Very sloppy.
Anatomy of a Rendition
In cleric's abduction in Italy, the CIA all but left a calling card

By Leo  <> Sisti
International Consortium of Investigative Journalists

MILAN, Italy — Hassan Mustafa Osama Nasr, a Muslim cleric from Egypt also
known as Abu Omar, had just stepped out of his home on via Conte Verde in
Milan around noon on February 17, 2003, and was heading for prayers at the
mosque when a military policeman confronted him. "Mi mostri il passaporto!"
came the order. "I don't speak Italian," the cleric responded, so the
officer, Luciano Pironi, repeated the question in English. "Show me your

Omar handed over his passport, and suddenly someone inside a parked white
van flung open the side door. According to the account of a witness later
interviewed by the police, two men grabbed the cleric and shoved him inside.
The van roared away, and thus began a tangled spy story that has resulted in
a major political and diplomatic embarrassment for the United States and its
close ally in the war on terror, Italy.

Four years later, on February 16, 2007, Italy indicted 25 Americans it said
were CIA agents, a U.S. Air Force lieutenant colonel, and five high-ranking
members of Sismi, the Italian military secret service, on charges of
kidnapping Omar, then 40 years old, and performing an "extraordinary
rendition" — seizing a terrorist suspect without a warrant and transferring
the person to another country, often one known to employ torture.

The CIA will neither confirm nor deny allegations about this or any other
rendition. But investigative records filed with the Italian court that
issued the indictments present a vivid picture of Omar being kidnapped and
taken to his native Egypt, where he claims he underwent lengthy detention,
questioning and torture. These records say the rendition was engineered by
U.S. diplomats suspected of being CIA agents. By the time the indictments
were issued, all of the officials in question had been transferred to other
countries. The State Department also declined to comment, and the Egyptian
Embassy in Washington did not return calls seeking comment.

Just who is Abu Omar? A veteran of military training camps in Bosnia and
Afghanistan, Omar allegedly was a member of the Egyptian radical movement
Gama'a al-Islamiyya, which has been designated by the U.S. as a terrorist
organization supported by Osama bin Laden.

In the 1990s he left Egypt for Albania, residing in the capital city of
Tirana and quickly attracting suspicion as a terrorist. According to Italian
intelligence sources, Albania expelled him for helping to plot an attack on
a visiting Egyptian minister. In 1997 Omar moved first to Germany and then
to Italy, where in 2001 he was granted political asylum. He first served as
an imam at a mosque in Latina, close to Rome. He went to Milan, where he was
an imam in a radical mosque, and then worked in an Islamic cultural center
attended by Islamic fundamentalists who were later arrested and convicted of
recruiting jihadists for Iraq.

The Italian court documents include evidence that by 2002 Abu Omar was under
investigation by Digos, the Italian special police branch that investigates
terrorism. But in February 2003 he disappeared. The documents also allege
that on March 3, two weeks after the abduction, a first secretary at the
U.S. Embassy in Rome sent Italian authorities the following message: "Abu
Omar disappeared in the Balkans, where he could have been relocated." That
diplomat is among the Americans who have been identified as CIA agents by
the Italian authorities and who have been indicted in Milan for Abu Omar's

Detention in Egypt

In April 2004, Armando Spataro, the deputy chief prosecutor in Milan for
investigations of the Mafia and terrorism, began probing Abu Omar's
disappearance. Spataro's task was tough. He knew that Digos had tailed Abu
Omar as a terrorist suspect and for good reason. How could he have
disappeared without a trace?

The same month, court records show, Abu Omar was released from detention in
Egypt and Digos, which was still investigating Omar's disappearance from
Italy, intercepted phone conversations between him, another imam, Elbadry
Mohammed Reda, and his wife, Nabila Ghali.

