hassan Al-Banna are reformist. Today his heirs continue the
tradition. The Brothers are not the Third Internationale, but are confronted
with local realities. From Morocco to Iraq, we find various strategies".
According to Allam, we do not have to be astonished at the jihadist fatwa
against the movement. "They have taken separate strategies for the conquest
of the power. We can simplify the difference: for the jihadist, overthrow
the reigning leaders; and for the Brothers, attend to establishing solid
roots in the society to execute the brainwashing of the people. Their power
must be entrenched, cultivated and solidified". For Piccardo, it is in
Europe that the Brotherhood does its best. "They try to supply to Muslim
youth reasons for life and to reform society. The Muslim young people
rediscover values that adjust them to society. It keeps them from violence.
But a radical movement on fighting the injustice in himself is not
dangerous. The salafi reformer is birthing a movement which sees the values
of his predecessors as a source to tap into. Today the salafi intends, like
the Wahhabis, to throw away twelve centuries of elaboration in order to
return to the original teachings of the Prophet. The Brothers are reformist,
which endangers neo-conservatives, modern bourgeois and revolutionaries.
They are like Erdogan in Turkey". The definitive thought of Piccardo on
Tariq Ramadan. "The criticism that Ramadan offers to the Brothers is to
accept injustice and not give in to alienation. If the West promotes
materialistic society, there will always be irreducible antagonism. But the
West is not solely consumerism, Barbie and McDonald's". Piccardo judges the
writings of Sayyid Qutb dated among the founding fathers of the Brotherhood.
"In `The Islamic Reform' of Ramadan he speaks about the gap between those
who follow Al-Banna and adapted to the societies democracy and who, reading
Qutb, are moved towards jihadism. To refer to Al-Banna in a literal way
means to betray him ". Piccardo agrees with the analysis of Foreign Affairs.
"Today the Brothers are divided. There are the leaders that act according to
Arabic tradition, and the young people of the university that have to choose
between civility and jihadism, but they know to reinterpret the story in a
democratic path. Islam is continuously being reformed. The Prophet says to
straighten the crooked thing. If you cannot make it with the word, at least
make it so in your heart. There is a moral imperative in Islam to positively
reform creation". 


More dangerous than the jihadist 


For Allam, their objective is to create a state within the state. "As they
make in Europe. Going to vote is an integral part of this strategy. They
also want the caliphate. In Europe we have allowed the Brothers to control
the mosques and then deceive ourselves to rely upon them to contain the
jihadists". To Allam, the danger of the Brothers is if we want to take
seriously the threat of the jihadist. "The Brothers are subtle, ambiguous
and reassuring. Winston Churchill has defined the person conciliating like
he who feeds the crocodile in the hope of being eaten last. This is our
attitude towards the Brotherhood. As their grassroots movement unifies we
collude with them. One forgets that these Islamists, like what happened in
Algeria, promote terrorism". The evidence for that claim begins and
continues within the group in the decade of the 1970s in Egypt. "When he
assumed the presidency, Sadat formed an alliance with the Brothers in order
to eliminate the Nasserites. He freed the Islamist leaders from the jails
and recalled those who were in exile in Saudi Arabia; they came back loaded
with money. In a decade they constructed a thousand of mosques, entered into
journalism and the syndicates, the legal profession, government and schools.
When they were reestablished, extremism exploded. Islamic Jihad gave life to
the group that assassinated Sadat. The Islamist jihadist emerges in the
context of the Muslim Brothers. To forget it would be unforgivable, even
fatal ". 


