what-the.html>       The           Intelligence Challenge: Lessons from
the Private Sector
3:00 PM           Thursday November 18, 2010
by Jake Cusack, Matt McKnight, and Renny McPherson  |              This
post             is part of an HBR Spotlight examining leadership
lessons from the                 military
<> .

Since           9/11, the need for increased collaboration and
information           sharing within the           military and
intelligence communities has become a constant           requirement. As
Marine intelligence officers in Iraq           and then as analysts at
national-level security organizations,           each of us has
directly witnessed failures caused by weak communication and          
poor information           sharing practices. These experiences have
pushed us to look to           the private           sector to
understand how the military can most effectively           leverage
innovation           in information collection, management, and analysis
to support           the national           security mission. Many of
the recent HBR blogs on the subject of military               leadership
<> show what the armed forces
can teach the private           sector. We fully agree           with
many of these arguments, but — in line with Tim Kane's earlier
s-militar.html> — we also contend           that there is much to
learn from knowledge transfer in the           opposite direction.

We have begun to identify a few key problems facing the          
defense and           intelligence community that we believe should be
prime areas           for private           contribution to the public
mission. The list below highlights           our experiences,          
but is by no means an exhaustive catalog of the current          
challenges being           encountered by defense and intelligence
officials. Further, we           recognize that           the many
excellent technology transfer efforts run by           government
organizations           such as In-Q-Tel <> , Army
OnPoint <> , the Small
Business Innovation Research <>  grant            
program, and the Defense               Advanced Research Projects Agency
<> have had much success           both          
fighting these challenges and in increasing the number of          
technology firms (Palantir Technologies
<> , Endeca
<> , Keyhole
<,_Inc> , and others) who          
focus on these issues. Nonetheless, we hope that this comment          
might help           reinvigorate and expand a dialogue around how the
private           sector can better           work with our national
security community.

Here are two illustrative areas where private sector expertise          
is needed:

Failure             to Share Information

The flow of intelligence information is generally poor between          
insular military           units with overlapping mandates and between
military and           civilian intelligence           organizations.
Even knowing where to find information is tough           and          
time-consuming. It is frustrating how often analysts who have          
been working on a           particular region or target for long periods
of time will come           across new           information that they
did not know existed because there is           minimal interaction
between two different organizations. Even when information          
does make it across           boundaries, we have seen regulatory and
bureaucratic barriers           cause delays of           weeks to get
an internal intelligence report to the people who           need it.
Misaligned incentives also complicate information flow. Access          
to information           is the currency of intelligence. Both analysts
and           organizations are sometimes           reluctant to share
an insight with others not in their fiefdom           because it might
be replicated without credit and they could lose their          
perceived value (and           funding). Only strong leadership can
overcome a basic             psychological             bias: sharing
often requires more work without direct             personal reward.

To solve           these problems, the best analysts have had to recruit
and           develop their own           "human sources" outside of
their unit and within the American           defense           apparatus
— ironically, they do this just as a CIA case           officer
would strive to           cultivate a source within an enemy
organization. This is not           the way           information should
be shared. Relying on proactive analysts           with good          
networking skills is not a long-term solution, but a desperate          

Failure to Identify and Hold Accountable the Relevant            
Centers of             Expertise

Right now,           hundreds of analysts are churning out virtually
identical           slides and memos for           their respective
bosses within the 16 intelligence agencies 
<> and the
10 military combatant commands
ders> . When things go           wrong, the blame is easy to diffuse
because so many different           people in many           different
places could have caught the problem.           Duplication dilutes
responsibility. Additionally, during our time in civilian          
security           organizations, we sometimes observed senior analysts
treat           solving a complex           puzzle with real national
security implications like an           academic exercise. Like
researchers who neglect to publish their studies, analysts          
often fail to ensure           that their intelligence work is
translated into operations. It           doesn't seem to           cross
their minds to check how their report is disseminated,           and
whether the           relevant watch list manager, commander, or
policymaker has           seen their work.

While the intelligence community now espouses a          
"responsibility to           provide" information to other agencies, it
often remains           unclear to           analysts exactly where that
responsibility falls and who will           be held          
accountable. Ironically, "understaffed" intelligence units can          
actually be more capable and driven because their analysts are          
closer to the           information sharing and decision making process,
and have           ownership of their           particular issue.

The             Way Ahead

While there are different tools meant to bring together          
intelligence analysts           with like interests, no one has truly
solved the issue of           continuous informal           and formal
collaboration across agency, network, and           classification
level. General Stanley McChrystal
<> , despite his
recent loss of command, achieved great success in special            
operations by             reducing staff size and flattening
organizations. He was able to put           all the people with
information on a particular problem in the           same room, so if
a piece of information was not shared, accountability was          
clear. Moving beyond           programs that begin to solve the problem,
such as A-Space  <> and Intellipedia
<> , we need to          
emulate McChrystal's strategy within a fully integrated          
virtual environment. Moreover,           the military can take a lesson
from recent slim-downs in the           private sector —          
reducing unneeded billets and spending that money on          
best-in-class           collaboration tools and acquiring top human
talent. Such           flattening measures           will have the
additional benefit of decreasing the level of           separation and
lack           of accountability between decision makers and analysts.

These problems are not new. Dedicated professionals work to          
solve them every           day, but we believe more can be done. As we
address these and           other issues           bearing on
leadership, we must understand and learn from           private
organizations           that have successfully attacked these same
problems. It would           be irresponsible           not to take
advantage of valuable lessons learned by many of           the world's
best           corporations.

In particular, we should focus on identifying and transferring          
better business           intelligence tools: real-time situational
awareness,           integrated information           management, and
simple communication enablers. We need to           adapt many of the
customer intelligence innovations being used so effectively in          
the advertising           industry to find insights into behavior of
threat groups and           individuals, as           well as the
behavior of our own analysts. We need to send           intelligence
personnel to successful private companies to learn how these          
tools are used,           and then give them the time to imagine the
security           applications.

Last           year's Christmas Day attack on Northwest Flight 253 was
stopped when passengers           took personal responsibility, seized
the initiative, and           worked together. The          
intelligence community and the private sector can do the same.

Jake Cusack, Matt McKnight ,and Renny McPherson all served            
as Marine Corps             intelligence officers in Iraq,            
and are graduate students at Harvard                 Business School 
<> and Harvard Kennedy School
<> . They currently             advise
clients in defense policy and intelligence technology             for
the Mayflower Strategy Group
<> .


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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Brooks Isoldi, editor

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