The Benghazi Bubble
It's sure to burst
by Justin Raimondo <> , March 18,

The latest Western military intervention in the Arab world is occasioned by
the supposedly imminent
,0,7705795.story>  crushing of the Libyan rebels by Muammar Gadhafi's
mercenary army. This new crusade, launched amid an orgy of moralizing, on
Thursday received the official imprimatur of the UN Security Council, which
voted in favor of a resolution
calling for a "no fly zone," and "all necessary measures" to stop the
projected slaughter short of sending in an "occupying army." It's now a race
ce-intends-to-act-on-Libya-immediately-after-UN-vote>  to see whether the
British or the French will get in first licks. 

The run-up to all this was instructive. The US
<> , the Brits
ture-in-2002-lawyers-claim-2092530.html> , the French
, and an Arab League <>
miraculously awakened to the concept of morality made a great show of
pushing for UN intervention - an action many doubted the Security Council
would take, due to the supposedly
on-on-libya-france/>  intransigent opposition of the Russians and the
Chinese. The catalytic moment occurred with the call for intervention by the
Arab League.  

Leslie Gelb
, the grand old man of foreign policy wonkery - and head of the influential
Council on Foreign Relations - noted this, and called their bluff
have-the-air-power-to-impose-no-fly-zone-themselves/> : 

"These strategic moralists fail to note one insidious and self-damning fact:
They would have no trouble doing the job all by themselves. They possess
hundreds upon hundreds of frontline jet fighters and the necessary air
bases-in sum, full air superiority over Libya." 

So, why don't they do it? Again, Gelb has the answer: 

"For argument's sake, let's pretend that Beijing and Moscow suffer a bout of
hallucinatory humanitarianism or are mightily impressed by the Arab League's
endorsement of the no-fly zone, and decide not to block it. Guess who draws
the short straw and would be expected to perform the no-flying gig? Right
again, Dr. Watson: the United States of America
-force-in-libya/> . 

"There's the ultimate punch line: The United States of America will do it.
Boy, the world really has our number." 

There are ample reasons for this expectation. Sentiment in favor of US
military intervention in Libya may not
ilitary-sent-libya/>  go very deep, but certainly the movement has
ideological breadth.  It extends from the usual suspects
<>  on
the neoconservative
tml>  right
tml>  to Senator John "I was for it before I was against it
<> " Kerry, and even including
solidarity-libya-and-the-anti-imperialist-left-part-1/>  on what used to be
the "far left." (Although, to be "fair," I'll note that, among ostensible
Marxists, Gadhafi's alleged
<>  virtues
are being rediscovered

Each of these pro-intervention political factions has some ideological stake
in what they imagine will be the outcome. For the neoconservatives, any and
&gl=us&>  displays of US military power are to be
supported, at least in theory. Kerry supports intervention - air strikes, at
the very least - for the same reason he supported Bill Clinton
<> 's war in the Balkans: on
"humanitarian" grounds. In carrying the banner
zone-now/>  of the let's-liberate-Libya league (LLLL) amongst conventional
Democrats, Kerry anticipated the direction the White House was headed, and
got ahead of the curve. (Could he be angling to be the replacement if the "
Dump Biden
GGLL_enUS412US413&ie=UTF-8> " movement gathers more steam?)  

As it turned out, the outcome of the Security Council vote was by no means
as certain as Gelb assumed. The resolution, crafted
sible-within-hours-of-un-vote/2011/03/17/ABSb9pl_print.html>  by the Brits,
the French, and the Lebanese, authorizes a no-fly "over Libya," but my guess
is this means, at first, a no-go zone over Benghazi, and air strikes
targeting Gadhafi's advancing troops. The resolution also rules out an
"occupying army" on any part of Libyan soil - but, then again, what's an
"occupying army" as opposed to, say, an " army of liberation
e,144/> "?  

The Guardian, first out
s>  with the news the interventionists had the vote, describes the Obama
administration as "dithering." The President is depicted as having been
dragged into this by the Brits, the French - and, I would imagine, Hillary
-13031892> , whose role in nagging Bill into bombing Belgrade
<>  is well-known. I can't think
of a reason why she'd make an exception for Tripoli.  