On the American front we speak with Steven Brooke, coauthor of the inquiry
in Foreign Affairs. "Every national organization tied to the Brotherhood is
free to elaborate their own politics. The Egyptian center is weak. There are
two factions. The supreme guide, Muhammed Mahdi Akef, is conservative. The
reformist range from Khairat Al-Shater to Abdul Moneim Abul Foutouh. Both
are open to the dialogue with the West. Then there are the young members,
many of which have a blog. One of them, Abdel Moneim Mahmoud, has been
arrested. In Europe they work with the English government and in France they
mediate between the Muslims and the government. During the violence of the
banlieues [the French urban outskirts inhabited by North African
immigrants], the Brotherhood issued fatwas against the rioters. In Middle
East they are for reform, but what we do not know what they would do once
they are in power. But we do not forget that the former Brother, [al-Qaeda
no. 2] Ayman Al-Zawahiri, has written a book, `The Bitter Harvest', in order
to denounce their renunciation of violence ". 


One who is not at all convinced of their evolution is Daniel Pipes, a leader
in the campaign against the American branch of the Brotherhood, the Council
on American Islamic Relations. "They want to impose an Islamist
international order but not through violence. This has rendered them more
‘acceptable', but their objectives are still the same. That is the
totalitarian hegemony, the brutal destruction of human rights and the
submission non-Muslims and women. There has not been some ‘evolution’. The
Islamist ideas do not represent a departure from Islam as it has been
alleged, originating from a long tradition of extreme intolerance that
traces from centuries past into the recent age, and is associated with
Wahhabism, the Brothers and Qutb. The Brothers deceive us as being an
acceptable political force, ‘moderates'. The Islamist considers democracy as
an intermediary principle in order to promote their programs. They use the
levers of state in order to satisfy theirs ends". This aim is the ideal for
Sheik Yussuf Al-Qaradawi, spiritual leader of the Brotherhood in Europe:
"Allah makes us to prevail on the unjust Zionists and aggressors, on their
Crusader allies who oppress and vex you, Allah will make to prevail our
mujaheddin brothers that fight for you in Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan and
every part of the world". 


In August of the 1995 the remains of Said Ramadan, father of Tariq, were
transported to the mosque of Cairo, beside the tomb of Hassan Al-Banna, his
father-in-law and founder of the Brotherhood. To deliver the funeral oration
was appropriately Qaradawi. The July 24, 2005 edition of Avvenire [the
Italian daily of the Roman Catholic Church] criticized the 2004 meeting at
Sant' Egidio where a lecture was given by a celebrated apologist of suicide
terrorism: Ahmad Al-Tayyib, chancellor of Cairo University and of Al-Azhar.
The daily paper of the bishops attacked the agreement between the Italian
university and Al-Azhar, which is one of most influential academic centers
of the Sunni Muslim world and the intellectual epicenter of the Muslim
Brothers. From whose library the "moderate" and "modern" Brothers have even
banished "The Prophet" of Khalil Gibran, guilty of apostasy for the drawing
[on the cover] of the likeness of Mohammad.



Part 3 (05/03/07)


For the Muslim Brothers, Democracy is a Tram – Sooner or Later it has to
Come Down 

Many criticize the proposal of dialogue launched by Foreign Affairs: it is
only the flexibility of Islamic radicalism

By Giulio Meotti (trans.  <> Patrick Poole)


Rome. In the October of 1981, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards named the
road on which the Egyptian embassy in Tehran resides for Khaled
al-Islambouli. Islambouli was the terrorist who killed Anwar Sadat. The
Iranian President Mohammad Khatami has since dedicated a monument to his
memory. When Sadat was struck down, Khomeini said that "a son of the Islam
has to act in order to eliminate the apostate Pharaoh". It is one of the
many examples that help us to understand history of the Muslim Brothers,
from which the murders of Sadat came out of, how it feeds the fundamentalist
fire in the Middle East. 


