You have done your research and selected a full size open carry pistol and a
compact concealed carry pistol
0/> . You have received professional instruction in the serious use of these
weapons. You are now confident in your ability to defend yourself and your
loved ones and that confidence is based upon skill not illusion. Have you
achieved preparedness? That depends on what you are preparing to survive. If
your goal was to enhance your ability to protect your family from a random
criminal attack, you have no doubt met that goal.

In 1965 I was witness to the Watts Riots in Los Angeles. The trigger was a
traffic stop and arrest by a Highway Patrolman. The riots lasted 6 days. The
official death toll was 34 but Police Officers and National Guard Troops
quietly said that the number was much higher. More than 1,000 people were
injured. Hundreds of buildings were destroyed most of which were burned to
the ground after being looted. I watched Chief William Parker appear on
television and state, "looting is a felony and the penal code (in 1965) says
we can shoot felons." He was sending a message to his Officers and the
National Guard. Within a few hours a number of looters and arsonists were
shot and the riot was over. I cannot imagine a Police Chief having the
courage to take such action today.

In 1968 as a result of the murder of Martin Luther King Jr. riots broke out
in 60 U.S. cities. These riots lasted 4 days and 5,000 Army Troops from Ft.
Bragg were deployed to keep the peace. Already back from Viet Nam, I was
stationed at Ft. Ord, assigned to the 41st Experimental Infantry Battalion
and was trained in riot control and placed on standby. Los Angeles was one
of the cities to experience rioting. Usually referred to by LAPD officers
who worked the riot as the 68' mini riots.

In 1976 I was deployed to the LAPD Harbor Division due to a Ship Explosion
in San Pedro Harbor. When the ship blew up many people thought that it was a
nuclear attack and they were looting the stores before the glass stopped
falling out of the windows.

One night in the 1980's, the event coordinator at the LA Coliseum failed to
request extra police patrol for a Moto Cross. We (Metro) were called to
deploy around the Coliseum but it was too late. A few hours with
insufficient police patrol had led to "law of the jungle." Hundreds of cars
sat with their windows smashed and the radios ripped out. There were
robberies, rapes, kidnappings, and shootings. South West Division Desk took
hundreds of crime reports. People were lined up out the door, out to the
street and around the corner, waiting to report crimes.

On 4-29-92 I was assigned to SWAT/Metro on long term loan to the Police
Academy. Late in the afternoon training was suspended and I was called back
to Metro Division. I drove home and picked up additional weapons and
ammunition. I drove to Central Facilities and picked up the SWAT truck and
drove to the command post. We were assigned to the Rodney King riots for 6
days. We had gun battles with looters and gang members who were just using
the riot as cover to shoot at the police. Two officers standing to my right
observed a suspect in a crowd of looters pull a gun and they promptly shot
him. I waded into the crowd and drug the suspect to the sidewalk and helped
handcuff him before he died. Although the violence broke out in the "Black
community," Hispanics quickly took advantage of the chaos. Most of them were
illegal aliens and spoke no English. I asked Hispanic arrestees if they knew
what started the riot and they said that they did not even know who Rodney
King was. They simply saw an opportunity to steal. On the last day I was
injured in an altercation with a looter (he lost). I eventually required
left shoulder surgery as this was not the first such injury to my left
shoulder due to an altercation. The cost of this riot was about 1 billion in
damage, 53 people were dead and over 2,000 were injured.

The point we are making here is that civilization is much more fragile than
you may imagine. In 1977, New York had a major riot because the power went
out. The press called it "the night of the animals." Detroit had a pretty
good riot some years back because the Bulls won the NBA championship. So
what does all of this have to do with you? These things always happen
somewhere else, right? Try to imagine rioting on a national scale. That
could not happen here? What would start such widespread civil unrest?

We have recently seen extensive rioting in France by Muslims. We are
currently seeing riots in Greece, with police officers being firebombed by
people who are unhappy because their government is bankrupt and wants to cut
their pension benefits. The looting and lawlessness that occurred in New
Orleans following hurricane Katrina has been well documented. Is it really
so hard to imagine that such things could occur here? If you look up the
history of riots and civil unrest in the U.S. you will be very surprised by
the frequency and the level of the violence.

An Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) attack by North Korea or Iran could plunge
our entire nation into the 19th century with little or no law enforcement or
military help for months or even years. A world wide crop failure could
cause food riots and looting on a scale never seen before. A coordinated
terrorist attack involving weapons of mass destruction in multiple cities
could start a deadly panic. Political assassination could result in wide
spread rioting far beyond what occurred after the murder of MLK Jr. La Raza
is calling for a violent revolution encouraging Hispanics to rise up and
attack the "Gringos." Muslim clerics are teaching Jihad in Mosques all over
this country. Many economists believe that our government is going bankrupt
and the whole financial system is near collapse. How would you and your
neighbors react if the federal government declared an emergency and called
for all guns to be confiscated and all stored food to be taken to a central
location for "Redistribution" by the government. What if you refused to
comply? Is it that hard to imagine widespread civil unrest? What is hard to
believe, is the fact that it has not yet started.

Now consider hundreds of hungry, angry looters, including gang members and
other criminals sweeping through neighborhoods looting, killing and burning
what they cannot carry off. Many of these people will be armed. Some will
have rifles. Under these worst case scenarios, how effectively will you be
able to defend your family armed only with a hand gun. You will need several
things in order to mount an effective defense during a large scale wide
spread lawless situation. A semi automatic military type rifle, similar
weapons for each member of your family who is capable of being trained and
coordinated tactical plans with your neighbors who are similarly armed and
trained. The only thing that will stop such an attack is over whelming force
which will cause the criminals to move on to a less prepared neighborhood.

Do you remember the news footage of the Korean shop owners standing guard on
the roof of their stores in LA during the riots. They survived and so did
their shops while buildings all around them were looted and then burned to
the ground. These citizens used military semi automatic rifles to defend
their lives. When nearby Metro Officers were ambushed and came under fire
from gang members they used rifles to kill the suspects and win the fight.
Generally, rifles have a far greater effective range than handguns. They
hold more ammunition than handguns. Their ammunition is more powerful thus
capable of disabling or stopping an assailant more quickly than a handgun.
Rifles are generally capable of penetrating objects that are often used for
cover. You do not want to be fighting people who have rifles when you are
armed with only a handgun. Any rifle is better than no rifle but a military
semi automatic is the most effective rifle in this role.

In this discussion we must also consider why the founding fathers included
the second amendment in the bill of rights. They were very clear in their
writings. The primary purpose of the second amendment was to insure that the
Army could never be better armed than the citizens so that the government
could never control the people by force. Well at least that is one scenario
we do not have to worry about, right? We have nothing to fear from our own



The history of the 20th century could be summarized in a few sentences. 100
million civilians ( historical estimates range from 55 million to nearly 200
million) were first disarmed and then murdered by their own governments,
usually with the cooperation of their own military. 100 million civilians
murdered in China, Germany, Poland, Russia, Armenia, Cambodia, Viet Nam,
Rwanda, Ukraine, Uganda and other countries and nearly all of these
governments who committed genocide were socialist or Communist. These kinds
of things could not happen here. Americans are somehow different from people
living in other countries. Perhaps, but let us take a critical look at our
own history.

As we well know the First Colonists came from England. The roots of the
early Americans were the British. During the revolutionary war thousands of
American Patriots were captured by the British and chained on prison ships.
They were treated so badly that nearly all of them (12,000) died in
captivity. The cruelty that was bestowed upon prisoners of war during the
American Civil War by Americans on both sides is well documented. At least
56,000 American prisoners were killed or allowed to die by their fellow
Americans. During WWI thousands of German Americans were imprisoned by the
American Government. Thousands of Japanese and German Americans were
incarcerated by their own American government during WW II. So what is it
that makes America so different from the rest of the world that imprisoning
or murdering some of its own citizens is not possible? I missed that in my
reading of American history.

Our founding fathers knew history and human behavior and believing that the
greatest threat to liberty is an out of control government, they wrote the
second amendment to the Constitution. If you do not yet understand why you
need a rifle I can only assume that I am wasting my ink. To you I say, good
luck. Hopefully you will be protected by better Americans. If you agree that
you need a rifle but know little about the subject please read on.

A bolt action hunting rifle might make an accurate counter sniper rifle but
will lack the volume of fire needed to engage multiple targets. Just as with
handguns there are pros and cons to every tool. Each person needs to examine
the use that they envision for the rifle. The size of the shooter is a
consideration as well as his tolerance to recoil. Ammunition, magazine and
parts availability should also be a factor in selecting a rifle.

