May 3, 2011

Competing Visions of 'Never Again'

Caroline Glick


In the end, the Holocaust raged until the Allied powers won the war. It
didn’t have to be that way. If the Jews had been permitted to leave Europe,
the Holocaust could have been averted. But the only place that wanted us
wasn’t allowed to take us. The nations of the world closed their gates. Only
the Jews in the Land of Israel wanted the Jews of Europe. But the British
barred their arrival.

Britain was required by the League of Nations Mandate for Palestine to
facilitate Jewish immigration to the Jewish national homeland in order to
advance the cause of Jewish sovereignty. But legal obligations couldn’t
compete with Britain’s belief that its national interests lay with the
Arabs. So from 1939 on, the British closed the doors of the Land of Israel
to the Jewish people. In so doing, they effectively sealed the fate of six
million Jews.

Both the US and Britain were aware of what the Nazis were up to almost from
the beginning, but refused to take any effective action to save the Jews.
They refused to bomb the railroad tracks leading to Auschwitz, or the
crematoria at the death camp. They refused to bomb Auschwitz even though
Allied pilots were sent on bombing missions five miles away. Likewise, they
refused to bomb any of the scores of death camps dotting the landscape of
Nazi-occupied Europe.

There were two main reasons that the Allies behaved as they did. First, they
were none too fond of Jews. It is not that the Americans or British
supported their annihilation, but they weren’t bothered by it sufficiently
to do anything to stop it.

Anti-Semitism is not the main reason the Allies did nothing. The main reason
was because, love us or hate us, the allies couldn’t figure out why they
should care. Dead or alive, Jews weren’t a part of their war plans.

For Britain, the goal of the war was to survive.

For the Americans it was to defend the cause of freedom and pave the way for
America’s emergence as leader of the free world. Jewish survival was not
considered relevant to achieving these goals, so the Allies stood by as the
ghettos were liquidated and the gas chambers began operating at full

AFTER THE war, world Jewry adopted “Never Again,” as our rallying cry. But
“Never Again,” is just a slogan. It fell to the leaders of the Jewish people
to conceive the means to prevent a recurrence of the Holocaust.

These leaders came up with two very different strategies for protecting Jews
from genocide, and their followers formed separate camps. Whereas in the
early years, the separate positions appeared to complement each other, since
the 1970s the gulf between them has grown ever wider. Indeed, many of the
divisions in world Jewry today originate in this post-Holocaust policy

The first strategy was based on international law and human rights. Its
champions argued that the reason the Allies didn’t save the Jews was because
the laws enjoining the Allies to rescue us on the one hand, and prohibiting
the Nazis from killing us on the other were insufficiently strong. If they
could promulgate a new global regime of international humanitarian law, they
believed they could force governments to rise above their hatreds and the
shackles of their narrow-minded national interests to save innocents from
slaughter. Not only would their vision protect the Jews, it would protect

The Jews who subscribed to the human-rights strategy for preventing another
Holocaust were the architects of the United Nations, the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights, the 1949 Geneva Conventions and the Genocide
Convention. They were the founders of the international human rights regime
that now dominates so much of Western discourse on war and peace.

Unfortunately, the institutions these idealistic Jews designed have been
corrupted by political forces they had hoped to defeat.

Consequently, the international human-rights regime they created has failed
completely to accomplish what they hoped it would accomplish. Instead, the
regime they created to protect the Jews is now a key weapon in the political
war being waged against them.

Jews are not the only casualty of the human-rights policy paradigm’s

Cambodians, Rwandans, Darfuris and others can also attest to its collapse.

There are two reasons that the human-rights paradigm has broken down. The
first is because it failed to recognize the adaptability of Jew hatred.
Anti-Semitism is one of the hardest hatreds to pin down because it is
constantly updating itself to suit the political and social trends of the
day. Since Nazi-style anti- Semitism went out of fashion with the defeat of
Germany, the human-rights visionaries believed that people would be
embarrassed into putting the hatred aside.

Instead, guided by the Soviets, Jew-haters worldwide simply updated their

They stopped talking about Jewish control over world affairs and began
talking about Zionist control over world affairs.

Unlike the Europeans, Arab Jew-haters feel no social obligation to hide
their antipathy for the Jews from their own societies. But recognizing where
the West stands on the issue, they have added the post-war, socially
acceptable form of anti-Semitism – anti-Zionism – to their repertoire. For
instance, alongside its allegations about Jewish and Freemason conspiracies
to take over the world, and its citations of the Protocols of the Elders of
Zion, the Hamas charter also includes a paragraph devoted to Zionist
apartheid, genocide, imperialism, and human-rights abuses.