In recent days comes the explosive case concerning an essay by two scholars
published by the journal, Foreign Affairs. Robert Leiken and Steve Brooke
asked the American Department of State to begin a dialogue with the
Brotherhood on the basis of their "non-violent evolution". Founded in 1928
by Hassan Al-Banna, the Muslim Brothers grew to a million supporters in the
1940s. Nasser banned them; Sadat granted them space, hoping to contain the
terrorists who would eventually kill him. In 1954, after a coup attempt,
they were tortured by the thousands. The cycle of repressions were repeated.
Yesterday, the Christian Science Monitor told the history of Abdel Moneim
Mahmoud, a blogger imprisoned along with a thousand Brothers. Nearly
everywhere in the Arabic world, the Muslim Brothers would be the majority
party if there were free elections, many say. "They are the lobby of the
fundamentalist opposition", the Iranian exile and commentator of
international reputation Amir Taheri tells us, saying that the more
dangerous element is their Manichean vision: "Light and darkness, spirit and
matter, Muslim and infidel. The Brotherhood says that the Koran is their
Constitution and boils off the ‘impurities’ of the other organizations. They
are the godfathers of the Arabic and Pakistani terrorist movements. Their
change of strategy has created a vacuum that has been filled up by


Taheri praises the transition of Hosni Mubarak. "Excluding the Brotherhood,
Mubarak continues the historical tendency to prevent departures for making
Islam a prerequisite. This was begun in Turkey and continued in Indonesia.
The idea that the political movements do not have to be based on the
religion finds consensus the Muslim world. Algeria and Tunisia have amended
their constitutions in order to prevent the formation of religious parties.
The Iraqi democracy imposes restrictions on the use of religion. The issue
particularly is felt in Egypt, where the Christian community is shot at by
the Brotherhood. Mubarak has defeated one dozen jihadist groups in one of
the longest anti-terrorist campaigns in history ". Journalist Sylvan Besson,
of the daily paper Le Temps of Geneva, has written a book on the hegemony of
the Brotherhood: "The Conquest of the West". "The Brothers speak about
reforms and democracy,” Besson says to us, “but does not condemn terrorism.
For them the evil is Western Civilization, Israel and the Bush
Administration. They deny that September 11th is the work of Muslims. They
speak about the infinite suffering of Muslims, from Kabul to Baghdad. The
world is a battlefield between materialism (from communism to Zionism) and
Islam. History is the theatre of Muslim conquests. Their message is:
‘Participate in public life, respect the laws and honor Islam'. They do not
try to unhinge democracies, but to prepare the land for the radicalization".


Often the report says the contrary. Imad Eddin Barakat Yarkas was the mind
behind Spain’s March 11th [attacks]. He was an associate of the Brotherhood
in Syria. The Egyptian Osman Rabei was arrested in Milan on June 7, 2004. He
was sentenced to ten years by the Court of assizes where he spoke about his
inspiration. Rabei was in contact with two Wahhabi preachers who worked with
Yusuf al-Qaradawi, the theological leader of the Brotherhood. President of
the International Association of Muslim Scholars, the European Council for
Fatwa and Research and also the European Institute of Human Sciences of
Nièvre [France], the central imam of the Brotherhood, Qaradawi is part of
the innermost circle the Islamist movement. In a 1990 book he explains that
in Europe they must create a “Muslim public opinion" in order to prepare the
community to receive the "life of the Muslim nation". Qaradawi has issued a
fatwa against the Danish cartoonists: "Whoever offends Mohammad, if he is a
dhimmi, he has violated the pact and it becomes lawful to kill him". On
April 25, 2004, the theologian of the Brotherhood, Abd al-Muni'm Abu
al-Futuh said on Al-Jazeera said "jihad is an individual duty". Against
Qaradawi, Abd al-Hamid al-Ansari, president of the faculty of Islamic law at
the University of Qatar, pronounced: "the laws of the sharia that have
prohibited making war against civilians have been enforced for centuries,
until Qaradawi caused a dangerous shift on jihad. The moral deterioration
has escalated to the point in which they kill children with bombs in Baghdad
and bus passengers in London. These fatwas are a moral and ideological brand
of shame". 


"The crimes that have been perpetrated are still vivid in our memory and the
innocent blood that they have caused to flow is remembered in our hearts"
says the dissident Wafa Sultan to Il Foglio, witness of the execution of her
university professor by a Brotherhood partisan in Damascus. "He was killed
in the classroom right in front of my eyes to the cry of ‘Allah Akhbar'. The
Muslim Brothers believe in verses that do not incite the struggle against
the ‘infidel'? They have changed ideas on ‘those who incur the anger of
Allah'? Perhaps they have given up accusing others of apostasy? They truly
invoke a pluralistic society and democracy based on justice and equality?". 


