rder-part-iii-israel-security-at-risk/>       The Real New Middle East
Order – Part             III – "Israel Security at Risk"
November 9th, 2010 - by Akram Elias

In part II of this             series
rder-part-ii-oil-security-at-risk/> , we         focused on Oil Security
and the regional developments that         shaped the environment
leading to the September 11 terrorist         attacks against the United
States. In this part, we will explore         the root causes for the
instability in the environment affecting         Israel Security and
shaking its foundations.

1. Israel Security: An American           Strategic Asset
Having learned from the Suez Canal episode with Britain and        
France in 1956, Israel shifted its strategic focus to bring it        
into alignment with the United States: containing Soviet        
influence in the Middle East region. From that point onward,        
Israel Security became the second pillar on which the United        
States built its Mideast policy (the first pillar being Oil        
Security as discussed in Part I and Part II of this series).

Israel, equipped with superior American         weaponry, could defeat
Soviet equipped Arab armies and contain         militarily Soviet
expansionist desires in the Middle East. In         contrast with
Southeast Asia, the United States did not need to         deploy its own
troops to contain the Soviet Union; Israel could         do it alone. In
fact, the Six-Day War in 1967 clearly showed         Israeli military
superiority over the combined Arab armies of         Egypt, Jordan and
Syria and enabled Israel to occupy the Arab         lands of Sinai,
Gaza, East Jerusalem, and the West Bank. From         1956 and until the
Soviet Union ceased to exist in 1992, Israel         Security was of
strategic importance to the United States.

What about the Middle East           Conflict?
Israel's narrative of the conflict with Palestinians has always
been framed as part of a larger Arab-Israeli conflict: Jewish        
nationalism against Arab nationalism. Arabs, having rejected the        
partition of Palestine in 1947, fought the establishment of the        
State of Israel and lost Arab lands in the 1967 war. From        
Israel's perspective, a solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict
should be based on Israel returning Arab occupied lands (not        
necessarily all Arab lands) in exchange for obtaining full peace        
with Arab countries. Palestinian refugees were in Israel's eyes
Arab refugees who would then settle permanently in Arab        
countries as part of an Arab-Israeli peace agreement. The        
conflict pitted Jewish nationalism against Arab nationalism.

Palestinian statehood was never           part of this Israeli

This Israeli prism, which was         fully embraced by U.S. foreign
policy makers, explains the         actions undertaken by Israel and
practically accepted even when         not fully supported by the United
States from 1967 until the         terrorist attacks of 9/11.

Settlement Policy
Settlements in the territories occupied by Israel during the        
1967 war were considered by the Israeli Government as a        
necessity to consolidate and reinforce the consensus among the        
key Israeli establishments:

    * Security             Establishment: Given             the lack of
strategic geographical depth of the State of           Israel, building
settlements in the occupied territories           enhances Israeli
    * Religious             Establishment: For           many religious
Israeli Jews, Judea and Samaria are           historically Jewish lands
that must be reclaimed as quickly as           possible through a
proactive settlement policy.
    * Political             Establishment:           Political leaders in
Israel, irrespective of their party           affiliation, have, with
very few exceptions, considered the           settlement policy as
strengthening Israel's negotiating hand           in any future
peace talks with the Arabs.

Peace Process
The Arab-Israeli conflict that erupted with the partition of        
Palestine and its rejection by Arabs was not in its nascent days        
a top priority for U.S. foreign policy-makers because it had no        
real impact on its Oil Security Pillar and proved to be        
incapable of damaging Israel Security. As explained in Part I of        
this series, the United States introduced the Peace Process as a        
necessary means to better manage its two-pillar policy in the        
Middle East in the aftermath of the 1973 war launched by Egypt        
and Syria against Israel. By viewing the conflict through the        
Israeli prism, the U.S. foreign policy establishment advanced a        
process aimed at achieving peace between Israel and Arab states        
that would take into account the legitimate rights of the        
Palestinian people – no real talk of Palestinian statehood.

2. Israel Security: Shaky           Grounds
Israel Security, as articulated above, was rock solid vis-à-vis
the Arab States and an important strategic asset for the United        
States in the Middle East region. Israeli victory in the 1967        
war produced, however, a new subterranean powerful dynamic that        
has, over a period of two decades, transformed the nature of the        
Arab-Israeli conflict in ways that were not fully assimilated by        
key Israeli and American policy-makers. Let me explain.

The 1987 Intifada: a New Dynamic
While American and Israeli policy-makers were approaching the        
peace process in the manner described above, a new dynamic was        
taking shape among Palestinians in the occupied territories. The        
occupation awakened Palestinian nationalism as a force distinct        
from (though still connected to) Arab nationalism.

>From 1967 and until the 1987         Intifada or Uprising, the Palestine
Liberation Organization         (PLO) was the main Palestinian entity
engaged in fighting         Israel. The PLO was in reality an umbrella
organization made up         of various Palestinian groups. These groups
were supported by         different Arab governments that often used
them as "tools" to         settle their own differences (Syria
against Iraq, Libya against         Egypt, etc.). This structure of the
PLO reinforced Israeli and         American convictions that the
conflict was indeed an         Arab-Israeli one and should be viewed and
treated as such.