"He told me that he had been kidnapped in Milan," she said in excerpts from
an interview with the Milan prosecutor made public in the court documents,
"and that some people had captured him violently and taken him away in a
white van. … My husband … told me he hadn't been kidnapped by Egyptians. …
He had always been kept blindfolded during the kidnapping. … He was
certainly flown to Egypt with a military aircraft, surely not a civilian
plane. … He told me that he had always been detained and subject to awful
torture … all kinds of torture … because the Egyptians wanted information
from him that he was unable to give. … He added that he was made to sign a
statement after the torture where he declared that he had turned himself in
to Egyptian authorities on his own free will."

More details came from Reda, the other imam, who in an interview with the
Milan prosecutor said Omar told him this story: "Speaking perfect Italian,
the two men told Abu Omar to be quiet and remain still, otherwise he would
be dead. … Thanks to his watch, he was able to ascertain that he had
traveled by car with the two men for about five hours. … The two abductors
handed Abu Omar to other people inside a military base that he believed to
be an American base … with the U.S. flag. … He didn't say whether the
captors were Italians … just that they spoke Italian. The two men departed
and left him with a group of English- and Italian-speaking people … who
availed themselves of an Arab interpreter. [They] asked him questions
repeatedly, accompanied by outbursts of violence, about three specific
issues: … on his dealings with al Qaeda … on his activities related to the
war in Iraq, asking him if he was sending volunteers to fight the U.S. in
those areas … and on his relationship with Albanian Islamic groups."

Reda's transcript continued: "He told me that he had been beaten … tortured
… questioned. At dawn he was loaded onto a U.S. military aircraft and
traveled for just under one hour … he thought he had been taken to a Rome
airport. The aircraft was stationed in a restricted area inside a huge
airport, probably military. … Abu Omar was taken off the plane … got on
another U.S. military plane … and took off again immediately. … The second
plane landed at a U.S. base in the Red Sea in Egypt. … From this base he was
flown to a Cairo airport, this time [aboard] Egyptian and military
[aircraft] … he was blindfolded and taken by car, with Egyptians on board,
to a Secret Service building in Cairo. … He had to meet an important
personality … the Egyptian Home Secretary, Habib Al Adly. … [Al Adly] told
him that if he agreed to work as an infiltrator for the Egyptian secret
service he would be home in 48 hours, otherwise he would have to bear full
responsibility for his refusal. … Abu Omar refused.

"He was subject to serious torture. … The first measure was to leave him in
a room where incredibly loud and unbearable noise was made. ... He has
experienced damage to his hearing. … The second kind of torture was to place
him in a sauna at tremendous temperature and straight after to put him in a
cold storeroom … causing terrible pains to his bones … as if they were
cracking. The third was to hang him upside down … and apply live wires to
the sensitive parts of the body including his genitals … and producing
electrical shocks. … He has suffered damage to his motor and urinary systems
… he became incontinent. … They tortured him and accused him of being an al
Qaeda terrorist and a militant against the Egyptian regime."

There was seemingly no legal basis for Abu Omar's arrest and transfer to
Egypt — he had long been under investigation, but no arrest warrant had ever
been issued. Omar was initially released by Egyptian authorities on April
20, 2004. But on May 12, 2004 — 22 days after he was freed — press reports
indicated that the Egyptian police arrested him again. Almost three years
later, in February 2007, he was finally released to his family in
Alexandria, Egypt — and promptly announced through his attorney that he
planned to sue the U.S. and Italian governments for damages. In late March
2007, Montasser Al Zayat, Abu Omar's attorney, stated that his client was
seeking "a compromise solution with the Italian government, asking for
compensation of 20 million euro (approximately $26 million)."