When the Palestinians’ Western sympathizers in the media, foreign service,
academia, etc. report on Palestinian accusations against Israel, they
eagerly credit as fact demonstrably false allegations by Palestinian
spokesmen of Israeli human-rights abuses, genocide and apartheid. Tellingly
though, those Westerners are silent when the same Palestinian officials they
treat as respectable for alleging Zionist criminal conspiracies also engage
in politically incorrect anti-Semitic attacks.

Their claims that Israelis poison their wells and infect their children with
AIDS are left unremarked.

This Western cherry picking of Jewish conspiracy theories by politically
savvy Western Jew-haters demonstrates the absurdity of the claim that
anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitism.

Like old-fashioned Jew-hatred, anti-Zionism inverts the reality of Jewish
vulnerability and victimization in order to justify irrational hatred of
Jews and deny basic rights of self-defense to Jewish victims.

The anti-Semites’ corruption of the human-rights paradigm in the service of
their Jew-hating agendas is certainly a major reason the human rights model
for genocide prevention has failed. But it is not the only cause of the
failure. The other reason the model has failed is because it is premised on
a naïve and incorrect understanding of statecraft.

Champions of human rights and humanitarian law believed that if laws were
placed on the books, if international conventions were ratified by
democracies, then the world would abide by them. But this is not the case.

Just as the British ignored their international legal obligations to
facilitate Jewish settlement of the Land of Israel when they felt it served
their interests to favor the Arabs, so today governments routinely ignore
their international legal obligations if abiding by them runs contrary to
their perception of their interests.

This truth was laid bare last December, with the Nixon Library’s release of
a taped March 1973 conversation between then-president Richard Nixon and
then-secretary of state Henry Kissinger regarding the prospect of a Soviet
genocide of Soviet Jews.

Kissinger opined: “If they put Jews into gas chambers in the Soviet Union,
it is not an American concern. Maybe a humanitarian concern.” Nixon
responded, “I know. We can’t blow up the world because of it.”

Their views were not merely testament to the two men’s indifference toward
the fate of Soviet Jews. They are instructive because they show how leaders
prioritize their policies.

Nixon and Kissinger probably opposed the genocide of Soviet Jewry, but it
was more important to avoid a policy that could “blow up the world.”

By the same token, the US opted to do nothing in the face of the genocides
in Cambodia, Rwanda and Darfur, among others.

US and European treatment of Jews specifically, and of the incidents of
genocide generally since the Holocaust make clear that the twin presumptions
of the human-rights paradigm were wrong.

Anti-Semitism is not a curable disease.

Israel is the target of an anti-Semitic, genocidal political campaign that
employs the language of human rights to justify itself . And otherwise moral
men and women simply ignore evil when they believe their interests are best
served by not standing up to it.

A secondary casualty of the failure of the human rights paradigm has been
intra- Jewish relations. Faced with their preferred paradigm’s failure and
corruption at the hands of anti-Semites, many Jewish human-rights activists
have opted to abandon their fellow Jews and Israel in order to maintain
their allegiance to the corrupt, anti-Semitic human-rights model.

PARTICULARLY ANNOYING to these human-rights followers is the stunning
success of the other post-Holocaust Jewish strategy for giving meaning to
the slogan “Never Again.”

That policy is Zionism.

Zionism doesn’t concern itself with how people ought to behave, but with
what they are capable of doing. Zionists understand that people are an
amalgamation of passions and interests. The Holocaust was able to occur
because the only people with a permanent passion and interest in defending
the Jews are the Jews. And when the Nazis rose to power, the Jews were
homeless and powerless.

Jews who embrace the human-rights approach criticize Zionism’s vision as
lonely and militaristic. What they fail to recognize is that every
successful nation depends on itself, and lives by the sword.

Only those who deter aggressors are capable of attracting allies. No one
will stand with a nation that will not stand up for itself.

Holocaust Remembrance Day, which we marked on Monday, is nestled between
Pessah and Independence Day for a reason. In both ancient and modern times,
the only way for Jews – or anyone else – to protect their freedom and their
lives is by being capable of defending them, in their own land.

The pseudo human-rights campaign against Israel being carried out in the
name of fashionable anti-Zionist anti-Semitism represents a complete
vindication of the Zionist model. Zionism is the only way to ensure Jewish
survival. It is the only way to ensure that in the face of growing threats,
“Never Again” will mean never again.



Caroline Glick is Deputy Managing Editor of The Jerusalem Post where her
writings can be found:  <> Her
website can be found at  <>


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