It is this prism that was largely         responsible for
"blurring" the vision of American and Israeli         policy
makers and rendered them incapable of realizing that the         1987
Intifada was far more than a simple uprising. Having taken        
matters into their own hands, Palestinians living in the        
occupied territories affirmed their own Palestinian nationalism        
as distinct from Arab nationalism.

Hamas was officially born.

American and Israeli policy         makers, however, remained largely
oblivious to this new         phenomenon. This explains why the Oslo
Agreement of 1993 focused         on reaching an understanding between
Israel and the PLO –         totally bypassing the dynamic created
by Palestinians in the         occupied territories. Indeed, Israeli
policymakers believed that         an understanding with the PLO based
on the latter's renunciation         of terrorism and acceptance of
the existence of the State of         Israel would help them contain and
hopefully bring to an end the         state of uprising in the occupied
territories and provide new         momentum to the Peace Process.

The 1982 Invasion of Lebanon:           Birth of Hezbollah
On June 6, 1982, Israel launched a massive military invasion of        
Lebanon, code named Operation Peace for the Galilee, with the        
intention of bringing to an end PLO rocket fire and military        
operations emanating from South Lebanon and targeting northern        
Israel. Israel's military campaign against the PLO was very        
successful, and Israel proved once again its military        
superiority in the region. Victory, however, produced a totally        
different dynamic that, by the close of the 20th century,        
rendered the security environment surrounding Israel much more        

Three key events have contributed         to this new environment:

•    The massacre of hundreds of         Palestinian civilians in
the refugee camps of Sabra and Shatila         in the aftermath of the
assassination of Lebanese         President-elect Bechir Gemayel on
September 14, 1982, on the         hands of Christian militiamen allied
with Israel and under the         watchful eyes of the Israel Defense
Forces besieging those camps         produced a worldwide condemnation
of Israel. Arab governments,         pressured by their outraged
populations, mounted pressure on the         U.S. Government to
intervene. The United States came to the         rescue by deploying
U.S. Marines in Lebanon (part of a         Multinational Peace Keeping
Mission), with the aim of ensuring         the security of Palestinian
civilians in the refugee camps in         Beirut and working out a peace
agreement between Israel and         Lebanon.

In so doing, however, the United         States inadvertently and
unintentionally produced a direct         linkage between Oil Security
and Israel Security, thus putting         at risk its entire Mideast
policy. Having suffered two bombings         in 1983 (the U.S. Embassy
on April 18 and the U.S. Marines         Barracks on October 23), the
Reagan Administration ordered the         withdrawal of U.S. forces from
Lebanon on February 7, 1984.         While this act was deemed by many
analysts to constitute a major         setback for the United States, it
in fact delinked the two         pillars of America's Mideast
strategy, enabling the United         States to resume its "business
as usual" approach to the region.

Lesson: Forces opposing U.S. policy in the         region understood
that the vulnerability of the U.S. two-pillar         strategy resides
in "linking" the two pillars.

•    The attacks on the U.S.         Embassy and Marine Barracks in
Lebanon were carried out by         suicide bombers.

Lesson: Suicide bombing presents an         effective weapon to overcome
the military inferiority of those         opposed to U.S. and Israeli

•    Continued Israeli occupation         of parts of Lebanon,
especially South Lebanon, as a means to         protect its northern
border alienated the Shiite community of         Lebanon and gave rise
to a new entity: Hezbollah. Hezbollah         carried out an aggressive
campaign from 1984 to 2000, utilizing         suicide bombings as its
main tool to target Israeli military         positions in Lebanon.
Mounting Israeli casualties in Lebanon led         the Israeli
Government of Prime Minister Ehud Barak to         unilaterally withdraw
Israeli forces on May 24, 2000.

Lesson: An asymmetrical warfare         environment is much more
effective that standing armies in         defeating the might of
Israel's armed forces.

3. Israel Security: At Risk
The rise of Hamas         in the Palestinian occupied territories and
the growing         influence of Hezbollah in Lebanon has fundamentally
transformed         Israel's immediate neighborhood. Israel's
"borders" became much         more vulnerable with an
increasingly volatile and insecure         environment.

Further compounding the fragility         of Israel Security was the
collapse of the Soviet Union in 1992,         which brought to an end
the U.S. containment strategy. That         sudden turn of events
transformed Israel Security in the eyes of         many U.S.
policymakers from a strategic asset to a moral         commitment.

The Lost Decade of the 90's (as I         referred to it in Part II
of this             series
rder-part-ii-oil-security-at-risk/> ) was         in reality a
double-missed opportunity for the United States:         failure to
capitalize on Rafsanjani's Presidency in Iran to         boost its
Oil Security Pillar, and, as we saw in this part,         failure to
reshape the environment affecting its Israel Security         Pillar. In
summary, the wasted 90's was actually the root cause         for
instability shaking both pillars of the U.S. Mideast         strategy.
It is         imperative to keep this background in mind as we explore
the         post 9/11 regional developments in Part IV of this series,
subtitled "An Emerging New Order." Developments include        
America's invasions
of           Afghanistan and Iraq,           the rise of Iran and Turkey
as the new regional powers           eclipsing Egypt and           Saudi
Arabia in influencing Muslim opinion and power, the           entrance
of China as           a key international player in the region and its
impact on the           "Competitive           Power Game"
between the U.S. and China vis-à-vis oil and gas,           and the
options           available for U.S. policymakers in affecting this new

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