The kidnapping investigation

In the first months of 2005, Milan prosecutor Spataro began to make some
progress on recreating what had happened that February day in 2003. One
helpful bit of evidence was provided by Bruno Megale, the Milan
anti-terrorism chief at Digos, who gave Spataro an analysis of local mobile
phone records on the day of the abduction. According to court records, the
analysis found that 17 cellular phones had been used during the kidnapping.
Some were registered to people unconnected to the abduction; others were
registered under fake names, and investigators were able to eventually link
those phones to credit card, hotel and car rental records. They began to
compile a list of people they believed were present when Abu Omar was

At different points in 2005 and 2006 before two different judges, Spataro
requested arrest warrants charging 26 Americans and two Sismi agents with
Abu Omar's kidnapping. They included Jeff Castelli, officially a diplomatic
counselor at the U.S. Embassy in Rome but identified in the most recent
arrest warrant as the Rome CIA station chief and the top CIA official in
Italy. Others named included Robert Seldon Lady, identified in the warrant
as the Milan CIA station chief; a first secretary at the U.S. Embassy in
Rome; and a second secretary at the embassy who was assigned to the American
consulate in Milan, both of whom were identified in the warrant as CIA
agents. Also indicted was a U.S. military officer: Lt. Col. Joseph Romano
III, in charge of security at the Aviano airport, an air base in northern
Italy used by the U.S. Air Force. It is where Abu Omar was transferred after
being abducted off the street in Milan.

The judges granted Spataro's requests. He was unable to take the Americans
into custody, because they were outside of Italy by then. But on July 5,
2006, two high-ranking Sismi officials were arrested: Marco Mancini, head of
military counterespionage, and Gen. Gustavo Pignero (who died of cancer in
September 2006 while under house arrest), director of Sismi's Operational
Division. Both were charged with supporting the CIA's kidnapping.

Spataro investigated Sismi's chief, Gen. Nicolò Pollari, on the same
charges, but he was not arrested. His predecessor as Sismi chief, Adm.
Gianfranco Battelli, was also questioned, and a transcript filed in court
records shows that Castelli had broached with Batelli the notion of
kidnapping terrorism suspects in Italy.

In the transcript of Spataro's questioning, Battelli said that Jeff Castelli
of the U.S. Embassy had contacted him, requesting a conversation. "During
the meeting he wanted to know my opinion about the possibility of performing
the strategy of the so-called 'renditions' in Italy. He referred to the
possibility of carrying out an abduction of a suspect terrorist in Italy,
bringing him to an airport and sending him to a foreign country. … He didn't
mention Abu Omar or any other names of people to kidnap. … I told Castelli
that if he requested formal assistance, I would be forced to inform the
prime minister or the political authorities. I thought that due to the
delicacy of the request, before informing the political authorities, I would
have directly made inquiries to the CIA chief, at that time George Tenet, to
check if Castelli's request was really coming from CIA bosses [at the
Langley headquarters] or if it was an autonomous initiative by Castelli. … I
referred my conversation with Castelli to my successor, General Pollari."

Identifying CIA agents

A few months after Abu Omar was abducted, Spataro's investigators were
digging to find out if the names of the people they had gleaned from the
phone, hotel, car rental and credit card records were real. The
investigative report says that Castelli, Lady, two other American diplomats,
and Lt. Col. Romano were all positively identified due to their official
jobs; what of the other names?

Dozens of reporters who have covered the Abu Omar rendition have tried to
find out whether any of the remaining names of those indicted were real;
almost all have come up empty-handed, believing most of the names to be
fakes or aliases. Two notable exceptions are the Chicago Tribune's John
Crewdson, who reported that he confirmed two agents through the use of
frequent flier records, and an Italian reporter who spoke with an American
agent on background, publishing the conversation without identifying the
agent by name in December 2006 but writing that the agent confirmed that the
CIA was involved in the operation.

The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) was also
able to confirm a name as real. A public records search carried out in the
United States showed that the mortgage on the individual's home is held by a
small federal credit union that caters exclusively to CIA agents, their
families and CIA contractors. An ICIJ reporter visited the home. There is no
publicly listed phone number, and none of the neighbors have a phone number
for their neighbor, about whom they know little. In a brief interview, all
the person would say was, "I don't know what you're talking about."