Stacey and I have considerable experience with rifles. Most of the 9,000
LAPD Officers did not have rifles. Only 300 handpicked well trained Patrol
Officers were issued M-16s. Stacey was among them. I was the Chief
Instructor who created and ran the Patrol Rifle Program. I carried and used
the M-16 <>  in Viet Nam. I was
trained and qualified with the M-14 <>
in the Army. I used a variety of rifles during my 14 years with LAPD SWAT.
We will pass on some general information about some of the more appropriate
rifles for your consideration.

The Russians call the AK-47 "the peoples rifle." Far from perfect the AK-47
<>  has been produced and used in greater
numbers than any other rifle. They are cheap to manufacture and very
reliable. I do not like the way the safety operates and I have always been
disappointed with the lack of accuracy. If you already have one it should
suffice. I have owned two semi automatic versions of the AK but I could not
accept the poor groups. I agree with the phrase, "only accurate rifles are
interesting." This rifle is chambered for the 7.62 X 39 MM cartridge
<>  which has less recoil than the
.308 win (7.62X51 MM <> ). There
are variations of the AK in other calibers. Civilian versions of this rifle
are known by a slightly different designation (AKM, etc.) depending on the

The Ruger Mini-14 <>  is a
handy little carbine in .223 cal. Flatter shooting and more accurate than
the AK-47, it is available in a variety of configurations. I have owned
several and have few complaints. This is a particularly good choice for
people living in jurisdictions such as California which generally prohibit
possession of the AR-15 <> .

The AR-15 is the civilian version of the M-16 and is available in a plethora
of variations and produced by numerous gun makers. Usually in .223
<> , it can be found in several other
calibers. This gun has much to offer the armed citizen. Ammunition,
magazines and parts may be compatible with the rifles carried by our
military troops and local police officers. The recoil is minimal making the
rifles easy to shoot for all adult members of the family. The AR-15 is
usually very accurate and ammunition is light and easy to carry. The .223
cartridge does not hit as hard as the .308 will but still works fairly well.
This rifle could be called the "American- people's rifle," due to its
widespread use.

The M-1A <>  is the civilian version
of the military M-14. This rifle is usually found in
<>  .308 Winchester. I have
owned several of these rifles and used and qualified with the M-14 in the
Army. They are currently in service with special ops units in the middle
east. The big advantage of the M-1A is the powerful .308 cartridge which
offers more range and will penetrate barriers far better that the .223. On
the negative side the M-1A is heavier than most AR-15 rifles, the ammunition
is heavier, there is a bit more recoil, and ammunition is more expensive. A
great choice for some but not the best rifle for everyone. There are many
other rifles available but these are some of the most common.

Rifles or Carbines in handgun calibers (.357 Magnum or .44 Magnum) can be
useful to perhaps 125 yards. They have many advantages but limited range
could be a problem. Shotguns are very specialized. With buck shot or slugs,
shotguns can be difficult to shoot accurately. Buck shot spreads about 1
inch per yard or less. As a result the pattern is so tight at close range
that the combat shotgun must be aligned almost as carefully as a rifle. At
longer ranges the pattern may be so large that it becomes ineffective. Shot
guns do not hold a lot of ammunition. In our opinion shotguns are most
useful in very specific circumstances by expert shooters. That is why so
many police departments have abandoned the shotgun, or limit its use, in
favor of a patrol rifle which is easy to use and has more reach.

We hope that these comments are useful. Our intention is to get your
research started in the right direction. There are more books and magazine
articles on the subject of rifles than you could ever read. Do not forget
that buying the right equipment is only the first step. The rifle without
professional training may be of little use. Remember to check state and
local laws regarding restrictions on the use and possession of certain

The authors of this article intend this to be a general guide in
understanding the role of the rifle in the self defense battery. The authors
cannot be responsible for the use or misuse of information contained in this
article. We strongly suggest that you receive professional training before
using any firearm.

"We carry handguns to defend ourselves and our loved ones from an unexpected
deadly threat. When we have been forewarned that deadly force will be
required we arm ourselves with a rifle."

Larry and Stacey Mudgett


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