Now that the way has been cleared for the attack to begin, we'll soon have a
test of the second - most important - part of Gelb's thesis, and discover
the answer to the vital question of whether the world really does have our

Just what military role the US will play is not yet clear: in any case, the
part played by the Pentagon is bound to be downplayed. There is no mention
of this question in the Guardian's reporting, although we are told: 

"Several Arab countries have promised to provide planes, but insisted on
their identity being withheld until the resolution was passed. Speculation
as to which countries would participate included Saudi Arabia, the United
Arab Emirates and Qatar." 

As Saudi soldiers march in
to keep "order" in Bahrain, invading the country and shooting peaceful
n-police-carry-out-drive-by-shooting.html>  pointblank, their expensive
tml>  state-of-the-art air force
<>  will stand
sentinel over Benghazi, while Saudi petrodollars flow to the rebel camp, per
Washington <> 's request.  

That Egypt was left off the list of probable Arab participants - Egypt with
its huge arsenal <>  of
American-bought-and-paid for weaponry, and its cadre of US-trained military
officers - is telling: it tells us the Americans are going to be asked to do
the heavy lifting, albeit behind the scenes, with the Brits and the
Frenchies up front, smiling for the cameras.  

The bubble over Benghazi, once established, will push outward, expanding
inevitably to include the entire country. The question is: does the United
States want to get dragged in by our warlike allies, who are all  too eager
to display their militant virtue on the international stage? Or will the
President let our vainglorious allies take most of the "credit," with the US
role confined to mere rhetorical and back-up support?  

The UN resolution effectively bisects the country formerly known as Libya,
for the moment, into its natural and historical constituents: Cyrenaica and
(with the southern Fezzan region up for grabs.) In short, what the UN
created, in 1951 <>  - the
completely made up "country" of Libya - the UN is pulling asunder. Like a
mad doctor, crazily trying to undo the results of a botched operation.  

In a recent appearance
nel-tonight-2/>  on Judge Napolitano's "Freedom Watch," I said President
Obama is too smart to go to war with another Arab country, and predicted he
wouldn't do it. I still maintain the US role is going to be minimal,
militarily - at least initially. Yet, once the action begins, the pressure
to do more, to expand the Benghazi bubble, will increase, and what began as
a limited military operation will evolve rather rapidly into a full-scale
ground war.  

At that point, the President of the United States will have to decide
whether he wants to fight a war in order to hand the Middle East over to the
Saudis - even as they shoot down protesters in the streets of Bahrain.  

Which raises the question: What will the UN do about poor forgotten bloodied
Bahrain? Will John Kerry, the Arab League, and the Bill Kristol
<> s of this world
demand Security Council approval for air strikes on King Hamad's palace? Oh,
the suspense is killing me. 

The Financial Times cites
French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe as saying "it was an important and
historic moment for the UN to stand up against dictators willing to attack
their own people to stifle democracy. 'If we did not do what we are doing
now, we would be ashamed.'" As the Arab Awakening challenges the power of
the Arab League - a sorry collection
<>  of monarchs and assorted despots
- the true extent of Messr. Juppe's shamefulness will stand revealed, in all
its shameless glory. 

The Benghazi bubble - the high expectations of the rebels, and the Western
public - is bound to burst. It's only a question of when. Gadhafi has real
support in Tripoli and among some of the southern clans. As the West gets
drawn into an increasingly complicated civil war, and the omens of disaster
fly overhead, there is still time for President Obama - or Congress - to
pull us back from the brink.  

I might add, by the way, that by voting for this UN resolution, the
administration has implicitly committed us to go to war without a debate in
Congress, never mind a vote. But that's nothing new. George Bush Senior
<>  went to the UN to
ask permission to go to war for the Emir of Kuwait's sake before he ever
went to Congress. Obama is merely following a by now well-established
tradition. The US government is answerable in this matter to all peoples
other than its own. 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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