Based on a bilateral treaty between Italy and the United States, an Italian
prosecutor such as Spataro is entitled to seek the arrest and extradition to
Italy of U.S. citizens provided that the request is approved by the Italian
minister of justice. In April 2006 Roberto Castelli, who was then the
justice minister and who represented the Northern Alliance Party, a
nationalistic center-right coalition led by Silvio Berlusconi, the prime
minister at the time, refused to sign the extradition request. "It is known
that Mr. Spataro is an activist magistrate," Castelli said. "I think that
towards America he is not so unbiased."

Key Italian players

That same month Spataro summoned Luciano Pironi, the officer who asked to
see Abu Omar's passport as he was being abducted, to testify in the Milan
court about his role in the cleric's disappearance. Pironi, a lower-level
warrant officer in the Italian Carabinieri, the country's constabulary,
decided to cooperate with prosecutors from the outset and thus was spared

According to a deposition transcript on file with the court, Pironi began by
telling Spataro that he "met with Robert Lady, the Milan CIA station chief,
at the end of 2000 or at the beginning of 2001. He came frequently to our
offices to exchange information. … Lady and I became friends, and I called
him Bob. Once I told him that I'd like to join the Sismi. He promised to
talk to the man who ran the Sismi office in Milan, a lieutenant colonel of
the Carabinieri, Stefano D'Ambrosio. … In August 2002 during a dinner at the
Tosca restaurant, in Piazza Risorgimento, Bob Lady mentioned the name of Abu
Omar for the first time. Bob said that Abu Omar is important and dangerous,
a leader of an Islamic terrorist organization in Europe. … Bob told me that
he got news that the Egyptian was planning to seize a bus of an American
school in the Milan suburbs. … In September Bob Lady said to me that,
together with Sismi, they were planning a great operation where I could play
a useful role. But he didn't elaborate any further."

D'Ambrosio, who ran Sismi's Milan office from December 2001 until being
dismissed in November 2002, was questioned by Spataro in April and May of
2006. According to a transcript, he told prosecutors: "At the end of October
2002, Bob Lady informed me confidentially of a plan worked out jointly by
the CIA and Sismi on a 'rendition' of Abu Omar, where he would be
transferred to a place unknown to me. [Lady] wanted to see if I was aware of
the plan. He went on to say that the plan had been worked out by Jeff
Castelli, in charge of the CIA office in Rome as well as the rest of Italy,
under precise orders coming from the United States, from Langley.

"According to Lady, a unit of the CIA which was part of a structure called
the Special Operation Groups (SOG) had already been in Italy, and
specifically in Milan, where they had made a pre-action inspection. SOG
staff is made up of CIA agents with a military background. Lady said they
were tough, not assigned to gathering intelligence or conducting
investigations but to special intelligence operations. As a member of Sismi,
the existence of SOG was known to me. Under the plan, Abu Omar was to have
been taken in Milan and brought to Ghedi, in the province of Brescia, where
the Americans use part of an air base there. On this point Bob specified
that Sismi personnel were busy in that area looking for the right place
where Abu Omar could be held in custody while waiting for a CIA plane from
Ramstein, Germany, to transfer him abroad to a place unknown to me and never

"Lady was critical of the plan," the transcript continued. "He said that it
was foolish to take a person being investigated by Digos agents who were
doing a very good job. They [Digos] could keep on investigating and
monitoring the situation in order to identify other associates of Omar's. He
couldn't understand why that investigation had to be broken off, spoiling a
profitable collaboration with Digos. Bob felt sorry for having to betray
Digos' trust since they were not aware of the plan. He was also worried
because Abu Omar was being tailed and was nervous that some sort of incident
could occur, even a gunfight.

"Bob asked me if I was aware of the planned operation. I was astounded. I
didn't know anything. I, too, was critical of the plan. … [W]e were both
convinced that Abu Omar, once captured, would be immediately replaced by
another man more difficult to spot and keep under control. Lady added that
Jeff Castelli and [another agent] were very keen on the plan."