In December 2005, in an interview with London-based Asharq Al-Awsat, the
head of the Brothers, Mohammed Akef, said that "we are a comprehensive
movement whose members cooperate together based on the same vision: the
spread of the Islam until it dominates the world". Flexibility is a trait.
"In the West violence is substituted by a mixture of penetration through
appeasement and radicalization," Lorenzo Vidino tells us, author of
"Al-Qaeda in Europe". "Appealing to the ‘darura', the Muslim concept of
necessity, they legitimize participation in the democratic process. They are
introduced publicly as moderates to you, partners in the dialogue and
representatives of the Muslim communities. If in English, French and Dutch
they speak about democracy; in Arabic, Turkish and Urdu they preach a
politicized interpretation of the Islam. A 1995 citation by the Turkish
premier Erdogan, supporter of the Islamist party connected to the Muslim
Brotherhood network, says it all: `democracy is a tram: we will use as long
as it serves us, then it must come down' ". 


Rachel Ehrenfeld, author of "Funding Evil" and director of the America
Center for Democracy, is tough with Foreign Affairs: "the chameleonic
attitude of the Brotherhood is instrumental to the Islamization of society".
Abu Qatada, spiritual head of al-Qaida in Europe in the 1990s said: "Rome
will not be conquered from the word, but by arms". Qaradawi has said: "Not
with the sword, but with the preaching will Islam return to conquer Europe".
The difference is in the methods. Bat Ye' or, scholar of Egyptian origin on
the fate of non-Muslims in Muslim lands, speaks about abuse of the term
democracy. "If we mean to adopt sharia through elections, this is the
democracy of Gaza. If we mean independence of the judiciary, freedom of
speech and religion, equality and dignity of the sexes, about this the
Brothers never speak. Their writers, from Qutb to Mawdudi, urge hatred
towards the Jews". 


The American analyst Patrick Poole remembers that "in 2004, when the Kuwaiti
authorities attacked the radicals, the government discovered that the source
of the jihadist preaching were the imams associated with the Brotherhood".
Fiammetta Venner has written many books on Islam and the UOIF, the French
branch of the Brotherhood: "Even if they always wear Western dress rather
than a jellabah [a North African hooded cloak] and reassure the media of
their peaceful intentions, they carry out a fundamentalist imprint of Islam.
If they are destined to control Egypt and Syria, there is a fear of a
dramatic realignment of the world-wide order. The writings of Qutb have
justified the killing of ‘tyrannous apostates' and inspired bin Laden and
the murderers of Sadat. The rise of the Brothers promises an Islamization
that could destabilize the world, and they really constitute an antidote to


"We have burnt houses and killed women and children". That is the confession
of a janjaweed to the Times of London. He is called Dily, a twenty years old
Sudanese Arab who has fought in Darfur to the cry of "Kills the slaves,
kills the slaves". The Sudanese regime is inspired by the Muslim Brothers,
whose primeval message of hatred reemerges, anonymously, from dunes of
Darfur. The Supreme Guide of the Brotherhood, Mohammed Akef, in September
2006 rejected the UN resolution on the shipment of men and arms to their
Sudanese guru, Hassan Al-Turabi, who has identified Tariq Ramadan as "the
future of the Islam". How much forgotten blood has been spilled to the earth
due to pacifist policies is the recrudescent example of the danger that the
Brotherhood poses to Christians, where in Darfur wine cannot be used in the
Mass, but also to Muslims. After the bombardment the horde of devils arrives
on horse: nursing women are separated, the old have their heads broken and
infants are slammed against the walls. Hundreds of women are deflowered with
long knives and branded on their hands. In Tawila, in a single day,
forty-one girls were killed, raped together with their teachers, some as
young as fourteen, all while their parents were forced to watch.


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