D'Ambrosio was officially dismissed from Sismi for "poor performance." In
his interview with prosecutors, he implied that the real reason was for
being critical of the rendition plan.

The abduction

In his testimony to prosecutors, Pironi, the Carabinieri officer, who is
known as "Ludwig," told this story of what led up to the kidnapping in
February 2003:

"Between December 2002 and January 2003 Bob Lady explained to me what my
role would be in a joint intelligence operation with Sismi. A group of
people would take Abu Omar to an unknown place in order to get information
from him on his illegal activity and to convince him to cooperate. …

"My role was to stop him on the street very close to his home pretending to
ask about police identification so as to allow other people to approach him
and take him away. … I pointed out that as far as I knew Digos agents were
working on Abu Omar, but Bob Lady answered that the Interior Ministry
assured CIA that in that period [of the planned kidnapping] Abu Omar would
not be tailed. …

"On Monday, February 17, 2003, I left my office at 11:30. I reached Piazza
Maciachini on board my scooter, which I parked there. In that precise moment
a Volkswagen, dark blue or black, approached me, and the driver, short,
black haired, in his forties, who I'd never seen before, lowered the window
of his car and called to me, 'Ludwig, sono l'amico di Bob, sali!' [Ludwig,
I'm Bob's friend, get in!]. … He explained to me that I should go to a white
van parked on via Guerzoni where I could identify Abu Omar. … When we got
there, the Volkswagen driver stopped his car in the middle of the roadway on
via Guerzoni; Abu Omar was walking fast and moving towards me on the left
side of the sidewalk, on the opposite side from where the van was parked. I
called to him [Omar] and showed him my Carabinieri card" — then came the
passport request, and the door of the white van flew open.

Once Abu Omar was inside the van, according to court documents, cell phone
records gave Italian investigators what they needed to trace what happened
next. Two sets of telephone subscribers were active that day, as described
in detail in the arrest warrants. According to court documents, one set of
subscribers was present where Omar was taken, then headed to Cormano, a few
kilometers from Milan. There, the documents say, the first set of
subscribers met up with the second group. Nine people in the second group
drove toward the air base at Aviano, some placing calls to mobile phones
used by officers, including Lt. Col. Romano, who were stationed there. After
about five hours, the court documents continue, all of the subscribers were
at or near the air base.

When the CIA team arrived in Aviano, plans were ready for the second leg of
Abu Omar's journey, according to the same court documents. A Learjet LJ35
flew Abu Omar to the American base in Ramstein, Germany, where a Gulfstream
executive jet (tail number N85VM), leased by the CIA from a private American
company, brought him to the headquarters building of an Egyptian state
intelligence agency; he was later transferred to the Tora Prison in Cairo,
Egypt, according to the Italian court's arrest warrant.

Italian court records indicate that Bob Lady, the U.S. Embassy employee
identified as the Milan CIA station chief, traveled to Egypt shortly after
the kidnapping took place. These records show that "from February 19, 2003,
to February 22, 2003, [Lady's] number…maintained its location in the city of
Milan. But on February 23, 2003, the user of this device moves to the
province of Gorizia [near Aviano] and from that day no calls are made or
received by that number until March 3, 2003, when it received two calls from
an unidentified number while using a mobile phone 'cell' in Egypt. Days
later, on March 15, 2003, the number picks up Italian cells again,
confirming it has [re-]entered Italian territory. … One can comfortably
assume that the user of the said Vodafone card stayed in Egypt from February
22 to March 15,. 2003, during the first days of Abu Omar's unlawful
detention in Egypt, and when he was most likely being subject to the first
spate of 'treatment.'"

Mystery within a mystery

No one has been able to explain how, if CIA agents were on such a secret
mission, they could have been so careless as to leave such an obvious paper
trail. Records show that those linked to the abduction stayed in luxury
hotel rooms that cost up to $500 per night, always paid with credit cards
and sometimes made telephone calls from their hotel phones (ICIJ, for
instance, was able to match certain calls made from those hotels to the home
of the person listed in the Italian arrest warrants that we attempted to
interview for this story).

Further, the evidence gathered from public records matches the identity of
the person ICIJ identified with the paper trail left in Milan. Court records
describe how Italian investigators reported finding compromising material on
Lady's home personal computer, including surveillance photos of Abu Omar and
files describing the best way to reach the Aviano air base by highway.

Crewdson reported in his July 2006 Tribune story that the CIA director at
the time, Porter Goss, was reported to be so disgusted with the sloppiness
of the Milan rendition that he ordered a full review of the agency's field

According to Italian court records, CIA agents spent tens of thousands of
U.S. taxpayer dollars during their stay in Italy. In addition, Luciano
Pironi, the Italian officer who asked to see Abu Omar's passport, received a
gift from U.S. taxpayers — reimbursement for a week of vacation in the U.S.
In September 2003, seven months after Abu Omar was abducted, Pironi traveled
to CIA headquarters and met with two high-ranking CIA officers who had
jurisdiction over Europe. They toasted their success over a bottle of
Bordeaux, according to Pironi's transcript. "For me to get to Langley," he
said, "was like for a little priest to get to the Vatican."

Prosecutor Spataro, beneficiary of a paper trail spies aren't supposed to
leave behind, continues his battle today. In July 2006, with a new minister
of justice in office, he lodged a new request for permission to seek
extradition of the Americans he has charged. But the newly appointed
minister, Clemente Mastella, a member of the new left-leaning government of
Romano Prodi, has not answered Spataro's request.

On December 5, 2006, Spataro officially wrapped up the investigation by
asking a court to put all 26 Americans plus Pollari, Mancini, Pironi and
other Sismi officials on trial, charging them with complicity in a
kidnapping. He also asked that three people charged with lesser crimes,
including aiding and abetting a kidnapping, be tried.

The first hearing was January 9, 2007. Pollari's attorney, Titta Madia,
announced his intention to ask the judge to summon former Prime Minister
Berlusconi and current Prime Minister Prodi as witnesses as well as to stop
the proceedings on the grounds that issues pertaining to the case are
restricted by state secrecy. On February 6, Judge Caterina Interlandi denied
Pollari's request to compel testimony from Berlusconi and Prodi. Eight days
later, Deputy Prime Minister Francesco Rutelli said that the Milan
prosecutors had breached state secrecy by ordering wiretaps of Sismi agents'
telephones. Now, the Italian Constitutional Court must rule on the state
secrecy issue.

Despite the constitutional tussle, on February 16, Judge Interlandi indicted
all 26 Americans as well as five Sismi agents, including former chief spy
Pollari and his right-hand man Mancini. She also set June 8, 2007, for the
trial to begin, presuming that the Constitutional Court allows the case to
move forward against the Americans, who would be tried in absentia.

In late February 2007, the State Department's legal adviser, John Bellinger,
told a news briefing in Brussels, Belgium, that the indicted Americans
deserve special treatment despite the bilateral extradition treaty that
exists between Italy and the U.S. "We've not got an extradition request from
Italy. ... If we got an extradition request, we would not extradite U.S.
officials to Italy," Bellinger said.

At the same time the indictments against the American agents were coming
down in Milan, the U.S. and Italian governments declined to join 57 other
governments in signing a new United Nations treaty prohibiting governments
from holding terrorism suspects in secret detention and from kidnapping
terrorism suspects outside of the rule of law. The American Civil Liberties
Union characterized the kidnappings outlawed by the treaty as "forced
disappearances [that are] used by dictatorships to secretly detain, arrest
or kidnap individuals and then deny it occurred." A State Department
spokesman declined to comment on the treaty, which the U.S. had originally
helped to draft beginning in 2001, saying only that it "did not meet [U.S.]


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